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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. CM followers are for use with CM Partners Mod Basic and won't work without it (in fact trying will only result in a "missing master" crash at startup). Note that CM Partners Basic also adds a number of CM followers to the game ... the readmes outline what each of the optional ESPs add to the basic number that are added by default. Also note that there are two different options for most of the optional ESPs, one for if you want the added followers to be essential (unkillable) or one for if you want those very same followers but in non-essential (killable) form. Only use one or the other, not both at the same time or you will have doubles of each follower (so for example you would use CM Partners More NPCs.esp or CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp but not both).
  2. Nice find eleventeen. I don't use OOO but COBL also adds ayleid coins and could be another source for the stacking problem you describe (my guy, like me, is a packrat so there is zero chance of them being sold ... they'll wind up stuffed into a jewelry box in one of my houses).
  3. Here's what the UESP Wiki page for console commands has to say about it (emphasis added): Unless you use this command the instant the NPC is killed, the game will still register the target as "Dead" and they will subsequently not be mentioned in dialogue and sometimes specifically referred to as "Dead" during a quest. Adding a tag of "1" at the end (i.e., resurrect 1) will make the target get up instead of vanishing and reappearing, thus allowing them to keep their equipment. If an NPC's corpse has vanished already, you will also need to enable the NPC. Using this on the player character will not dismiss the "Load last save?" screen, and the camera will behave as if you were still lying dead on the ground. However, if you use the resurrect command before the Loading message appears, the player will revive, but the camera will be centered on the feet rather than the head. EngineBugFixes has a fix for the camera problems part but it doesn't mention anything about needing to use the command on the player before the "Load last save" screen. As I've never tried it on any of my guys I can't say one way or another about how good an idea it is. I can say that saving often using the game's save menu via the Ecs menu and don't overwrite previous saves gives me total security when the inevitable crash occurs or I make a decision in the game I regret (my guy seldom dies these days, I have hime well and fully tanked up).
  4. I'm with you RG ... I'd even go as far as paying extra to get a money order or cashier's cheque if I could (in Euro or pounds).
  5. In Oblivion I have two characters who have the regular game named saves that include time played stats and a single character who used custom named console saves. First guy (aka My Old Guy) - 1521 hrs My current guy (aka Athal Sarano) - 4449 hrs The character in between those two who used console named saves was probably close to My Old Guy for hours, but without the stat from the save file I won't count them. Total hours of 6794 is impressive HadTo :thumbsup:
  6. Have you read through the thread in the Ultimate Leveling mod comments started by downloader2103 on Oct 20 2019?
  7. The mod number part from the old links is still the same (so the 3428 in the quote). The new url is https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3428
  8. There will be an pop-up that gives a brief description that you need to tick as part of the uploading process. The complete description is found on Adult Content Guidelines.
  9. Yes, but if the items come from a mod that is not allowed on Nexus due to illegal content (most often stuff like illegally ripped armor etc from a different game) then be prepared to take them down when warned about it by a moderator. If the equipment comes from a mod you've downloaded here then all should be fine. If the screenshots are going onto the General Image Share section then mind the rules concerning what is allowed as far as nudity.
  10. The problem is that any of those HGEC clothes or armor that show skin areas will have screwed up skin textures. What I was suggesting is that instead of using Roberts Female you use HGEC C cup body, and then the Seamless Equipment for HGEC in C cup. Once installed NifSkope is simple to use ... once you know where it "hides" certain information. For just examining meshes such as bodies is just a matter of double left clicking on the mesh file in Windows Explorer after you have NifSkope installed. To find out details on the exact textures assigned to the mesh you expand the little purple flower in the tree view in the left hand panel until all the branches are open with a single left click per branch. - Edit - There are other alternative bodies available that are texture compatible with HGEC such as The Girl Next Door (TGND). For seamless quality versions of those check out the SetBody I linked above (though comparing them in NifSkope just now I see that all of the HGEC derivatives that are close to Roberts in bust size are considerably slimmer through the ribcage).
  11. As far as I know the only way to get a bashed patch is using Wrye Bash, but that doesn't mean you need to then use WB for all of your mod management. Use WB to create a bashed patch and I'm sure that Vortex (which as far as I know uses LOOT for load order management) should know what to do with the bashed patch.
  12. If the original mods give explicit permission to modify and then upload then you are OK with uploading your version (give credit to the original mod authors for their work). If the original mods do not give explicit permission to modify and upload modifications to the original then you will need to contact those mod authors and get permission from them (and yes, sometimes that isn't possible because mod authors from long ago are no longer active, but you still need their permission before you can upload your version).
  13. The bashed patch is a feature of Wrye Bash that uses load order plus bash tags to resolve mod conflicts. Because OCOv2 edits race records it can overwrite many of the changes/corrections made by the UOP without a properly made bashed patch (properly made means correct load order and proper bash tags).
  14. Using a bashed patch will go a long way to getting the UOP and OCOv2 working together.
  15. When I suggested posting the script here I had you in mind Drake (aka ... I was counting on you). When I looked at the script myself I was wondering if maybe it was populating an array or something. Also, would it be sufficient to just create a male version of the lower body slot underwear and then do the usual of having the male version in Underwear\male and female in Underwear\female (or whatever folder naming the mod uses instead of "Underwear") and then let the game engine sort out whether or not to display the male version or female version?
  16. I'd copy/paste it into a post here from the Edit Scripts box in the CS. If you want to get fancy paste it into a "code box" (sort of like spoilers box but it conserves any formatting etc). In case you're unsure how to do that just paste in between an opening ["code"] and a closing ["/code"] (without the quote marks I needed to insert so that it would display in this post).
  17. You could do that. I can't say I'll be of any help with the script though, as most of the more advanced stuff regarding scripts is way above my pay grade.
  18. No I can't say ... doesn't match any of the various BBBed armors I've downloaded over the years.
  19. If you look down in the NoMaaM mod description you'll see the mod's requirements outlined in the second section. The mod page hasn't been updated in quite a while so the links to the required mods don't work, hiwever it does tell you what you need: BBB Skeleton ... Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons BBB Body Meshes ... my recommendation is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (it includes the required body textures, but the upper body meshes for body and armor/clothes replacer are not BBBed ... see next recommendation) and for BBB body overwrite with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 (note that it is recommended to select the "No Animations" so you don't lose many of the NoMaaM animations) and for BBBed versions of the armor/clothing BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer (note that it is for either E cup or C cup ... if you install a different size for your body like H cup you will only see H cup when naked from the waist up) Body Texture ... I have a different, more recent body texture recommendation ... Female Body Retextured Installation order is important ... if you are going to go with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 then you can skip the first step as it includes the same skeleton ... next section in the order I outline them. BSA Redirection is the recommended method for archive invalidation.
  20. If you have NifSkope then download SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Movomo and Junkacc11 worked together on creating the seamless meshes so all of the meshes included with SetBody are of seamless quality. Look in the Data_Pack\data\meshes\characters\Bombshell folder and you'll find a huge variety of available body meshes (even Robert Female are there). Use NifSkope to check out the available meshes and pick one that's close to Robert Female. Seamless - HGEC Female includes a C-cup equipment replacer which will be about as close as you'll get to Robert Female size wise.
  21. Considering that the Robert Female body and HGEC use a different system to map the body textures onto the mesh there isn't any simple way to use Robert Female bodies and HGEC equipment together without texture problems on exposed skin areas. Looks like HGEC (and HGEC compatibles) is the only supported Seamless now.
  22. The "that effect" I was thinking of is that when you remove an NPC's armor the clothes/underwear are automatically equipped. It would mean adding the underwear to the leveled lists I suppose. I'd never even heard of this Anufis before you linked to it ... guess I should download it and poke around in it a bit to see how it works. If you create a male and female version of something you can just add the base item to the leveled list and the game will use the appropriate male or female version depending on who is equipping it (like it does with pants that display as trousers on males and a skirt on females for example). - Edit - After looking at the mod comments (specifically the one by Popcorn71, the author of Undies Underneath) I think I'll give the Anufis mod a pass ... I have no problem with everybody going commando under their pants and shirts, and with Unequip Broken Armor NPCs always switch to any clothing they have when their armor breaks.
  23. Which BBB enabled skeleton.nif replacer do you have installed? What form of archive invalidation are you using?
  24. You could use Unequip Broken Armor to achive that effect. It is customizable via it's INI file and the readme explains how to use it.
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