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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If being installed in C:\Program Files (x86) isn't causing you any issues then I wouldn't suggest doing anything about it (just something to keep in the back of your mind when troubleshooting). I use Animation Fixer (OAF) myself (which I assume is the same as what you're using). Because OAF doesn't fix the root cause of the bug (nor does Wrye Bash's solution) the problem with stuck animations will return. I periodically run OAF, sometimes when I see the first signs of the stuck animation (easily spotted on the Legion riders torch flames once you know what to look for) and sometime just because I think of it. If you look in the boxes across the bottom of the OAF dialogue you'll see it reports the current value of the byte that results in stuck animation (for instance I see my current save is now at 48, the point when I usually start to notice the rider's torches showing trailing bits of flame, so I just ran Fix Me again). Something you may already know ... you need to rename the OBSE co-saves to match the OAF fixed save name. I like to keep the original co-save as well so I rename a copy of the co-save. My latest save is named CustomClass2258.ess and the co-save is CustomClass2258.obse so I've renamed a copy of CustomClass2258.obse to OAF_CustomClass2258.obse so that it matches the OAF fixed file OAF_CustomClass2258.ess (sounds more complicated than it is).
  2. Are you running Win 7/8? I'm thinking that .NET 4.5 (which is specific to Win 7 or higher) thinks that it is superior to .NET 4.0 (which is compatible with WinXP or greater) but in fact it doesn't include some of what CSE requires (per what shadeMe says in that linked post #5). My suggestion is uninstall .NET 4.5, install .NET 4.0 and then re-install .NET 4.5 (which should leave the bit of .NET 4.0 that CSE requires ... that's my theory, but I'd be counting on you to prove/disprove it as I don't have Win 7/8).
  3. I've zero experience with that mod, but I did notice another post today mentioning that it's got it's issues. That whole leveled special loot thing is a pain in the neck. Maskar has a pretty good solution in Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul, but I've been holding off until I start a new character to give it a try. To me the perfect solution would be as you level your found loot levels as well, so you don't get penalized for doing a quest with a low level character. The vanilla system means you need to study up on every quest and decide which loot you don't care about and do those quests while your guy's still a wimp. I always have this huge backlog of quests that I can't do until my guy gets leveled, so it's either pain in the butt or "console gifting".
  4. What I'd suggest is disable the Static Quest Rewards mod while you do Blood of the Divines. Once you get finished re-enable Static Quest Rewards. You're probably using it on a lower level character so you'll want to "console gift" a better set of rewards for Blood of the Divines. Open the console using the tilde (~) key (found right below the Esc key on standard keyboards). At the console prompt enter the following commands (all without the quotation marks): "player.additem 187bbe 1" (for the Amulet of Ansei, best level), "player.additem 187bc0 1" (for Mishaxhi's Cleaver) and "player.additem 187bc3 1" (for Northwind). For Valdemar's Shield the baseID you'll want will depend on whether or not you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) installed (in the vanilla game the best item is found at level 15 - 19 ... reflect damage 10%, while the level 20+ item is reflect damage 9%, something the UOP fixes). If you have the UOPinstalled then "player.additem 187bbc 1" and if you do not have the UOP installed then "player.additem 187bbb 1". Before you do the console gifting you should take the ones you originally got while doing the quest and either put them in any old container that respawns (if you want to get rid of them) or a non-respawning container such as one in any of the player homes (if you want to keep the extra for display purposes or something).
  5. Do you have Microsoft's .NET 4.0 installed (you can use the Add/Remove Programs listing to tell ... if it's installed it will be listed there)? Note as per shadeMe's post #5 that even if you have .NET 4.5 installed you still need 4.0 as well (and this is a completely separate issue from the one with d3d9.dll).
  6. I believe you when you say likely mod related, but finding out which will be a process of elimination. The UESP Wiki mentions a possible problem with Alain, and the possible fix being using the console command placeatme 364bb (the baseID for the undead Blade skeleton, not his ghost form's baseID). To see if the same trick would work for you it would be placeatme 364ba and then kill the skeleton form of Rielus again (I'm thinking maybe whatever mod messed things up has messed up his skeleton but not his ghost, and you can maybe get his unaltered skeleton that way).
  7. You didn't by any chance let him chase you outside and then kill him?
  8. So the solution that shadeMe gave to Versus-XV (posts #4 & 5) didn't work?
  9. Either click on the words "download manually" (right beside the Download with Manager button) or click on the downloads name (above that beside the disk icon). It will bring up a dialogue to select server (chose the least busy that's fairly close to your location) and then a standard Windows Save dialogue will come up. I always save my downloads to a named folder I create as a subfolder of my Oblivion_Downloads folder (which I also created on a separate hard drive ... I'm a neat freak in some things). You could do the same or just save to a folder you create on your desktop (click the icon for creating a folder from the Save dialogue ... it'll be there and if you hover your mouse over it the tool-tip will say Create New Folder or similar depending on your version of Windows). Using the dialogue that then pops up you can create your folder (by default it will be named New Folder, and if you don't give it a unique name the next one you create in the same spot will be called New Folder (1) etc ... eventually you'll decide to give your folders names. Follow the instructions in Oblivion Mod Manager's Help (accessed from the menu bar at top) on getting the download installed with OBMM.
  10. NMM + any of the HGEC family of body replacers = nothing but trouble (as you've discovered). A mod list will be required to begin to sort things out (for instance you make no mention of Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 but I can't think of any reason you'd be using Blockhead except OCOv2).
  11. My standard answer for the improved graphics portion (it does get asked a lot) ... Noob up and running. The latest and greatest for NPCs and player characters is Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. Note that it requires careful reading of install instructions, readmes and mod comments, is incompatible with almost all previous "beautification" mods (without careful use of a bashed patch and/or editing in the Construction Set) and is very particular about having it's mod requirements met. Yes you can use Nexus Mod Manager with Oblivion, but be prepared for many mods that will not install using it. I don't use NMM myself (never even laid eyes on it) but if it has a way to still see and activate mods that haven't been installed using it you could use it as a replacement for the vanilla game Data Files I suppose. The most universally supported manager for Oblivion is Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Couldn't compare it to NMM myself (no experience with NMM) but it's fairly simple to learn (use the Help topic in the menu) and will work with all but a few Oblivion mods (you will run into some that require Wrye Bash's BAIN installer ... many BAIN mods will also come with support for OBMM's OMOD format). Then there are the ones that require manual installation (Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and Blockhead are two that spring immediately to mind). If you read through enough mod comments you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about (e.g. look at body replacers like HGEC and you won't need to scan very far through the comments to find the "why won't this work with NMM" type comments).
  12. Have a look at the chart on the UESP Wiki page for Endurance. Because of how your total health is calculated yes, you need to increase endurance as quickly as possible early in the game. You'll also notice that how high your endurance starts affects your maximum achievable health and how quickly it rises. Compare case 1 and case 3 in the chart. In case 1 an increase of 30 endurance (from 30 at level 1 to 60 at level 7) nets a gain of 87 health (from 60 to 147). In case 3 the health increase for that same 30 increase in endurance results in an increase in health of 105 plus your character has 225 health at level 7 instead of 147. Easy to see why my first character was a double warrior (birthsign and class). My second guy used a custom class to get around the drawbacks of double warrior (almost impossible to control leveling with the vanilla leveling system ... I'm also a +5 bonus junkie).
  13. C:\Program Files (x86) isn't a recommended install location if you are using either Vista, Win 7 or Win 8 (it's fine for WinXP). I can't see that being at the root of your issue though as the save game file system is vanilla Oblivion, and UAC should only interfere with things outside of vanilla Oblivion (unless I guess if you were using one of the various save game utilities). I was certain that your problem was that though. I remember seeing exactly what your screens show before I started being "neat". Probably not related, but about the same time I had the same issue as you was also when I first ran into the A-Bomb (stuck animation problem). You make no mention of it but I assume you must be taking care of it somehow ... you are a high hours player like me. I don't have a multiple screens setup myself but I'm pretty sure bben46 (one of the site staff) does use multiple monitors. I see him occasionally comment on here, but not so much as before Skyrim. Might not hurt to shoot him a PM asking if he's had a look at this post.
  14. How many save files do you currently have in your save folder (all of them perhaps)? I periodically move my older saves to my backup folder (on a completely different hard drive in my case, but as long as it's outside of your saves folder it will be fine). As soon as I notice it taking a bit longer for the menu to open I clear things out to my most recent 25 or so saves. If I think of it beforehand and I'm up to 100 or more saves in the game's save folder I'll be preemptively neat.
  15. Hotkey the weapons you'd want to switch to. If you want more than the vanilla eight keys for hotkeying download a hotkey mod, there are at least a few.
  16. Just curious Trucker ... are you using OBSE ver0021, and if so did it give you any grief getting it working?
  17. The game already will allow you to change weapons during combat ... just not in mid swing.
  18. Here you go ... Unofficial Oblivion Patch, and to answer your question on the other thread on the same Nornalhorst issue ... The Elder Scrolls Construction Set.
  19. I may get corrected by someone more lore knowledgeable, but I believe the Dunmer go through a rebellious period as they age where they "earn their burns" (if I remember the term correctly).
  20. Thank you for reporting back. That info doesn't agree with the UESP Wiki for that quest so it's good to have that option to offer anyone else experiencing the same problem.
  21. I'm like Ike in as far as I don't use any of the mods you've listed. One thing I can tell you from my time spent helping out on here ... what you are trying to install is pretty advanced territory. Install order is very important with those mods and using a bashed patch is mandatory. Beyond that you'll need someone who has hands on experience installing that load order ... I know I'm not that guy.
  22. Did you install the whole whack of mods at once or one at a time and test thoroughly in between? The first method quite often ends up where you are now, the second gives a pretty good starting spot for troubleshooting (add one mod to a working game and it then stops working it's a pretty short list as to where to start troubleshooting). Some of your listed mods require adding more than one at a time, but the idea is that less is better (as few as possible and then test). So was this a working vanilla install, fresh install, where is the game installed, Steam or disk (I'm assuming disk from your post about obse_loader.exe), is the game version updated to 1.2.0416 ... lots and lots of info required to unravel the mess.
  23. Oblivion Mod Manager, unless you're an expert manual installer who can easily reorganize folders in mods that have lots of options or are packaged in a fashion that Nexus Mod Manager can't understand (and then repack them in a manner that it can understand). NMM in Oblivion will take more work to use than OBMM.
  24. That's not a bad frame rate if that's as low as it goes. This isn't an online first person shooter where the guy with the best FPS wins.
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