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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I think the reason you're hitting this bottleneck is hardware limitation. What I find confusing is that you say nothing has changed but previously you could get higher frame rates. If nothing has changed you should get the same frame rate as before ... something has changed. When you say your video card always worked at 4x is this because you've checked that before, when it was giving you higher frame rates, or is that based on you don't think anything changed that? I have had machines that the previous day worked fine suddenly refuse to boot (i.e. no POST, no HD access activity ... nada). Once it was a BIOS chip that thermal cycling had pushed partway out of it's socket and the other time it was the AGP card that had crept partway out of it's slot. In both cases reseating solved the problem. As far as my research can tell that video card should work at AGP 8x (providing your motherboard supports AGP 8x, which as far as I know all motherboards that will support P4 should do). If it was working at AGP 8x back when you had good frame rates and now is only working at 4x it would go a long way to explaining your problem. I've no experience with it, but perhaps something like Landscape LOD generator tes4ll-v2 could be used to help your distant land. I don't have a bleeding edge machine either. I'm on a Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM and now a single Geforce 8800 GTS 640 MB card (used to have two SLIed but one died). I've learned to be happy playing the game without all the fancy 'improvements'. A lot of those 'improvements' aren't meant to be playable for most regular people with regular machines anyways. Screenshotters use them to set up screen shots, and don't care if they get 3 FPS while doing so (just my opinion ... no hate mail please). I would get a completely vanilla game stable and working at acceptable frame rates before I added a single 'improvement'. If you can't get vanilla Oblivion working at acceptable frame rates you stand zero chance of modded Oblivion working better. Get the game installed, patched to version 1.2.0416 and install OBSE. Go through the tutorial dungeon and make a save just before exiting (so that you don't need to redo the tutorial if you don't want to). Then exit the sewers and make your way to the IC. The game doesn't actually stress your hardware until you exit the sewers. Another thing is don't use an old save at this point. Get this install working properly first.
  2. You're preaching to the converted there. I'm an old WinXP dinosaur myself. I have three uninstalled copies of WinXP Pro (plus a shelf full of old unused XP machines that I could recycle). I'll make the change to Windows 10 (or whatever they're up to by then) when they drop security update support for XP. Any idea of what dropped your AGP speed down? Did you get it back up to 8x?
  3. I've tried using the CS for that Nephenee and couldn't find a way (armor shows it's armor rating but there wasn't a way to change that to clothing that I could find, that's why I figured NifSkope and a material property change).
  4. If you enchant clothing with elemental shield sigil stones you can easily max your armor rating at the same time as giving you elemental (i.e. fire, frost or shock) shield. The other added benefit is because it's clothing it isn't damaged. As Nephenee13 has suggested if you want the look of armor but the benefits of enchanted clothing you'll need to change some armor into clothing and then enchant it. Nephenee probably has more knowledge on this than I do, but I think it's a simple change in NifSkope.
  5. From the UESP Wiki for the Vampire Cure quest Bugs section:
  6. I recall reading in the Deadly Reflex thread about needing to see special trainers to get some of the special moves. Read the readme.
  7. What version of Windows do you run? - Edit - Looking at your original post I see you're running a P4 CPU. I'm guessing that you are also using an AGP slot for video. I'm wondering if you could possibly for some reason have had your video drop down to a lower AGP spec (i.e. from AGP 8x to AGP 4x). I've not used it since I last built a P4 machine, but I think the free system info suite EVEREST Free Edition might be able to identify what AGP bus speed you're currently using (the link is to the MajorGeeks download for the utility).
  8. Have you updated DirectX or video drivers since the last time it worked good? Is the cooler on your video card all clogged up with dust bunnies (thinking along the lines of your video card dropping in speed to stop it's overheating)? If your case has filters, are they clean? When you re-installed did you do a registry cleaning beforehand to root out all traces of your previous install (can't see how that may affect game performance so much as getting the game to run ... you can probably see I'm getting down to the 'grasping at straws' end of my troubleshooting skill set). Are you a regular at disk defragging (especially important if you tend to add a lot of things and then later delete them)? Which version of Quarls are you using? I'm not a Quarls user myself but I know there are less stressful versions available. I'm also not a Streamline user, but from what I've seen there are those who swear by it and those who wouldn't let it near their hard drive ... I've not seen many with a middle of the road opinion of it. If you don't use it do you see improved framerates or worsened? I know it has a lot of different settings available ... are you using exactly the same settings as last time?
  9. I like your spin on it ... even when you're being a 'bad guy' you wind up making the bad guilds 'better'.
  10. If I could, I'd mail you 5 FPS for Christmas, but it doesn't work that way. If you could run all that on that same machine before and now you can't something has to have changed. What happens when you try just plain old vanilla Oblivion ... no mods, no utilities ... just out of the box flavour? Another thing that comes to mind is are you using fresh downloads of all your extras or the same old versions you used before? If they are 'new and improved' versions they may be doing more than when you used them in the past. I've started using a utility called Multiple Oblivion Manager to manage separate installs for different characters. Simple to use and works like a charm ... my only caveat is that you don't want to use it if you are really short of hard drive space. I would suggest using MOM to clone your Oblivion install, and then use Bben46's guide Revert to vanilla data to turn that clone into a vanilla install. If you get good frame rates with vanilla then you can try your mods and utilities one at a time or in small groups, so you get a good idea of what's helping you and what's not. Key thing will be to figure out what's changed.
  11. Play through to the Weynon Priory quest and you'll be able to get the same armor as Renault was wearing (at least that's how it goes in my vanilla game).
  12. When you say you had it installed before and were getting 20 FPS was that with vanilla Oblivion (and are you trying to reproduce that result now with graphic intensive mods added)? Have a look through Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. I would also suggest to get as many background processes turned off that you can while you're playing. Things like real time virus scanning on file access, your favourite tunes playing in the background and even cool looking desktops (Win 7/Vista Areo etc. especially if you are running them emulated on Win XP) can all eat up system resources. Your machine is pretty limited in three ways, CPU speed, available RAM and GPU speed and memory. Get a 'gaming mode' of trimmed down OS and then use Koroush's guide to get Oblivion as cranked as your machine will stand. His guide links to two other important and useful guides of his, getting your machine and Windows install tuned for best speed/stability and optimizing your graphics. I suspect that since you last ran Oblivion you've added a lot of baggage to your machine.
  13. If you are using an LCD type monitor use the native resolution for that monitor, and then tweak the other settings to get your best FPS. Using a non-native resolution on an LCD can increase the load on your system rather than decrease it, as it now needs to interpolate the graphics before it can display them. If you are using an old style CRT monitor this isn't an issue (they don't have a 'native' resolution).
  14. When you first got the staff did you kill the shaman and war chief? If not, perhaps if you go back and kill them the rest of the clan will settle down. I didn't leave any survivors when I did that quest, and have the staff stored in one of my houses. Any time I'm around Cracked Wood Cave the respawning goblins outside come over to 'greet' me (and I introduce them to whatever sharp weapon I happen to favour that day) and the few times I've gone in the cave they act like a normal goblin clan (i.e. make it clear I'm not welcomed, as situation I dispute). The Bloody Hands never drop by uninvited though. - Edit - According to the UESP Wiki for Cracked Wood Cave the goblin shaman is non-respawning, while the goblin war chief does respawn. Drop in for a visit and see if the goblin shaman is there. If she is, give her a long sleep.
  15. If you didn't kill the Bloody Hand goblin shaman here's what the UESP Wiki on Goblin Trouble says you have to look forward to: If you have a bit of a grudge against someone buy it back from Rowley and then leave it at their house.
  16. Have you looked through the recent posts on the Deadly Reflex thread? I know I've seen mention of that problem ... not sure what the solution was, but you may find some ideas to try.
  17. You won't be deleting the spell from the game, you'll be deleting the spell from their spell list. While you're in there, if there is a spell you'd like them to have find it in the list of spells and drag it into their spell tab (note that some spells are leveled, some aren't, and they'll need to be able to cast the spell ... i.e. skill and magicka requirements met).
  18. Concerning the RMF Ageha here's a quote from the mod requirements:
  19. The only limitation you'll run into with the Dunmer is you will find it difficult to get enough magicka to cast really powerful spells, even once you reach a high level. By using potions and fortify spells, and designing your own spells you can work around this limitation (I always play Dunmers). Another thing to keep in mind to give yourself the biggest bang for your buck is armor will reduce spell effectiveness, even when you are master of light or heavy armor. If you enchant clothing with elemental shield (e.g. frost shield and shock shield) you don't lose spell effectiveness for yourself and elemental shield comes with an armor rating shield effect as well. If you wore six items of clothing, three enchanted with a Transcendent Frost Shield Sigil Stone and three enchanted with a Transcendent Shock Shield Sigil Stone you would get an armor rating of 150% along with 75% frost shield and 75% shock shield. The game will only use a maximum of 85% armor rating no matter what. Coupled with the Dunmer racial ability of 75% resist fire (not quite the same as shield) you have become a tank and still have excellent spell casting. Because I'm such a pack rat, and carry around so much useless stuff, I tend towards using Transcendent Fortify Strength Sigil Stones, which boosts the Dunmer max strength high enough to make the sword play pretty effective in addition to increasing encumbrance. All in all, in my opinion, one of the most versatile races.
  20. I have confirmed that a poison of paralysis (either vanilla or one you mix up yourself) will show the weapon suspended in mid air while the paralyze effect is active, but only with blades and blunts (bows are unaffected). I delivered the poison with a bow myself, but I'm sure you'd see the same delivering the poison with a blade or blunt. I play in 1st person, and I didn't test in 3rd person (I would probably not be able to hit anything with the bow in 3rd person). If you are looking to test this yourself, but don't have any paralyze poison, you can give yourself some via the console with 'player.additem 98484 x' (with x being how many you want).
  21. When you disable a mod but don't uninstall the resources (meshes, textures and sounds) the game will still load and use those resources if they share the same path as the vanilla equivalent. The game will just consider the disabled mods resources as replacers. Disable and uninstall is the drill.
  22. Could be you are missing something when you create your OMOD. I'm no beautification expert (I just use the default races and faces) but whenever I see a post with your problem it turns out to be an installation error. Maybe one of the beautification experts will pitch in with some pointers on what to look for.
  23. According the CM Partner Feria mod description you need both Rens Beauty Pack and Nec Mystic High Elf-Remake installed first, as well as having Oblivion patched to the latest version 1.2.0416. Another option is install Sclerocephalus' CM Partner Compilation. It includes your CM Partner Feria (as well as some others) and includes all the files necessary to install it right. I see in the mod description that it has been modified to make it compatible with mods that alter the vanilla eye meshes (and claims to "prevent 'googly' or black eyes from appearing on the characters added by this compilation").
  24. You could try checking what your Oblivion.ini is currently set for FullBrightLighting. Open the file Oblivion.ini which is found in the folder Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion (NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini located in your game install Oblivion folder) and search for the line bFullBrightLighting. If it is currently bFullBrightLighting=0 change it to bFullBrightLighting=1 and then save your changes. The setting changes the global lighting to a less detailed method, mainly used for older video cards but it may help in the case of your Intel integrated graphics (which aren't really for gaming at all).
  25. GrazingFlava you really are much better off starting your own thread describing your problem. If you are suspecting a mod conflict we'll need your mod load list as well. Here's a link to How to post a load order for Oblivion in case you're unsure of how to do that. Another suggestion if you're suspecting a DR6 related cause is to post a question in the Deadly Reflex thread. The other thing I can suggest is think back to when you first noticed this, and then think of what changes you made to your machine just before that (adding mods, updating DirectX, hardware changes etc.).
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