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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I don't learn anything by doing things right ... so you're thinking maybe you're about to learn some new things??
  2. Did it start when you started using DMC Animation Replacer or had you been using DMC with no problems and then this started happening? What I'm thinking is that DMC replaced some animations, and when you disable DMC the animations aren't reset to original but DMC's esp isn't active either to make sense of the animation files.
  3. I would if I could, but unfortunately I don't have access to my gaming rig (I'm stuck with my laptop for most of the summer so no Oblivion and no Construction Set). I don't have any experience with Pretty Woman myself (except some animation files I 'liberated' for my Personality Idles personalization project). I'd be surprised if the esp checked for things like file size etc. but it's not unheard of for me to be surprised by something I hadn't thought of. In the screenshot above, I'd check each of the Loiter Idles (e.g. Standaround01, Loiterscan) and see what if any conditions apply to that particular idle. Generally anything added or modified by a mod will have an asterisk after it (i.e. the names would be Standaround01* and Loiterscan*). Look for an entry that is asterisked and shows the file name idle.kf on the button that shows 'Select Animation File' in your screenshot above (to get that you'll need to click on of the actual idles below the opened + sign). Sorry I can't be of much more help than pointing you in a direction.
  4. It sounds like something is messing with either your walkforward.kf or walkfastforward.kf (depending if you are set to walk or run). Is it only the forward animations or also sideways and backwards? As you may surmise ... I've no idea at this point what may be the problem (i.e. clutching a straws hoping something may click either in my head or someone else's).
  5. This brings me to one of my main reasons for preferring manual install. I unpack my download into a separate sub directory of my Oblivion Downloads folder so I can examine the mod's files and folder structure. That way I know beforehand what files, if any will be overwritten and I can make appropriate backups. OMODs you create yourself from the download archive can be checked out in a similar manner, but mods that come as premade OMODs with installation scripts are a bit more difficult to check out beforehand.
  6. Another problem with beds and chairs is the NPCs won't use them unless they are a persistent reference, but many vanilla (and possibly add-on) beds and chairs don't have the persistent reference flag set.
  7. Hmm ... I agree that is curious. I use the same sort of tricks when I'm customizing Personality Idles, along with editing the esp to add more idles and conditions. If you're comfortable with using the Construction Set you could have a look in Pretty Woman and see what, if any, conditions are set for idle.kf (it could be it's not supposed to run every time).
  8. I think as long as PC games are by and large just ports of console games we'll have a long wait for truly random game play. Oblivion NPC AI is only a facsimile of random AI ... a sprinkling of random percent seasoned by factions and scripting to give the appearance of randomness. Even without scripting I get a close approximation of random in my 'house girls' lives (I like to populate my houses using the Construction Set), but in time the thinness of the veil becomes apparent. We've had the computer horsepower for some time now to take things to the next level, what we've lacked is the will to use that horsepower room. Blame the PC games pirates, blame the complexity and cost of raising the bar or come up with your own reason why it hasn't happened, fact is PC gaming has been stagnant for years. It does work out cheaper for a guy like me. I've saved a ton on not needing the latest and greatest hardware to run most of the games I want at decent quality. Doesn't exactly keep the economy rolling though.
  9. Are you sure you didn't meet Tooth-in-the-Sea? If it was near Bravil keep him in mind for later in the game (if you use the avails of trainers that is).
  10. When you say 'stuck' are you referring to stuck as in caught behind an obstacle, or unable to move even though your character is unobstructed? If it's the second option, are you still able to look around while stuck, or is it more a frozen in one place unable to look around?
  11. You'll fit in just fine here. I think finding the right question to ask is just as, or even more important than finding the right answer. Answers to questions I've never even dreamed of are pretty easy to dismiss out of hand. When I can get my head around the question I'm open to hearing some possible answers.
  12. Actually if the patch files are just replacing files with newer versions (no files added) I think OBMM will do just fine when and if you deactivate. It'll look for the file names and they'll be there, albeit new and improved since OBMM put them there, but my money is on OBMM doing just fine.
  13. The Personality Idles I linked doesn't use spells to play the idles. It uses conditions (like the example fore gave for customizing the gloomfrost idles) one of which makes it so that even if all other conditions are met any given idle won't play every time. Try it, I think you will be pleased with the difference it makes with the various NPCs you meet. It's not intended for the player character ... other mods are required for that (I play 1st person view exclusively so don't have any need for those type of mods ... someone else may be able to give you suggestions there).
  14. Thank you ... the pleasure has been mine (some people are nicer to help than others). Once you can, after you've ventured a mile or two into this great forest called 'Oblivion modded' don't forget to glance back every now and then and see if anyone needs help getting on the right path (something I believe you would have done without any encouragement).
  15. You have entered the world of many many choices ladon, but it's also the world of many many possibilities! Many of tools enable that diversity (OBSE for example) while many help you deal with that diversity (OBMM and WB for example) Go to the Browse Categories at Nexus and then look through the utilities category ... you'll see tools for most everything. As to your question, the three you've installed are pretty high on the list of frequently problematic installs (although to be fair if your UI replacer is DarN UI I mostly see problems that arise when people are troubleshooting other problems, and not so much installation issues). Of the remaining on your list I would say that MMM gets more 'service requests' than UL, but there are a lot of compatibility patches available for UL, so keep up to speed on what patches may be required when adding mods down the road (that's the more common problems that arise there ... adding a mod that requires a patch but not patching and having trouble). Good luck on your adventure!
  16. If you want walkthroughs for the KotN quests you can find links to them on the UESP Wiki page for Knights of the Nine
  17. If I remember correctly the gloomfrost version was specifically made for someone (gloomfrost) who only wanted those two idles from the complete set of idles (which explains where your 'missing' idles went). If you want the other idles that 'could' be included don't use the gloomfrost version. I personally use Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions which does play nice with fore's NoMaaM. I've tweaked my version of Personality Idles to include the idles your seeing from the gloomfrost version of Seductive and have used conditions to control who uses them and who doesn't (seductive beggars aren't on the top of my list).
  18. Being the one you're referring to I'll see if I can clear that up correctly (see my caveat about being a non-WB user). The version you're referring to (file named Wrye Bash 292 -- Standalone Version) doesn't require Python to run. It does require manual installation, meaning you will need to get all the files into the correct directories (and probably create those directories). If you go that route I recommend you unpack the archive and find the readme before proceeding. The version I was recommending is the file Wrye Bash 292 -- Installer Version which does require Python to function correctly. The order to install them is Python first then Wrye Bash -- Installer Version. I base this recommendation on advice I've seen in the past from one of the resident Wrye Bash gurus, who hasn't been very active here lately (Hickory ... hope you're well and just taking the summer off). The installer version allows a more typical type installation experience (double click the installer and let it work it's magic creating the correct directories and file structure). If you look at the description page for Wrye Bash here on the Nexus you'll notice a big yellow notice about CBash (the new version of the Bash utility that doesn't require Python ... written in C or C++ to remove the dependency). Follow it's advice and rename the DLL ... I've seen some of the reports of problems arising from CBash at this stage in it's development. Beyond the CBash problem version 292 is the recommended version (though some are still recommending reverting back to version 291 ... here I've been following Alt3rn1ty's findings and advice). As for should you use OBMM or WB there are some signifigant differences. WB is a swiss army knife, a number of tools rolled into one package, as is OBMM. Some of the utilities available in WB aren't replicated in OBMM (the ability to import face files is one that quickly comes to mind, as well as the ability to create a 'bashed patch' ... a patch which takes conflicts and resolves them, thus allowing conflicting mods to work together). Some of the utilities that are shared between the two don't have the same depth in OBMM. An example is being able to deactivate mods ... WB allows more flexibility in keeping track of which mod installed which files and successfully reverts to the correct file versions when deactivating mods, the OBMM version of deactivating mods that share resources isn't as robust. OBMM however is much simpler to install and the learning curve isn't as steep. As I've stated before, I personally don't use Wrye bash (yet). The mods I use (primarily replacers and armor/clothing mods, plus my own home-rolled efforts) don't require bashed patches, and I don't run so many as I'm approaching the number of mods limit. When that changes I'll use Wrye bash. Your own mod list may not require WB either, but some of the names I see on your list are also some of those I see mentioned a lot on this forum from people seeking help ... they don't fall into the simple to install, simple to get working together category. With some research to find the correct install order and load order you could undoubtedly get them working together (I've also seen some pretty long and impressive mod lists from people who don't use WB and claim no difficulties). Bottom line ... try whichever way suits you as your 'Plan A' and if that doesn't work out you can always switch to 'Plan B'.
  19. Not that I'm aware of. There are some mods, like the Apachii Goddess Store that compile a large selection of clothes or armor into one esp slot, but on the flip side you wind up installing a lot of stuff that you may not like or use. A couple of things to keep in mind while looking through the vast array of clothing and armor mods available. First, the clothing or armor you put on your character or an NPC becomes that part of their body that it covers (i.e. greaves become the character's legs). That's why it's important to make sure whatever your installing is compatible with the body you've installed (and here I'm talking compatible textures ... bust size doesn't matter as if for example your character is H-cup when naked, she'll be a B-cup if you put on a B-cup shirt, but everything will look OK otherwise if the shirt is designed for HGEC and your character is HGEC). That can be used to your advantage if you want a little variety in the NPCs. Secondly the clothes and armor can be of one of two types, replacers or unique. If for example you install all of Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock then all of the womens clothing will be changed to the BBB H-cup version (or if you only install say lowerclass03 then just anyone wearing the female version of the huntsman's vest will be changed). The alternative to replacers, what I've called unique types, don't replace any of the vanilla resources but add extra content to the game, either freely available or for sale. Your character or a companion character that has a share menu can easily use these extra clothes or armor, but there isn't any vanilla game method of getting those items into an NPC's inventory (you can however use the console, or download mods to get them used).
  20. Yes, but with a few caveats. Excerpted from the UESP Wiki on the Priory of the Nine:
  21. Your caveats on MMM are what keeps me away from mods like that. I'd love a mod that randomizes whether or not a bad guy will spawn at any one of the various spawn points (and perhaps adds more spawn points). I know where pretty well every bandit/goblin/highwayman/bear/wolf/etc will spawn ... takes a lot of the replay fun out of the game. The vanilla game includes quite a few travelers who are not hostile towards you (you'll run into them along the roads between cities), but unfortunately most will be killed off by the wildlife and bandits before your game progresses very far. For a while I'd make it my job to make sure they made it to their destination safely or revive them if I came across their body (a bit of console lovin'), but when I started a new game (I'd been playing the same game for quite a long time previously) I realized how many there were, and how many had died early in my first play through. Now I just set them to essential using the console and be done with it. Just another of those game design decisions that Bethesda made that makes no sense to me ... create a bunch of NPCs to make the world seem alive and vibrant and then allow them all to be killed off.
  22. The order you install replacers is important if they both or all alter the same files. Certain file names and paths are hardcoded into Oblivion, so whichever replacer you install last will be the one that the game tries to display. If the files that last installed replacer uses works for all three mods you're golden ... if not, well you're not so golden. Edit: Here a quote from a post by DrakeTheDragon on this thread Leads me to believe you'd want to install your Wolven Anthros last.
  23. I totally agree, it would be great. Sadly I don't recall ever seeing anything like that. You may want to post this query in the Oblivion Mod Requests forum and perhaps one of the scripting gurus will like the idea enough to give it a go. I use the console rather liberally in my game. It would be rather immersion breaking compared to what you've described from Stalker, but you can click an NPC and then change their disposition towards you. If their disposition is the same as their aggression towards you they'll be neutral towards you, if it's higher then they'll be friendly. here's a link to the UESP Wiki on Console Commands.
  24. Don't worry I'm the same. I held off on installing OBSE for the longest time, until I just had to have a mod that required it. And in the cause of full disclosure here, I still don't use BOSS or Wrye Bash myself, but I also don't use any of the mods that pretty well 'require' it. Just to clarify further, Python is required for the Wrye Bash version 292 to work. The Python 04 will install the Python runtime libraries that WB needs. There is a planned version of WB that won't require Python, but as of yet it's not released. It's good that you got your vanilla install working again. I personally prefer manual install for all but the most complicated mod installs, but I do use OBMM for a couple of mods I use. Then I use the versions that come as a pre-made OMOD with a script that walks you through the various installation options for the mod. I think that your woes weren't so much a case of OBMM causing the grief as mod conflicts (I lean towards your Unique Landscapes compliation ... I see a lot of compatibility patches for UL).
  25. You are right about Wrye Bash being a bear to install. Even the install manual isn't available until after you have installed it!! The current versions of WB require Python to run. Download both the Wrye Python 04 and Wrye Bash Installer version 292 from this link. You install Wrye Python first and then Wrye Bash. You may not have seen alt3rn1ty's Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide. Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) is a utility for re-ordering your load order to avoid conflicts between mods, and is best used in conjunction with Wrye bash. BOSS will output a set of tags that WB uses when making a bashed patch (an esp that takes the mod conflicts and combines them into a single non-conflicting esp). I offered WB and BOSS as a solution to not so much your current situation so much as a way to avoid the conflicts that brought you to your current situation. I often see mention of problems with some of the mods you were trying on these boards. The suggestion for OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender) was a good one, as most newer mods or versions of mods will require OBSE to function. Your current situation may be best resolved by uninstalling and then re-installing Oblivion. Backup your saves from the My Documents/My Games/Oblivion folder. One of the moderators here bben46 posted this uninstall/re-install article to help get a proper a thorough fresh start. Good luck!
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