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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Reading through the most recent page of mod comments on Enhanced Music Control I noticed a post by Surazal (made in reply to a post by PrincessBridget) that seems relevant to your situation (he reported finding a solution to his crash problem, she has a stuttering issue). Have you looked back through the mod comments for ideas?
  2. See my comments on the HGECsized - UFF Boots thread.
  3. The slowest part of your system (after the DVD or Bluray drive) is your hard drive. Are you seeing activity on your HDD light when this happens?
  4. On the subject of flails, have a look at what RGMage2 and fore came up with in RGMs Real Flails and Chain Maces and NoMaaM Flail Animations.
  5. Wish I could be of more help. Those links are from my 'future projects' bank ... before any of my mods need dialogue their creator needs to learn to write game scripts (and you can probably tell he's real eager to get into that).
  6. Glad you got it sorted, but I don't know I was of much help there.
  7. If you have already seen the CS Wiki tutorials Audio Settings For Dialogue Video Tutorial and Dialogue Tutorial and they haven't helped perhaps this Emma's Elder Scrolls Forum thread will be of some help. I can't say for certain that the CS is as picky about sharing computer resources as the game, but I generally shut down as many background processes as possible while working in the CS.
  8. One of the side effects of the mod NPCs Yield by kuertee is that animals respond to your character based on a relationship between your health and their derived stats (kuertee would need to explain how it works). What happens is that as you level more and more creatures run when they see you rather than attack (nothing will ever make the sight of a mud crab trying to scuttle away get old). Those that will still attack break off their attack once you damage them to the point that triggers their flee behavior. It's a tiny mod (size wise), is simple to install and completely configurable via a well documented ini file (and included readme) ... give it a try.
  9. No BSA Redirection once done will work with all your mods, no matter how you install them (I personally have a couple of OMODs and the rest manually installed). What you need to do now is undo the changes that ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated has made, which will likely entail re-installing some mods after you've removed all traces of ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated (including I believe the file ArchiveInvalidated.txt which will be in the same folder as your Oblivion.ini). The other thing about BSA Redirection is it's a do it once and forget about it solution ... no updating or anything required after doing it once. As to why your old character is one way and new ones not the same, it could be that your old character's appearance is part of your save game, where new ones are being affected by the current state of disorder in your archive invalidation.
  10. Today's recommended method of archive invalidation is BSA Redirection. The simplest way to get it is through Oblivion Mod Manager (the Utilities button, then Archive Invalidation and then select BSA Redirection ... leave all other options alone). I think you are running into one of the reasons that ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated has become outdated.
  11. You're likely not getting many Google hits because you're in a unique situation. Before my SLI rig died I ran OBSE and AA forced through the NVIDIA control panel without a hitch (unfortunately the spare card I had laying around doesn't have the oomph to run AA and Oblivion). You mention Deadly Reflex, is that the only mod you have loaded (plus all the usual ... is your graphics driver up to date, is the game updated to 1.2.0416, are you running OBSE version 20, are you on the Steam version of the game or disk ...)? - Edit - I didn't bookmark the page that Lanceor's Google had at the top originally (apparently your topic has gained popularity), but I found this page that was linked in that post bookmark worthy: OBGS and Anti-Aliasing
  12. Lanceor ... love it ... you've just GOT to teach me how to do that one ... err, on second thought maybe that's not such a good idea (I'm afraid all my posts would start to look like that).
  13. Quite possible that when you 'uninstalled some mods' something that the Corean stuff depended on was removed ... just a matter of figuring out what.
  14. I'm certainly no expert, but looking at the Corean mod description it seems there are two options ... one for the Corean head and one for vanilla head: Are you using the right one?
  15. Are you looking for Pretty Woman - Animation Replacer (as seen in )?
  16. I'm no Streamline expert (don't even have it downloaded in fact), but that looks like it's way of 'optimizing' to preserve your frames per second (use fog to put stuff into the 'if you can't see it the machine won't need to render it' category). On machines marginally able to play the game back when it was released that was a viable option (as opposed to spending lots of bucks for hardware upgrades). I think we've progressed a little ways past that today. Read up in the Streamline documentation and turn off all but Streamsaves (at least that's the advice I see from other Streamline users). The other downside to where you are now is Streamline has made a whole bunch of changes to your Oblivion.ini. Either restore your ini from the backup you made before installing Streamline (you did make a backup ... right?) or you'll need to delete Oblivion.ini (NOT Oblivion_default.ini) and then restart the game. It will build you a new Oblivion.ini with default settings, which you'll need to tweak again (if you tweaked your original, pre-Streamline Oblivion.ini).
  17. Have a look at the bottom section on this UESP Wiki page.
  18. First off, some details of your machine specs would help. Crashing when exiting the sewers is usually a sign of hardware not being able to handle the full game (when you are in the tutorial dungeon your machine isn't stressed as much). The most important info is your CPU, graphics and sound details, as well as your operating system, where you installed the game and whether or not you are using the Steam or disk version (and if disk version whether or not you've installed the Shivering Isles expansion and whether or not you've patched the game to the latest version 1.2.0416).
  19. I am probably aided in that by a rather modest mod list ... no big overhauls is likely the 'biggest contributor'. - Edit - To offer a contrast, my new guy (about 400 hours, with mostly the same mod list) is at 2,555 kb on his latest save.
  20. You're welcome. We aim to please ... err, or is that what we do when standing in the bathroom?? I hope you remember Talonvore's contribution ... he did all of the heavy lifting.
  21. That might be not that bad of an idea. My old guy's last save, with well over 1300 hours on it is 5,537 kb. I find that saving, opening the save menu etc. gets slower when I have a lot of saves in my saves folder as well. Periodically I move most out of the saves from that folder into another folder (actually on a different drive on my machine). If you do give the WB de-bloat a try, I'd make a backup copy of that save that you can use to restore things if they, well you know, go a-Wrye (sorry it's late ... I think I've had a full day 'here at work'). - Edit - Ninjaed by Eric
  22. No problem ... I don't often come up with an elegant solution, but back when I worked I found you could 'convince' most problems to go away if you beat on them with a pipe wrench long enough. Something you should know about using things outside of Oblivion.esm (especially some of Bethesda's DLCs) is that often you'll get results like that due to something called 'mod de-isolation'.
  23. I would think that if the storage chests aren't set to respawn they would be OK. You could always use the trick I use for identifying safe storage chests in the wilderness .. put three cheap but not commonly found in leveled list items in the chest (I use three iron arrows). Come back after at least three game days have passed (while you avoid entering that cell). If your arrows are there you're golden. You could have a look at how Bethesda set up Shady Sam outside of the IC. Looks to me like the only AI package they gave him is a travel package that takes him back to his editor location, and he's set up as a MerchTrader. His AI - Object Name dialogue shows 400 gold, with Potions and Miscellaneous ticked. Don't see anything special about the cell he's in (ICElvenGardensEntrance01 5,17), just him and his vendor's chest (buried under the ground at his feet, Sam's marked as the owner). Can't get much more bare bones that Sam's setup I'd say.
  24. Generally speaking Oblivion doesn't multi-task well. It's particularly not fond of Alt-Tabbing (which I'm sure you're aware of, as you're running windowed mode). There have been a number of 'fixes' released here, but I've no experience with any so I can't offer any suggestions. There was one recently that I can't seem to recall the name of that I believe used windowed mode but made it appear and act as if it was full screen (well if I was getting it right from reading the mod description anyway). If I run across it I'll link it. - Edit - Here it is: Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed - Alt Tab Fix. Looks like the mod author has moved on to other things, and like I've said, I have no experience with it at all ... have a read through the mod comments and see what you think.
  25. Another option to look at is any of Emma's recent (or recently edited) houses (e.g. Aleswell Cottage, Longbridge Cottage or Maple Cottage).
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