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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Do you have antialiasing turned OFF in the game menus?
  2. I've not installed CSE myself (my own modding is pretty simplistic stuff) but I have read through the install instructions and the comment thread here and at Bethsoft. I recall something about the Visual C++ libraries, where you needed the older library as well as the newer one (can't recall exactly, but something like you needed to install version 2.0 and then version 3.0 because 2.0 contained something not included in 3.0 ... pretty sure it was in the Bethsoft comments). Can't say for certain if it'd be related to this current situation. If it turns out CSE isn't a solution for you, Wrye Bash has a utility that ESMifies ESPs and then when you're done you re-ESPify. I feel for you Hanker ... nothing I hate more than sitting through a Windows install. - Edit - Here's a link with more info on the ESMify/ESPify thing ... Plugins - TESCOSI - Edit 2 - Here's another link De-Isolation Tutorial - The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki (whoohoo ... I figured out how to fix all my broken CS Wiki links ... just take out the "Constwiki/index.php/" part of the old link ... I'm off on a link repairing mission) - Edit 3 - Have you seen this post in the CSE mod comments (funny how I recall reading something almost a year ago, but forgot I read that post a couple of weeks ago ... early indication of "OldTimers"??)
  3. There are reasons I dropped AVG in favour of Kaspersky long ago (always have paid for the full meal deal version). I'm no scripter so I'd be in the same boat as you concerning Maskar's scripts (who seems like a very approachable type to me ... if Maskar doesn't notice this thread you could try dropping a PM).
  4. Excellent ... I always say it takes a team. Mod de-isolation is the term used to describe making ESPs used as masters (ESMs) and then turning them back to ESPs (I didn't invent the term ... no idea what "de-isolation" has to do with it). The only way I know of to do it is using Wyre Bash, but the newest alternative is to use Construction Set Extender (takes care of de-isolation automatically). In a case like what you needed TES4Edit seemed the best solution. When I'm back home and at my gaming computer I'll dig up my links on mod de-isolation and edit this post (on the road until tomorrow).
  5. Check out Maskar's Basic Primary Needs canteen script.
  6. What form of mod de-isolation are you using? My guess is none, so after your edit you have a missing master crash (Battlehorn Enhanced likely has Oblivion.esm and DLCBattlehornCastle.esp as masters ... both would need to be set as masters before you edit in the CS). What about using TES4Edit and set the x y z coordinates there?
  7. Toss Realistic Fatigue and Maskar's Basic Primary Needs into the mix and you'll learn to turn and run when you need some separation from the bad guys (and both are configurable via their INIs to suit your taste).
  8. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion ... comes with a complete HGEC replacer (clothes and armor).
  9. There is an Italian translated version (scroll down to near the bottom of the file list), but it isn't the latest version 2.03. It is version 2.0 so you may need to apply some of the fixes from the Optional Files section.
  10. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 (requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and Blockhead) EVE - Eyecandy Variants Expansion and Male Body Replacer v52 (aka Roberts Male) (both include compatible replacers for the vanilla game armors and clothes) After you have used the replacers included with EVE and Roberts Male you can replacer those with any others you desire (do a search for the mod author name FLY (uploader name yuravica when using advanced search works better) as a place to start) Trifle has some sound tweaks (also requires OBSE) and Oblivion Music Overdose adds some excellent new music that fits in perfectly with the vanilla music You won't find better than Companion Vilja (I also recommend Emma's other mods, especially Packdonkeys v2) Maskars Oblivion Overhaul (completely configurable ... also requires OBSE) along with Basic Primary Needs and Basic Physical Activities (both also by Maskar) coupled with Realistic Fatigue ... if you also use Enhanced Economy you will have no need to move the difficulty slider above default HUD Status Bars to help keep up with BPN + BPA + Realistic Fatigues's affect on your character - Edit - If you are not a pro at installing Oblivion mods read the installation instructions carefully, and if you have any questions look through the mod comments (chances are your question ahs been asked and answered a number of times in the past). Modding Oblivion is more than clicking the green "Download with Manager" button (in fact that is a bad idea for most Oblivion mods unless the install instructions specifically say "Using Nexus Mod Manager ..." or similar).
  11. Hmm ... maybe that's why I see some anomalies with certain NPCs. I use BBB Designer Body Spell to give more variety to female NPCs (well I used to, now I'm starting to use Blockhead). I'll need to pay close attention and see if it's just certain body NIFs. Thanks for reporting back.
  12. I'm afraid you're working in stuff above my paygrade there. Maybe a Blender guru will happen by.
  13. OK I see now. Not the extreme case I was picturing in my head (vanilla textures applied to HGEC), but it is a known problem. You can try Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer. I personally didn't find it made that much difference, but you can give it a try and see what you think.
  14. Make sure the textures point to "textures\characters\imperial\female\footfemale.dds" on the exposed skin portion's NiTexturingProperty -> NiSourceTexture (as well as being set to skin, as you've indicated is the case).
  15. The reason I asked is it sounds like what happens when you put vanilla armor on a modded body or vice versa. Is the armor a NifSkope mashup or did you create it in Blender?
  16. High-Res Varla and Welkynd Texture Replacer (which I use alongside Glowing Respawning Varla and Welkynd Stones) HiRes Pewter Improved Amulets and Rings Improved Moons Little Baron Flower Pot Makeover TIBs Compact Quivers - Thinner Arrow Holders Visually Improved Staffs
  17. Building your own takes a lot of time and effort ... not the building process per sec, but all the research needed to find that best "bang for the buck" suited to your own personal situation. Before I retired I'd spend a lot of time following all the latest developments. Now that I have more time on my hands I find I don't spend much time following the latest hardware developments (more time and less money). Back in the day I'd build a machine a year and hand down my old one to the grandkids. This year will be the first since I retired that one of the grandkids gets a new machine (I'm finally getting the last pieces I needed for a machine that I started buying for before I retired). In a way I'm a lucky guy. I have no desire to join the Steam-masses, and pretty well every new game is a Steam release. Saves me money on buying new games, saves money on the hardware to run those new games. Even Microsoft loses out ... I'm still running XP Pro (though I did buy a copy of Win 7 for the new machine). Oblivion and all my old games work just fine on my machines, and outside of the pressure that the latest Oblivion mods put on hardware I'm happy living in the past.
  18. Another one to look at is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. Very configurable using the INI file, so you can take out any parts you don't like.
  19. Laptops generally don't make optimal gaming machines. Onboard graphics chips often share memory with the CPU, the CPUs themselves are often slow (especially if the laptop comes with a good gaming graphics solution ... corners need to be cut to meet some marketing guy's price point). When I bought a laptop for my oldest granddaughter a number of years ago I found I had to pay about a 50% premium to get good graphics and decent CPU. Those same marketing guys also know how to take advantage of the buyer who know a bit about computers (the actual faster CPU added about 10 to 15% to the cost of manufacture). That's why I build my own gaming desktops. Do a test with the UOSIP and your texture size set to large ... that was probably the issue (Oblivion would have likely defaulted to medium texture size based on your hardware ... it wouldn't know what to make of your hardware as none of the components existed way back last time the game was updated). The unofficial patches aren't meant to address any performance issues, just game bugs that Bethesda never bothered fixing (have you ever seen a floating rock for example). Many of the fixes are more than cosmetic though ... many bugs with NPC AI schedules and conflicts between the DLCs are also addressed.
  20. The GotY is a two disk set, with SI etc. on the second disk.
  21. I'm not familiar with the mod you linked. Blockhead will work if the underwear is part of the body mesh, same way as the vanilla underwear works. If the underwear works the same as clothing or armor you'd need to do something with scripts similar to what See You Sleep DLL does for the player (if that is possible ... I'm no scripter).
  22. Can be done using Blockhead, providing the "underwear" is actually body nifs and associated textures. Details on how to do it are included in Blockhead_readme.rtf (included with the extracted download).
  23. To coin a phrase from HeyYou ... here you go. Back when the last site upgrade happened they broke all the older links. The mod numbers haven't changed so the old link http://www.tesnexus.com/mods/2691 needs to be changed to http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2691 .
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