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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Some companions (e.g. Companion Vilja) are coded to work when closing gates with this important caveat ... make certain they are right with you when taking the sigil stone and not in combat at all. At little utility that you may find useful is Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM. It may be just what you need for your CLS problem (far an away simpler than multiple partitions). - Edit - Don't worry about 'spamming', at least not in your own thread. It's incredibly difficult to troubleshoot the problems that just say "My game won't start" (and that's all the info they provide until you drag the details out of them). You gave enough info for me to make some assumptions and give some suggestions. That you've successfully integrated NMM and manual install tells me you'll do fine.
  2. Start the Construction Set and click on 'Help' then 'About'. The version number is at the top of the window that opens.
  3. When you say you've tried turning those horse mods off do you mean just deactivating them or completely uninstalling them?
  4. Claudia's Little Secret is very picky about how it is installed. Read through the mod comments and you'll see what I mean. It's more akin to a total conversion like Nehrim than a mod meant to be run along side other mods. Companion Vilja is just two files to be copied to your game's Data folder (1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja.bsa). It only gets slightly more complicated than that when you want any of the custom hairs etc. I'm getting the impression that you've been installing all these mods using Nexus Mod Manager. If that's the case I'm greatly impressed you've made it this far. NMM is a recent addition to the installers field, and many if not most Oblivion mods weren't packaged with NMM installation in mind. My recommendation is read the mod description and follow the install instructions given there. If you install one mod at a time (or small groups of related or required mods where appropriate) and thoroughly test between installs it's a trivial matter to troubleshoot. Often reading through a mod's comments you'll find where you've gone wrong (and by reading mod comments before installing you can get an idea of the pitfalls to avoid ... and what mods to avoid). Have a look at Maskar's Hotkey Pro. With a supply of restore and fortify magicka potions hotkeyed you can help yourself through the heat of battle (and don't ignore fortify intelligence and willpower either). Once my character progresses to the point where I'm closing Oblivion gates I always make sure I have kuertee's Magicka-based enchantment limits installed. With it you can create your own multiple enchantment jewelry and armor/clothes (even better when you start out with a vanilla multiple enchantment item like the Sorcerer's Ring or Ring of Wizardry found in random loot). Sigil Stone Selector compliments kuertee's mod by giving you the ability to chose which sigil stone you get when closing gates.
  5. No a defrag may help without needing to re-install the game (it won't hurt anything to try it ... if fragmentation is not the problem you'll be no worse off). My point was that if you don't defrag before installing something it will be fragmented ... even a brand new drive with only Windows installed will have fragmentation. Windows deletes temporary files during it's install of the operating system, so after the OS install is complete a lot of fragmentation is left behind. Also take note of those tweaks I linked, in particular ones like uExterior Cell Buffer and uGridsToLoad. Read through that entire section of the Tweak Guide, as many of the suggested tweaks rely on how much RAM your machine has.
  6. I use Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer. It doesn't completely eliminate the problem but does reduce it when used with the optional textures.
  7. The problem you've described sounds like a hardware issue to me. Providing your machine has sufficient RAM and your video card is fairly recent the next most likely cause for stuttering is fragmentation on your hard drive. Unless you defrag before you install something to your hard drive, the installer will use whatever available space it can find, regardless of whether or not that space is contiguous on your hard drive. After re-reading your OP two other things come to mind. Though you don't describe any of the 'classic' symptoms, I wonder if this is a save with a large number of hours on it. If so you may be affected by the 'A-Bomb' problem. Wrye Bash has a utility to solve the problem or you could use Animation Fixer. The other thing is the use of quicksave. Quicksave is a known corrupter of save files. You would be better off using either the save from the Esc menu or the save command from the console.
  8. Hard drives are the second slowest part of a machine (right after DVD/CD drives). Make sure your game hard drive is defragmented. You could also have a look through the suggested tweaks in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (specifically the ones mentioned in the Memory, Loading & Multithreading Variables part of the Advanced Tweaking section).
  9. What happens when you use the first person skeleton from BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton?
  10. The only skeleton followers that come to mind for me are the ones added by CM Partners Basic. You need to be in sneak mode to access their options menu.
  11. Using Oblivion Nexus Advanced Search page put 'Nephenee13' (without the quote marks) in the Uploader field. You will find plenty of DMRA conversions.
  12. For Hickory to make use of your load order for troubleshooting purposes it needs to be presented in the manner he asked for ... The reason why his method will allow troubleshooting while your's will not is that report will include all of the Wyre Bash specific indicators showing what mods have been merged etc. Your method shows none of those details. Now if you preferred to interpret your WB load order report and present a detailed description of that report someone may be willing to wade through it and see what's wrong ... I'm positive that person won't be Hickory (he may no longer even look at this thread after the latest) and I can tell you, while I may be good at explaining why you need the WB report published the way Hickory asked for it I am hopeless when it comes to interpreting load order problems ... Hickory is the man in that department. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  13. C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) is 'classified' as a bad place to install the game (aka the UAC zone).
  14. The pinned topic Oblivion Mod Detectives may be a better place to ask.
  15. Thanks Hickory. I hadn't thought of the SI greetings glitch. Having read through the most recent half dozen comments pages I'd retract the possibility of this being a poorly made mod ... just the opposite in fact. If Hickory isn't bang on the money (and that's where my money is riding right now) I'd look at your installation of this mod. Doesn't appear the mod author has been active in the comments since mid March of last year.
  16. I get zero results searching for that mod on Oblivion Nexus, so all I can give is general advice. Number one reason for mods not working is improper installation/missing required mods. Read the install instructions in the mod description and make sure you've followed them and met all of the requirements. Sometimes mods are just not well made. Read the mod comments and you'll get an idea of the type of problem others have had with the mod (mod comments is where I get my opinion that most mods problems are improper installation ... though poor installation instructions ranks up there too). If you can give a link to the mod I may be able to offer help (no promises).
  17. Confirm that you have the files obse_loader.exe, obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll in your game's Oblivion folder and that your game is patched up to version 1.2.0416 (visible in the lower left of the game menu screen). You also need to start the game using obse_loader.exe. The simplest way to do this is edit your game desktop shortcut.
  18. Have you looked at Magicka-based enchantment limits?
  19. What version of the game do you have (disk, Steam or GameStop/Impulse)?
  20. Go and buy another colour horse (you are allowed to own one of each colour). This will be your test horse. Now buy armor for it and open the console and get it's referenceID. Find that colour horse in the Complete List of Horses. Take note of the first two digits of the armored horse's refID ... you'll need that for your white armored horse) and also which of the two numbers in parentheses corresponds to the horse you just armored (e.g. for armored white horses (xx002117/xx000CEA) is shown ... one of those is probably the baseID and one the refID). Now that you know the complete refID for the armored white horse you lost (first two digits from the test horse you armored and whichever of the two numbers in parentheses corresponded to to the test you made, first or second). Open the console and enter 'prid <refID>' (substituting the refID you found, no quote marks or brackets). Then enter 'moveto player'. If it's alive it should show up near you. - Edit - Thinking on it a bit further the two IDs in parentheses are likely eleven armor refID and steel armor refID.
  21. If your armored white horse that is lost is your only horse (and thus your last horse ridden) just fast travel to a city. Your last horse ridden should be teleported to the stables. If your last ridden was other than your lost armored white horse you could console kill all your other horses and then fast travel to a city (this trick won't work for Shadowmere if she's armored).
  22. Are you trying to install Shivering Isles as well?
  23. I thought the Game of the Year version was already patched up to version 1.2.0416 (the latest version) after you installed SI (second disk).
  24. You may be suffering from the Permanent Effects from Quest Items glitch.
  25. I don't see any mention of the UOP requiring OBSE on the download page. If uninstalling and then re-installing to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion is an option you're considering (recommended if possible) here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. - Edit - Some more info on your system might help (i.e. desktop or laptop, CPU and video card).
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