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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You can exit the game from the console too. Open the console using the tilde (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. At the console prompt type qqq (that's lower case QQQ) and then hit Enter. Saving can also been done at the console prompt. It's "save <YourSaveGameName>" without the quote marks or brackets.
  2. Use Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide for your re-install. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and also don't miss the part about registry cleaning. I'd make sure to do a thorough virus scan as well, just to cross that off the list of possibles (especially in light of your desktop theme situation).
  3. OK ... just making sure. You'll have problems if you exit the Shivering Isles any way other than using the Strange Door.
  4. Use OBSE Tester to find out whether OBSE is installed correctly. It will report your currently installed OBSE version if you've got OBSE working.
  5. I've only recently started using BOSS and have never even laid eyes on LOOT but here's my take on it. Using BOSS the only mods you'll need to set up User Rules for are either very obscure older mods or fairly recent new mods, as it's been continuously updated through all but the most recent period in Oblivion's history. Now LOOT on the other hand would need to "learn" all of those tricks that BOSS knows about all of those older mods as well as stay up to date with the newer releases in Oblivion. Or you'd need to sort with BOSS, take note of where certain mods are in relation to others and then switch back to LOOT and recreate the BOSS order using LOOT User Rules where necessary. Ya in a perfect world you have "One ring to rule them all" but perfect worlds never live up to expectations. Use LOOT for Skyrim and later releases, BOSS for Oblivion.
  6. You need to start by sorting your load order with BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch. If your BOSS report shows unrecognized mods then you'll need to place those manually (you can use drag and drop in the Wrye Bash load order window or by setting up User Rules in BOSS). You mention that your last location was outside the Strange Door ... you haven't fast traveled to a destination in Tamriel once you've entered the Strange Door have you?
  7. Do you have the textures and normal maps properly installed and your new NIF points to the correct location?
  8. A couple of possibilities pop to mind. Is you sister's game patched to version 1.2.0416 (providing your's is and you are using the most recent version of the CS, version 1.2.404)? If not any mod made for version 1.2.0416 of the game will fail silently. The other thing is does your script use any OBSE functions? If it does and she doesn't have OBSE installed and working properly your script won't run on her machine.
  9. Make sure you are using the Steam version of the install instructions ... here's the relevant part excerpted from obse_readme.txt:
  10. There's your problem ... OBSE will not work with the GameStop version of Oblivion. A quote from the OBSE web page (emphasis added):
  11. I have seen something similar when a mod I was testing had missing textures on small items like rings and baubles on some fancy clothes. If that's the King of Miscarcand I'd be looking into all mods you have installed that could possibly touch that mesh (e.g. as a possible ... Female Lich but take note of the credits on that mod, there's lots of resources used from elsewhere, as turned out to be the case in that mod I was testing).
  12. First, OBSE won't run unless your game is version 1.2.0416 (look in the lower left corner of the main menu screen). If it's not you will need to patch the game to version 1.2.0416, paying special attention to getting the correct patch version for your game. I'm no load order expert but I'm pretty sure you need to chose one of the Deadly Reflex Timed Block ESPs, not all three. I also see two AliveWaters addon ESPs that are loading before the AliveWaters.esp ... a sure way to get a missing masters crash. First get the game to 1.2.0416, then get OBSE working (use OBSE Tester to confirm ... it will report your OBSE version number if OBSE is installed and working) and then either manually fix what LOOT is unable to properly position or run your load order through BOSS.
  13. Unequip Broken Armor, while at first glance may not sound like it's what you're after may just fit the bill. First you equip pants, shirt and shoes, then equip your armor. Now when you unequip your armor your clothes are automatically switched in place. When you unequip your clothes you can sleep in the rough if that's your preference. What I cant tell you for certain is whether dead bandit etc. will automatically equip any clothes in their inventory if you don't loot it. I'm just building and testing a new mod list and have only started using the mod. I generally "take all" when looting. If I get a chance to do some more play testing I'll be sure to try out leaving their clothes to see what happens.
  14. So you re-installed the Visual Studio update and it didn't help?
  15. How To Fix Msvcp110.dll Not Found or Missing Errors ... top link on a Google for msvcp110.dll.
  16. I did some further tests and that tutorial pop-up is a timed thing (you don't need to move at all). Do you get the same crash if you coc weye? Edit - Have you seen this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/410624-francescos-optional-new-creatures-add-onesm-crashes-my-game-and-a-graphics-question/ ?
  17. I've been doing some mod installing and testing myself lately (recovering from a hard drive failure, so making a fresh start). Something I noticed is the Tutorial quest notice (the "Welcome to the wide world" one) doesn't pop up until you've taken a few steps from where you are deposited outside the sewers. I'm wondering whether it could be at the root of your problem ... problem is how to test. On one of my playthroughs the notice that your Imperial Dragon armor was ready to be picked up notice was giving me CTDs (and that wasn't apparent until afterwards). I tried the "coc center, wait 72 hours" trick. It allowed all the various running scripts to sort themselves out ... I got my armor ready notice and all was well afterwards. It's worth a try.
  18. Did BOSS put your Sounds of Cyrodiil patches after the last of those four masters? If not create a User Rule that put's it below the lowest of the four masters (HeartOftheDead.esp in the load list you posted, but whichever the lowest is in the most recent BOSS sort) and then rebuild your bashed patch.
  19. Did you run BOSS and then rebuild your Bashed Patch? The reason I ask is the delinquent masters reported after Sounds of Cyrodiil patches.esp ... those masters are installed but below Sounds in your load order.
  20. You won't find better than Oblivion Music Overdose. Then tweak your music with the options offered by Trifle.
  21. In the file Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Mopy\Docs folder of your extracted Wrye Bash 305 - Standalone Executable download) look in section 5 item C (What Symbols & Colours Mean) for your mod list and in the file Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (also in the Mopy\Docs folder) look at section 6 item D (also titled What Symbols & Colours Mean) for your saves.
  22. Construction Set Extender is the most recent method to get around the de-isolation problem, and comes with many other improvements. If you were already using Wrye Bash it's "complicated" method would actually prove to be simpler if you're only talking about a do once and then won't be doing again situation. I get the impression that you are a tinkerer though, so the CSE method may prove less work overall in the long run. Yes you can use assets from other mods in your mod ... you just need to be sure to create new form IDs (create a new item). Install mod A (let's say it has a shiny new sword). Open the regular old CS, make your mod B active (or create a new mod if you don't have an ongoing "MyTweaks and Additions" type mod) but don't tick the ESP from mod A. Create a new item in the Weapons category and assign the mesh, ground mesh and icon from mod A. Adjust the stats to your liking and place the new sword where you like in the world. No de-isolation required but you will need to leave the meshes, textures and icon in your Data folder if you ever decide to uninstall mod A. Of course you can see that you don't need to "install" more than the assets you need from mod A (if for instance it added a new dungeon and NPC carrying the sword), at which point they're more the assets for your mod B than mod A. One caveat to keep in mind ... if you ever decide to release your mod B you will need to get permission for the use of it's assets borrowed from mod A. If it's only for personal use, and you're not flaunting pictures of it here on Nexus you shouldn't run into any trouble with the staff.
  23. What method did you use to make your creature add-on? Mod de-isolation is required to use assets from ESP A in your ESP B. Wrye Bash has utilities to ESMify ESP A, then you create your mod's ESP B after which you re ESPify ESP A. Construction Set Extender does away with the complicated steps (i.e. allows ESPs to be masters of other ESPs).
  24. You could try the old "coc center" trick. Open the console using the tide (~) key found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. With the console open type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open field with some trees in the distance. Open the game wait menu (by default t) and wait 72 hours plus a bit more for good measure (three full 24 hour days and then some more). Open the console again and "coc weye" (again without quote marks, and if you know the correct location name for somewhere else you could use that instead). You be transported to inside the fisherman's shack at Weye. Go outside and see if you can travel to the Priory.
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