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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Ours was "No wage and price controls" ... and then when he got elected he immediately implemented wage controls (but not price controls) except for the Members of Parliament ... happens to be our current leader's Dad. Can't believe a thing out of any of their mouths. You've got me stumped Paga. I even did a scan through Robins IMDb movies list hoping I'd have an "ah ha" moment. As a wild guess I'd go with Fisher King.
  2. This falls into the category of 'shot in the dark' ... see what Animation Fixer reports for your progress towards the A-Bomb bug in one of those saves just prior to crashing on save.
  3. The point is in the design of the way this site's trying to get people to pay for premium: It's bad. It's invasive and aggressive. Imagine going to the supermarket - call it the Nexus Market: everyone's free to enter and shop around, but if you don't have a membership, everywhere you look, there's someone in your face trying to get you to buy a product wholly unrelated to what you're looking for. There are so many sometimes that they swarm you, depleting you of resources which makes you fall; crash, knocking your sensitive knees on the unforgiving concrete. You cry from the pain. You are so tired of hurting your knees (and you can't afford knee replacement surgery) that you hire some anti-sales bodyguards to skewer each life sucker with a spear, leaving their green, corrosive blood oozing on the floor. Time & money wasted, but good riddance foul parasites! When you've managed to find everything you need, in order to purchase your items and leave the store, you must go through a single line reserved only for those who don't pay up: it has multiple security checks where people scan you and pat you up and down and look into your orifices for no reason. Once you manage to undue your wedgie and have finally reached the checkout counter, the cashier begins scanning your items but the thing has "limitation software" built in so each scan takes 20 seconds or so to complete. "Just get me outa here!" You scream - but you needed those specialty diet items available nowhere else, so you put up with all that carnage and probing and time wasting. Meanwhile, you go into every other store where the isles are free of life-sucking salesman and there's no security guard with a probe waiting to extrapolate your insides. Everyone has access to the same speedy checkout and sales workers only once offer a membership with great benefits. You politely decline or accept depending on whether or not you feel the perks justify the cost of membership. Then you leave satisfied as no one has assailed you or searched your bunghole. Dramatic? Yes. On point? Also yes. Sounds like you should do all your shopping at the second store ... seems like the first one is damaging your calm.
  4. Sounds like the exterior cell is owned by the NPC and you have used a vanilla AI package that the vanilla game vendor/house owner use.
  5. Good job GodOf ... I nearly went back to edit that post after I posted it thinking RefScope would just show that it was vanilla game IDs for those NPCs. That ESP wasn't even on the radar for probable culprits. - Edit - Looks like a known issue ... here's what the BOSS masterlist says about it: PearlFarm.esp IF CHECKSUM("PearlFarm.esp", 590DE30D) DIRTY: 12 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES4Edit cleaning: "http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=TES4Edit_Cleaning_Guide"
  6. I know I've never seen that one (as a matter of fact don't think I'd even heard of it until today).
  7. Maybe use RefScope to see if they come from a mod you haven't tested yet. - Edit - You also need to download and install the latest version of Unofficial Oblivion Patch Female Dremora Restored and Voiced ... either that or follow the instructions for adding the NOMERGE bash tag. The way you have it now (merged into the bashed patch and deactivated) stops it from changing Dremora5MarkynazMissile3 back to female. The way you have it doesn't hurt anything ... Dremora5MarkynazMissile3 just stays male (as changed by the UOP).
  8. Sorry I didn't mean to lash out, i'm just stressed at home in quarantine and wanted to play fallout 4 to relax but then I saw that message about premium which I cant afford now and it just threw me over the edge. Thank you for all the work you put into the Nexus website over the years, I really appreciate everything you do for us players You can still play (provided you have enough money to purchase your games) ... you can still mod (downloading mods still requires the same amount of money as it did before). Look at it through the other end of the telescope ... one thing you do have more of right now is time. Maybe you spend some of that commodity in ways you couldn't before, seize the opportunity, so to speak.
  9. 'Tis even the right time of year ... sadly probably won't be any school trips to the syrup shack this year. I always preferred my take on the title ... Sleasy Rider. Peter Fonda was the big name, but for Dennis it was probably his closest to a lead role up to 1969. According to IMDb Dennis and Peter were the writers (as well as two of the stars) and Dennis was the director ... sort of a homegrown/commune/self help type production. One way to finance a bike ride I guess.
  10. Well all I can suggest is uninstalling (i.e. not just disabling) those mods one at a time and see which one is at fault. You'll need to do a clean save after unistalling before you go and see if it's fixed (so go to a cell that is well away from the Strange Door ... I suggest just inside the door to Anutwyll ... save and then exit, unistall the mod and load that Anutwyll save and then save again, load this clean save and go see if they are gone). Rince and repeat until you find the culprit. I'd start with that Split Expansion mod ... but that is just because it's an obvious possibilty, not because I have any idea which mod may be at fault.
  11. That one wouldn't be from Easy Rider would it?? - Edit - How about maple syrup snow cones??
  12. Are you talking about the NPCs from the Shivering Isles town of Split being at the Niben Bay side of the Strange Door?
  13. RIP Rutger. OK ... what about a pancake then?? Just finished one of my patented "I put the cake in pancake" Striker's "bet you can't eat more than one" panckakes. Manitoulin Island maple syrup ... nice fresh cup of coffee washin' it down. Rome may be burning but it's time to get down with enjoying simple pleasures.
  14. I love to speculate ... Niphilim just happened to be on the receiving end this time. Concerning where the cigarette paper comes from, I'll tell you the same thing I tell my grandkids ... "it's only a movie". Not even the laws of physics have jurisdiction in that realm.
  15. Might explain what I have seen a couple of times ... a new endorser is shown in the Endorsements popup yet doesn't show in the endorsement number (though I think it does seem to resolve itself over time ... could be wrong on that though).
  16. Well done once again Paga (and even a times two for this one). Worked with a guy who made an awsome Jambalaya and would bring some in for all the team occasionally. You have me droolin' and it's just after lunch. All of a sudden supper's lookin' a long way off !! That song I haven't heard in forever plus about a century !! I can be roadie for the musician duo maybe (I do get some experience in the summer helping out a friend who toured with the Beach Boys as a summer gig covering for Brian Wilson ... he puts on a show for the marina every summer). So you're thinking maybe Mktavish can hook us up with some eats?? Maybe we should bring Niphilim along to broaden his horizons/put some meat on his bones ... whadaya think, eh? - Edit - Waterworld ... the quote comes from a line Deacon (Dennis Hopper) says (if I'm not working off the memory chip that has read errors and other errata that is). - Edit 2 - "Well if it isn't the gentleman guppy"
  17. Compare your setup with one of the vanilla game rechargers (e.g. Agata) and find where your setup is different.
  18. Thanks Paga, been forever and a day since I last listened to that great Tom Petty hit. Did you know that Tom played the Mayor of Bridge City in that movie The Postman? Theme for the day ... Damn the Torpedoes !!
  19. :whistling: ... When the moon's in the sky, Like a big pizza pie, That's amore !! Sorry, I can't hold a tune worth beans. - Edit - And can't get lyrics right.
  20. Paga, this one is for you (more referencing your Debates post) ... "Things are gettin' better, they're gettin' better all the time" ... the Postman (Kevin Costner) in the movie The Postman. I was at the grocery store again today and there actually was toilet paper in the toilet paper aisle. OK not a lot, but it was in the afternoon not first thing in the morning. Maybe people have started to run out of room for their "backup for the backup" toilet paper (i.e. they have come to the point where they can't enter the house due to ceiling to floor every square inch filled with toilet paper). Or maybe they are starting to get the message ... don't panic. If all else fails then DeathByKitty has our backs ... Toilet Paper.
  21. And mine is the opposite problem ... way way past my bedtime yet I just have to see the end of a movie I've seen countless times before (I have the Jack Ryan boxed set by the way). Here's one from one of my all time favourites 5th Element ... Korben Dallas "Just like drivin' a cab" ... then a little later "Anybody else want to negotiate?". Mila could have me for anything she wants for as long as she wants. - Edit - Actually I got the order of the quotes backwards.
  22. Probably related to the "free range rude" that Barney told Clarice that Dr. Lector preferred. I don't follow you here , but I want to. I simply meant eat vegan people who freely range. That's from the third Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal Lector movie (aptly named Hannibal). Barney was the guard who spent time talking to Lector at night in the insane asylum, and Barney and Clarice were comparing whether or not they feared Lector would come after them (after his escape of course). Barney explained to Clarice that he didn't fear Lector as Lector had confided in him that when possible he preferred to eat the rude ... free range rude was the specific reference. There you are ... all up to speed.
  23. Just because I'm always hungry doesn't mean I eat all the time Paga. Sometimes it's easier to just wait for the morsels to come to me. Interesting history lesson there, maybe not so much for you as for me (but that's just the way things work ... if somebody is making gains then there needs to be someone else paying the price).
  24. Probably related to the "free range rude" that Barney told Clarice that Dr. Lector preferred.
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