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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Here's a link to bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you are using the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install. Also don't skip the registry cleaning ... it's important. Here's an excerpt from the procedure: Good to see you back in Oblivion Hickory :thumbsup:
  2. If you read the Windows dialogue carefully you'll see that it specifies that a folder already exists with that name (be it Data, meshes or textures depending on how you are doing your manual install). There will always be a folder named Data in your Oblivion directory, so you will always get the OK to overwrite dialogue (actually if you don't it indicates that you are trying to install to the wrong directory). I never extract directly to my Oblivion install (even though many many mods recommend that). When I download I download to a named folder (i.e. if I download Joes Cool Sword mod it will be downloaded to H:\OblivionDownloads\JoesCoolSword). I extract to that same folder. That way I can examine the mods files and folder structure and compare that to my Oblivion install. Lots of old armor/clothing mods came with a new (at the time) BBBed skeleton for example. The last thing I want is some old version of the BBB skeleton overwriting my latest and greatest version. Extracting to another folder first also gives me the chance to do things like apply the mesh updates needed for BBBed versions of non-BBBed armor/clothing before I install. That way i can verify that I have made the correct changes before committing to my game.
  3. If I remember correctly I had the same problem after installing TACMTifaLockhart.
  4. If you've edited default_Oblivion.ini you now have no way to get back to true default settings when you recreate your Oblivion.ini (which is what happens when you rename/delete your old non-working Oblivion.ini and then start the game ... it creates a new Oblivion.ini based on the file default_Oblivion.ini plus your detected hardware). Hope you saved a backup.
  5. Make sure you are editing Oblivion.ini and not default_Oblivion.ini (which is found in your game's Oblivion folder). Oblivion.ini will be found in 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Vista and Win 7 and in 'Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion' for Win XP.
  6. Have a look at the Bugs section of the Mystic Emporium UESP Wiki page for info on your Mystic Emporium problem.
  7. The only time I had any luck getting NPCs to sit and drink (as opposed to their favoured stand and drink) I had a specific chair assigned for the NPC to sit in and then drink (not at my gaming computer so I can't give you the exact specifics). For your purposes this wouldn't help unless your script searched for all available chairs in the NPC's current cell and assigned one of those chairs to the NPC for the drink package (making sure the assigned chair was a persistent reference). WarRatsG will be of much more help than any primitive method I could suggest.
  8. I understand. Your situation is completely different than in my own simple mods. Perhaps one of the scripting experts will chime in with some ideas on your problem.
  9. I haven't tried accomplishing what you are trying to do using scripts myself. When using AI packages the NPCs won't use a bed or chair unless it is marked as persistent. For drinking I have used a marker to get them to the spot I want them drinking (either a marker I've added or a vanilla marker) and then a 'Use Item' package with a pewter mug as the target. Using this method I have 'my girls' getting together in various inns for happy hour or 'Friday night and lets get seriously drunk'. Depending on how it fits into your overall mod perhaps using AI packages may be a simpler solution.
  10. May be a problem caused by non-persistent chairs. Check the particular chair you're play testing in the CS and see if the 'persistent' flag is set. You could also test your script in an area that has some persistent chairs and see if the problem is still there (which would prove or disprove my theory).
  11. You are suffering from the A-Bomb animation bug. You can fix it with Wrye Bash or Oblivion Animation Fixer. In either case you will need to periodically re-run the fix (I usually start to notice slight anomalies with the Legion patrol and courier torches just before the bit reaches 49 ... I use OAF, WB uses a percentage in it's status report).
  12. Take a look at Thandal's response to a similar question just above.
  13. All I can think of to try is load a save from before you advanced the quest using console commands and go to a place away from Anvil for more than 72 hours (or use the 'coc center' and then wait 72 hours plus a bit trick). That may allow whatever is balled up in the game scripts a chance to sort itself out.
  14. See the notes section below the Journal section on the UESP Wiki page for A Rat Problem for the correct command to set your quest stage.
  15. Don't use the Download with Manager link to download Oblivion Mod Manager, either click on the words/link 'obmm 1_1_12 full installer' or where it says 'download manually'. Download it to either your desktop of create a folder that you'll be able to find with Windows Explorer and save it there. The download will be a zip file that will open with Windows 7/Vista natively or with WinZip/WinRAR/7-Zip. Run the extracted file 'obmm_setup.exe' with administrative level privileges (most easily done by temporarily changing your user account to an administrator account if it isn't already an administrator account).
  16. Have a look at EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion, a HGEC body replacer and stock clothing/armor replacer.
  17. Here's a quote from the UESP Wiki on Daenlin: Could what you're seeing be the 'fixed' version of his AI packages?
  18. Ah but every day's a day off for us ... just another day in Paradise for you then ... good stuff.
  19. Hope you managed to 'get along' with Vicente alright.
  20. From the mod description: Either look on the screenshots tab or look here (and that's the Arena District in the Imperial City if you don't recognize it).
  21. There will likely be some registry entries still pointing to the old location. You may be able to achieve what you want through the bash_default.txt edits and registry editing but understand this first ... registry editing can also cause a lot of problems for your entire Windows operating system. If you do try it backup your registry first and thoroughly document everything you do on paper to help you undo things if it turns out bad. Something else to consider is uninstalling the game and related utilities and re-installing on your G drive if it has room for everything. Here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install if you use the Steam version of the game and also don't skip the registry cleaning step, it's important (and especially in your case where the old registry entries will cause problems for the new install ... I know, ironic in light of my caveats about registry editing).
  22. I believe WB gives a percent rating on your 'progress' towards the A-Bomb as well (were OAF just gives you the byte values). Glad you got it sorted and thanks for the report back.
  23. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if anything mentioned there helps (registry cleaning perhaps).
  24. While I was looking to confirm a different solution for your problem I ran across this post on Emma's site that may help. I'll keep looking for my sources on the other idea and post if I find them. - Edit - Here's a link to the other post I was thinking of. - Edit 2 - And this post by Emma that preceded the other that I linked above.
  25. The Impulse/Gamestop version of Oblivion cannot use OBSE due to copywrite issues. Here's a quote from the OBSE site front page:
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