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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Do you want to do the Enhanced Economy test first ... it's easy.
  2. Right at the first set of comments on the Magic Visuals look at the topic started by Joehtosis on May 29 2020, the answer by the mod author 45AARP on May 30 and then look at the file dates for the Lightning Crash Fix and the main Magic Visuals Overhaul (May 14 2020 and Apr 12 2019). Big red flag to me. The other thing to do while on the Magic Visuals mod page is look at the four No ENB screenshots at the bottom of the Images tab. If you do decide on no ENB then that's what the Magic Visuals will look like. Let me know when you are ready for the Enhanced Economy test ... it's just turning on Debug messages and then having a quick look for the messages with the console in-game.
  3. "All life's a stage, and we are merely players." I could picture the unbound book kablooie ... actually looks a bit like the Striker Manor's Computer Nerve Center does on it's good days. Play on!!
  4. How about you use the crossed out text option (see the crossed out S near the left corner of the Edit pane, under the box that says Font) ... that way we can still see the original but know what is now off the list. I have seen plenty of people with trouble who use Better Cities and ENB in the Bevilex mod comments (Bevilex is a very large mod list) ... some who are also using Unique Landscapes, and some who are not. Most of the common complaints are about low FPS. I can suggest some small mods that change things like the sun glare that you could give a try. I don't know much about the Magic Visual mod ... I'll have a look at it today. I have another test to do for the Enhanced Economy mod so we can tell if it's working. I'm making pancakes for breakfast and I'll post about that after ... OK.
  5. I mean I have tried putting the Blockhead.ini file into the vanilla install directory which is where most OBSE plugins are suppose to go when using MO2 however I am not getting any changes. And I have tried the oposite, installing it as a mod in MO2 into it's virtual file system, but still no changes. I am sure there is most likely a fix for this..... just I am certainly not smart enough when it comes to MO2 or coding to figure it out lol. Where is Blockhead.dll ... in a non-virtual installation like disk version or digital version of the game both Blockhead.dll and Blockhead.ini are in the same Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder (in fact Blockhead.ini doesn't exist until after you start the game with OBSE and Blockhead.dll is loaded the first time). So where did you get Blockhead.ini to try moving it to theses other locations? That location is where Blockhead would be looking for it. - Edit - OBSE.log should give you info regarding Blockhead loading. This is the relevant part of my OBSE.log: checking plugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Blockhead.dllSetOpcodeBase 000027F0RegisterCommand SetBodyAssetOverride (27F0)RegisterCommand GetBodyAssetOverride (27F1)RegisterCommand ResetBodyAssetOverride (27F2)RegisterCommand GetFaceGenAge (27F3)RegisterCommand SetFaceGenAge (27F4)RegisterCommand SetHeadAssetOverride (27F5)RegisterCommand GetHeadAssetOverride (27F6)RegisterCommand ResetHeadAssetOverride (27F7)RegisterCommand RefreshAnimData (27F8)RegisterCommand SetAgeTextureOverride (27F9)RegisterCommand ResetAgeTextureOverride (27FA)RegisterCommand ToggleAnimOverride (27FB)plugin G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Blockhead.dll (00000002 Blockhead 0A032008) loaded correctly
  6. Hey now, I took a shower today..... at least, I *think* it was today...... maybe it was yesterday...... Hhhhmmmm...... :D LOL ... just wait until the weather gets well and fully colderer. Once I can see my breath I tend to avoid the shower. Nice while you're in there, but you do need to come out at some point. Whadaya think ... do I keep the thermosat low enough?
  7. Yup I'll be around. We can look at some of the other stuff still on your list perhaps. I didn't want to say anything and influence you, but I do think you are making the right decision by skipping UL. Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul already adds lots of "things" in the wilderness areas (some that will try to hurt you, some that maybe could be a friend). The further you get from the cities and main roads the more "interesting" things will get. See you at lunch time.
  8. Ya ... I'm not sure how you'd go about this with MO/MO2.
  9. Paga, not lookin' at you or anythin' ... but ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2020/09/29
  10. Well you know ... Hey does have a bit of that Necro air about him! Anybody sneak into his closet and see if he has a big red hand on his robes?
  11. After thinking on it a bit more I did another test session. This time I was using the Idle.kf (which I assume is the one the game uses when you see NPCs just standing around and they have a blade sheathed). Didn't matter what I did in the renaming (so I tried OneHandIdle_Inventory.kf as well as Idle_Inventory.kf both assigned via Blockhead to the OneHandIdle= spot) the game steadfastly continued to show an unshealthed sword in my guy's hand (not held exactly right mind you, but the sword was out and scabbard at his hip). I'm leaning towards a "you can't get there from here" type situation now. The game engine is acting like it's hardwired ... in the menu the sword will be seen, and you shall be waving it about (and I guess that means you will like waving it about).
  12. Actually I was thinking of a little "homework" assignment for you that was just that ... get a nice clean save for near each city, or as many cities as you feel like running to. I know ... I'm a mean guy! - Edit - If we move on to the Unique Landscapes they will come in handy ... lots and lots of Better Cities patches will need to be tested.
  13. There is still value in finding out how far back in your save line you need to go before the crashes stop, just so you have saves to use for mod testing. For instance I like to have testing saves from close to each city that I know are good saves. Then I can just load whichever save is closest to whatever it is I need to test. If you have to run all the way to Bruma or Leyawiin from the sewer exit save every time you will learn to hate testing ... and that is not a good place to be!!
  14. I see something in the Better City mod comments about a new shop that is outside of Bravil (I'm assuming they are talking about the original city gate to the north) causing crashes ... but there is no follow up information on the post. Could be related to something in your save that got all bunched into a knot.
  15. So you are saying that the before the sewer exit save will let you go to Bravil with no problem? That means it is something in your other save. Two ways to go from there ... one is to start testing your saves starting from the one before the one that crashes until you find one that doesn't crash. You can then either move the bad saves to a folder named BC_Bad_Saves_Backup or you can delete them and continue from the good one. The other way is to just begin a new character from the before the sewer exit save (or use the same character, only a fresh start). I usually have all of my mods installed before I start my actual playthrough. For my current character that was after more than two weeks of installing and testing mods (some mods took a lot of testing before I had them set up the way I wanted). A lot of those installing and testing days were well over 12 hours of installing and testing.
  16. From the mod description: If you want to use the Dark Seducer or Golden Saint armor as a replacer, go to meshes\vortex\DMZArmors, copy the armor you want to meshes\armor\darkseducer\f\ or meshes\armor\goldensaint\f\ and rename it to "armor.nif" So did you download the mod to a folder and extract it to that same folder? If so you would find Vortex' DMZ Armors\DarkSeducer.nif ... copy that file and then go to your game's Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Armor\DarkSeducer\F folder and paste it into the F folder. Rename the file Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Armor\DarkSeducer\F\DarkSeducer.nif to Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Armor\DarkSeducer\F\armor.nif and you are done. Same thing with the Golden Saint except for the target folder path. This will only work as long as you leave the mod 's textures folder installed ... you can delete VortexDMZArmors.esp from the game Oblivion\Data folder if you don't want to wear the armor yourself (and the folder Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Vortex as well in that case ... just be sure to leave the textures). - Edit - Actually not 100% true about the textures. The only meshes that have a mod added texture are the various Blades armors ... the rope around the waist is the only mod added texture. All of the rest of the armors just use vanilla game textures.
  17. Ran across something to try concerning the Bravil crash ... Try going to Bravil from that save before you exit the sewer and see if you still crash.
  18. Good thing ... I've been looking through the Better Cities mod comments for something on the Bravil crash but haven't found anything yet.
  19. Do you remember which mod? - Edit - Do you mean one of the mods that you and I have added or a mod that you added yourself?
  20. Regarding the Bravil crash ... I can't think of anything we've added that also affects the Bravil area. Do you know of anything I may have missed?
  21. Did the shadow thing only start after we installed Better Cities?
  22. *I Like* that it's been a long time since I got "road rage" but I now get "road amusement" instead.... I believe I may have found today's thing for Striker to Like!! This has all the earmarks of an acquired taste, but surely one worth acquiring!
  23. Alright ... in the Better Cities extracted download find the 06 FPS Patches folder and copy the file Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp and then paste it into your game's Oblivion\Data folder (a bit different than we have been doing in the past ... this time we're going directly to the game's folders). In OBMM put a tick beside Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp and then run BOSS. Test and see if it makes any difference, and how the Waterfront District now looks.
  24. OK ... give me a few minutes to clear up after lunch.
  25. We will need a link to the exact mod you are trying to install first.
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