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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Note to Self is another option (only requirement is OBSE).
  2. First, unless there is a reason (such as quoting how you have followed the same troubleshooting steps as someone suggested in a prior post), it isn't recommended to necro an old thread like this to post your problem. Always start a new thread and provide as much detail as possible ... things such as links to or at least the full names of mods in question in this case. The exclamation marks are indicating missing meshes, which indicates you've not installed a mod correctly. If you are using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) correctly and getting this problem you likely are missing some required mod (a common requirement is Shivering Isles for instance). Without more info on the mods causing you problems I can't offer much more.
  3. I'd like to back up to the OBSE issue before attacking the mod problem. Prior to installing any mods and OBSE how did you start Oblivion? I've seen the Anthology in stores, and saw that it required Steam, but don't know what the options are for starting the game (in other words via desktop shortcut that points to Oblivion_Launcher.exe or in the same manner as you would start the download Steam version).
  4. If I'm not mistaken the Anthology version of Oblivion is a disk version that requires Steam, correct? Normally the disk version of the game (that only uses a CD key for validation) uses the disk version instructions for installing and starting the game with OBSE. I'm wondering if for the Anthology version of Oblivion you actually need to use the Steam version install and starting method.
  5. Here's yet another option: Merging Mods with TES4Gecko
  6. They've been working through some issues with the newly upgraded site today. If you have created a second account I suggest you message one of the administrators and explain your problem. Having more than one account is a ban offense here, so I wouldn't leave it for too long. If the account you used for this post is the second one, it obviously was successfully created.
  7. Here a guide for getting Oblivion (and Steam) moved out of Program Files: Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install, and also don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
  8. The Steam version of Oblivion will run OBSE just fine. The installation instructions are included in the file obse_readme.txt (and note that the disk version and Steam version are started differently after you've installed OBSE). That error leads me to think is you haven't done step 2 of the Steam instructions (enable Steam Community In-Game).
  9. I've never done it (or even tried) but I recall reading that you can load all ESPs in the Construction Set and use it to merge them. Looking just now in the CS with two of my mods loaded (but none set to active) when you select File > Tools the top option is Combine Loaded Plugins. Not sure what happens after that as I'm not looking to combine my mods.
  10. Are you using a non-English version of Oblivion? The mod description and mod comment's FAQs outline the limitations for non-English versions of the game.
  11. Have a look at Maskars Oblivion Overhaul and NPCs yield - refined. Much (but not all) of what you ask for is provided by those two mods.
  12. Backup, backup, backup! I've no experience with NMM but check to see if there are any instructions for moving it. If you have backups of your saves and mods you'll have a way of getting things back if moving NMM causes problems. Merry Christmas.
  13. In case you already have Steam installed to C:\Program Files (x86) here's a link to bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. There's a link near the top that takes you to instructions on moving your Steam install.
  14. Have a read through this thread (or just the last few posts if you're not into reading).
  15. Did you activate the ESP you created (and this one will need to absolutely last in your load order if you use any other mods)? - Edit - In addition, reading through the mod comments for the mod you linked in your other post I noticed that some who used it were having problems killing everyone because game scripts also take some NPCs an turn them from non-essential to essential at certain points of the game. You would need to edit the scripts for those NPCs or use the console to set their status to non-essential (and accept any game problems resulting from doing that ... i.e. I'd save Martin for last).
  16. Without help from a mod the vanilla NPCs will wear what's assigned them in Oblivion.esm (which is one of the advantages of using a body replacer that includes replacements for the vanilla clothing such as EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion and MaleBodyReplacerV52). Even mod added NPCs will have the clothes/armor assigned to them by the mod author. Companion mods will usually have a menu that allows you to equip the companions with clothing/armor of your choice. There are mods that allow you to access NPCs inventory and change their clothing, but unfortunately I don't use them and don't have a link at the moment. I mostly use vanilla clothing/armor replacers to give the vanilla women different versions of their vanilla stuff (some sexy, some just different). I'll also use the console to change what a particular NPC has in their inventory (if for example I used a replacer for burgundy linen shirt but didn't want some particular NPCs to wear that I'd removeitem b86 1 and then add say a brown shirt with additem 229ad 1). I tend to lean towards complicated ... must be genetic.
  17. Just a guess ... but I'd put my money on the path needs to start at meshes instead of Data\meshes for BAIN to recognize it. In the case of the third person skeleton.nif for Universal Skeleton Nif in the original post that would mean that Data\meshes\characters\_male\skeleton.nif will not be recognized by BAIN but meshes\characters\_male\skeleton.nif will be recognized by BAIN.
  18. There's a part of the problem at least. When a mod maker creates a mod they use the Construction Set (CS) to add things to the game. Those changes to the game are saved as an .ESP file (whether it's new content or creating new items using existing vanilla game assets renamed and reconfigured). An .ESP defines changes from the original game, similar to the idea that save files (.ESS files) are changes your character has made to the original game world (you exited the sewer, then bonked that bandit on the head and killed her at Vilverin, then picked that flower etc.). The mod author defines the exact folder structure that any new content uses (that shiny new shield will use a mesh located in Data\meshes\armor\JoesCoolMod\JoesCoolShield.nif and the texture for it was assigned as Data\Textures\armor\JoesCoolMod\ShinyShield.dds and Data\Textures\armor\JoesCoolMod\ShinyShield_n.dds). Even if the modder was sloppy and decided that the folder paths would be Data\meshes\armor\JoesCoolShield.nif and the texture for it was assigned as Data\Textures\armor\ShinyShield.dds and Data\Textures\armor\ShinyShield_n.dds (just dumping his new mesh and textures into the Data\meshes\armor and Data\Textures\armor folders) there's nothing you can do about it unless you use the CS to assign a new path to the mesh and NifSkope to assign a new path to the textures attached to that particular mesh. If the modder Joe was a sloppy modder and just dumped everything into the armor folders (i.e. Data\meshes\armor\JoesCoolShield.nif and the texture for it was assigned as Data\Textures\armor\ShinyShield.dds and Data\Textures\armor\ShinyShield_n.dds) and then you decided when manually installing to "tidy" things up by installing the JoesCoolShield.nif in Data\meshes\armor\JoesCoolMod\JoesCoolShield.nif and textures in Data\Textures\armor\JoesCoolMod\ShinyShield.dds and Data\Textures\armor\JoesCoolMod\ShinyShield_n.dds you will break the mod. When the game looks for the shield mesh in Data\meshes\armor\ it won't be found (hence the missing mesh indicator) and the texture anomalies (purple, black or invisible) when it can find a mesh but the textures are wrong/missing (needs texture and normal map, and possibly glow maps etc if assigned). Bottom line for manually installing or extracting and then creating an OMOD ... download to a folder you create especially for each mod, extract to that folder (default action with 7-Zip), examine folder structure vs your game's current folder structure looking for possible folder overwrites, copy and paste in a manner than maintains the correct folder structure and then activate the ESP (except of course in the case of pure replacers mods that have no ESP).
  19. Work on a copy of your Data folder ... not the one in Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion. - Edit - Did you ever get the hair issue sorted out?
  20. All I've ever used OBMM for is installing a couple of mods that came prepackaged as OMOD downloads. It was just a matter of copying the downloaded OMOD file to the mods folder in the game's Oblivion\obmm folder (full path on my machine is Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm\mods\whateverthemodsnameis.omod). Start up OBMM and the mod whateverthemodsnameis will appear in the right hand pane. Single click on it and hit the Activate button. If the mod includes an installation script it walks you through the install options. If the obmm\mods folder isn't there you just create it yourself (I used the manual install version of OBMM and all it has after you extract the download is an obmm\UI folder, no mods folder ... perhaps the self installer version is different). As far as I understand for mods that don't come as an OMOD you have a couple of options. Read through the help topics in OBMM after you install it (which would be better than me guessing). Hopefully Drake's advice helped straighten out the where the GotY edition is installed for you ... my advice of looking at the path shown on the shortcut you use to start it still stands though. I use that trick whenever I'm working on an unfamiliar machine and want to know where a program is installed.
  21. Thanks Drake ... twice you've had my back the last couple of days (not sure why I never think of asking about game version ... your turf I guess).
  22. I'm not suggesting that it's not worth downloading ... it's just that to get the mod working you'll need some experience. Reading through mod comments and problems posted here is how I've learned everything I know. I haven't independently discovered one trick or secret to getting the game running better. All I've done is read what others have found and learned from it. When I started out I'd read mod comments and go "Whoa ... I'm not trying this" when I saw a bunch of problems reported by other users. As I learned more I'd see problems reported with a mod and go "I know to to fix that" or "I understand how the mod author's solution works" and go ahead with the mod. As time goes by I learn more and that opens up wider possibilities. That hasn't taken hours or days ... or even weeks. That's months turning into years. Download this mod and put it away for another day. Lots of people are using it without problems. When you can read through the mod comments and understand how their solutions worked you can apply the same to your own game.
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