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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I doubt that Ashes to Ashes is included in any other mod. Can't think of much else to suggest other than Oblivionaddicted's suggestion.
  2. OK ... I had the same thing after I used that mod with a different character. It stopped happening after I uninstalled it.
  3. You may well be in the situation where your only recourse is to start uninstalling mods and checking until you find the one that's causing trouble. For mods that are dependent on one another like the Unique Landscapes you'll need to uninstall the lot of them to test. Others could be done in groups to speed up narrowing things down or individually. It seems that more often than not the slowest way of installing mods is in fact the quickest ... one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. When you run into issues using that method troubleshooting is a trivial affair. The tried and true method is install the game and confirm that just the vanilla game is working correctly and setup to your liking before adding any mods. My recommendation is to run through the tutorial dungeon up to the point that you can just see the sewer exit in the distance (i.e. before you get the character finalization menus) and make a save. This save will come in handy if you decide to create another character but don't want to go through the tutorial again. Exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the before sewer exit save ... this will be your "continue this character after I'm done installing mods" save. Go to the Imperial City Market District and confirm that the game is running vanilla properly. You can make another save in or near the market District to use as a mod testing save or wherever you think will be convenient for testing. Then start adding mods and testing using your testing save.
  4. I'd say you would need to disable the part of OR that is giving you the crash. Oblivion Reloaded is a very complex mod, and requires you to study and understand it's documentation.
  5. I use SM Plugin Refurbish for all but the Shivering Isles, and use VCI Shivering Start for SI (gives different possible requirements for the SI start). Another option for SI is A Strange Door. It gives much more flexible options for SI start ... I would be using it myself except it wasn't released until after I already had my load order set and had started playing my most recent character. One nice thing with VCI is it has an LOD file that hides the island until the quest starts. That LOD file can also be used with either A Strange Door or the SM Plugin Refurbish versions.
  6. Well that should eliminate any possibility of load order being the problem. Did you just install the game, and if so did you start the game before adding any mods? If it's a problem with Oblivion.ini you can rename Oblivion.ini (found in the Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder for Windows versions Vista and newer ... NOT Oblivion_Default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder). I suggest changing the name to Oblivion_BU.ini and then start the game as far as the main menu. The game will build a new Oblivion.ini based on your hardware. You may need to go through the game setup menus to adjust your screen resolution etc, and if you have any Oblivion.ini tweaks with your previous Oblivion.ini you can transfer those over from your backup Oblivion_BU.ini (but I would do that one at a time, and test in between). - Edit - Also, it appears you are maybe using Wrye Bash (though I don't see a bashed patch in your load order). If you have "lock load order" set in WB and are running BOSS from the BOSS desktop icon (i.e. you are not starting BOSS from within WB) then WB will undo the BOSS sorted load order if you run BOSS and then start WB.
  7. I don't use any of the Unique Landscape stuff, but wouldn't the main Unique Landscape.esp go before all of the xul ESPs? What do you use to sort load order?
  8. These forums used to be a lot busier with problems than they are these days. Even the mod comments interface has slowed down on Nexus Mods Oblivion. Something to keep in mind as you're installing mods ... it's a pretty rare occurrence to run into anything these days that somebody (or a hundred somebodies) hasn't run into already. Looking back through the mod comments is the same as tapping into a gold mine. Psst ... don't tell anyone, but I'm actually an alien.
  9. You will be a welcome addition to our troubleshooting team here Arthum. Most all of what I've learned was through other's mistakes, not my own ... in a way I'm indebted to those "less cautious" types.
  10. No I wasn't suggesting your load list was long or anything like that. My point was, your's was an easy solve because you only added a single mod to a working game, and then it broke. There are tons of threads here that involve somebody adding a ton of mods to the game at once, of course breaking it, and then expecting anyone to just magically figure out where in their tangled mess is the problem. Modding the game is a journey to be savored and enjoyed ... you have made a good start along that path.
  11. Troubleshooting is always easiest when you've only added a single mod to a working game and then it breaks ... pretty short list to start looking for the problem.
  12. Why are you using SM_MMM.esp (you don't have MMM installed)?
  13. Hate to burst your bubble Kimalis, but back in 2011 Oblivion reloaded was only a dream in Alenet's brain ... it wasn't published until near the end of 2014.
  14. A lot more detail required to even start troubleshooting ... you are basically just saying "I have the game and some mods don't work". The type of details required are how are you installing, what exactly are the mods that don't work and where do you have the game installed (and Steam) for starters. Start your own thread for your problems instead of resurrecting a 6 year old thread, unless you can refer to steps that were taken in the old thread that you have tried as well.
  15. Good job with TES4Edit. As far as I've been able to determine there isn't a seamless Roberts female version for Khajiits available. If you use Paint.NET or a similar tool to examine the texture files (xxxx.dds) you will notice the difference between HGEC compatible textures and Roberts textures right off ... Roberts uses the foot texture to cover the hands ... HGEC has the hands as a separate file (so foot covers all except the head and the hands for HGEC).
  16. I just read through the install instructions again for both Seamless Robert male and female and compared to what I see in the extracted downloads for Seamless Robert female and the original Robert female v13. Just to be clear, have you tried installing Roberts male and female original, then install just the Seamless for Roberts male and female (i.e. no Khajiit fix or Slof's, and no Seamless Khats & Agrs). Seamless Robert female doesn't have any body textures or ESP included whatsoever, so it will just use the original Roberts female Khajiit body textures and ESP. I think if you do that all will be well. If you want the male Khajiit from Seamless Khats & Args you'll be best to do so thru a manual install of just it's male textures ... the female ones are HGEC.
  17. You will probably need to manually install at least some of this to get it sorted out.
  18. Yes that would be what I would expect judging by what I've seen using Paint.NET, as the Seamless series is designed to be used with Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 exclusively. I'd say you'll need to use the original Roberts male and female ESPs and just the textures from Seamless for all but the female Khajiits. The Khajiit Female Fix is likely intended for HGEC (without a link to it I'm left guessing) ... Slof's Better Beasts would be all Roberts as Slof was pretty well max for "anti-HGEC" so I'm not sure why that wouldn't work (but it wouldn't be seamless).
  19. Hmm ... the only stuff I have experience with is HGEC and Robert male. I think I see what is happening though ... the texture from Seamless Khats & Args is a HGEC body texture, won't work on a Roberts female mesh. Looking through the Robert female and Robert male files and checking out the Khajiit body textures in Paint.NET I think what Robert did to resolve the "Khajiit problem" is to give Roberts male Khajiits a newly named body texture ... RTfootmale.dds and RTfootmale_n.dds (located in the Textures\characters\khajiit\male folder) and left the Roberts female Khajiits using footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds also located in Textures\characters\khajiit\male folder. What this means for you is first you will need to fix the error that Junkacc11 made with Seamless Khats & Args and rename the footmale.dds and footmale_n.dds found in it's Main_File\data\textures\characters\khajiit\male folder to RTfootmale.dds and RTfootmale_n.dds (they are male body textures, but intended for use with OCO v2 ... which changed Roberts male body textures back to footmale.dds as far as I can tell ... what a tangled mess!!). Then re-install the female Khajiit textures that comes with Robert female (found in Data\textures\characters\khajiit\male in the extracted Roberts female v13 download). You will probably need to use the vanilla head texture for female Khajiits ... looks to me in Paint.NET that Seamless Khats & Args went a different direction with head textures ... do a test and see what it looks like. If push comes to shove we should be able to use Blockhead to get around any tough spots. Nope, female Khajiits won't be seamless, and yup that's as good as you're going to get. A note to you concerning having two accounts ... that is ban hammer territory around the Nexus. Your best bet is to hit the report button on your Jorzecor post and explain your log-in problem/email problem and get your original account sorted out.
  20. No, Seamless is just meshes and textures. When I looked through your load order nothing jumped out at me, but there are some mods there I'm not familiar with. I think what you are looking for is something that has a quest that somehow affects the Arena quest ... but that is just stating the obvious really. I don't know if TES4Edit would be of any help tracking down something like that, all I've ever used it for is finding NPC AI overrides and similar type things, plus fixing some kerfluies I've had while working in the Construction Set (generally resetting something's postion). - Edit - Do any of your mods affect/replace the Arena armor?
  21. No I wasn't suggesting you do that as a fix (for the record "set timescale to 30" without the quote marks will set the game's timescale back to vanilla) ... I wondered if you had used the console to set the timescale to something other than vanilla (timescales other than vanilla are known to cause problems with certain quests).
  22. Only other thing I can think of is timescale ... have you used the console to "set timescale to x" to anything other than vanilla (but I have no clue if this would cause what you are experiencing).
  23. The vanilla female Khajiit got shafted by Bethesda and are using the vanilla male Khajiit foot texture for their feet. In a vanilla game this doesn't cause a problem because the foot texture for both male and female characters of any race covers just that ... the foot (and only the foot). Enter the age of replacers like HGEC and Roberts male/female and now their "foot" texture covers the entire body except the head (and in the case of HGEC except the hand as well). As you are finding, Roberts male alone conflicts with vanilla female Khajiit and when a fix isn't used it also conflicts with HGEC female Khajiit. Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 contains a female Khajiit fix in the latest version of the HGEC compatibility addon ... any particular reason you aren't wanting to use OCO v2?
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