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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you running the latest version of the Construction Set? The latest is version 1.2.404 (found in the 'About' dialogue opened from the Help menu).
  2. Typically the female version of something that has both male and female versions will be in an 'f' subfolder (e.g Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\f\SomeCoolHelmet.nif along with an Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\m\SomeCoolHelmet.nif if it also includes a male version that is different). If the male and female share the same helmet (or boots or greaves) they can either be in a common folder (e.g. Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\SomeCoolHelmet.nif) or may both use the male version folder (e.g. Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\m\SomeCoolHelmet.nif). Look at the extracted download and you should be able to figure it out.
  3. The way it's packaged requires you to do a bit more than a single copy and paste (I personally advocate that all mods be packed starting at the 'Data' folder, making installing a simple copy and paste, but you had no control over this). First step is right click the "Weapon expansion Pack for oblivion enthusiasts" folder that now resides in your game install Oblivion\Data folder and select 'Cut' from the right click menu. Then right click your desktop and select 'Paste' from the right click menu. Then go into your game install Oblivion folder and right click and cut the esp file and paste it into the now moved "Weapon expansion Pack for oblivion enthusiasts" folder (basically getting you back to the state you were in when you first extracted the downloaded archive). I like to work with two instances of Windows Explorer open, one open to the folder of the mod I've downloaded and extracted, one open to my game install's Oblivion folder ... it makes it easy to switch windows for each copy/paste, plus I can think out what I'm doing and make sure I have the proper folders selected before I'm in a position to make any mistakes. Using the two window method, open an instance of Windows Explorer with your game's Oblivion folder at the highest open level, so that in the window you see your game install Data folder. Double click the "Weapon expansion Pack for oblivion enthusiasts" folder on your desktop and right click the esp file and copy. Switch to your game install Oblivion folder, right click the Data folder and select paste (yes you could have done that when I had you move it into the "Weapon expansion Pack for oblivion enthusiasts" folder on your desktop, and once you get your head around what type of files belong where in the game folder structure you'll take those shortcuts in sorting out a mistake ... now we're trying to get a feel for the basic concepts of what goes where, and esp files go in the game Data folder). Next you will right click, copy and then paste the meshes, textures and sounds folders from the "Weapon expansion Pack for oblivion enthusiasts" folder to the Data folder of your game install. The correct folder structure in your game install should wind up being Oblivion\Data\meshes, Oblivion\Data\textures and Oblivion\Data\sounds with the game esp located in Oblivion\Data. The rule of thumb to remember when copying and pasting is always paste into one level higher when you're dealing with folders (i.e if you copy the Data folder you paste into the Oblivion folder, if you copy the meshes folder you paste into the Data folder), and when you are dealing with files you paste into the folder you want the file to wind up in (which in this case was the Data folder). I have an OblivionDownloads folder that all my downloads go to, each in their own named folder. I extract the contents and examine the folder/file structure in that folder, comparing to my game install looking for what, if any, folders or files will be overwritten when I install the mod. If the mod isn't packaged starting at the Data folder I create a Data folder and move the download's folders to their correct locations before I install anything. That way my install is always copy Data paste to Oblivion. This also gives me the opportunity to replace any files that need replacing for things like BBB (often you need to have the original non-BBBed version installed first and then copy over the BBBed version ... I can do all that and double check before anything gets anywhere near my game install). Using the two window method, and creating your own Data folder for mods that aren't prepacked that way you can install the most complicated mods, once you understand the required folder structure. Certain files have to have a certain name (e.g. skeleton.nif) and need to be in a certain folder (in this example Oblivion\Data\meshes\character\_male\skeleton.nif). Some complicated mods will have optional folders, with files that need to be renamed and moved depending on what options you want to install. In time you'll understand all these niceties, but I know they're overwhelming at first.
  4. You haven't installed it right, and have your folders in the wrong spots. Look at the extracted download, and note it's folder structure. Then look in your Oblivion install ... you'll probably find a 'Data' folder inside your 'Data' folder (or a 'meshes' folder inside your game's 'meshes' folder).
  5. Lock picking is only 'a chore' when you're trying to pick a lock that's way above your skill level for Security. If you're like me, and hate to leave a single container unopened, carry lots of lockpicks. Except the odd quest chest, I usually find the loot behind that 'hard' or 'very hard' lock isn't worth the time and energy when I'm at low levels ... the loot is leveled too.
  6. A quote from the mod description: I don't use this mod myself, but from what it says I would guess that after you extract the AMB - All Male Bodies download to a temporary folder you'll see a folder named 'Data' and another named 'Resource'. Install the base version that is included in the 'Data' folder and then from the appropriate subfolder off 'Resource\Body Variants' copy the files to your Oblivion install data\meshes\characters\_male folder, overwriting the ones that the default 'Data' folder put there. It sounds like you will need to rename the lower body pants file from 'whatever_its_named_pants_version_lowerbody.nif' to 'lowerbody.nif', either before or after you transfer the file to your game install _male folder.
  7. Oblivion was developed long before Microsoft came up with the idea for UAC, so it doesn't work well along side UAC. Modern games are designed with UAC in mind and so won't be as adversely affected by it. When you run the vanilla game in the default C:\Program Files UAC doesn't interfere. When you start to run mods (which UAC only sees as something trying to change Oblivion ... something that it misconstrues as virus activity) UAC steps in and 'protects' you from yourself. Get the game installed in C:\Games\Oblivion and you're off to a proper start for installing mods.
  8. User Account Control (aka UAC) ... the bane of all Vista and Windows 7 users who accept the default install location of C:\Program Files. Here's a link to your solution ... Oblivion Reinstall Procedure. Don't skimp out on being thorough ... if you don't do the registry cleaning you may regret it when you reinstall. Also note the link near the top if you are a Steam user, at the end of the line "For those who need to move the steam client: How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything".
  9. Is the prisoner in the cell across from you taunting you? If not you have a custom race and you aren't using a custom race fix. I see you're using the Unofficial Official Mods Patch ... you need to also use the Unofficial Oblivion Patch to give you the custom race fix (or download one of the custom race fix mods, if you don't want the other changes that the UOP makes). - Edit - Ninjaed by Fonger :thumbsup:
  10. Yes if you have already picked the item up and had it in your inventory you can leave it on the ground and it will stay there indefinitely. One caveat ... if it's a weapon and then an unarmed NPC gets into a fight anywhere nearby they'll come running and grab your weapon (actually, your best weapon if you've left a number of them in a pile ... a trick to keep in mind if you're looking to arm an unarmed NPC in a fight). As far as I know, they'll leave them alone if they're in a container, and I've never seen an unarmored NPC grab armor left on the ground.
  11. See my reply to your first post in the Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting section.
  12. I got this info from Coronerra's Better Bouncing Boobs Weighting Tutorial (see pages 33 and 34) ... after Blender export, when you load the nif in NifScope you must update all tangent spaces or you will get the 'infamous starred nipples'.
  13. There are plenty of non-respawning chests and barrels located throughout Cyrodiil (example, the barrel located on the second level of Fort Empire structure, SW corner of the alcove ... the chest in the opposite corner does respawn). When I come across an empty container (which may or may not be empty because I emptied once, who knows when) I put three inexpensive items into it. I use iron arrows, but anything cheap and not commonly found will do. The next time I check the container (as long as I've waited long enough for a cell reset) will tell me if it's a good one or not. When I find a good one I put an inexpensive item on the top ... three iron arrows in a quiver, an iron blunt or armor, something to mark it as good to use. I have arrows, backup weapons and armor spread all over the map, and it saves the worry of a pile of loot left outdoors disappearing (although if you pick something up and have it in your inventory first, and then leave it on the ground it shouldn't disappear).
  14. Are you enjoying the new toys? If so, the only way you could have cheated yourself is if you decided to not finish the dungeon to get the armor (the age old 'the ends justifies the means' scenario).
  15. As far as I know, I don't think it's possible. When you use createfullactorcopy in the console the changes to the game are only recorded in the save game. The way the game works is that the game state that exists in Oblivion.esm is altered by esp files and then as you play the changes your character is making to the game world (quests done, armor picked up, console commands issued etc.) are recorded to the save file. The Construction Set is only used to create or edit esp files. What you would need is a tool to extract info from your save file in a manner that another tool could place in the game world. Wrye Bash is the swiss army knife of the Oblivion game world ... maybe there's something in it I haven't heard of yet.
  16. What you're wanting to do is a bit complicated from the start, in as far as you are altering something that was developed on another person's machine, that had their mods installed and used their way of doing things (i.e. did they 'F drop' the pedestals to the floor, use X, Y and Z coordinates to locate them or just manually lower them). I would imagine that they used some method of de-isolation with DLCBattlehornCastle.esp, but which method did they use? When you're editing Battlehorn Enhanced.esp are you loading DLCBattlehornCastle.esp as a master after giving it an 'Esmify' with Wrye Bash?
  17. A key strategy with Rockmilk is don't wade in there swinging. You walk in on an already started battle between bandits and marauders. Sneak into the shadows, sit back and let them thin out their numbers. Even the survivors will be a bit chewed up. I had huge piles of weapons and armors outside the cave after the battles, with my guy hot footing it back and forth to Leyawiin with as much as he could carry. That cave is a gold factory.
  18. Another thing to keep in mind Hanker, is that some game state things are saved in the save file. I don't think your pedestals fall into this category, but I know that load door locations are saved to the save. Try going to your edited pedestals with a new character, just to check if they are still floating. - Edit - I also recall reading somewhere that it's not a good idea to load a save where your character is in the same cell as you're editing when you're checking your changes.
  19. Have you seen oc3's thread concerning the same problem? Maybe contact oc3 and see what your installs had in common.
  20. I got my copy of the seductiveidleb.kf from GlintShadow's Better Bouncing Boobs While Idle and then used the .kf in my customized version of Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions.
  21. One possible cause of the non-moving lips is a game engine limitation. If an NPC starts their dialogue while you aren't facing them their lips won't be moving if you turn around mid speech and look at them. If they start a new dialogue while you are facing them (i.e. two NPCs having a conversation) the lips will go back into lip sync mode.
  22. If you ever decide to go the spell caster route, an all clothing mage wearing elemental shield enchanted clothing (again sigils are your best bet) gets two protections on each piece ... protection from elemental damage and regular shield, kinda like two mints in one! At first I was hoarding all the zero weight clothes that are available in the vanilla game so that I could mix and match enchantments to suit the situation (always got to wear my feather jewelry). Then I just made a copy of the zero weight black robe an upper body only piece and it covers the wide black pants without clipping. Gave myself a bunch as a present, along with some shoes and zero weight black hoods and I'm stylin' while I play 'You can't touch this'.
  23. Don't neglect Bben46 if you're handing out cookies ... he did most of the heavy lifting, I just pasted in a link.
  24. I agree. If I go to an altar for the cure I have faith that it works ... when I take one of my homegrown cure disease potions ... well, it would be nice to be sure (especially if it's that dreaded vampire disease, and I've got a level-up sleep pending).
  25. I mention the code paks because they are known to cause problems with the game (even if they were installed before you installed the game), not because I thought they were necessarily your problem. Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Your problem right now could very well be caused by an improperly uninstalled game (left over registry entries can mess up your reinstall, so don't neglect the part about running a registry cleaner). If you are using the Steam version of the game don't miss the link at the end of this line (I've expanded the link text to make it easier to find): If you are still having problems after following the reinstall procedure we can troubleshoot whether or not your codec paks are causing a problem ... no need to do anything with them at this point. Get the game cleanly out of the UAC 'protected' C:\Program Files first.
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