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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Doesn't just need to be a weapon or armor to be overpowering. On my first playthrough, when I was doing the 'closing 60 gates' thing I made some spells to ease the pain (60 gates = lots of Daedra to kill). They all included a short invisibility and fortify magicka and were on touch. All magnitudes were set so that once I started casting I could continue indefinitely. So the routine became cast a regular vanilla invisibility spell, walk up to the nearest Daedra, start casting my custom spell and continue casting (about once every second or two) until all the Daedra in the room were dead. They'd go on alert when you first nailed them, but couldn't find me so I had total impunity from reprisals. Got me through the 60 gates, but it wasn't really much fun. And you know, the reason behind the 60 gates was I wanted 60 sigil stones (and I wanted them to be the ones I valued). Thing is, with that character I haven't used 50 of those 60 stones for anything. Makes you wonder who cheated who and why, doesn't it.
  2. I recently had to downgrade my AA settings because I lost another video card and had to switch to a Geforce 9800GT 512 MB card I had sitting doing nothing (so that makes two Geforce 8800 GTS 640 MB cards down the tubes). When I had the SLI rig working I was using 8X AA with AA mode set to Override any application setting. When I lost the first 8800 GTS card and had to downgrade my setup to non-SLI I dropped to 4X AA (it would run fine with 8X but when I did get a slowdown I felt it wasn't as bad with 4X as it was with 8X ... same reason I ran 8X with the SLI setup instead of 16X). AA - Gamma correction and AA - Transparency were both left at Use global setting (Off). Anisotropic filtering was set at 8X and is still at 8X with my downgraded rig, with Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization set to Off and Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias set to Clamp. All other settings were left at the default that comes with the Oblivion profile. It's easy to tell what settings you've altered by seeing that those settings are listed with bold text. I did a Restore (top right button on the tab) to see what that profiles defaults are. Anisotrpic and AA goes to Use global setting (Application controlled) and Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias goes to Use global setting (Allow). I should also point out that I don't use any graphics enhancing mods (Quarls, OBGE etc.) so that may make a difference in required settings. - Edit - My NVIDIA graphics driver version is 270.61 ... not exactly the latest either.
  3. Unfortunately if you read the EULA on any software (even that bought as a disk from a brick and mortar establishment) you will see that all you have purchased is a license to use the software. Your money has only bought you the right to use ... you own squat.
  4. The disk versions of the game require a patch that is specific to the game version you are using (i.e. the right language and also whether or not you are using the Shivering Isles expansion). Apply only the appropriate patch. Here's a link to the Bethesda patch page: http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/patches.php
  5. Ouch ... I hate it when that happens. I don't know about you, but I get quite attached to my characters. Like I mentioned before, backup your saves from time to time. Having a lot of saves in your saves folder does slow down loading the menu etc. so it is a good idea to keep that folder tidied up some, but pick up some of my packrat habits. I generally do a manual save every hour or so, every two hours at the max (either from the Esc menu or console named save). I have a backup folder (located outside of the game folders) and will occasionally move the older saves from my saves folder to backup (usually when I start to notice it takes a while to open the save menu). I always have a fall-back position if things get gummed up.
  6. Hmm ... I've been using HDR with AA forced in the NVIDIA panel without issue. The standard advice is turn on HDR in Oblivion's menu with AA off in the NVIDIA panel and then force AA in the NVIDIA panel. When you change to HDR in the game menu it should prompt you to restart the game (and it will update the ini when you exit). Maybe if you have AA forced in the NVIDIA panel when you try to do that it gums things up.
  7. I was expecting maybe blanks after each. That they would be different I don't take as an issue, more like an expectation if you're using mods that change the default behaviour. I have cast set up to be the default 'c' or the 'back' button on my mouse, so maybe that's where that difference comes from. One of the first things I look at when troubleshooting my own issues is what's changed since it worked. Adding mods, changing settings, updating drivers ... that sort of thing. If it went from working fine to not working something must have changed. If you can rule out hardware failure (by confirming proper working in other games/applications) then it has to be an issue with Oblivion. All I can suggest is roll back your changes one at a time until it works again, then you'll have your culprit.
  8. There ... now you don't need to feel so lonely.
  9. Shouldn't seem odd at all. Skyrim was designed after many of today's hardware improvements were invented (multi-core CPUs, multi-GPU steups, SSDs) or widely implemented (64 bit OSes). Oblivion can't take advantage of any of that (well at least not to the extent a modern game can).
  10. You pretty much have to use OBSE these days. I'm just an old self taught curmudgeon so I can't offer much interpretation of your error codes. I had a read through the Corrupted Saves thread looking for items of interest (not much luck there outside of the first post on the thread) and while doing so I thought of one more thing you could try if you can manage to get your problem save to load (I know ... big if). As soon as the save loads open the console and type 'coc center' (without the quotes) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to a spot on an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit (three days and a few more hours for good measure). Open the console and 'coc weye' and Enter. Travel back to your problem area (I'd suggest not using fast travel, at least this one time) and see if all is fixed.
  11. Perhaps something is being forced by your new graphics driver. I've no experience with how the Catalyst drivers work, but in the NVIDIA control panel you can set a profile for each game. I'm pretty sure I'm just using the defaults that came with the Oblivion profile.
  12. Here's a copy and paste from the [Controls] section of my Oblivion.ini file. Compare my keycode values with yours (to the best of my recollection I've not altered the default values). You'll find your Oblivion.ini in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion if you use Win 7 or Vista or in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion if you use WinXP. Unless you turn off 'Hide extensions for known file types' you may not see the '.ini' extension. Do you have any mods that change keyboard assignments (e.g. Deadly Reflex or Unnecessary Violence II)?
  13. Now it's sounding a lot like a corrupted save. Have a look through the Corrupted Saves pinned thread, maybe there's something there that will let you fix the save. I personally never qucksave and never overwrite a save from the Esc menu (always save to a new slot). I also use named saves via the console (occasionally on my old character, always with my new guy). The only time I use an autosave is those occasions I've forgotten to save for a while and don't want to redo so much. Hard drive space is cheap, and you can always backup your saves to a flashdrive or burned disk if space is an issue.
  14. Here's where you cross the line into illegal activity. If you owned Skyrim and decided to use one of it's meshes/textures in your owned copy of Oblivion, and never shared that resource with anyone else on the planet you would never get into trouble (now note that I'm not saying that doing so would be strictly legal to the letter of the law ... just that Bethesda's lawyers wouldn't ever pursue you over it). If I owned a copy of Skyrim (whichI don't) and gave you a copy of one of it's resources those lawyers wouldn't come after you so much as me. You're only asking for a crime to be committed ... I would be committing one. - Edit - @ Septfox ... I'm crushed ... I'll type slower, I promise :whistling:
  15. Try asking on the Mod Detectives thread ... the experts in finding stuff like this may not check here.
  16. DRM (Digital Rights Management) ... the meshes you would like to port were made by Bethesda for Skyrim ... did you get explicit written permission from them to use those meshes in Oblivion? - Edit - Sorry Septfox ... sometimes my keyboarding skills don't suck I guess (mostly when I'm to the point).
  17. When you press the tilde (~) key do you get the console 'prompt' (a small horizontal cursor flashing slowly in the lower left of your screen)? What's confusing me is when you say "and I can crouch but I can't type anything after pressing the tilde and I can't move" ... not being able to move is normal when the console is open, being able to crouch with the console is open is not normal. I'm wondering if the console is actually opening.
  18. Try renaming your Oblivion.ini to Oblivionini.old (the one found in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win 7 and Vista or Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for WinXP ... NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini found in your game's install Oblivion folder). Start the game as far as the main menu and then exit. Restart the game and readjust any settings that may have changed when the game recreated your Oblivion.ini (view distances etc.). If that has resolved the problem you can then go into the new Oblivion.ini and start to apply any specific tweaks you may have applied before. I'd do them in small related groups if you have a bunch, and test in between, so if something breaks you know where to start when troubleshooting. I had a similar problem last year when one card in my SLI rig died, and with a single card I had the same sort of graphics problem. As part of my troubleshooting to ID the card failure I had upgraded my graphics drivers. Another thing you could try, before going the rename Oblivion.ini route, is try turning HDR and Bloom off altogether, restart the game with vanilla graphics settings and then turn either HDR or Bloom back on (probably a good idea to turn antialiasing off in your Control Panel first, and don't turn it back on until you get HDR back on, if you are going the HDR route).
  19. Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (emphasis added):
  20. I don't see Wyre Bash being any help with a vanilla install and no mods. So just so I'm getting this right ... you uninstalled Oblivion (and hopefully did a registry cleaning) and then re-installed the game (hopefully somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion). You patched the game to version 1.2.0416 (which would have happened automatically if you installed the second disk of the GotY edition, or when you installed the correct official patch for your edition of the game ... not sure how Steam handles it). When you start a new game with Oblivion completely un-modded it still crashes?
  21. There you've answered your own question ... you've hit the limit for the number of mods the game will run. If you want more you're going to need Wyre Bash.
  22. Crashing at loadup is often a sign of missing masters. If you use Wrye Bash it can easily identify that if it's the problem. The next troubleshooting step I'd take is see if I can load a strictly vanilla new character. If so then start adding your mods one by one (or in groups of related mods where applicable) until the game breaks. Makes troubleshooting a breeze when you have 'it broke when I installed mod X' as a frame of reference. If a vanilla start isn't happening you could rename your Oblivion.ini (located in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win 7 or Vista, in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for WinXP ... NOT the file Oblivion_default.ini located in your game install Oblivion folder). My tried and true rename is Oblivionini.old. Restart the game and it will generate a new Oblivion.ini. When you get to the main menu exit the game and then restart and try a new character. You may find you need to reset some of your settings as the game won't do a good job of recognizing hardware that wasn't even dreamed of when the game was designed. The other thing of note is get the game working with a completely vanilla race. If it works then but breaks later when you try with your modded race you'll have a good idea where to start tinkering. Just having a problem race in your list may be giving you grief, even if you aren't selecting it. Bottom line is the game didn't go from working to non-working without a little 'help'. The problem is always the same ... trying to figure out how you 'helped' it into it's broken state. When you do one thing and then it breaks it's a trivial matter to figure out. When you do 100 things and then it breaks it's a different matter.
  23. I hear you. If you scroll down to the Bugs section of the wiki pages you can get the 'look-out-fors' without any more spoilers than absolutely necessary. I used the 'fully official patched but no unofficial patch' method for my first character because I didn't want to lose the permanent bound glitch. Without the UOP the quests are a quagmire of gotchas.
  24. From the UESP Wiki on M'raaj-Dar: I'm guessing you're using the UOP Supplemental and it's 'fixed' things for you.
  25. Well for one thing, as long as all we know about your other 'vendor tweak mod' doesn't include the name of that mod (and possibly a link to it if it's not a commonly used one) I don't see how we can be of much help. Right now it's kinda' like you're saying "My car won't start ... I added some parts and forgot to take out some of old parts ... it's red ... how can I get it to start?" Give us something to work from.
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