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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I don't use a bashed patch as I've been told that it seemingly tends to choose the wrong IDs, so I've been deterred from ever using it. Plus in all of my previous attempts to use it, I sometimes found that it wouldn't give out correct results and seems like a complicated thing to use. I didn't make one specifically, I merged a couple existing plugins with one or the other. For instance, I've merged Diverse Effect Icons.esp and [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.esp into DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp. As I want to put as less a many active esps into my load order as possible. I used BOSS, as that it was built for Oblivion, LOOT was made for Skyrim. Some of them have been manually moved around, such as the CNRP esps as BOSS loaded them higher and there is some priority I wanted them to get for NPCs which would only happen if they're lower. Plus, like I said in my first comment, I handpick out and fix any conflict with TES4Edit. I understand better now. For years I resisted using a bashed patch myself (actually resisted Wrye Bash entirely) but since I've started using a bashed patch I can't say I've found an instance where it made for a less stable game for my part. I can't really tell if your load list was generated through Wrye Bash or not ... do you have Wrye Bash installed? As well as resolving conflicts between mods Wyre Bash will merge many simple mods into the bashed patch and then deactivate the ESP (basically what you are doing yourself) with one important difference ... the bashed patch is generally at or very close to the bottom of your load order. That way any conflicts it resolves are the last (or near last) loaded by the game and overwrite the conflicts they were intended to resolve. Your method, though not necessarily focused on conflict resolution, has your merges loaded high in your load order. Give some consideration to trying out a bashed patch to see if it helps on the stability front. To do a true test you will need to restore your unmerged version of things like the DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp and put the ESPs you've merged like Diverse Effects Icons.esp back into your load order before creating the bashed patch. Some of those ESPs may be merged and deactivated by WB during the bashed patch building and some may not, but by seeing what difference having a bashed patch makes vs your current situation you will be basing your future path based on evidence instead of what you have heard (I hear all kinds of things that my own experience says aren't true). It's easy to revert back afterwards if you decide against using a bashed patch ... simply delete the Bashed Patch,0.esp and restore your former setup. In my opinion simply trying to reduce ESP count when your number of ESPs is so far below the ESP limit of 255 is complicating life for little or no gain. I have seen plenty of load orders that included both Better Cities and Unique Landscapes that were far closer to the 255 limit than you are without anything like your problem, but those load orders always used a bashed patch.
  2. Nice read Pagafyr, thanks. I knew about the NW Angle but not that even the survey markers varied that much north and south of the actual 49th. I have some experience with marine celestial navigation so it really isn't that surprising. I like taking what I call "Google Map trips" during the winter. If you are up to it drop the StreetView guy down at the intersection of Purvis Drive and Water St in Gore Bay Ont. (you'll need to click in zoom a couple of clicks and scroll up so you can also see the Split Rail Brewing Co and William Purvis Marine Museum). To the west is the boatyard my old girl is wintering in and to the SE is the launch well we use to get the boats in and out. As I've learned in the past when trying to give "Google Map guided tours" not everyone gets served the same streetview images, but if you see a sailboat sitting in the launchwell with the mast still up but the boom off and an old guy working either on the foredeck or in the cockpit I'll apologise for not waving hello.
  3. Is there a particular reason you don't have a bashed patch? I'm also curious where in your load order is your merged patch/merged ESP you mention? Is this a BOSS load order or LOOT?
  4. Yes it does know how to do that sometimes. I've made so many crossings on it that I probably have paid down a good chunk of it's cost. My favourite was the Nindeweyma back when they ran two ferries ... had some nice spots you could stretch out and catch a few ZZZs during the crossing. The Chi Cheemaun was designed to discourage that and the most recent interior "upgrades" eliminated the last couple of spots to lay down. I think they call that "progress".
  5. That's what they were growing in these underground parking garages Pagafyr, though I will admit that outside of the mushrooms I didn't recognise any of the stuff seen being harvested and prepared for shipment/consumption. I'm with you on this ... I'd rather stick to someplace that at least sees sunshine for any home grown I may be cultivating (and no, even though it may be legal here in Canada I'm not talking about that kind of home grown). Manitoulin Island has a fair amount of under utilised farmland, but a lot of it isn't good for much more than grazing/hay production because the topsoil is only inches deep in places. I'll be there in a coupe of months ... want me to keep an eye out for you??
  6. If it's adventure by potholes you seek ... you should visit New Orleans. Plenty of potholes around here , but plenty of road construction too. And in fact we have a new failed construction site turned tourist site ... the Hard Rock Hotel collapse. Which sounds like there was a bunch of shenanigans going on in the white hat department. And makes me wonder if they would call it white collar crime vs blue collar crime ? Ya I followed that when it happened ... and then again after some recent windy weather (very sad for those affected). I wonder if the effort to find the root cause will be proportionate to the "polictical connectedness" of those hiding the most blame. In any case in our North American systems it's a given that the guy at the top will be found blameless. Blame is like that brown substance that only flows downhill ... those that live and breathe in the stratosphere are immune. Pagafyr ... I just recently read about a whole industry opening up in Europe's unused spaces in parking garages (apparently a widespread problem in Paris ... they've succeeded in discouraging car ownership). Maybe another avenue for investigation.
  7. Not sure but are you thinking of a recent troubleshooting in the Blockhead mod comments TheRomans (see thread started by G0rdonFr33man on Feb 27 2020). And just as an FYI ... OCO v2 does include the correct Orc ear textures in the Textures\characters\orc folder. I you don't have the file earsorc.dds in that folder you have an installation issue.
  8. No driving ... let's say I'm not a laid back chill kinda guy when driving (unless I have nothing but unbroken, unoccupied road in front of me ... I know a lot of "back ways" to my usual destinations). I have seen those wheels you're talking about though, usually along the side of those spots that have the rear scratching guys making more mud.
  9. So I got the right headwear ... just the wrong worksite. You do need to remember I specialize in hyperbole (though the disparaging remarks part is for the most part accurate ... guess I'm a different guy when I have a wheel in my hands).
  10. But the potholes add so much more adventure to the trip!! I suspect you are one of those "white hats" I see occasionally ... generally standing off from the yellows, often carrying a rolled up paper or two.
  11. "Construction Season" is more a disparaging remark made by drivers ... stuck waiting for yet another flagman standing there with his stop sign while the work crew appears to be working hard at getting that bug that's biting their rear. And yes, those guys who have buggy rears also have the technology to make mud (how would you like it today sir ... thick like putty or would you perhaps prefer our from the roofline to the bottom treatment?).
  12. Â Thanks for the 8088 link Pagafyr ... made for a nice trip down memory lane. I didn't stick with the Tandy laptop for long (went from it to a Toshiba laptop running an Intel 386 SX25 ... I was on the bleeding edge for all of about 2 weeks). The Tandy did give me one huge boost though, it showed me that I could learn how to use these infernal machines. The old journey of a thousand steps story. You're welcome! 999 1000 Phew! What was I going to do here after I walked all those 1000 steps? Him? A Z-something? Or was it 7000 steps to answer the call to find out why I could shout at dragons? Him? I think I'll look in the folder with those instructions I left myself if I found myself unsure about what do if I missed something when I was getting food. My health is first and foremost! Better make sure I got all the groceries. LOL ... I'm way ahead of you Pagafyr. I lost count along the way so I'm perpetually on "another one, then another one" (though I suppose you could make the point that I'm actually way behind ... or stuck in "the way of the behind" or some similar variation on the theme). Woke up to our first truly spring like day so I'm headed outdoors to wash the Jeep!! - Edit - One clean Jeep and one very tuckered out Striker. Because you reminded me about car care I went out and checked the Sub. (Subaru) Thought maybe it might have gotten dew from the chilled air and dust from the winds. It's still clean and dry docked at the curb. High wind warnings again. It was that way for a week. We just had our first day without wind today. I tried to get a neighbor to trade their Jeep for landscape work. She needed cash tho. What kind of Jeep do you have? Actually I'm being rather misleading when I call it a "Jeep" (long story, not really very exciting either). My "Jeep" is a Nissan XTerra, one of the last ones built for the North American market. I go through the dew and dust wars in the summer ... lots of gravel roads around where I spend that brief season we call "Construction Season" here in Canada (with the other being called Winter naturally).
  13. Â Thanks for the 8088 link Pagafyr ... made for a nice trip down memory lane. I didn't stick with the Tandy laptop for long (went from it to a Toshiba laptop running an Intel 386 SX25 ... I was on the bleeding edge for all of about 2 weeks). The Tandy did give me one huge boost though, it showed me that I could learn how to use these infernal machines. The old journey of a thousand steps story. You're welcome! 999 1000 Phew! What was I going to do here after I walked all those 1000 steps? Him? A Z-something? Or was it 7000 steps to answer the call to find out why I could shout at dragons? Him? I think I'll look in the folder with those instructions I left myself if I found myself unsure about what do if I missed something when I was getting food. My health is first and foremost! Better make sure I got all the groceries. LOL ... I'm way ahead of you Pagafyr. I lost count along the way so I'm perpetually on "another one, then another one" (though I suppose you could make the point that I'm actually way behind ... or stuck in "the way of the behind" or some similar variation on the theme). Woke up to our first truly spring like day so I'm headed outdoors to wash the Jeep!! - Edit - One clean Jeep and one very tuckered out Striker.
  14. Thanks for the good sleep wish. I slept well and went on some extraordinary adventures while I dreamed before I awakened to find it had snowed outside. :woot: I bought a book by Harry Lorayne titled ;The complete guide to Memory Mastery". Time to give my brain a tune up. I read his earlier books and got so I quite annoyed people at the college I attended. The prof suggested I go to MIT just to get me out of his lair. My ISP speed is so slow I can't get the page to load to display those Tandy Computers like my Dad had >> https://ancientelectronics.wordpress.com/tag/8088/ My first computer was a VIC 20. Thanks for the 8088 link Pagafyr ... made for a nice trip down memory lane. I didn't stick with the Tandy laptop for long (went from it to a Toshiba laptop running an Intel 386 SX25 ... I was on the bleeding edge for all of about 2 weeks). The Tandy did give me one huge boost though, it showed me that I could learn how to use these infernal machines. The old journey of a thousand steps story.
  15. My first machine was an 8088 Tandy laptop (think it weighed just over 10 lbs). Dual 3.5" disk drives ... one for boot (DOS 3.0 I believe) and the other for whatever program/game you were going to run. I had to create the DOS boot disk myself using the step by step guide in the manual. The guys at Radio Shack sure saw me coming, it was obsolete the day I bought it.
  16. A beginner's guide, lesson 1 - The Construction Set Primer should get you started, particularly section 4.4.3 Creating a New Base Object from the Table of Contents. That section is a bit sparse on details but it is complete (just a little threadbare) ... if you run into any questions ask.
  17. The download looks like a modders resource to me ... it has meshes and their textures but no ESP. If you want the items in game you need to create the ESP that places the meshes in the game.
  18. Just click in the box and change the number ... if they aren't supposed to bve evil most NPCs are Aggression 5. Disposition should be handled by the Faction providing theat particular Faction is set up with a Disposition modifier (often it is +100 for same Faction members). I'm off to a grandson's hockey game, won't be back until late tonight. Good luck!
  19. When you start the CS click on File in the menu and then Data. Select your ESP in the list (and you can select Oblivion.esm or let the CS select the masters). With your ESP the highlighted one click the Set as Active File button and then click OK. Your NPCs fighting could be related to their Aggression ... if Aggression is higher than their Disposition towards the other NPC they will start combat. - Edit - You can see their Aggression in the AI Package dialogue up at the top.
  20. Click on them with the cursor turned to a cross and drag sort of in a circle around where they are standing. For NPCs that will only be their orginal position and direction they are facing. Once their AI kicks in they'll exectute their current package and if the player approaches close enough they'll turn to look/face the player. The rotating is most useful for items and furniture.
  21. To scroll (move to a different location) in the cell to use the Space bar plus drag with the mouse (ya ... it's kind of clunky). When you drag and drop your NPC/item into the Render window hit the f key and they will fall down until they either hit the ground/floor or hit an obstruction. You can move them around in the cell once they are dropped using the mouse to click and drag once the mouse cursor turns into a cross over their bounding box. To move them vertically you use the mouse to click and drag up or down in the Render window while holding down the v key. To get a view of them rotated in the Render window you hold Shift while dragging the mouse.
  22. In the menus across the top of the CS click View and then select Render Window in the dropdown list. - Edit - You'll use the Cell View window to choose what to view in the Render window. By default Interiors will be listed in that dropdown ... for game exterior cells scroll down to Tamriel and then you will be able to see all the game exterior cells.
  23. While catching up on the Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics mod comments last night I noticed a post by Wiepman on Feb 4 2020 concerning an alternate to OSR for heap that you may find useful (look for d9vk, dxvk and Vulkan).
  24. If you read through the Bevilex mod comments you'll see that even when installed correctly not everyone is able to run the same mods as others can run without issues. I suppose if we all ran exactly the same hardware (so every single component exactly the same one every single machine ... without even a single exception) what you are asking for could be possible from the standpoint of everyone running exactly the same load list. But then you ask for that "one more thing" that would blow the whole thing up ... "that primed you for adding gameplay mods yourself". Never going to work. First, that utopian world of identical people will never exist ... at least not until we master the ability to genetically engineer every person on the planet to be identical at the genetic scale (good luck in implementing that ... would probably make a good movie/documentary chronicling the attempt). My own personal theory is that the base Oblivion game runs closer to the "edge" than most games. I think a lot of that isn't because it tries to do so much more as opposed to it is so poorly optimised and has so many bugs at it's core. It doesn't take any significant advantage of modern hardware, in fact in my opinion I believe modern hardware hobbles the game by expecting it to do things it has no ability to do. Second, most of the top mods for Oblivion are close to a decade old. They don't adhere to any modern "standards" for installation or the way their downloads are structured. They embody "what you see is what you get". A large number of those "must have" mods are also what many would call "abandoned" ... their mod authors have not been active for years. Even if you could come up with a tool to figure out how to succeed in installing the many and various install methods used over the years by mod authors you are still stuck with the permissions problem. How do you contact someone who has been out of contact for years (possibly dead) to get their permission to use their mod. Bottom line, in my opinion, is that even when/if Nexus implements mod packs or some form of automated installation it will have a rather low success rate in Oblivion.
  25. On your HGEC request (or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it an installation problem) I explained what your problem was, and how to correct it.
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