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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If you got the sleeves to show up you probably have UAC disabled or something similar (or perhaps the Steam version gets along better with UAC than the disk version of the game). I'd work through all other solutions to try and get it working before re-installing. I was just throwing that out as another possibility for why you couldn't get it to show. As an aside, I was under the impression that later updates of the Steam version corrected the new date stamp problem ... perhaps I was mislead.
  2. No mention of that in the mod comments (the few that there are). Make sure you have the textures in the right location (see my previous post).
  3. In OBMM click the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation. Select BSA Redirection and leave all other options at their default. Close OBMM so that it saves the changes (it doesn't have a 'Save' function and only does so when you close it). Personally I would uninstall Archive invalidation invalidated. BSA Redirection is the most reliable method of archive invalidation. Reading the description for Archive invalidation invalidated leads me to think it uses the same method as BSA Redirection, but I could be wrong. It hasn't been updated since the summer of 2007. OBMM is also showing it's age as a mod installer, but it's implementation of BSA Redirection works (it's what I use). Wrye Bash also uses BSA Redirection (and is far more useful as an installer). I'm a manual installer myself. Looking at the extracted zip I see it's a typical early replacer mod packaged starting at meshes and textures. You just right click on the extracted meshes folder and select copy from the right click menu and then navigate to your Oblivion install Data folder and right click on Data and select paste from the right click menu. You'll get a prompt about there already being a folder named meshes ... just select Yes to all. Go back to the extracted zip and do the same with the textures folder. I find it most convenient to work with two Windows Explorer windows open at the same time, one open to the extracted download and the other open to my game's folders. If you look in your game folders right now you may find you already have the extracted folders in the correct locations (Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\saviorshide\f\cuirass.nif, Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\saviorshide\m\cuirass.nif and Oblivion\Data\Textures\clothes\sezealot\zealot robes.dds & Oblivion\Data\Textures\clothes\sezealot\zealot robes_n.dds). In that case the other possibility is you have installed the game in the default location C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) and you are running either Vista or Windows 7. In that case you'll need to uninstall the game and re-install in something like C:\Games. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location, and also don't skip the registry cleaning step ... it's important.
  4. Hmm ... that gets me thinking about the troubleshooting from a different angle. If you disable a mod (or group of mods), make a clean save and then move the esp(s) out of your Oblivion\Data folder when you load your clean save the disabled/moved mods can't have any affect on your game. If your game still crashes at 2:40 on Monday you can put the esp(s) back and re-enable them. Rinse and repeat until you don't crash (whittling down the group if you use that method). May be a bit simpler than scouring your mods one at a time in the CS looking through scripts.
  5. What type of archive invalidation do you use? The recommended method these days is BSA Redirection, most easily done using Oblivion Mod Manager (though I have seen a report that Nexus Mod Manager also takes care of it ... I don't use NMM so I can't say for certain).
  6. Thanks for posting that link NomDeKeyez. We need to get solarmystic hooked on Oblivion and frequenting these forums!!
  7. I wonder whether the error may be triggered by an installation cleanup routine that is not 64 bit compatible. Admittedly my knowledge of 64 bit operating systems is limited, but if like you say the installation of disk two seemed to complete successfully then I would tend to follow suggestion two and proceed as if all went well. If something turns up that leads you to believe otherwise after running Oblivion uninstall and run a 64 bit compatible registry cleaner.
  8. Be aware that just uninstalling all your mods and then re-installing them one at a time may still not help. The reason I say this is because I suspect you have a mod that has a script that triggers an event at 2:40 on Monday once the script is started. If that script isn't triggered until some other conditions are completed (say you need to complete the third quest to stage 60) you won't be able to duplicate the crash conditions without playing each mod out to completion. Even then the problem mod may not trigger the problem again if whatever other mod(s) are playing their part in the problem aren't also at the stage where they cause the problem. You aren't facing a simple troubleshooting exercise. I'd look through the list of mods with an eye to which ones may have a script that is activated at that certain time. Load each mod you suspect in the CS and look for a script with a timer set to trigger on Monday at 2:40 (AI packages are all on the even hour, so I don't think they'd be at the root of the problem). I don't envy you the task.
  9. I could be wrong but I don't think it's possible to change an existing NPC into a vampire. The player character becomes a vampire via a scripted disease. NPC vampires are spawned from leveled lists for those you encounter in caves and ruins (see the UESP Wiki page Vampire for more information) or are unique named NPCs such as Vincente Valtieri. I'm not at my gaming computer so I can't look up Vincente in the CS to see how his vampirism is implemented (the UESP Wiki page I linked doesn't give any details on how his vampirism is achieved ... only mentions his unique garlic weakness script). You could create some clones of the leveled list vampires, but the problem with clones of leveled list NPCs is that they disappear when their original cell resets. If you made a clone of one of the named NPC vampires you could have problems with their related quests. The console command 'createfullactorcopy' while the desired NPC's referenceID is displayed at the top of the screen will make the clone. If you want them to be non-hostile you'll need to 'moddisposition 14 100', again while their refID is displayed at the top of the screen and assuming your game's player character also has the refID 00000014 same as my game (leading zeros in refIDs aren't significant). The other thing about clones is they have no AI packages, so they'll just stand there. You can temporarily give them packages using the 'addscriptpackage <AI package ID>' console command but you'll need the CS to find the AI package ID. - Edit - Memory could be faulty here but I think a basic wander interior package is 'aa359', so if you created the clone in an interior the console command with the clones refID shown at the top of the screen would be 'addscriptpackage aa359' (without the quote marks of course).
  10. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki page on Vampirism (Bugs section, emphasis added):
  11. In that case all I can suggest is that you are downloading the correct language version patch for the correct version of the game (with Shivering Isles installed or without Shivering Isles installed). If you are installing on a PC that has never had Oblivion installed on it before you shouldn't be having problems with old registry entries causing difficulty. When you first install the game and go as far as the main menu what version number appears in the lower left (before you try to install any patches)?
  12. Often sound problems can cause grief. Check in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for the file Oblivion.ini (if the .ini part doesn't show you may need to turn off 'Hide extensions for known file types' in 'Tools' 'Folder Options' 'View' in Windows Explorer). You may or may not find an Oblivion.ini as it generates one specific for your hardware when the game is first run (so if you're unlucky the game may be crashing before generating your Oblivion.ini). If you can find Oblivion.ini open it in Notepad and use 'Find' off the 'View' menu to search for 'bMusicEnabled' (without the quote marks). By default it will be 'bMusicEnabled=1' ... change it to 'bMusicEnabled=0' (change the one to a zero). Do the same with 'bSoundEnabled=1' (change the one to a zero). What this will do is start the game without sound for troubleshooting purposes. If the game now starts then try enabling first the sound (change 'bSoundEnabled=0' back to 'bSoundEnabled=1') and see if the game runs and then the music. If you can get it to run with sound enabled but not the music you may have a 'codec pak' installed that doesn't agree with the game. They can often be added without your knowledge when you install software (the obvious ones are music players etc.). You can also check in your sound system's properties page for any effects (Concert Hall, Auditorium etc.) and turn off all effects.
  13. The official patches for Oblivion are very specific for the version of the game that is currently installed. There are different patches for just the original Oblivion vs. Oblivion plus Shivering Isles (as well as different language versions). The very latest disk version (Game of the Year) came with SI included, and will patch the game to version 1.2.0416 when fully installed. Check your current version by looking in the lower left of the menu screen. If it says 1.2.0416 you are at the latest version.
  14. I believe that Wrye Bash should detect OBSE and launch the game using obse_Loader.exe without any intervention on your part.
  15. The way that NPCs gauge whether the player or another NPC is clothed or naked is by the gold value of the clothing/armor/jewelry worn. Buck naked except for an expensive ring (or one worth 1 gold for that matter) and you're considered clothed. That's why some companions (e.g. Companion Vilja) will consider the player nude when wearing some mod added clothes/armor. When mod authors don't give a gold value to their stuff (not an uncommon practice) there is no way for the companion to tell if you're naked. Put on a ring or amulet worth 1 gold and you're considered clothed. Looking at kuertee's mod linked above I don't see anything in the mod description that leads me to believe the gold value situation is changed. In fact it appears value of clothing takes on more meaning than vanilla, so the 1 gold ring trick would just make you 'almost' naked. I use a few of kuertee's other mods ... they're well thought out and work well.
  16. If you have a house that has things in the way but is ideal otherwise what about using the console to disable furniture etc. that is in your way?
  17. The way I learned to make my NPCs 'have a life' was by looking at existing vanilla game NPCs and the AI packages and conditions they use. Travel packages to other cities are the trickiest as you need to make sure they have time to complete the journey at the typical slow walking speed NPCs use and use care with switches like 'Must complete' etc. that may put them into endless travel loops (there are plenty of them in the vanilla game ... e.g Countess Alessia Caro). A couple of NPCs with good travel packages to go along with varied AI packages are Samuel Bantien and Rochelle Bantien. Another example of a complex AI schedule is Methredhel. See the Notes and Bugs sections on the Countess and Methredhel for an idea of some of the 'gotchas'. I use a mix of vanilla markers and markers I've added for wander packages, but like to throw in the occasional 'Current position' wander packages to give a bit of unpredictability to where you'll find them. Something else to consider if you have an NPC wandering about between cities and entering forts etc. is how long do you want him to live. If your guy is in the same cell as the player (and maybe even an adjacent cell) he'll get jumped by bandits and wild life. Unless you make him either extremely powerful or essential it will only be a matter of time and chance before he's dead. If he's essential the player will get spammed by the 'So and so is unconscious' message when in a nearby cell and your NPC is being ravaged. I believe the vanilla CS updated to the latest version is broken for making voices and LIP files. There's a complicated method that uses version 1.0 of the CS to generate LIP files or you can use CS Extender (if I'm not mistaken). Have a look at the CS Wiki Dialogue and the links that page leads to (e.g. How to set up a scripted conversation between two or more NPCs). Here's a link to a bit of info on the Lip Synch problem.
  18. Load door positions are saved in the save file. Start a new character and you'll see your door in it's new spot. If you absolutely need it in the new spot with your old character then you'll need to create a new door in the new spot and then in-game use the console to disable the old door (best to be in a different cell while you're doing your work in the CS ... Bloated Float in the Waterfront District would be a good spot to be when you save).
  19. You will not find a better source of support for Claudia s little secret than the mod comments for the mod. Grumpf_be and DragonAviator will be able to give you far better answers than anyone else.
  20. On the 502/500/504 issue look here and here for a bit of background.
  21. One option to try, but it's from an old post on the subject.
  22. Your 'boobs to infinity' don't look like a skeleton caused issue to me (those are usually more cone shaped, stretched to infinity). The other clue is the missing chest area. Looking at the mod's files I see the various textures are all named with a preceding underscore (e.g. nft01_r.dds, nft01_p.dds). Do you have this same issue if you give Vilja one of the other colours to wear?
  23. There was a thread recently (within the last 3 or 4 months) on this same problem. Can't remember if a solution was found or who the poster was. If anything bubbles to the surface in my brain I'll update. - Edit - I'm not sure if the topic of the thread was the shadow flickering or it was a thread on another problem that 'migrated' onto the shadow thing (could make it harder to find).
  24. I'm also getting the same situation with read posts reverting back to unread, but it's rather haphazard. I use Chrome, I'm not blocking any cookies (I show 2 cookies from tes.nexusmods.com, skyrim.nexusmods.com, oblivion.nexusmods.com, newvegas.nexmods.com and morrowind.nexusmods.com and 13 cookies from nexusmods.com). Some threads I read yesterday are still marked as read and some aren't. I can't be certain but it almost looks like any threads I read in the last time I logged in yesterday are still marked as read but ones I read in earlier sessions are not (similar to Thandal's report).
  25. Check your version number at the menu screen. If it says 1.2.0416 then you are fully patched.
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