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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I've no personal experience with any of those, but reading through this post gets me thinking your problem could stem from installation order and/or load order. I'm sure that Deadly Reflex, Unnecessary Violence and a weapon throwing mod will all have specific skeleton requirements (perhaps conflicting, perhaps not ... research is required) and where ever any two try to change the same animation files the last installed will be the one the game tries to use. If animation Z is added by mod C and works with mod A & C, but not mod B unpleasantness will result. BOSS often has recommendations for conflicting mods and Wrye Bash is used to try to resolve the conflicts.
  2. Ahh ... now I'm starting to understand the question. Why don't you post which mods it's happening in and maybe someone will know of a solution.
  3. For those it may help, MarkInMKUK gave me permission to repost his bashed patched detailed guide:
  4. A look through the UESP Wiki walkthrough for The Ultimate Heist doesn't mention anything about the door being locked. It does mention fighting the guardians. If I recall correctly they activate once you've gotten close enough to them.
  5. The vanilla game resources (textures meshes etc.) are all located the the various bsa files (a compressed file format).
  6. Have a look through this post by Talonvore if you are trying to use the 4096 x 4096 resolution textures.
  7. Did you see the latest post by kazoozoo on this thread?
  8. It does seem odd. Perhaps someone may have some more info around the issues of using Win 7 beta.
  9. I'm not aware of what if any problems that could result from running the beta Win 7, perhaps someone else will know more about that. When you say "I've even installed it in the suggested c/games/oblivion, another drive, and even on a flashdisk, and it still gives me that message" does that imply that the first time you installed it to the default C:\Program Files? If so, if you didn't clean your registry after uninstalling to make the move to C:\Games you could have old registry entries messing up the works. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a complete and correct job done.
  10. Is your copy of Oblivion from either Direct 2 Drive or the Impulse download sites? Neither of those versions of the game will work with OBSE (they're encrypted due to DRM requirements and it's illegal for the OBSE team to modify the encrypted exe).
  11. Post a mod load order list using spoiler tags (e.g. ["spoiler"] Your list here ["/spoiler"] without the quote marks used so that the text shows in this post). If memory serves correctly this problem involved Deadly Reflex (we saw a lot of it some months back). Because Oblivion can only use one skeleton they all fall into the category of 'replacers', and the rule with replacers is whichever is installed last is the one Oblivion uses. Load order (which is what BOSS takes care of) doesn't make a difference with which skeleton is used. The fix is easy once you identify which mod is causing the problem due to the skeleton it needs not being the one Oblivion loads. Simply copy the correct skeleton from the extracted download into the correct folders in Data\meshes\characters\_male.
  12. Ah, the joys of total freedom. On my second start I waited until I had the magic skills needed to craft some crafty spells before I started closing gates. My fav for those red skied places was paralyse 1 second, invisibility 2 seconds, fortify magicka 3 or 4 seconds and absorb health 2 or 3 seconds (not at my gameing box so I can't give the exact magnitudes). If there was more than one bad guy I'd go after the strongest and let the others gnaw on me all they wanted if they could find me (the absorb health helps keep you buffed and I have the Escutcheon of Chorrol from the Sins of the Father quest so the reflect damage softens them up a bit too and the fortify magicka lets you spam the spell to your heart's content). I'm one of those 100% completion freaks so that's an esential tool for closing 60 gates (not something on my agenda for the next playthrough). My initial reason for dark elf was the resist fire racial perk, but they do tend to give you the chance for a somewhat well rounded character. My current guy's double warrior limits him for levelling efficiently, so I'm doing quite a bit of research on character creation using custom classes for my next guy.
  13. Well happy upcoming birthday ladon from a fellow Canadian who spends a goodly amount of the summer at his sailboat, is currently trying to avoid the sunshine so he can see his laptop screen, has given up the consumption of wobbly pops (for the good of mankind) and who had an unintended dip a week ago and decided that it would probably be prudent to wait a couple of weeks for a repeat performance (the North Channel is not widely know for it's June swimability). I remember my own first play through attempt. I had accepted all the defaults through the character generation and I may have progressed to level two by the time I arrived at Kvatch. After getting toasted to a crisp a few time right after entering the gate I decided a little research on character generation was in order. Thus the dark elf 'Striker' came into the world (I know ... not a very dark elfish name). Saving is possible while visiting the planes of Oblivion ... some might even suggest that it's preferable. And a happy remainder of the Canada Day weekend to you too.
  14. Try deleting your oblivion.ini and let the game redetect your hardware. The file you want to delete will NOT be the one found in your game install directory. That one wil be named oblivion_default.ini and is the file that the game uses to rebuild oblivion.ini. The place you'll find it is in the Oblivion subdirectory in your \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Win XP or Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion in Vista and Win 7.
  15. You are beginning to find the reason I value my mistakes so highly. If you'd stumbled through your install the right way the first time think of all the good stuff you would have missed out on!! Thank for your generosity in sharing your errors ... I for one fully realize their value. Some amount of tiling and stuttering is unavoidable, and it sounds like you're getting a good vanilla baseline for comparison. If you want to add to the complexity, throw in a few rounds of Oblivion Tweak guide experimentation. You do realize that at some point in time you're going to have to play the game (or maybe bben46 is right, and tweaking and mod shuffling IS the game).
  16. Unfortunately the Direct 2 Drive and Impulse versions of the game are not compatible with OBSE. To satisfy DRM requirements both versions are encrypted, and it's illegal for the OBSE team to break that encryption to inject their code into the executable. For an online download version of the game Steam is the only option. The teams at Steam and OBSE worked together to ensure the Steam version would work with OBSE and satisfy DRM. All disk versions of the game support OBSE.
  17. Not sure how Realistic Fatigue works ... could it be that?
  18. Excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide Koroush usually mentions if a change was made from one patch level of Oblivion to the next ... did you update video card drivers as well as patch to
  19. Installing a whole bunch of mods and then testing is expecting a lot of ducks to line up perfectly just by random chance. I see some pretty complicated mods in your list too. Before you uninstall all those mods you could try running BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) with an updated list and then rebuild your bashed patch with Wrye Bash. If you've already taken those steps I think you'd be best to: A) try uninstalling a block of mods at a time and test in between untill the game runs, then add the uninstalled mods back in one at a time until it breaks ... then you'll have somewhere to start troubleshooting getting it running or B) uninstall all the mods and confirm the game runs back at vanilla then add the mods back in one at a time testing in between. MarkInMKUK recently posted some installation order advice on another thread ... if you can find that post it may be of some help.
  20. You are very kind, and thank you for posting details of the solution to your problem.
  21. When you create your item are you starting from an existing vanilla Oblivion item? If so, items that are in the static subcategory often have a non-static counterpart, listed under the type of item (furniture, lights, clutter etc.). Clone one of those items to start with.
  22. Another option to look at is electrro's BBB Designer body spell, which includes male body options as well as female and covers most of the popular choices. As MarkInMKUK noted above you need to match clothing and armor to match the body type. With the Designer body spell you can use clothing and armor that doesn't match your base body type by changing yourself or an individual NPC to match the item you want to use.
  23. What??? What's the problem ... we're just trying our best to warm up the bed for you!!
  24. I didn't notice the horse animation stutter until AFTER I install fore's NoMaaM, so don't expect it to help around that. Your best bet to help with the blotchy faces is one of the high definition texture replacers like Ozmo's High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC. To use that one you'll want to convert to the HGEC body (along side the Roberts body probably the most popular ... thus lots of armor etc. for it). I use and recommend Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12. It comes as an OMOD with an installation script so you can choose the body style you want, pick from nude or with undies (same as vanilla) and is recently updated to play nice with fore's NoMaaM Animation Replacer (pick the 'no animation' option in Rivelle's HGEC body if you plan on using NoMaaM and then you won't have the 'animation overwritten' issue). Once you have the HGEC body installed and working install Ozmo's textures. There are two options, 2048 x 2048 resolution or 4096 x 4096. I use the 2048 x 2048 myself because even when my SLI was working I only had 1.2 Gb video memeory to work with plus the lower resolution textures are a simple download (one file) and I used the installer to install. If you decide to go with the 4096 x 4096 textures then I recommend following Talonvore's Ozmo's Hi Rez Skin Textures: A step by step guide!. That should keep you up to your ears in mischief until the next round of meds is delivered ... can't be leaving you time to actually play the game!!
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