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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No ... one of the effcts of EE is you aren't allowed to pick the grapes at Skingrad (it's considered stealing). Let me look at a couple of other settings.
  2. No a new game isn't needed. Do you have a save near Skingrad by any chance?
  3. I don't use the House prices.esp myself (so my houses are just vanilla price). Ya I missed one other Enhanced Economy.ini settings that needs to be changed. This time open the Enhanced Economy.ini that is located in your game's Oblivion\Data\Ini folder and just a small amount below that auto-haggle setting we changed find: set tnoEE.haggleDispositionFactor to 5 and change it to set tnoEE.haggleDispositionFactor to 0 and then save the file. It should work after that change.
  4. Alright now we'll install EE ... In your Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install folder copy the Data folder and paste it in your game's Oblivion folder. Use OBMM to activate Enhanced Economy.esp and then sort your load order with BOSS. Start your game and if you have a save that is close to a merchant load that save. To test that EE is working try to haggle with the merchant but set the slider quite high so that it fails five times. See if that then makes it so you can't haggle any more. If EE is working we will install Better Cities (after adding one more file I missed in the BC preparations).
  5. OK ... now would be another good time for a game's Data folder backup!
  6. And that is pretty much all we get from the major news organizations of late. Basically, for the last decade or so. I still remember when the 'news' was exactly that. News. No political bias, no editing of stories to support a particular political view. Just facts, all of them. Not leaving out little bits and pieces because they didn't support the message you were trying to forward. Of course, that was back when you got the news in half hour segments. 30 minutes of 'local' news, then 30 minutes of national news. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, all that went out the window, and ratings/political message became more important than truth, and facts. Sorry, I don't watch television. Newspapers, books, magazines, radio. Multiple and various opinions and different perspectives. Double checked sources, fact checking before publication. But I am sure that you will now tell me that the printed press is also "fake news" and biased. heavy sigh It's readily apparent that you have already made up your own mind, so, it really doesn't matter what I say, you will just chalk it up to MY bias...... So, I won't bother. I don't watch broadcast TV either though. I gave up on that years ago. I get my news from assorted websites, yes, each with their own bias...... but, if you check around, you can actually find the details that other places will leave out. What do you think guys ... any relevance ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/28 He would probably be more accurate/relevant. :D Calvin for President ... somehow I think Calvin would go for that (and then you'd have Hobbes for Vice-President ... a somewhat calming influence most days).
  7. OK, last step for EE ... In the Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data\Ini folder open the file Enhanced Economy.ini and find the line that says: set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 1 You will find it part way down, not far after the heading: ; ================== Settings to control haggling ===================== Change set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 1 to set tnoEE.autoHaggle to 0 and then save the file.
  8. OK ... from the folder named 20 House prices x 2 (OOOx0.5) copy the file named Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp and paste it into the Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  9. Did you see my last edit about how the house prices can also stay at vanilla?
  10. Yes I like that ... plus it makes it more difficult to get their prices down (or up if you are selling) as you can't just keep trying. Last question ... Better Cities adds a shack outside Bravil that you can buy. Would you like that shack to be 2 times the price, or 3x, 5x, 7x or 10 times the price? - Edit - I should add that EE also does the same to the vanilla game house prices ... so 2x, 3x, 5x, 7x or 10x will affect all of the houses the same. - Edit 2 - Another thing I should add ... if you want the vanilla game house prices then that can be done too.
  11. That's the one I use too. Next copy the Sound folder from 02 Silent voice and paste it into the Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  12. OK ... now EE has two ways you can barter with merchants. One removes the barter menu completely (auto-haggle) and just gives you whatever price it thinks you should get (it will be less than vanilla with default settings). The other way adds new ways the vanilla barter menu works ... so for instance if you try to haggle and get refused too many times the merchant will not haggle anymore until the next day (these settings can be adjusted in the INI file). Which would you prefer ... auto-haggle or the EE enhanced vanilla system?
  13. In the extracted download you will see a folder named 00 Core with four folders (Enhanced Economy, Ini, menus and textures) and one file named Enhanced Economy.esp ... copy all four folders and the Enhanced Economy.esp and paste in your Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  14. Alright ... create a folder named Enhanced_Economy_Manual_Install and then as usual create the folder Data inside that one. Download Enhanced Economy to a folder and then extract it to that same folder.
  15. OK ... now Enhanced Economy is also set up with folders similar to the ones in BC. There are some steps to take again for the files and folders like BC, but also some things to customise how you like in the INI files. The INI file stuff can be done later after you have tried the default settings OK?
  16. Last step for Better Cities prep work ... In the folder 43 Roberts Male copy the folder named bettercitiesresources and paste into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  17. I'll see if I can find the YouTube link for the Boomer Shooters thing. Last two steps for the Better Cities first. In folder 10 Enhanced Economy copy the file Better Cities - House Price Patch.esp and paste it into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  18. And that is pretty much all we get from the major news organizations of late. Basically, for the last decade or so. I still remember when the 'news' was exactly that. News. No political bias, no editing of stories to support a particular political view. Just facts, all of them. Not leaving out little bits and pieces because they didn't support the message you were trying to forward. Of course, that was back when you got the news in half hour segments. 30 minutes of 'local' news, then 30 minutes of national news. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, all that went out the window, and ratings/political message became more important than truth, and facts. Sorry, I don't watch television. Newspapers, books, magazines, radio. Multiple and various opinions and different perspectives. Double checked sources, fact checking before publication. But I am sure that you will now tell me that the printed press is also "fake news" and biased. heavy sigh It's readily apparent that you have already made up your own mind, so, it really doesn't matter what I say, you will just chalk it up to MY bias...... So, I won't bother. I don't watch broadcast TV either though. I gave up on that years ago. I get my news from assorted websites, yes, each with their own bias...... but, if you check around, you can actually find the details that other places will leave out. What do you think guys ... any relevance ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/28
  19. Can be done with Blockhead but it does take some setting up.
  20. OK, no problem. I just got educated on what a Boomer Shooter is (had never heard the term before). Guess I'm a "used-to-be" Boomer shooter. Do you think you would have any interest in using Enhanced Economy? It's a mod that makes it harder to get rich along with a bit more. It can be customised using it's INI file sort of like how you can with MOO. - Edit - It does look to me like it could be added later so no need to make up your mind right now.
  21. LOL ... sorry to laugh but you probably wouldn't guess I have such a mean streak, would you? Giving you a headache and all!! - Edit - But on a serious note ... any time you need to take a break just let me know. The good part is you can still play the game as we haven't touched it with BC yet. - Edit 2 - Back from lunch break, but you take whatever time you need ... I'll be around.
  22. Lunch break here at the Striker Manor. I'll be back in about 20 minutes.
  23. In the folder 07 IC Imperial Isle copy the file Better Cities - IC Imperial Isle.esp and paste it into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder. Keep in mind for future that this new Imperial City wall will conflict with mods that have things outside of the IC Elven Gardens District and the IC Arena District.
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