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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The only thing I can think of that may be possible is if the install for the codecs has an uninstall option. Look in the list of installed programs in Control Panel and see if your codec pak appears there. If it does, highlight it and select uninstall from the top of the Control Panel window (I'm jigging blindly here ... but hey, a fish might swim by).
  2. The paralyze poison arrow should do the trick. I'll confirm in my game and report back when I next get a chance to play (someone hasn't started their Christmas shopping yet). Now to fully hi-jack the thread ... quite some time ago there was a post about sending things down cliffs (Colovian Cliff Diving if I remember correctly). At the time I thought boars would be the perfect 'item' to send tumbling (they have bounce ... capital B), but alas, you won't find boars in the really good launching areas. I thought of getting one to chase me to a good spot, but those pesky Legion riders always come 'save the day' before I could get anywhere even close. Someday I'll make a little 'fun-time' mod that puts a supply of boars next to a good launch pad. Some big fire ball spells and then play 'This little piggy'. - Edit - Have you run into Will-o-the-Wisps yet? Their glow dust is like chasing mercury down a stairway.
  3. I went through all the 'good guy' factions without a hitch. If you look through the Notes and Bugs sections for all the 'bad guy' factions you'll mostly see situations that would only arise if you are trying to do a mish mash of good and bad at the same time. I did all the guild quests before I completed the main quest that play through. With my latest guy I'm trying the main quest first, then the guilds. The first time I never considered doing the bad guys first. Your question has me thinking I'll study on the merits of one way vs. the other before I tackle the guilds this time.
  4. Sounds to me like Skyrim is subject to the same hard drive related limitations as Oblivion. If you have a single hard drive make sure you defrag regularly (but don't have background defrag turned on while playing at least), if you have at least two hard drives get the game installed on the second drive (or the fastest non-boot drive if you have more than two).
  5. I never noticed it until I started using the later versions of the ragdoll skeleton (that were based on the later versions of Growlf's, as the latest versions of each happened around the same time). As an experiment, make a custom spell with a 1 second paralyze and a few seconds fire damage (considering you'll be stuck with it in your spell list go 'all Striker' on it, the full meal deal is 1 second paralyze, fire damage y points for x seconds, 100% weakness to fire for x seconds and 100% weakness to magic for x + 1, 2 or 3 seconds, more if you can afford it ... make sure weakness to magic is at the bottom of the list and balance the value to x so that you can cast two or three casts in a row so that you get 'stacking' on the weakness to magic). When you hit a bandit with the spell that is holding a mace or sword (haven't seen this effect on an archer bandit) see if their weapon suspends for a second and then snaps back to their hand as they stand up. If it's a killing cast you should see the weapon suspend while they die (the game engine must calculate that they won't survive the hit, so they generally stay down, unless you create the spell with a very small fire damage over a very long time perhaps). You could also see the same effect if you use poison arrows with a paralyze effect (the paralyze effect will be longer). Aren't those ramps fun?? Not sure how many weapons and staffs I've lost that way.
  6. If you are using the ragdoll skeleton and are unwilling to give up the ragdoll effect (that would be me) you will learn to live with it (unless Nephenee13 is right, which is a possibility). If you are using the 'plain' Growlf skeleton just to get BBB then switch to the Coronerra skeleton. I have done some testing back when I first noticed this issue, and changing back to the Coronerra skeleton eliminated the problem as far as I could tell. The downside to using the Coronerra skeleton is it's a much older skeleton, so you may find some recent mods that won't work with it as well as they will with the Growlf's skeleton. My best 'bandit launch' (actually it was a marauder) was at the top of the hill on the road overlooking Sercen. The marauder who had been chasing me up the road flew all the way back to the door to Sercen (now that was a stiff upper-cut ... naw I wasn't going hand to hand, but would have been cool). She just didn't know who she was dealing with.
  7. Are you using either Growlf's Universal Skeleton Nif or killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton (which as the title suggests is based on Growlf's skeleton). When I first started using the BBB Ragdoll skeleton (I had been using Coronerras' Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons before that) and was going through some issues with the early versions I did a lot of reading through Growlf's mod's comments. After one of his recent versions (around version 1.4 or 1.5 if memory serves) I saw a couple of comments concerning some weird effects like you're describing. I have on occasion seen them myself ... a mace floating in the air with the dead bandit laying there, and when you check the bandit's inventory the mace shows up in it as if they had the mace holstered at their hip. The other anomaly I've seen is when using a spell with a 1 sec paralyze (plus fire, frost or shock damage) the weapon remains suspended in the air when the bandit drops from the paralyze effect, and then it springs back to their hand as they stand back up (and if it's a killing strike it will stay in their hand and drop as normal if the death blow is instantaneous but will remain suspended until they die if death comes from an effect over time like a poison or elemental damage lasting a few seconds). Finally I've noticed some kills that send the bandit's body flying, sometimes quite a distance, as though they had a spring attached back to a point of origin. I never did see an answer to the question about it raised on Growlf's mod page, and I'm not sure he's doing any more work on that skeleton. The only changes killermonkey99 made were to add the BBB ragdoll effects to the latest Growlf skeleton.
  8. I went the other direction with my old guy (the 'good' factions first starting with Mages Guild) but providing you have a plan for 'cleaning up' your record I don't see why not. Have a look through the Thieves Guild quest Notes and Bugs sections ... if there is something to look out for it will be documented there. I never have done the Dark Brotherhood (my old guy was waiting to get all his skills buffed to max and then I was going to use the Arena Grand Champion match for the entrance, but my 'new guy' has been kinda overtaking the old guy for play time). I can't see that Bethesda would have you kill someone there who was needed for another quest line, but they are known for some strangeness in quest interaction. When you say "Reset my infamy by doing the Pilgrimage" you are talking about doing the Knights of the Nine Pilgrimage, right? This quote is from the Notes section of the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the Knights of the Nine quest Pilgrimage:
  9. The game's saves are found in the folder 'Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves' for Vista and Windows 7 and in 'Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves' for Windows XP. While it is possible to just copy another person's save into that folder and the game will find it, if you don't have the same mods as the original the game will give you a warning message about missing content. Depending on what you're missing some of those saves may work, while others won't. You will find a lot of CM Partners shared that way (in which case they won't work unless you have the mod CM Partners Basic installed and working on your machine). You would download them the same as mods from here, there is even a category in the index Companions - CM Based. You will need to read the install instructions and meet the requirements as far as other mods required.
  10. As Nephenee has pointed out, you don't want to copy the entire ControlableSkeleton folder, just the Data folder (along with all the contents of the Data folder) that is inside the ControlableSkeleton folder. I use the right click menu for that. Open the ControlableSkeleton folder in Windows Explorer (if you extracted the downloaded file UniversalSkeletonNIF181-37596-1-81.7z to your desktop then double click the folder ControlableSkeleton and it will open in Windows Explorer). With the ControlableSkeleton folder open in Windows Explorer you should see a folder called Data. Single click with the right mouse button and a menu will come up. Select Copy and then navigate in Windows Explorer to where you have installed your game. Move up the directory (folder) tree until you see the folder Oblivion in Windows Explorer. Right click the Oblivion folder and select Paste. You will get a prompt about there already being a folder named Data. Click 'Yes to All' and overwrite (if you've never install a modded skeleton no files will be overwritten ... when folder names are the same only the contents of the folders are actually copied). The rule of thumb to keep in mind when manually installing with copy and paste is always paste into one directory level higher than you copied from. Example ... if you copy the 'meshes' folder you paste into the 'Data' folder. If you look at the contents of that Data folder you just copied from (the Data folder that you extracted from the download) you will see the following folder (directory) structure ... ControlableSkeleton\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson and ControlableSkeleton\Data\Meshes\Characters\_Male. The _1stperson folder will have a single file (skeleton.nif) and the _Male folder will have two files (skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif). The names of these files and folder structure they are located in must be exactly that or the game won't find them. When you have successfully copied them to your game install the folder structure must be Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stperson and Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_Male, with the correct files in each folder. Make sure you delete the ControlableSkeleton folder that you copied to your Oblivion folder by mistake while all this is fresh in your mind. Having it there won't screw anything up in your game (as even though the correct files are there they aren't in the correct directory structure and so the game won't find them). You want to keep your game install folder as tidy as possible for when you are troubleshooting other things down the road (I even keep notes to myself in text files in my MyBackup folder so I can recall what I did and why in the future ... the things you learn to do when you get older). The only other situation you need to consider is we haven't asked you what other mods you have installed. Some mods require a certain skeleton to work (example the Vipcxj's Real High Heels System I mentioned above requires this skeleton we've been suggesting ... that will also work with a great many other mods, e.g. BBBed armor and clothes). Two popular mods in particular spring to mind for me that require a different skeleton from this one are Deadly Reflex 6 and Unnecessary Violence II. If you are using (or plan to use) either of them you'll need the BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton instead.
  11. I believe you can use Wrye Bash to exchange faces between saves. It is not a simple utility, in part because it is really the 'Swiss Army Knife' of Oblivion utilities. Here's a link to the Wrye Bash section on Wrye Musings (it does mention the face exchange), and I would recommend reading the documentation that comes with the download. If you use the installer version the manual will be available after running the installer (I know ... for a program this complicated you can't access the manual until after you've installed ... makes no sense to me either, there should be a download link for just the manual). If you don't already use Wrye Bash I'd suggest the Wrye Bash 295-2 - Installer at the top of the list, as it should get everything needed properly installed, including the manual.
  12. If you are the type of person who likes to avoid the 'Gotchas' (and the game's quests offer you plenty of those) you can have a look at the UESP Wiki walkthrough for any of the quests. If you prefer to not get the step by step of how to do the quest, but would still like to learn about the gotchas you could just scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the Bugs section. You will notice that many of the bugs have been fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch ... it's not a bad thing to install first.
  13. When you're doing that are you loading Oblivion.esm, the Ren's esp and your companion esp with the companion esp as the active file? Unfortunately the CS can't use esp files as masters (esm files). Here's a CS Wiki article on mod De-Isolation that explains the situation in more detail, and offers solutions.
  14. There is no mention of BBB in the mod description, but it does mention the Vipcxj's Real High Heels System. It offers an alternative to using that system, that being using the normal boot version instead of the high boot version, so first off make sure you're on the appropriate one for your situation. On the off chance that it does require a BBBed skeleton and just neglects to mention it, would 'boobs to infinity' describe your 'distortion'? If that's the case get Universal Skeleton Nif and install the one in the ControlableSkeleton folder. I wouldn't use OBMM for that myself ... just right click on the 'Data' folder that is in the ControlableSkeleton folder and select 'Copy' from the right click menu and then navigate to your game install's 'Oblivion' folder and select paste from that right click menu. When it gives you the warning about existing folders just select 'Yes to All'. If you have been trying to use the high heels version but have not installed Vipcxj's Real High Heels System you will need to get that installed before your problem will go away.
  15. Perhaps it's part of the whole training script. My own modest modding efforts haven't drawn me into scripting, but I recognize that I'll need to learn to do it if I'm ever to advance the sophistication of my mods, so I monitor most threads that have anything to do with scripting.
  16. You deserve more recognition for your work on this post Nitefox98 ... nice job. :thumbsup:
  17. You could have a look at how Bethesda implemented the skill training books ... that's how they work.
  18. I believe you get the server selection dialogue when the file is large (i.e. large enough you would need a sign-in account to download). I too often get the 'white window' freeze. Usually closing it and trying again is all it takes.
  19. An old time helper on these pages (oh Hickory ... where have you been buddy) always suggested switching to Weather - All Natural whenever he saw a mod list that had Natural Weather in it (he said that Natural Weather hadn't been updated in years while Weather - All Natural was kept current). I myself wasn't able to dig up any info on TESNexus about Natural Weather beyond this Natural Weather Unofficial Patch. After reading the unofficial patches mod description (compared to Weather - All Natural's) I know which I'd choose if I ever decided to use a weather replacer.
  20. Your particular situation isn't mentioned, but if you look through the 'Bugs' section of the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Adjari's Heirloom you will see it is fraught with bugs. Your picture shows her standing on the left side of the bed, so it may be related to that bug mentioned in the walkthrough. Many bugs are fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, but if you haven't already installed the patch it won't be of any help to you now (unless you have a previous save you can revert to after installing the UOP and then redo the quest). They also offer the console solution to the problem, which may be the quick fix.
  21. Here's a couple of UESP Wiki links with more than you probably wanted to know about Oblivion Gates and Sigil Stones.
  22. Here's a link to the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) hosted here at TESNexus. It is very close to what may be the last update. Right now you will need to download the version 3.20 and install it and then download and install the latest version 3.41 (I would suggest the installer versions unless you are more comfortable with either OMODs or manual install). To open the console you use the tilde (~) key, located right below the Esc key on standard keyboards. Here's a link to a UESP Wiki article on the Console. I'd like to add to Fonger's advice, that after you've installed the latest version of the UOP you will need to go back to an old save from before you entered Fort Blueblood. The UOP can prevent problems that haven't happened, but not repair broken savegames.
  23. LOL ... I am one of the original thread hijackers. I'd prefer 'Unoccupy Steam' ... hehe.
  24. Maybe get a hold of Nephenee13. He or she has been getting his/her hands dirty in Blender and NifSkope lately (turning into quite the little 'seamstress' from what I've been seeing) and has been also getting very helpful around here as well (much appreciated and encouraged). Might be able to give you some pointers if you want to try a '2.0 version' (sometimes it's easier to start off with a fresh piece of paper).
  25. It worked?? Is she happy with her new ring?? I am, afterall, all about making Vilja happy.
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