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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK ... just wondered if it could be related to the Bruma statue problem that will sometimes occur after you do the Great Gate quest. You could try the "coc center and wait trick" to see if it helps. Open the console using the tilde (~) key and at the console prompt type in "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the game's Wait menu (by default the t key) wait for 72 hours plus a bit more for good measure (so that's three full days plus a few hours more). Open the console again and "coc weye" (again without the quote marks). You will be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye, outside the Imperial City. If you know the correct location code you can use that instead of weye to be transported to a different location. Go back to Bruma and see if that helps. - Edit - If you want you could use "coc brumajeralview" to be transported back to inside the Jeral View Inn in Bruma. As you have Martin following you it may be best to tell him to wait before beginning.
  2. Did you just finish the Main quest Great Gate quest?
  3. Easiest way to tell OBSE is working is to make a save after you have it installed. Check your saves folder and if you have two saves with the same base name but different file extensions then OBSE is working (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save each time you save then OBSE isn't working.
  4. When you start the game without OBSE what version number does it show in the lower left hand corner of the screen?
  5. At risk of being labeled "hijacker" ... I'm an air cooler type myself. The key is finding a case that supports plenty of big slow fans. Cooler Master is my current case supplier (CM690). That and a really efficient CPU heat sink. I'm a ThermalRight guy in that department (and a big fan of push/pull). I didn't say anything about Process Hacker because I've never even heard of it before this (which doesn't say anything one way or another about PH, just that it isn't widely used and reported about on here ... I lead a rather sheltered life).
  6. Sorry I don't have any hands on experience with OSR (though I do follow all OSR related discussions with great interest). My current computer is saddled with a measly 2GB of RAM and 32 bit version of WinXP (which isn't a bad thing for this game), so I can't get much benefit from most optimizations (after all is said and done my game will be limited to about 1GB RAM and that will always be the bottleneck in it's current state). On the bright side I do have a nice early generation Core 2 Duo 3GHz (perhaps not as kick-ass as a late generation Pentium 4, but all those that I have in old machines are 3.2 GHz at the fastest, but the motherboards don't support any good strong modern graphics cards ... you gain on the apples and lose on the oranges type situation). I've always been in the same boat as Contra regarding overclocking, too many downsides to longevity for the slight gains OCing can offer. Back when Oblivion was the game for benchmarking (aka the "but how does it run Oblivion" days) OCed rigs were generally less stable for running the vanilla game than non-OCed rigs. A while back I did some beta testing for one of Emma's mods. Whenever the Better Cities subject came up in discussions she always called it "Better" Cities. Guess I'm lucky that I've never tried it so my vanilla cities are my "best" cities. Other than using Enhanced Weather because it had a patch that fixed the pre-invasion Kvatch weather for the old version of Kvatch Rebuilt that I use with my MOE alt start, I really don't know much about weather mods and what it may take to make something like that compatible. I'm generally not all that fussy about when EW gives me real foggy weather for prolonged periods so I wouldn't be looking for a mod that makes it foggy all the time myself.
  7. Modern CPUs have some features that work against performance on an older game like Oblivion. In multi-core CPUs (and actually all CPUs since the GHz wars ended) there have been an increasing number of changes to how CPUs execute tasks that have put older software at a disadvantage, with the biggest culprit being execution pipelines that try to predict what the next task or operation will be. When they guess right the CPU appears faster than clockspeed alone would predict ... when the guess is wrong the whole execution pipeline needs to flush it's contents and start over, losing a large number of CPU cycles in the process. Older CPUs had shorter execution pipelines as well and as such were trying to do less "at the same time" than modern execution pipelines. This Wikipedia page will probably put you into information overload ... scroll down to the part about Parallelism for more detail around the modern optimizations of CPU execution units.
  8. Give this a try. For some people (me being one of those) the masterlist update fails. If you don't see that reported then your updating is OK (though manually updating won't hurt anything ... the masterlist is exactly the same). The other option is to turn off Lock Load Order in Wrye Bash (should be on the Mods tab right click menu ... it's just a toggle). If you edit mods using the Construction Set having Lock Load Order off is a bit of a pain because you then need to run BOSS before you rebuild the bashed patch each time you finish editing an ESP and want to test ... with Lock Load Order on you just start WB and then rebuild the bashed patch, saves a step.
  9. Have you tried manually updating your BOSS masterlist from here? Also be sure to run BOSS from the button in Wrye Bash (along the bottom of the WB window), otherwise if you have Lock Load Order set in WB (which is a default I believe) it will reset your load order when you start Wrye after running BOSS from the desktop or Windows Start button.
  10. Use Blockhead to apply it to the player. The player baseID (aka FormID) is 00000007. Download the beard mod to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Look at the folder structure that it uses and compare that to the instructions given in the Blockhead Readme.rtf that comes with Blockhead. I believe that the beard mod also adds beards to vanilla characters so it will probably already have a Blockhead folder set up for vanilla characters (if memory serves it will be Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm) and follow the body part naming convention it uses with the player baseID (so Data\Meshes\Characters\BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm\00000007_UpperBody.nif would change the player's upper body mesh ... replace the _UpperBody.nif part with whatever body part name that the beard mod uses). Way harder to describe than it is to do once you get onto it. - Edit - You'll need to experiment with different meshes and maybe textures to find one you like, it's just a matter of copying files to your game's BodyAssetsOverride\Oblivion.esm folder and renaming them, then checking in-game. Texture overrides work the same way (and you will be able to use the beard mod as a guide).
  11. There is Beards in Tamriel. According to a comment by the mod author it is compatible with OCO v2. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet myself. You linked the only warpaint/scars for OCO v2 mods that I know of (I use some of those resources in my own Blockheadization project).
  12. I only use the Installers tab for a select group of mods (primarily Arthmoor's villages and a couple of other mods) with the bulk of my load order manually installed. Can't you just drag a mod to a different spot in the Installer tab list and then see in one of the windows to the right what WB is reporting for conflicts/overwrites? I really haven't experimented much with Installers (nor studied Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html much in regard to the Installers tab).
  13. I'm not at home to look up what the Installers tab colour codes mean, so I'm unsure what the UOP being yellow signifies, but I'm pretty certain that red is indicating a problem. It's very doubtful that Natural Environments would have anything to do with the vampire situation (perhaps it's red because of the Qarl packages), but the DisableVampireRace below it isn't something I'd leave hanging around while troubleshooting (the blank box probably means it's not installed, but I'd remove it completely while troubleshooting). I'm also wondering why you have the Unofficial SI package above the UOP package in the list ... shouldn't they be the other way around, with the UOP above the Unofficial SI? - Edit - Also just an FYI ... Blockhead (and all OBSE plugins) are best installed manually using copy/paste.
  14. Mhahn123 has been keeping the masterlist updated here. If you run into any unrecognized mods then report them and they will get added to the list at the next update.
  15. BOSS is the best choice for sorting Oblivion load orders. I believe FCOM without Wrye Bash's bashed patch may be a bit optimistic, but I'm no FCOM user so others may know differently.
  16. After reading through the thread again something else occurs to me ... what order in your Installers tab is the UOP? Order in the installers tab is as important as load order is to installed mods. Normally you'd want the UOP up fairly high on the Installers tab list so that other mods that need to overwrite it's changes can do so, but I'm wondering if something lower in your Installers tab list is undoing the UOP vampire fix.
  17. The official patches (such as those from the Bethsoft site) are very specific to both language version of the game and whether or not you have the Shivering Isles. For the non-SI patches there are two different English versions ... one for North America and one for Britain (there is only a single English version for SI versions of the game). You must use the correct patch to match the version of the game you have. When properly patched the game will display version number 1.2.0416 in the lower left of the startup menu screen.
  18. Just be aware that once you have done that you are taking responsibility for keeping your computer up to date with security updates. Turn on notifications for security updates so that you'll at least get a warning that updates are available, and be disiplined in following up that notification with running Windows Update. It will try to get you back onto automatic updates, so watch what you click while manually running Windows Update.
  19. If it's a Windows version prior to Win 10 you can turn off automatic updates and just have Windows notify you that updates are available. The trick is then you don't just take all the updates it wants to shove at you ... for example I will never allow Microsoft to update any hardware drivers. Depending on your Windows version you will need to figure out how to get Windows Update to show you the list of available updates, where you can select what to update and what not to (they do go out of their way to make finding it non-intuitive, after all Microsoft believes your computer belongs to them for their use as a data collection device to generate revenue for Bill Gates et al). I believe that they have made that for all intents and purposes impossible if you are stuck with Win 10. I think if you do manage to find how to opt out of automatic updates you are forever locked out of updates (but I could be wrong about the forever part ... as I have no intention of ever using Win 10 it's a moot point for me).
  20. I know diddly squat about NMM so this could be completely off-base ... make sure you are not "manually downloading" from within NMM (if indeed that is possible). Use the manual download link on the web page using a web browser (i.e. Chrome or Internet Explorer) and save to a folder.
  21. Correct Contra ... CS 1.2.404 is the latest version. I think version 1.2.404 CS may not load Oblivion.esm from an earlier version of the game (similar situation to what you get with mods created by earlier versions of the CS when run on version 1.2.0416 of the game ... the game simply silently ignores the ESP).
  22. If it's like my Game of the Year two disk set and you don't install the second disk when you first install the game then you are locked into a non-Shivering Isles install if you patch the game to version 1.2.0416 (I'm not certain what game version the disk one install is left at ... could be 1.2.0416 I suppose as I've never made a test to see but I suspect it's an earlier game version). The two disk sets are designed to be installed in a single session, and in the case of the GotY set it will leave you with game version 1.2.0416 with Shivering Isles after disk two is installed. All of the other DLCs are optional and can be installed at any time (they are just mods, where Shivering Isles replaces Oblivion.esm with a SI version).
  23. For the older disk versions of the game you need to be careful about which patch from Bethsoft's site you use. The patches are specific to language versions of the game (and English can be either North American or British versions if you are looking at the non-SI patches ... the patch versions for English language with Shivering Isles is one English for all English language versions). The patches are also specific to if you have the Shivering Isles or not, and you can't mix and match. SI version patches can not be applied to a non-SI install if you later decide to install Shivering Isles to a former non-SI install ... a complete uninstall and then re-install with SI included is required. I think that Contra may be correct that the CS not loading is because it isn't seeing the correct game version ... the latest CS version won't work on any game version before 1.2.0416 and if you have installed Shivering Isles without completely uninstalling a version 1.2.0416 non-SI install there is no telling what version number the CS thinks you have.
  24. OK Snuke, put on your reading glasses and get ready for another Striker wordfest. Whenever I see the install instructions "and extract to your Oblivion folder" or "extract to your Data folder" I always translate that to "and extract to your download folder and then copy to your Oblivion/Data folder after you have examined the contents of the extracted download". Why ... the last thing you will ever talk me into is trusting somebody else with what goes into my game's folders. Yup, there are plenty of competent mod authors on here who know exactly what they are doing. Then there's the other mod authors. I'm not going to spend time figuring out which camp mod author A belongs to. I have a large hard drive that is devoted to downloads and archiving (my H drive). Whenever I download a mod it goes into a folder in H:\Oblivion_Downloads. Using my favourite hypothetical mod, JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor mod, that will give me H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor-12345.7z, which I will extract with 7-Zip. If Joe distributed his mod in "OMOD Ready" format it will extract to H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor.esp along with a Meshes and a Textures folder as subfolders of H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor. I'll then look through the meshes and especially the textures folders and compare them to my game's current meshes and textures folder. What I'm looking for is files that are the same name as a file I currently have installed in the same folder path (lets say Joe used the same texture resource as FredsReallyReallCoolArmor for the cuirass, a file named KittiesCoolCuirassTexture.dds that they both got from the same modders resource and they both used the folder structure used in the source ... Textures\Armor\KittiesResources\KittiesCoolCuirassTexture.dds). Now if both textures were identical, no problem, but let's say when comparing file sizes I notice that Fred's version (which I currently have installed and love) is a different file size that Joe's. Comparing them in PaintDotNET confirms that Fred edited the texture a bit and if I install Joes it will overwrite with a different texture (something that can be easily fixed using some other tools, but beyond the point of this lesson ... just providing an illustration of "Why"). Now 99 times out of 100 you won't find any reason that Joes can't be installed in your current setup (i.e. no files will be overwritten) so you are going to go ahead and install it. First I will create a new "Installed" subfolder in my H:\Oblivion_Download\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor and then a Data folder inside that Installed folder (so H:\Oblivion_Downloads\JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor\Installed\Data). Using the mouse right click menus I'll copy JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor.esp from the extracted download and paste it into the Installed\Data folder. Then I'l do the same with the extracted download's Meshes folder and Textures folders. Now to install the mod I'll simply right click on the Data folder in the Installed folder and select Copy and then navigate to my game's Oblivion folder, right click on Oblivion and select Paste from the right click menu. Windows will pop up a warning that there is already a folder named Data ... select Yes to All (and if you don't get that warning you are pasting into the wrong folder). The rule of thumb when copying and pasting is to paste into the destination folder when copy/pasting files and to paste into one folder level higher when copy/pasting folders (hence copy Data paste into Oblivion or copy Meshes paste into Data). Then all that's left is to activate the ESP using Wrye Bash, run BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch (or activate using the Oblivion Launcher/OBMM/some other mod manager, pray for a favourable result in the random dates stakes for load order and offer alms to the Gods for a successful game start post installation). You could also use Wrye Bash to install JoesReallyReallyCoolArmor-12345.7z if you are resisting Striker's efforts in turning you over to the Dark Side (aka manual install dinosaur). Either way, by taking the time to examine each download you will be learning about how mods are structured, and will come up with new questions (and questions are far far more important than answers ... at least in the universe this dinosaur inhabits).
  25. In mulling this over a bit more I'd like to make one further suggestion. Start a new topic about the BOSS errors, including details on the superpak installation. This is a general pinned topic and as such may not get many views from people who may have an answer. If you post a topic with a descriptive title you may get noticed by someone with some experience "superpaking".
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