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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. LOOT isn't the recommended load order sorter for Oblivion ... you were right the first time with BOSS (BOSS also reports cleaning recommendations when you run it from the desktop shortcut). You could also try turning off all autosaves in Oblivion.ini ... use the save from the Esc menu and never use quicksave, it's a known corrupter of saves.
  2. Well selective vision is probably easier, but then again I have had years and years of practice at learning to control what bothers me and what doesn't. I use a wide variety of mesh and texture resources in my own personal Blockheadization project, so sometimes neakseams are just something I need to accept if I want the body options I've selected for that NPC. Getting the Seamless series working isn't rocket science ... it just means following instructions and testing in between steps so you know exactly where you are missing the mark and where all is fine. Step one ... get OBSE installed and working.
  3. Well the current state of the art is the Seamless series, so you can either get it working properly or develop your own version of my patented "Selective Vision".
  4. Sorry I didn't get around to this until now ... here's a copy/paste of the text file I have (can't recall where I got these settings from, probably a post on here some time ago): [blurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC'sfBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 0.2500&fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 3.5000[blurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC'sfBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 0.5000&fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default)Change to:fBrightScale = 3.0000
  5. Wyre Bash won't edit Oblivion.ini for you automatically ... it just offers an interface other than Notepad to open Oblivion.ini and ways to change values other than simply changing a value after the equals sign. It's main advantage is that it holds the changes in an "INI Tweaks" folder and offers some BAIN like ways to apply the changes. Read Wrye Bash General Readme.html Applying Ini File Edits for more details.
  6. Have you followed the step by step in the Natural Environments OBMM installation script mod description? I don't see any way I could simplify MiSP's instructions ... follow the Quick Version instructions exactly and only look at the Thorough Version instructions if you aren't successful with the Quick Version. I always download to a folder. Either click on the words "download manually" or where it says "Natural Environments" with the little magnifying glass behind it. You will get a Windows Save dialogue. Create the suggested folder using the Save dialogue's create a folder button after using the drop down box to navigate to where you want the folder created (H:\Oblivion_Downoads\NE would be where it would wind up on my machine). Do the same with the OBMM installation script mod (mine would be H:\Oblivion_Downloads\NE_OBMM_Script). Use 7-Zip to extract both downloads to the same folder you downloaded to (which is what it will do by default). Copy the "omod conversion" folder from where you extracted it to where you extracted Natural Environments (in my example after extracting the script mod I would have H:\Oblivion_Downloads\NE_OBMM_Script\omod conversion with files in the omod conversion folder ... copy the folder as per the instructions).
  7. Then all I can suggest is to check the Open Cities and Better Cities mod comments ... surely can't be the first time the question has come up. Use the Nexus Forums version of the comments (there's a link to it at the top of every comments page) ... the search function there will save your eyes.
  8. Sort your load order with BOSS and pay attention to what BOSS reports when run from the desktop shortcut (it may or may not mention whether or not certain mods are compatible ... no Better/Open experience here).
  9. There are some HDR settings that can be tweaked too. When I get home tomorrow I'll see what I have in my notes on my gaming computer.
  10. Then if you know what order you've installed the more recent you should be able to work your way back through time until the problem disappears. You may need to go through some "clean save cycles" or "coc wait" to give the offender a chance to get flushed down the drain. - Edit - I think that "coc center" is better than the Testinhall ... completely outside of the game world.
  11. It's that dinosaur DNA I carry ... I'm waiting for a meteor to fall from the sky ... then maybe I'll change. Actually some of the stuff I want to do when I get home in a few weeks will be my "meteor" I think. Wouldn't be right for me to say to you "Hey Contra, can you Fluffyize these NPCs for me?" ... just wouldn't sit well with me (and would reduce the chances of some scripting hand holding ... I have had more visions of sugar plums ... hehe).
  12. "Removed your keyboard" ... are you trying to use a controller/joystick?
  13. Probably pretty darn close to the same game (with different clothes and weapons of course ... oh, and scenery).
  14. Two words ... mod deisolation (and no, I didn't come up with the name for this). In a nutshell what it means is that you can't use the vanilla Construction Set to create an ESP using another ESP as a master. The CS won't tell you it's ignoring your changes, but it will ignore your changes. Two ways to solve the dilema ... Wrye Bash or Construction Set Extender. With the Wrye Bash method you change your Elf mod ESP into an ESM (aka ESMify in the WB right click menu) load both Oblivion.esm and your Elf.esm and then create your mod ESP. When you are done you turn your Elf mod ESM back into an ESP (ESPify in WB) and in the game your Elf mod ESP will be treated as a master for your newly created ESP. All the usual rules regarding ESMs apply to the Elf mod ESP now ... it must be above your ESP in your load order and if you uninstall the Elf mod your ESP will no longer work (most likely will give you a missing master CTD). I'm not a CSE type myself, so I can't give you a step by step ... Contra may pipe in with the details but from what I have gathered with CSE it's a simple process.
  15. There you go Bess ... a little something to return the favour of those links earlier today.
  16. Alt + Tab + Oblivion = less stable game. Have as little possible running on your gaming machine while playing Oblivion. Back when my laptop was still working I'd often had it running beside my gaming machine for stuff like that (Wiki checking etc). I guess I could use my tablet (laptop died), but I usually don't think of it (navigating on it isn't my favourite thing ... obviously I'm an old guy who doesn't have a smart phone in hand at all times and a thumb ready to do the flicking).
  17. Look into the Seamless series by Junkacc11 and SetBody Reloaded by Movomo. There are template resources available for making your own seamless items. What are you looking for ... downloads or loving. If you want downloads go with HGEC ... if you want loving go with Roberts female and the followers of that body will worship the ground you walk on.
  18. There we go ... LowerClass\LC09\F\shirt.nif is the one you'll want to copy from the Seamless and paste in your game's Data\Meshes\Clothing\LowerClass\LC09\F folder. If that folder doesn't already exist it tells me you were still using the vanilla fisherman's waders, so then you'll need to copy the LC09 folder and paste into the game's Data\Meshes\Clothing\LowerClass folder (assuming you did already have an incomplete install of the lowerclass replacer). Thanks Bess, I'll email myself a link to your post so I can update my shortcuts when I get home after the summer.
  19. If you have NifSkope set up you can use it to figure out which lowerclass folder is the fisherman's waders as well. Most of the lowerclass clothes folders will have both a shirt.nif and pants.nif ... only a few have only a shirt.nif and so by looking at those in NifSkope it will be easy to figure out the folder.
  20. In the CS there is a Use Info box that can be opened. I'm not at home, so I can't provide exact (or possibly accurate) advice on how to bring up that dialogue. Working from memeory I think it may have been a right click option from the Object window, or perhaps a menu option when you have an item open for editing. When you bring up the Use Info dialogue it will report all instances of that item/NPC/container/etc in the lower panel of the dialogue. - Edit - The method I was suggesting was to only install the fisherman's waders from the Seamless ... a simple copy/paste from the extracted Seamless to your game (which would replace whatever fisherman's waders that was currently installed with the one from Seamless). It was meant as a troubeshooting step, not a solution.
  21. Use NMM to uninstall the mods you installed through it (so it doesn't have any "leftovers") and then use Revert to vanilla data.
  22. Looks to me like you aren't using a compatible clothing/armor replacer, or the one you are using is missing some items (that is the fisherman's waders, not a very common item). As a test try installing the fisherman's waders from the extracted idiot package from Seamless - OCOv2 Edition. You may need to have a look at the clothing in the CS to get the clothing number for the fisherman's waders ... I think it's something like LowerClass\LC09 or perhaps LC10 for the folder and it will be named shirt.nif if memory serves. I'm not at home so I can't check my own notes on all the clothing ... in the CS the name column will call it fisherman's waders and you can figure out the folder path by looking at the World Model column.
  23. On my first couple of characters I didn't use the UOP and didn't run into anything that I couldn't resolve. If you decide to not use the UOP the UESP Wiki is an invaluable resource. All of the things fixed by the UOP for both quests and NPCs are documented, so you can find out how to avoid problems. A handy page to bookmark is the Oblivion:Quests page. You can access almost all of the game's NPCs pages via the lists on the various city's pages down in the Quests by Location section, and all of the major quests are listed near the top of that page.
  24. Official Oblivion Construction Set ... TES Alliance is a good place to find tutorials.
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