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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Here's a recent discussion on that problem: Low FPS on modern PC.
  2. Oblivion Mod Manager has it's limitations. In this case where the Ryu mod asks you to deactivate the Max Tael version ESP and activate his Simplified version you can't use OBMM to do it. When you deactivate the Max Tael version in OBMM it uninstalls it, so then when you activate the Ryu Simplified version ESP it doesn't have the resource files it requires (which all come with the Max Tael version). What you'll need to do is reactivate (install) the Max Tael version using OBMM. Then open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder you downloaded Ryu's mod. If you haven't already done so, extract the Ryu mod to the same folder you downloaded to (I always download to a folder I create specifically for that mod in my Oblivion_Downloads folder ... so even this test download is in Oblivion_Downloads\Natural_Weather_Unofficial_Test_Fix). You'll see the folders Ryu talks about in the mod description install instructions. You will want either the Shivering Isles (SI) version or no SI version (all non-SI versions are in subfolders off the Non-SI-Test folder) depending on if you have SI installed. I'll assume you do have SI ... next select whether you want the color corrected version or non-color corrected version. I'll assume you want the color corrected ... inside the Simplified Weather ESP folder you'll see a subfolder RD Color Corrected. Inside that folder you'll see four files, one for each supported version of the Max Tael version (regular, with HDR, with HDR and darker nights and with darker nights only). Select the appropriate one and right mouse click on it and from the right click menu select Copy. Now navigate to your game's install folder (hopefully not in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) if you use Vista, Win7 or Win8) ... for example C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. In your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder you'll find a subfolder Data. Right click on Data and select Paste. Next to deactivate the old Max Tael version ESP you'll use the vanilla game launcher Data Files. If you have modified your desktop shortcut to start the game with Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) (for the disk versions of the game) you'll access the vanilla launcher using either an unmodified desktop shortcut or like I do using the shortcut found off the Windows Start button menu. I don't have the Steam version so I can't say how you access the vanilla game launcher using Steam. Don't use OBMM's launcher ... you want to get to the initial game launch dialogue and select Data Files (right below Play). That will bring up a dialogue with all your installed mods shown in an alphabetical list. Scroll down to the Max Tael version ESP (whatever it's named) and double click on the black X next to it (removing the X). Next find whichever Ryu version ESP you copied to the Data folder and double click in the box next to it's name (now getting a black X). Click OK and then in the launcher click Exit (your changes have already been saved). Launch your game however you normally do and enjoy. - Edit - Weather - All Natural is the most recent and recommended weather mod from what I've heard (don't use any of that type mod myself).
  3. I had something similar after my SLI rig died. I put in a replacement card I had kicking around and got black skies. Then I remembered I'd used the instructions in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide to force Shader Model 3.0 (which worked fine on my 8800GTS SLI). After a bit of investigating I saw that the 9800GT replacement would also support Shader Model 3.0 so I just needed to redo the steps for getting SM 3.0 to work. You'll find the instructions on page 8 of the guide (which I've quoted here): It was the RenderInfo.txt and rename steps I needed to redo. Backup your current in use shader package and try Koroush's instructions and see if it helps.
  4. You get the "assaults" when you make a preemptive attack on a bad guy (bandit marauder etc). I get them all the time too. If you wait to attack until they pull out their weapon you'll avoid the "assault creep" on that stat.
  5. What kind of day to day character are you? Do you have trouble walking past that shiny bauble while keeping your hands in your pockets? If you're finding yourself on the wrong side of the law fairly often then it becomes a moot point which you do first. The persuasion mini-game will allow you to regain any disposition deficits. My new guy got into the Dark Brotherhood via some "co-lateral damage" while saving Dar-Ma. He hasn't joined the Thieve's Guild (and finally completed the main quest) but he has plenty of infamy points to counter those MQ fame points. Dark Elves don't start out with very high personality and I've only been spending level up bonus points on personality the last few level ups. Except with the few NPCs I've boosted with the persuasion mini-game (some key guards to clear any small bounties for example, along with merchants of course) most NPCs don't have real high disposition towards him (well until he went and saved the world anyway). Doesn't make much difference ... most NPCs aggression is so low you can't goad them into a fight via low disposition anyways. Play it how ever you like ... chances are no matter how you play the game you'll have more than one point of infamy to clear via the pilgrimage before you can start KotN.
  6. But the OP is asking help to re-create the video game Pirate of the Caribbean, complete with maps and quests (I'm afraid Mcclaud has nailed it).
  7. Crashes can happen any time, especially after you start modding the game. I haven't turned off autosaves in my game as I'm not plagued by crashing during saving (you will find some who recommend turning off all autosaves). I still avoid using an autosave to continue my game if I do get caught by a crash even if it means redoing more than I'd like to, but I must admit I have used an autosave in the past more than once to no known ill effect. The details on the coc center trick is ... open the console using the tilde (~) key and at the console prompt type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Open the wait menu (default is the "t" key) and wait for 72 hours plus a bit (that's three full days and then a bit for good measure). Open the console again and "coc weye" (or another location providing you know the correct location code for it ... the UESP Wiki Oblivion: Places page can come in handy). You be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye, just outside of the IC. From there you can go to where you were running into trouble and see if the problem is resolved.
  8. In support of Ike's point ... just did a search on the Oblivion forums using "best graphics mods" (advanced search, accessed from the little flower shaped icon to the far right of the search bar, found just below where it reports how many in chat in red at the top of the forums screen). Fourteen pages of hits. Sure there will be some with limited relevance but I'm certain that list could be tightened up with better search terms. In any case here's my standard answer: Noob up and running
  9. A couple of possible causes present themselves ... from the UESP Wiki for Pilgrimage (first from the Notes section, second from Bugs):
  10. As you are discovering, the game can be a bit fussy. I always exit to the desktop and restart the game before loading a save, never overwrite a save and never use quicksave (it's a known corrupter of saves). In my old guy's saves I went from being able to play for 10 or 15 minutes between crashes (when I started him out I was a quicksave junky ... cell transitions and load doors were murder) to being able to play 2 or 3 hours without a crash (though I usually save using the Esc menu save option once every 1 to 1.5 hours and exit to desktop and restart every couple of hours). My new guy's save-line has never suffered the same abuse (quicksave) and gets about the same game time (and the same save/restart habits). Even with my meticulous save habits I'll still occasionally run into a situation. Example, my new guy just recently finally got around to saving the world (finishing the main quest). I started CTDing for no apparent reason. If I went back to an earlier save I'd be OK for a while and then crash. I used the coc center and wait trick and found out the cause ... my Imperial Dragon armor was ready, and the notification combined with the current state of whatever conditions in my save line resulted in CTD. By using the coc center trick my character was outside of the game world and using wait allowed the game scripts to sort themselves out. Keeps the game interesting.
  11. Had a look at the mod ... have you read through the mod comments? Looks like you're not the only one with problems installing. Mod author's one and only comment was on the day the mod was released. It doesn't give any requirements (e.g. no mention of requiring Oblivion Script Extender) and the install instructions are pretty sparse for a newcomer to get a handle on. It doesn't help that the mod author missed a folder level (which if it was there would allow a simple copy Data paste into Oblivion). So I can see a couple of things that could have gone wrong. 1) The folder Menus (which contains two subfolders, dialog and prefabs) needs to be pasted into your game's Textures folder (resulting in Oblivion\Data\Textures\menus\dialog and Oblivion\Data\Textures\menus\prefab). Make sure your game folder isn't Oblivion\Data\menus\prefab and Oblivion\Data\menus\dialog (or Oblivion\Data\Data\menus\dialog etc). 2) Can't say for certain that it would require it, but you will eventually need to have some form of archive invalidation enabled to use replacer style mods. Simplest way is via Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click on the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation. From the Archive Invalidation dialogue pick BSA Redirection, and as you're using the Steam version of the game click Update BSA Timestamps and then Update Now. Close out the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (it doesn't commit it's changes until it closes). I couldn't really make heads nor tails of exactly what the mod does by reading it's description. I personally use Magicka Based Enchantment Limits to create my own God items. Note that it requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) but doesn't require the latest version (version 0021) that has some reported problems with the Steam version of the game (OBSE version 0020 works fine with Steam).
  12. You could try OBSE Tester to see if OBSE is working, but it is also an older utility and I can't confirm that it works with OBSE ver0021 myself (I'm still using version 0020). If you don't have any luck using the hotkey trick on the Ring of Console you could try downgrading to OBSE ver0020 and see if it works then (that is unless you have some mods that require OBSE ver0021 and are working properly, which would prove your OBSE install is good). The Ring of Console mod could quite easily work as far as adding the ring to your inventory as that part of the mod would be just using normal Oblivion script and then silently fail when you try using the ring (unless the OBSE portion of the script had some debugging code to warn you about no OBSE). Are you using the Steam version of Oblivion? There have been reports of people running into trouble getting OBSE ver0021 to work along with Win8.1 (though I don't recall reports of any problems with Win8).
  13. No problem ... keeps me out of mischief.
  14. What you are describing sounds like meshes have been left behind. I`m an old manual install dinosaur so I always have the extracted download to check for what needs to be uninstalled. If you download the offending mod to a temporary folder and extract it you`ll be able to see what OBMM has left behind.
  15. How did you "uninstall" the offending mod?
  16. The text of his different responses is given on the UESP Wiki page Blood of the Daedra. Can't recall ever seeing his responses in audio format though.
  17. I see that Maskar has answered on the BPN mod comments thread ... I was certain that going to the source was the answer.
  18. Only ones I've run into that were "resistant" to change involved load doors (whose positions are saved in the save file), that and mod de-isolation issues. I know that Maskar is partial to using scripts to edit leveled lists ... have you looked through all the BPN scripts looking for something that might make the potion name persistent? Like I suggested, Maskar is the best source of advice on BPN (and is generally both prompt and generous with advice).
  19. I'm guessing you are using the standard vanilla version of the Construction Set (version 1.2.0404) as opposed to Construction Set Extender. You're also trying to make your "own" ESP of your changes (e.g. the new potion names). You're running into something called mod de-isolation. In a nutshell what that means is you can't have an ESP as a master of your own ESP. To do so you need to temporarily turn your "source" ESP into an ESM (master), create your plugin (ESP) and then turn the source back into an ESP. Here's a link to a step by step using Wrye Bash: Plugin: TESCOSI (I used to have a better link to a CS Wiki page but the link is dead since they changed that site). Another alternative (and simpler one) is to use CS Extender instead if the vanilla CS. - Edit - Hmm ... if I'm understanding your reply to Ike then you are trying to edit Basic Primary Needs. Maskar relies a lot on scripts and event handlers in his mods ... may not be as simple as editing a name in CSE. Ask Maskar in the mod comments for BPN .. you'll get your best answer there.
  20. Here you go: HGEC BBB Dark Seducer and Golden Saint Separated Armor Do a search for mod author Nephenee13 on Oblivion Nexus and you may find some robes (or maybe not depending on what you like).
  21. Do you have antialiasing (AA) turned on in either the game video menu or your driver setting for the Intel HD 3000?
  22. Ring of Console isn't a recent mod. I'm wondering whether or not it may have problems with the latest release of OBSE (version 0021). Have you tried equipping the ring using the hotkey method?
  23. When you say you tried "that ring mod ..." do you mean Ring of Console? Did you install Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) first, and if so what version? What version is your game showing in the lower left corner of the opening menu. Are you using a disk version of Oblivion or a download version (e.g. Steam, Direct2Drive or GameStop/Impulse)? Details ... we need details to help any further.
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