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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Is this happening when you click on the words "download manually" (which should bring up a Windows Save As dialogue, but here I'm talking about Windows versions earlier than Win 10 ... can't say what Microsoft's phone/tablet OS would do).
  2. Use BOSS to sort your load order. The best mod manager for Oblivion is Wrye Bash, and as a bonus it offers features such as the bashed patch which make it much easier to get mods working together. The two readme files that come with WB (found in the Mopy\Docs folder) are the best way to learn how to use it.
  3. A trick to use if you have Hide File Extensions for Known File Types is to right click on the file and select Properties from the right click menu. The full file name including extension will be displayed in one of the Properties dialogue box fields. I guess it is possible it was a "browser introduced feature" (this hijacking of file extensions), but somehow I don't think all browsers would have included that "feature" at the same time, though I admit I haven't made any inquiries around which browser affected people are using. I first heard of the problem before Win 10's release back in the mid to later stages of Win 8.1 deployment. Best bet, as suggested, is to turn off Hide File Extensions so that you can see what you are doing.
  4. You can also just save and overwrite the original Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp (after making a backup of the original if you wish). I believe to insure your "Poop.esp" works you'll need to keep it lower in your load order than the OCO v2 ESP.
  5. As I've pointed out a number of times in the OCO v2 mod comments you can just use the instructions in How to fix broken voices after installing some kind of mods.
  6. You'll need to change the file extension back to xxxxx.omod (so right mouse click and then select Rename). If you get a warning about changing the file extension just ignore it and continue with the rename. Microsoft decided in all their wisdom to "hijack" file extensions for compressed files they have no idea about (so you download a file named xxx.omod and it changes the file extension to xxx.zip or xxx.rar).
  7. Have a look at the script that Contathetix created for the portal in Fluffy Follower Frill. I'm certain that once Contra sees your post more details will be offered.
  8. Thanks bevilex, that's the one I was thinking of ... and sorry to Elbethien (I had a nagging idea that PrinceShroob wasn't right as the author). The UOP fixes some twitchy roots in some caverns, maybe report any instances of lanterns to the UOP thread (like the one you meantion of being twitchy because of a sleeping package right below it ... should be a simple fix to move the bedroll). Amazing how we can still find things to fix in a game this old and well tweaked.
  9. This is a vanilla glitch I believe. There was a fairly recent mod that removed the Havok physics from the lanterns ... maybe one of PrinceShroob's mods. If I get a chance later I'll try to track it down.
  10. Ha ... sometimes I purposely edit a post with new info rather than add a new post trying to keep my post count down (obviously without any significant success). I do recall having some difficulty with her, but it was on my first playthrough a long long time ago and don't remember the details. At least you have her working now. It wouldn't make any difference what your current level was, as long is it was at 70 or above. Lots of times I'll save the master training until my guy is at 99 in a skill, and only use the master trainer to get to 100. A note about quicksave ... it's a known corrupter of save files, use with caution. I use the save from the game's Esc menu, and personally never overwrite saves (I do have a very large hard drive for backing up saves, and move them to that drive when I've accumulated a bunch). A recent tool for saves is Simple Saves ... might be worth looking into, though I haven't tried it myself as I'm kinda set in my ways now with saving.
  11. What stage is the quest showing in the consolde (getstage TrainingDestruction)? I should have linked you to this page, though it doesn't outline any problems similar to what you are reporting. You haven't had her die on you and resurrected or spawned another copy of her by any chance, have you?
  12. One of the tricks I use to try to get the game's undies unbunched is the coc center and wait trick. Using your save before entering the problem area (and with UV still installed) open the console and type coc center and then hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game wait menu (by default t) wait for three full days and then a bit (so 72 hours and then a few more for good measure). Then open the console again and coc weye and you'll be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye. You can substitite a different location to coc back if you know the correct location code (the UESP Wiki is handy for finding those).
  13. Deactivating mods (but leaving them installed) doesn't always give you a proper test. The crash could be caused by resources that are still read by the game when it starts (meshes, textures, animations etc). A couple of candidates that I see that have a reputation for trouble are any of the Deadly Reflex and related ESPs as well as the Key Chain mod. The best way to install mods is one at a time, and test thoroughly in between (granted sometimes you need to install more than one mod when there are mod dependancies). Always start the vanilla game and test before installing any mods. A good plan is to run through the tutorial with vanilla Oblivion. Right before you exit the sewer make a save (before you get the character finalization menus ... this save will be useful if you want to start a new character later and don't want to go through the whole tutorial again). Exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the first. This save can be used to continue your character after you get your base mods installed. Then go to the Imperial City Market District and make yet another save (this will be your mod testing save). If you didn't run into any problems with vanilla Oblivion to this point, start adding mods and testing using that Market District save or the outside the sewer save (the Market District save stresses your machine with lots of NPCs and the outside the sewer save is useful for running around the rest of the world during testing, but the Market District could be your primary testing save). Don't overwrite either of these saves, at least not until you are satisfied with your load order.
  14. One problem (however not ikely related to your crashing) is that you are using both the essental and not-essential versions of each of the CM Partners ESP (i.e. both CM Partners NPC.esp and CM Partners NPC NE.esp ... use one or the other but not both). Crashes like you describe are often a "missing master" type crash (mod A needs mod B to work, but mod B is below mod A in the load order so Oblivion crashes because mod A can't find mod B when it loads). Sort your load order with BOSS.
  15. If you are on a desktop computer install a dedicated sound card ... if you are on a laptop I'm afraid you won't have that as an option. On-board sound solutions like Realtek use your CPU for all sound processing (as well as you RAM), with the "on-board" part supplying sound output ports and microphone ports and that's about it.
  16. Just replacer the files you want in version 1.1 with the one you want from version 1 (so you'd install version 1.1 and then coopy/paste the files from an extracted version 1.0 into the correct folders in your game, selecting Yes to the overwrite).
  17. As far as I know you can use OCO v2 and the Seamless for Roberts female, but as I've not tried it myself I can't say for certain. One thing to keep in mind when using any of the seamless series along with any other texture or mesh replacers ... if the seamless isn't the last installed you will lose all seamless if the older/other mod changes anything that the seamless series requires to work (i.e. body meshes or textures). So if you plan on using anything beyond Roberts female and Seamless for Roberts female you will need to carefully examine all of the files that each mod adds looking for possible overwrites.
  18. Not certain it will help, but you could try the "coc center and wait trick". Deactivate the problematic mod, but don't uninstall it. Open the console and then type coc center and then hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with a few trees visible in the distance. Using the game wait menu (default the t key) wait for three full days and then a bit for good measure (so 72 hours plus a few). Open the console and then coc weye and you will be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye (if you know the correct location code for another location you can go back there instead). That may be all you need to do to get back on track or if not you can then add the step of uninstalling the problematic mod and then going through the coc center wait again.
  19. I've only ever got the notification that they've returned when my character entered Dunbarrow (and that includes a previous character without any mods that touched that DLC including the unofficial patches and this current character who uses a different DLC delayer than the one you use along with the unofficial patches).
  20. I've never used Roberts female myself, but what I see in your screenshot looks like typical neckseam when you've adjusted the tone sliders. Unfortunately I'm not at home (and won't be for a couple more weeks), so I don't have access to my gaming computer where I have a number of text files with tips on avoiding the neckseam. I have posted those tips numerous times in various threads ... if I get a chance I'll see if I can tra ck one down to link to. The Seamless series by Junkacc11 is the current state of the art for avoiding neckseams. As you've discovered, installation order is important (and by the way I think you got it right ... Roberts female then OCO v2 then the OCO v2 Roberts female compatibility patch ... for the seamless read those install instructions carefully). - Edit - Here you go.
  21. You need to start BOSS from it's desktop shortcut so you get the full meal deal version of BOSS. If BOSS doesn't recognize a mod then you can create a user rule to sort it where you think it should be. You can also report the mod here in the mod comments (including a link to the mod page and the exact name of the ESP file) and mhahn123 will add it to the masterlist. When you run BOSS from the WB interface it just does it's job, opens the browser to display it's reports and returns control to WB.
  22. Making the same post in multiple sub-forums won't get you any different result ... there are only so many of us that frequent the Oblivion support forums anymore, and if anything is posted under any subforum we will read it and try to help (even if you try to "hide" your request in a "wrong" sub-forum ... there aren't many requests for help so if we see a post anywhere in the Oblivion forums the people who will try to help will look to see what the post is about). If I was into making guesses I'd uninstall all the Better Cities stuff and see if that reduces the crashes. Unfortunately when you install a whole whack of mods at once and then run into problems you have a tangled mess with no way of knowing what is causing the problem. If you install one mod and then test thoroughly before adding another mod it's a pretty trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting when you run into problems. Yes it will seem to be a slower method, until you waste weeks trying to untangle a mess (and as often as not don't succeed). When I installed my latest load order it took more than two weeks to get about 150 mods installed and properly tested (granted many of my test sessions would appear to most folks more like "play" sessions, but when you want to understand how a particular mod affects game stability or performance you can't run a two minute test). In the end I have a very good understanding of how each mod in my load order affected the game.
  23. Click on the Launch BOSS button, the command prompt window will say BOSS working ... and when it is finsihed it will open your default web browser with Summary selected in the far left panel. Info about any user rules you have set up will be displayed when you click User Rules right under Summary (could be it doesn't display if you haven't set up any user rules using the desktop BOSS icon), then it will display a list of your installed OBSE plugins when you click OBSE Plugins and finally a report of all your recognised plugins (mods), useful if you want to see BOSS's recommendations for cleaning mods or bashed tags. After BOSS has run and brings up the web page report you can also simply close it and then rebuild your bashed patch (or whatever other task you started Wrye Bash for).
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