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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If it's a vanilla install and patched to 1.2.0416 I'd try moving the graphics sliders down to minimum and stay at native screen resolution for your laptop screen. If you don't get the issue then try moving the sliders up. Edit: It won't cause any problems with a vanilla install, but if you've installed in the default C:\Program Files the Microsoft security feature UAC will cause you problems once you start adding mods.
  2. From what I've seen here usually graphics related problems (i.e. when the graphics card isn't powerful enough) start as soon as you exit the sewers. In the dungeon isn't too stressful for the graphics, but once you hit the outside everything needs to be rendered. Do you have things like trees and grass turned down as low as they'll go?
  3. So this started right out of the sewer or did you bring a save from the other machine?
  4. Did you have Oblivion working on this machine and then it started this (maybe after adding a mod or something)?
  5. Your graphic are going to limit you, if they will run Oblivion at all. The Intel HD are not very HD.
  6. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly. Don't neglect the CCleaner part ... leftovers in the registry can cause problems with the re-install.
  7. You uninstalled the mod that was giving you trouble or uninstalled Oblivion?
  8. Did it just start after you added a or a bunch of mods or rebuilt your bashed patch (if you use Wrye Bash).
  9. Not a lot of info to get us started. What mods do you have loading, do you have Oblivion installed in the default C:\Program Files (x86)\...
  10. Have you had a look through the CS Wiki Race creation tutorial?
  11. Shouldn't hurt anything as long as you're deleting both (the .ess and .obse for each save). If you want to be cautious, move the ones you want to delete to another folder and see if your current saves still work alright.
  12. I am 'quick to the click'. You deserve the credit though, I just link to the answers you've researched and provided. :thumbsup:
  13. One of the moderators here, bben46 posted this Revert to Vanilla guide. Should fix you up.
  14. Have you seen The Imperial Legion 3-2? Edit: Or if you're feeling a bit sneakier about it how about TRN One of the Gang?
  15. Have a look at section 7c in fore's Avoiding Blender Animation Pitfalls.
  16. The enchanting can be done in-game, either at an enchanting altar (at the Arcane University or added by a mod), but it's best done with sigil stones (available at a 'price' from your nearest Oblivion gate). Unless you are a low level character who has a very high level in alteration (for the shield enchantment), the sigil stones provide a higher enchantment at any given level. Here's a link about enchanting.
  17. Would permission be required if it's not ever released to the public?
  18. And they don't have someone looking over their shoulder counting pennies. Doing it right = making a profit today ... wasn't always just about that at one time.
  19. When in doubt I always throw three cheap arrows in the box and then don't return for at least four days. I find lots of 'free storage' alongside the roads that way (mark them with an item sitting on top so I'll know).
  20. The Construction Set is available from right here (click me).
  21. I think if you read your EULA you'll see you're licensing use of the game, not owning it. I do agree that D2D and Impulse need to have BIG warning about how their version differs around modern modding requirements. OBSE is optional, but not if you consider the number of mods requiring it today. I'm sure there will be marketing guys who'll disagree about full disclosure ... takes away part of their 'toolkit'.
  22. Some different at the neck, wrist and ankles is unavoidable (it's just a 'feature' of the way the game handles skin textures). Make sure you are using body textures intended for the body you are using ... mixing types leads to strange effects.
  23. I was trying to go the other direction (armor --> clothes) and ran into a brick wall. I think you need to use NifScope to change that property. Edit: If you enchant clothes with elemental defense (sigil stones provide the highest amount) you get both elemental defense and normal defense, plus you don't lose spell effectiveness.
  24. That was Stardocks whole point. They're one of the only ones who actually understands the negative attached to DRM. The PC game industry is also taking it on the chin for the very complexity that makes PC games superior to consoles. Cheaper to support a game that you stick in the disk and it can only do one thing. A modern PC's installation woes alone are enough to make you wonder how the non-techy types manage. Creates a need for sites like this I suppose.
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