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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The flaw in the logic used by the author of the Cell Reset wiki article is that both GetCellDetachTime and GetCellResetHours are OBSE functions not vanilla game functions.
  2. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul ... latest overhaul, and only one still being actively supported and developed.
  3. What happens when you untick "Auto-calc" for stats?
  4. The documentation on how to use Wrye Bash is in two HTML files found in the Mopy folder, Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html.
  5. SM Plugin Refurbish There are alternatives for the Shivering Isles start ... VCI Shivering Start or the more recent A Strange Door.
  6. Rebuild your Oblivion.ini (the one found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's Oblivion folder). Just rename the current one to Oblivionini.bak and then start the game (it will rediscover your hardware and build a new INI). You may need to reset your video settings etc. Refer to bben46's wiki article Revert to vanilla data to make sure you've not messed up something there. - Edit - After you get the completely vanilla game working install ONE mod at a time and test thoroughly in between mod installs. If you add one mod to a working game and it stops working knowing where to start troubleshooting is a trivial affair.
  7. If you mean Drain Health 100 for 1 second then you are onto the trick I didn't tell you about. I make my weakness to <element> and weakness to magic durations a bit longer (10 seconds) and have separated the actual damage spell into a second spell. So my first two or three casts are the weakness spell and then I follow it up with the drain health plus damage spell. Both weakness and kill spells are 10 foot radius to make targeting on the move easier. If need be I can sip a restore magicka potion between the weakness and kill spells. I don't often use enchanted weapons and mostly rely on a poisoned arrow followed by whatever swordplay is required to finish off the opponent (that's with NPCs like bandits etc ... critters generally get the magic treatment). Using poison so often requires my character to make damage health poisons often, which helps train up alchemy which helps get max levelup bonus for intelligence (which then gives more magicka for casting). Biggest problem after about level 10 or so is that my guy seldom gets even a nick so I don't need to cast restoration spells, so I have to work at training up the willpower skills to get max bonus.
  8. MOO is totally configurable according to your own preferences by editing the included INI files (unlike those older generation overhauls where if you didn't like something you were stuck with it anyway). If you don't want to run into mammoths near Skyrim you simply disable mammoths in the INI and you'll get all of the other additional creatures except no mammoths. Maskar is still actively developing the mod, so if something can't be adjusted using the INIs ask in the mod comments and chances are you will be able to adjust that in a future release (if your request is possible and reasonable to Maskar of course).
  9. It's not a fool proof fix-all, but it does give the game an chance to sort things out without the player's involvement in the game world so it will sometimes help. I've no experience with the Better Cities/UL stuff (or MMM/FCOM for that matter) and it looks like that stuff dominates your load order. I know Better Cities has active support if you can narrow it down to something specific that you could report there. Is that a BOSS sorted load order or LOOT?
  10. Not entirely but it adds spawns to the vanilla spawn points that don't follow the same leveling pattern as vanilla. Your best bet would be to download and read the readme and if you have any questions ask in the MOO comments.
  11. If you decide you want to get the game out from under UAC's tyranny you can use bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
  12. Not much anybody can do to help with that much info ... "some other error" covers an awful lot of ground. - Edit - Are you sorting that load list with BOSS run from the Wrye Bash interface (hover your mouse over the icons at the bottom of the WB window and you'll find one for BOSS). I think you have lock load order turned on (a good thing) but have been running BOSS from outside WB and then when you start Wrye it tells you it changed the file dates, right?
  13. Why are you using the MMM and OOO COBL patches? Without MMM and OOO installed those will give you a missing master crash. The COBL Filter Late Merge should be the only thing showing pink when you have your load order properly sorted (look in those readmes I mentioned and you'll find an explanation of what the colours mean).
  14. Sort your load order with BOSS. Your load order is seriously messed ... ESMs spread out all through your load order (all should be at the top) and who knows what other stuff in the wrong order (I don't use Better Cities so no clue what order that stuff should be in). Your bashed patch should be at the end of your load order not way up near the start (there are some mods need to be sorted after the bashed patch ... they will tell you so in their mod descriptions/install instructions). Stop manually sorting your load order unless you know what you are doing.
  15. Missing master crash (notice the red highlighted Better Imperial City.esp ... if you check I'm sure it requires Better Cities Resources.esm as a master and maybe more). Sort your load order with BOSS and then build a bashed patch. Details on how to use Wrye Bash can be found in the two readme files found in the Mopy\Docs folder (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html).
  16. Have a look at Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, the modern replacement for OOO (but it will work along side all but TIE for those who can't give up the oldies).
  17. Here's another link: Spell Making ... pay attention to the bottom section regarding the order you have the spell effects. The same applies to enchantments. I find the most effective casting cost wise is to have a smaller damage followed by as large as you can weakness. Best is damage then weakness to element and weakness to magic at the bottom. Make the duration on the damage short as damage doesn't stack between casts (the timer just resets so if you hit with fire damage for 5 seconds and then 2 seconds later hit again you lose those final 3 seconds of the first cast). The weaknesses do stack so fire damage for 1 second + weakness to fire for 10 seconds + weakness to magic for 10 seconds will increase the second and third hit (if you have the magicka to cast it multiple times). The key is finding the right balance between the size of the damage vs the size and duration of the weakness for your current level and magicka pool.
  18. In the OBMM window click on the Create Button and in that dialogue click on the Add Archive button (lower right of the group of buttons in the middle of that dialogue window) and navigate to where you downloaded the mod. If the mod has an omod conversion folder it will use that info ... if not OBMM will try to do it's best at figuring out what goes where (which for some mods will work fine and for others will fail miserably, depending on how the mod was arranged when it was archived).
  19. Ah, you are now venturing outside my paygrade too. I've made it as far as downloading an older version of GIMP though (notice I didn't mention anything about actually installing it though). The complex relationship between race records, mesh texture paths and skin properties and actual texture DDS files is something that someone like DrakeTheDragon is far better suited to explain.
  20. When you wear armor or clothes those meshes "become" the body part they cover. All meshes that cover a body part will have the property "skin" set for any exposed skin areas. If it's a vanilla mesh it will use vanilla textures for the exposed skin areas ... if the piece was designed for Roberts male it will use Roberts male textures for the exposed skin. If you don't have Roberts male skin textures installed and you use a Roberts male clothing/armor mesh then the game will use the vanilla foot texture on any and all exposed skin areas.
  21. I'll give you points for one thing ... when you venture off the straight and narrow you don't mess around. You definitely opted for the full meal deal this time. From the mod description for Abriael's Human Races Revamped: "An important detail: this race mod aims to improve the looks of female characters ONLY. The male version of "Abriael's humans" is not supposed to be used. If you want your character to be male you'll be much better off using the vanilla version." Even if a mod doesn't say "female only" if it says HGEC or EyeCandy it's female only (there is no version of HGEC that I've ever laid eyes on at least). As I said, the way the textures are applied to the body mesh is completely different from vanilla, HGEC and Roberts male or female. Vanilla uses four texture files, HGEC uses two and Roberts uses one.
  22. A couple of questions ... are you also using Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 and if not do you have the MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated (and if you do use OCO v2 then you don't want to have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated) and what form of archive invalidation are you using? - Edit - Any chance of a link to the race mod so I can look over if it has any requirements etc listed/implied (search and I aren't seeing eye to eye today ... having zero luck tracking that race down). - Edit 2 - Just re-read your OP ... if the race is female only chances are it's HGEC based. The skin UV map for Roberts male (or female for that matter) and HGEC are totally different and incompatible.
  23. You can use the textures from RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 (I use a mixture of ver4 and ver5 meshes via Blockhead PerRace and PerNPC overrides along with ver5 textures myself), but it begs the question ... why are you using the older version 4? Wear a ring or something worth at least 1 gold and Vilja won't care about your skin condition (she looks at the value of what your character is wearing to determine whether or not you're nude).
  24. That has the look of vanilla skin texture on a body mesh designed for Roberts texture (or a similar scenario). Different body meshes require compatible skin textures.
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