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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. LOL ... on the hoof, so to speak. +1 for Mktavish
  2. Pill Bugs vs Sow Bugs ... all you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. It's not nice to joke about M48 and I like that Paga ... we resemble that remark!! - Edit - So that begs the question ... what's eating you??
  3. LOL ... what, we don't save the best for last?? Hopefully things will return to normal before the supply of vegans runs out. That way we can have the best first and possibly avoid the rest. LOL ... I'm with you ... "avoid the greens ones, they're not ripe yet" ... Otto (played by Kevin Kline) to Ken (played by Michael Palin) in A Fish Called Wanda.
  4. LOL ... what, we don't save the best for last??
  5. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Oh.. I would suggest San Diego then.. unfortunately its in California. Yeah, cost of living there is just stupid. That, and I really don't wanna live in a state that is sliding off into the ocean at the rate of half an inch a year...... :D Ya ... even sailboats are faster than that (well most of the time). Sailboats are too much work. :smile: I wanna just turn the key, and go. Which is why I "suggested" I may be of some use. Some haul halyards and tweak sheets ... others watch the water go by. Always a job for everybody.
  6. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Oh.. I would suggest San Diego then.. unfortunately its in California. Yeah, cost of living there is just stupid. That, and I really don't wanna live in a state that is sliding off into the ocean at the rate of half an inch a year...... :D Ya ... even sailboats are faster than that (well most of the time).
  7. Go to the grocery store Paga and even if you don't see lots of people you'll see their "results". Toilet paper aisle ... completely empty. Bread section ... a handful of loaves of the least popular bread. Meat section ... you can fit all of the remaining meat into a hand basket (that one is new since yesterday ... was maybe 1/2 stocked yesterday). My neighbor told me a good one over the fence yesterday ... he was driving past the beer store (here in Canada remember) on Thursday or Friday morning, a little while before it opened (about the same day as I first noticed the toilet paper aisle that is still empty) . Every parking spot all way around the building was full, and it is a "big box" that shares it's parking with our local shopping mall, so not a limited space lot in the slightest. Toilet paper ... check. Beer ... check. OK honey, we're ready for the zombie apocalypse.
  8. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Here's an idea Hey ... a honkin' big sailboat ... there is always someplace on the planet that is 75 and sunny. If you're looking for a skipper for the boat I know a sailor ... hint, hint. I had considered that. :smile: But, I would have to win the lottery first. (one of the big ones....) I think Ideally picking up on one of US Subs large variety submarines..... (5000 square feet of living space.....) would be perfect. Then just cruise around to where the weather is nice. :D They were only 80 million bucks last I checked. LOL ... might need to wait for the SuperBall (or whatever it's called) to get a bit bigger than usual for that one!! You're looking to really fly under the radar.
  9. :smile: I actually have family in Florida. (Vero Beach.) Unfortunately, the heat and humidity in summer just kill me. I have MS, so temp extremes take a pretty serious toll on me. I want to live someplace where it is sunny and 75 every day. :D If I ever find that place, I'll let ya know. :D Here's an idea Hey ... a honkin' big sailboat ... there is always someplace on the planet that is 75 and sunny. If you're looking for a skipper for the boat I know a sailor ... hint, hint.
  10. While overlooking the obvious health risk factor that we older retired individuals have, I can't help thinking that perhaps we are the blessed ones ... houses paid for, secure income from the pension/government plans, able to pick and choose when to go grocery/etc shopping (i.e. non-peak times or first thing in the AM before the daily stocked shelves are re-emptied), nothing requiring us to expose ourselves to others when you don't choose to ... Not wanting to downtrod the younger readers, but feel free to fill in any benefits I've missed.
  11. But move where Hey?? The paycheck to paycheck crowd are world wide (well as world wide as where there is something you could call a paycheck). Where we have rich people we must have paycheck to paycheck people (the system is built on it). I think Paga was on the only right track when he was looking for a small plot of fertile soil that wasn't too close to the rest of humanity.
  12. And is that not yet another quest for power of individuals grubbing for more than their own fair share? Yep. Yet another group of folks trying to tell us how to live our lives. What I find most revealing about those who want to tell others how to live is the truth they will never acknowledge ... they really don't care about the mechanics of how we live providing we hand over the money. They probably come from the same genetic pool as muggers.
  13. And is that not yet another quest for power of individuals grubbing for more than their own fair share?
  14. In your defense Niphilim it was spelled correctly, just used out of context. :D
  15. I never heard of anyone sneaking up on Toilet paper before. I heard about a guy that was so ugly he had to sneak up on a glass of water. Keep safe! Be cool! :mellow: Go with the flow and keep out of the in store aisles jams, and on the roads traffic jams. Coronavirus? This too will pass. LOL ... +1 for Pagafyr. You know to look at him you'd never guess he had such "grammar police" side, would you? I'm still laughing over that visual of sneaking up on a glass of water ... I'll never get to sleep now Paga!!
  16. Striker879

    Gday all

    Big wave from the other side of the world welcome aboard! If you ever decide to go retro ES I'll be hanging out on the Oblivion forums.
  17. I'm no expert on what mods to avoid by any stretch of the imagination.Nothing in your current load order jumps out to me except the situation you alluded to at the very beginning ... Better Cities and Unique Landscapes don't have the reputation of increasing the game's stability. The only advice I can offer is to unistall both of those and see if your crashing frequency changes. If it does change for the better then add things back in as small an increment as possible and test to see if you can locate the culprit. If it offers you any solace, when I was building my current load order I spent over two weeks installing and testing (and I'm a retired guy so some of those were greater than 12 hour days). Granted a lot of those test sessions would have looked like a "play session" to an outside observer but that is what was required (many of the mods I was trying out were gameplay affecting mods, and arriving at INI tweaks for those that worked as I wanted together was a process, not just a quick trip to make sure the house/item was where it was supposed to be). As a result I have a very good idea of how each individual mod affects my game. Nothing worth anything is free.
  18. Not sure how much "star" quality I bring to the table. Search for Gore Bay Marina Testimonials ... I'm #33. My 57 seconds of fame (mind you without the skillful video editor it could easily have been the full half hour of me rambling). Didn't know you can request Google to give you a facial blurr, I always figured that was automatic. There was a lady walking her dog past my house once who was blurred so I could never figure out if she was one of the "regulars" in the neighborhood or not. The GoogleMaps car that caught her also caught my old XTerra with those kayaks loaded on the roof ready for me to leave for the ferry trip the next day (so spring of the same year you've already seen). The one I liked the most was a satellite map view of Eagle Island harbour NE from Gore Bay almost up to the north shore of the North Channel. There were three sailboat in the harbour, Mild Steel was anchored in the notch on the west side of the harbour opposite the little round island, there was a second sailboat leaving the harbour heading NE almost abeam of the island and there was me in my boat anchored in my usual spot down near the south end of the harbour. The wind was southerly so my stern was facing north and I remember looking out my cockpit companionway and seeing the sailboat that was leaving and thinking "Oh great ... it'll be just me and Mild now". If I had stepped out nto the cockpit and looked up and waved you would have been able to see me. Sadly that satellite shot of Eagle Island harbour was replaced with another some years back ... wish I'd saved a screenshot of it. Do an Archive search. Type in Eagle Island pixs, Eagle Island (map and the year) and see if the picture is afloat among the many that Google will display as pictures of there. The picture may be in a collection of studio art and may even be in a maritime art display. If once it was, like you mention, it likely is just a couple of clicks away on a page in the Archived collections. Now back to my Real life: I just finished looking for information that could have given me another link to launch me in another direction to do research and found none. I spoke with the Research and Archive managers at the Charlie M. Russell Museum. They couldn't find what I had hoped for. There isn't anymore to find, that's all, and the End! I am free to play video games; forever. Or go and roam around like a silver ball in a pinball machine dodging the ills of the masses bouncing from one post to another without coming into contact with death sooner than later. Maybe I will find a nice resting place on a cloud with Gold and Silver lining overlooking one of my favorite planets in the Star Wars movies or their video games? Maybe the Star Trek Green woman story will tantalize my old mind thinking young again, like that TV green woman Pike was mezmorized by? I could appear in a dream and sail off to where Commander Pike lives in constant illusions of being perfectly healthy and happy with a gal that is just as badly mangled as he is who is sharing the task of repopulating those aliens's nearly dead planet. Star Treks : The Menagerie. Or buy a yacht and sail around all the waterways and even pass by Striker879. I would rather have a mini-submarine though so I could see the sights under the sea, the beautiful sea.. Ooo! The possibilities are endless. ----------------------------------------------- And Mktavish Wins with his new rendition of Copacabana Snorkling is fun ... when you get down just below the first equalization depth (for me about 8 or 10 ft) you get neutral bouyancy and feel like you are flying. I love doing that along spots were the rocks drop sharply so you have a point of reference. Amazing that fish are often curious about what you are rather than just afraid if you are gentle as you approach. Ahh ... now you have me jonesing for the summer. Your mention of Museum of the Rockies gave me a nice little diversion this morning. That Star Trek episode (actually was a two parter if I recall correctly) is a good one.
  19. No , the win is hollow unless Pagafyr is impressed. Which you should know he is rarely impressed with my guff. But that's Ok cuz I am rarely impressed with his guff anymore. Thereby being impressed only matters if we are going to do something with the GuFF :ninja: So are you saying "No GuFF is just Fluff"??
  20. :laugh: :teehee: :woot: Mktavish wins!!!
  21. Not sure how much "star" quality I bring to the table. Search for Gore Bay Marina Testimonials ... I'm #33. My 57 seconds of fame (mind you without the skillful video editor it could easily have been the full half hour of me rambling). Didn't know you can request Google to give you a facial blurr, I always figured that was automatic. There was a lady walking her dog past my house once who was blurred so I could never figure out if she was one of the "regulars" in the neighborhood or not. The GoogleMaps car that caught her also caught my old XTerra with those kayaks loaded on the roof ready for me to leave for the ferry trip the next day (so spring of the same year you've already seen). The one I liked the most was a satellite map view of Eagle Island harbour NE from Gore Bay almost up to the north shore of the North Channel. There were three sailboat in the harbour, Mild Steel was anchored in the notch on the west side of the harbour opposite the little round island, there was a second sailboat leaving the harbour heading NE almost abeam of the island and there was me in my boat anchored in my usual spot down near the south end of the harbour. The wind was southerly so my stern was facing north and I remember looking out my cockpit companionway and seeing the sailboat that was leaving and thinking "Oh great ... it'll be just me and Mild now". If I had stepped out nto the cockpit and looked up and waved you would have been able to see me. Sadly that satellite shot of Eagle Island harbour was replaced with another some years back ... wish I'd saved a screenshot of it.
  22. Yes that's me, assembling the forward crutch I use to support the mast once it is lowered. If you venture a little way back to the north along the road, just past the grey Chevy pickup and look west you'll see my first XTerra with a couple of my kayaks on the roof racks. Such visits are part of what keeps me through the winter. Only a bit more than 2 months away from her now.
  23. Alright. I'll hold you to that. Thanks for the advice. Btw, since we're on the topic, I might as well mention this to you and see if this is harmless. Usually when I resolve some conflict across esps myself in TES4Edit, I always allow anything added from another mod that is removed from another that is prioritised to be added in said prioritised one. So for instance, when an NPC with an item added from Oblivion Uncut is being overriden by say Better Cities, I always add that item into the Better Cities file and allow Oblivion Uncut to be a master file for Better Cities. Obviously I see this as no harm since I'm going to be using the mod anyway, and I highly doubt that I'd be removing said master file in the future of my playthrough as I usually always play with those mods anyway. Does this create issues in performance? Because it's always been itching the back of my head that this may be the issue. I see no technical difficulty in this, but you seem to know what you're doing more than me so I just want to confirm if it's harmless, as I've done this with a lot of esps in my load order. Now don't take as "take it to the bank" gospel as it is my own thinking on the relationship between masters and dependent ESPs. A normal master (i.e. one with the file extension ESM that has the master bit flipped on permanently in the file header) provides the game with a starting point as it loads resources. ESPs are used to modify that known starting point. When we move onto the situation of an ESP used as a master as you are speaking about the game doesn't necessarily have the same ESM and file header flags to go by but I believe it will still preserve that master/dependent relationship in exactly the same way. In the normal situation (ESM and ESP) the game loads all ESMs first (regardless of where in the load order they are) working from the first ESM to the last. Now with all of that information loaded into memory it works down the load order loading ESPs. Where any individual records are the same as in an ESM the game will overwrite the data found in the ESM with the dta found for that record in the ESP. If the next or a subsequent ESP also changes that same record then then lowest or last loading ESP will "win" the conflict. Each individual game record can only contain data from a singe source so last loaded always wins. In the situation of ESP master and ESP, even though the ESM flag is missing from the ESP master that "last loaded wins" still determines the outcome. The dependent ESP will have a record in the file header that says that this particular ESP is it's master (as well as other ESMs such as Oblivion.esm), and even though the ESP master doesn't contain a file header flag declaring it as a master the game will crash due to missing master if the dependent ESP is loaded before the master ESP. All that establishing that master/dependent relationship holds is that it demands that the master be loaded before the dependent (and that the master is present of course). Beyond the missing master scenario I don't see any performance implications. If your load order contained 10,000 individual game records in the ESMs and ESPs it will still only have 10,000 records. The portions of those records that are active in memory at any given moment will still be the same ... whatever the game requires for displaying that next video frame. Without doubt there is more to this than my simple explanations cover ... not sure whether I've made things clearer or muddier for you.
  24. LOL ... you were on the right trip Pagafyr (and didn't even need to leave the farm, as they say in the song). If you saw the boat being loaded on the transport flatbed you only needed to turn to face south and then use the click and wait for the view to move south down the road. The biker shots are from pictures that people upload I believe (whereas the ones on the road are from the GoogleMaps car when it drove past ... funny thing is I've seen it go by more than once, each instance separated by a few years time). If you scroll down the road to close to the red van with a small sailboat on a trailer then look east you'll see me and the old girl. The old girl is a 1964 Hinterhoeller 27 sailboat ... and our relationship is most accurately described as "the boat that owns me is an HR 27". She has owned me for nearly 40 years. There is always plenty to do around the boatyard. I often get sidetracked from my own work on various other boat's projects. We are by and large an aging group and many hands make light work.
  25. A deactivated ESP still counts toward the 400 file limit in the Data folder but unless you are using your Data folder as storage for downloads you aren't in any danger there.
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