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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you putting the NPCs in the same location? If an NPC isn't close to a pathgrid node in the CS they will often appear in an unexpected spot in the game (it's also possible for the game to move then to the "safe cell", which by default is the Tiber Septim Hotel lobby).
  2. Are you certain you have all your mods correctly installed? The quickest way to mod the game is install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. If you add one mod to a working game and run into problems it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting. I'm not big on "beatifying" the game myself, but I do recall reading something about problems with texture replacers causing crashing type problems.
  3. Wyre and OBMM handle BSA Redirection with slight differences in the file name for the dummy BSA. Undo all of the changes from both (BSA and INI) and then pick one or the other but not both.
  4. No mention of anything like this in the UESP Wiki for the KotN. Have you tried the old "coc center wait" trick?
  5. EVE (or any other female body replacer) is meshes and compatible replacement body textures. Any mesh in the game that can move needs a skeleton.nif ... the skeleton does the moving according to the animation files assigned to that character and the mesh is rigged to the skeleton.nif and follows the movements of the skeleton.nif (a skeleton.nif is just a stick figure). All of the BBBed skeleton.nifs have "breast bones" added to animate the breasts. If you use a mesh that is rigged to a BBBed skeleton.nif but don't have a BBBed skeleton.nif installed you will get the "boobs to infinity" problem because the part of the mesh that is rigged to the breast bones has nothing to attach to. If you have a BBBed skeleton.nif and BBBed meshes installed but don't have a BBBed animation KF file the breast bones won't move and so the mesh will have no BBB and no boobs to infinity. If you have a BBBed skeleton.nif and a non-BBBed mesh you will see no BBB as there isn't any part of the non-BBBed mesh rigged to any breast bones. - Edit - I'm a non-Skyrim type, so you'll need to either ask that in a Skyrim forum or perhaps someone else will know the answer to that.
  6. Use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion for a female body replacer (it comes with a non-nude option and a complete armor/clothing replacer). HGEC has the widest available variety of realistic and non-realistic armor and clothing replacers/additions. You could also use Roberts Female Body v13 ... it also has a non-nude option and includes a compatible armor/clothing replacer. There are fewer other clothing/armors available for Roberts female though. To avoid the infamous "boobs to infinity" problem down the road when you install a mod that is BBBed (which means almost all clothing/armor mods created in the last 5 years) install a BBBed skeleton.nif such as Universal Skeleton Nif. Install the ControlableSkeleton version not the TotalControlableSkeleton version unless you know you have a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, in which case understand the limitations and workarounds required for that version. Providing you don't install any BBBed animations/animation replacers you won't have bouncing boobs and will be able to use any compatible armor/clothing you desire (HGEC requires HGEC compatible armor/clothing and Roberts female requires Roberts female compatible armor/clothing ... the two don't mix and match).
  7. No need for that ... just use Blockhead. It does both PerRace overrides and PerNPC overrides all with a simple renaming the appropriate files and putting them into the correct folder path.
  8. I believe I read something about DarN and XML files being wrong or something causing CTDs. Are you certain you have it installed correctly? It always seems that installing one mod at a time and testing thoroughly in between is the fastest way to get a modded game running (troubleshooting is a rather trivial affair when you add one mod to a working game and it stops working ... not a very long list of potential causes to the problem to start troubleshooting).
  9. The downside of using console commands is that it will sometimes not trigger proper advance in quest stages etc. What happens if you start a new character and then get infected with vampirism the old fashioned way in a vampire dungeon?
  10. Has it always done this since you installed Blood is Everything or did that mod work correctly and then this started happening? If it's the later then you need to figure out either what you did in game to trigger the problem or what you installed after Blood is Everything that is conflicting.
  11. Try the "coc center wait 3 days" trick. Open the console using the tilde (~) key found below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the game's Wait menu (opened by default with the t key) wait for a full three days plus a bit for good measure (that's 72 hours plus a couple). Open the console again and "coc weye" (again no quote marks). You'll be transported to inside the fisherman's shack at Weye, just outside of the Imperial City.
  12. What happens if you click on it with the console open and once the refID is displayed at the top of the screen type "disable" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter? - Edit - If it's set to essential you'll need the baseID to make it non-essential before you can kill it with the console (and to get the baseID you'll need to either load the mod's ESP in the Construction Set or TES4Edit).
  13. If you are using the Steam version of Oblivion you also will need to change the vanilla game BSA file dates back to their original (Steam changed them all to recent dates, thus breaking BSA Redirection for Steam users). Easy to do in OBMM ... Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> click BSA Redirection -> click Reset BSA Timestamps -> click Update Now -> close OBMM -> smile and do a happy dance.
  14. There's no reason why anybody else couldn't download both your mod and VCI and use the parts from each they desired. If I recall correctly you need to manually delete the LOD file when you start the SI questline when using VCI. - Edit - Had a look through your INI Philippe ... your mod is like VCI on stroids! Guess you know which one I'll be switching to on my next playthrough.
  15. For the Shivering Isles there is an alternative ... VCI Shivering Start (which is just an edit of the SM Plugin Refurbish - SI.esp with different options for what triggers the SI start). One downside for using VCI is that then you need to use the individual ESPs from SM Plugin Refurbish, so you're using up nine ESP slots instead of only one if you use the SM merged ESP. VCI does offer a nice selection of start options though.
  16. Just had a look at them using NifSkope and it looks like no material has been set for the female upper bodies. I know enough to recognize that as a problem but don't really know enough to be confident in suggesting solutions. If the male upper bodies show up OK you could try naming the material for the female upper body to match them (the male upper body material is named UpperBody). A good person to get to look at it is DrakeTheDragon, if he has time he'll know what to do.
  17. So the the edited path should be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor ... the quote marks need to be exactly where they are, you could copy/paste that into the target field in fact. I'd move the obse_loader -editor batch file out of that folder while troubleshooting just to be certain it's not mucking up anything.
  18. Hmm ... I see that you have obse_loader.exe in the right place. Where did the obse_loader -editor batch file come from? Could you do a copy/paste of the exact path from the Windows Properties dialogue (open the Properties dialogue for the CS shortcut and with the Target field highlighted hit Ctrl + C to copy and then paste (Ctrl + V) that into your post ... just looking for anything like a misplaced quote mark, misspelling etc). I don't see obse_editor_1_2.dll though ... it's also required. Copy it from the extracted OBSE download to the same folder as obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_steam_loader.dll.
  19. No the one from Personality Idles is a bit different, with the hands more on the stomach as though feeling ill. I don't recognize that one at all, so add it to my "please link" list if you have any luck tracking down the source (can't have too many options if you serve the God of Variety like I do). That one does remind me a bit of the feeling cold idle from Personality, but I have seldom seen it displayed in my game (for one I don't spend much time around Bruma, and two I'm seldom dragging any companions around with me these days). - Edit - Had a look through the Personality idles with NifSkope and the closet to what is in your picture is file named p_armscrossed_sulking.kf ... but the hand positions are subtly different.
  20. Yes, if you right click on your Construction Set desktop icon and select Properties you'll be presented with a Windows dialogue (the Shortcut tab should already be selected ... if not switch to the Shortcut tab). You'll see a field named Target that has the path to your TESConstructionSet.exe (I'm on WinXP so Win 7 may call that field something else but you will see it ends in TESConstructionSet.exe). Change the TESConstructionSet part to read obse_loader (so it will now be "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe") and then add -editor after the final quote mark (so the complete Target field would be "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor if you installed your game to C:\Games ... if it's in C:\Program Files (x86) then that part of your Target field should reflect that). All you need to do is change the last part to obse_loader.exe" -editor . - Edit - Not sure if you noticed or not, but Philippe has been busy ... Sensible Settings.
  21. Is one of those too many mods to list Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions by any chance? It could be the source of your distressed NPCs ... when you locate the source of your other problem could you send a link?
  22. I don't see anything obvious in your load order that could be adding diseases (maybe MidasSpells.esp ... don't use it myself so can't be sure if it adds diseases or not). Here's a listing of the vanilla game diseases from the UESP Wiki Oblivion:Disease. Other than vampirism I don't see any that directly affect fatigue, which is why I was looking for a mod that added diseases. If your listed current effects is showing a disease that isn't on the vanilla list you know you're witch hunting for a mod to blame.
  23. You are being affected by a drain effect (see the -100 in brackets). Open your Spells menu and click on the tab to the far right. That tab will show your character's active effects (birthsign, racial, enchantments etc).
  24. No problem. Actually I just downloaded it myself to see what resources were there, but haven't got around to extracting the downloads yet.
  25. Have a look at Oblivion Sexualized Monsters - German-English.
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