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Everything posted by jojje5
So i have been reading allot of modding guides that tells that i should only use one shadow casting light per room (or is it per cell? different guides tell different things) otherwise i could get into severe trouble (?) However i don´t seem to have any trouble throwing in 30+ shadow casters in a cell using my R9 380 AMD card, a card that i think is considered rather low end today, granted that i don´t pack the shadow casters too close together. so who exactly are these guides for? is this recommendations when modding for consoles or something? what exactly are the trouble i can run into and when does it happen? I would be very happy for any experience shared regarding modding with shadow casters. cheers.
1st one can be done fairly easy with some INI edits. if you want to make it easy for yourself then download the fallout 4 tweaker tool by Bilago. in it you find a section for 3rd person camera settings. for the 2nd point whenever i want to do something like that i tend to turn towards my mouse macros instead rather than messing with code in games, far easier.
If that bat file is exactly what stops this this bug from happening, can you in that case give me the scoop on how to get that file please? Or at least a link to an instruction manual? sure, its super easy. just copy that code in a txt file and drop it into your fallout data folder. call it settler.txt or whatever you like. after that open up the console in game, click the robot or any other npc you would like to make into a provisioner/settler then type settler.bat (or "whatever other name you put on that txt file.bat)
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Creation Club + Nexus: Any Issues Mixing The Two
jojje5 replied to Kodiak412's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
usually it goes fairly smoothly, mods are mods and it makes little difference where they come from, and you still have to apply common sense when combining them. the only special thing you have to consider is the load order, CC mods are typically in the ESL format and will combine in 254 load order space, so you can´t move them further up in the load to to bypass soft conflicts with mods downloaded from other sources. -
I have never had that bug, but maybe that is because i use this bat file on all my robots before i send them on their marry way - Addtofaction 1c21c 1 Addkeyword workshopallowcommand Addkeyword workshopallowmove setpv bcommandable 1 setpv ballowmove 1 setpv ballowcaravan 1
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I don´t think you have to worry about yourself OP. imho modders who mod mainly mod for the end users are doing it wrong, as it most of the time only leads to allot of grief, and if the goal was the please the end user they should be game developers instead and not game modders. I could care less if you are lazy or not. i mod for myself and other modders. that i sometimes get appreciation from end users i just take as an extra bonus.
Mechanislt Lair - Is There A Good Mod?
jojje5 replied to Kodiak412's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
i got it fully working with the mechanist lair overhaul mod. all i needed to do was to expand the settlement sandbox marker with the CK and tweak the navmesh around the doors a little, and my settlers are now sanboxing around the whole lair, all the way up to the robco center. and to make it compatible with the other dlc's all i needed to do was generating new precombines and previs. another trick i used was using the settlement markers mod to place down lessiure areas that attracts them. -
yea i did, and no word there. and i have sen´t him a message and asked for permission. but i doubt that i will get an answer. so currently i am leaning more towards removing his edits, and it´s mainly regarding this i have questions. If i do this i wan´t to make sure i do it clean, and i do not wan´t to get accused of stealing content.
I could elaborate a little on some of the dilemmas i am wrestling with if i should remove his edit with some examples. If i remove a wall that he placed and place down an identical wall at the same place but with a new ref ID is that then my wall or is it his because he was the first one to use those 3D cords? or if i have placed an X-marker with a custom script to open some doors and named it after a door that he originally placed, then remove his door but keep his name on my marker, is that ok?
So hey, i could really need some advice regarding uploading rules. A couple of months back i started to edit one of the player homes that was posted on the site just for fun, i did not have the authors permission to do that, but since it was just for my personal use and i had no intention of sharing it i thought nothing about it at the time. However since i sometimes have problems putting an end to my projects this kept on growing,,and growing, and now i am at a point where i would really like to share my work. and if i did it would probably be one of the largest player homes that has ever been published on the Nexus. but since i based this project on someone else´s work i am really not sure on how to proceed, and the original author does not seem to have been active on the nexus for the last year or so, so it does not seem like i can ask for permission. Currently i would say that the project contains 95% of my own edits, and 5% of his, and i could probably remove most of his edits. but some things i am not sure about, like for example location and entry point, keywords and shared (not custom) scripts. and even if i removed all of his edits, our mods would still conflict. so i am really looking for advice here what i should do. and wondering how much of this projects needs to be my own for me to be able to upload it?
Skyre +Reqiuem ? i did not think that was possible at all. have you done something to patch them together?
are you still using the same save as when you had crimson installed? if thats the case then its not so strange. i told you it eats itself in deeper than any save cleaning tool can reach. and so is the case of many other scripted mods aswell. if you want to verify that your mod setup is working, always do so whit a fresh start.
:\ i got no experience whit those mods but i know deadly mutilation is very heavy and got problems in large load orders, and you load order is rather script heavy. now don't stare yourself blind on those logs, the game can handle some errors, its all down to memory. essentially what is happening is that the errors is adding stress and you reach a point when the game cant handle more and you crash. and running lots of mods means the game gets less memory to deal whit it. if i really wanted to run those mods i would start stripping down my load order, getting rid of everything i don't need that contains scripts . try some tweaking for more horsepower (guide for you http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32363/?) and when everything feels like its running smooth re-add the problematic mods to see if they work. (ideally if you know scripting you could go and fix the errors to avoid the stress in the first place, but im not a scripter so this is what i would do)
good to hear your ctd's got resolved. your game is most likely freezing because some kind of memory issue and not a mod issue. skyrim isn't the most optimized game to begin whit, and adding mods does not improve its performance. lots of things you can do though to get some more horsepower for more mods, however there is no universal fix. you have to find whats best for your system, so get on google ;) maybe i can give you a push on the way though. look into skyrim.ini tweaking, specially papyrus settings http://www.creationkit.com/INI_Settings_(Papyrus)
about the Dragonsreach Bannered Mare crash. allot of mods like to place people in there like for example populated cities. a common crash cause is that those place just become to crowded. do you always crash or is it just sometime during the day? you could try and adjust fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS under your papyrus in the skyrim ini (if its not there add it) [papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=xxx default value on pc is 500. increasing the value will give the game more time to set up all scripts correctly but you will get longer loading times.
oh just about a 100 000 different things. if you post log and mod load order maybe we could try and narrow it down.
your crash on race menu can be fixed whit this nifty little thingy http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526/? EDIT: oups just saw that IsharaMeradin already beaten me to it, sorry IsharaMeradin and for your hang ups on load screen try and adjust fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS under your papyrus in the skyrim ini (if its not there add it) [papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=xxx default value on pc is 500. increasing the value will give the game more time to set up all scripts correctly but you will get longer loading times. personally i run whit fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=800 console users keep it at 2000
the blood mods are pretty heavy but at least enhanced blood is not broken like crimson tide. what kind of trouble did you have whit it? maybe we can help you sort it out. and i don't know whats up whit BOSS. Bashed patch should always be placed last in the load order. only exception is reprocc patches. if BOSS does not sort that out then something is strange. oh and bashed patch by the way, that one needs to be rebuilt every time you add or disable a mod to in case you did not know.
hm my chars get that look when i load up the game whitout the skse launcher. you got skse installed right?
SkyREDONE and immersive weapons, only shortbows can be found
jojje5 replied to savior99's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
hm, i get a feeling you havn't checked out the reproccer have you? if not then maybe this is what you need http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467 -
first thing i see is crimson tide. get rid off it, its broken since last update and causes ctd's all over the place and your log is full of references to it. i am afraid it also eats its way into your save games. so deep not even SKSE ClearInvalidRegistrations or any other save game cleaning tool i am aware off can save them. you have to start over once you got rid of it. then it looks you been enabling lots of mods on and off and the game is still looking for them. a common cause for ctd's when loading cells. its fine to disable texture and graphic mods, but scripted mods you got to be careful whit. preferably don't do it at all, but if you have to then use SKSE's cleaning method and wait 30 days in game between every mod you disable. and your load order looks messy, did you run boss?
Wolves wont attack me, they just growl and run.
jojje5 replied to Dweedle's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
there is a blessing you get up on Mount Hrothgar and Skyre has some perks that makes wolfs non hostile. check so you dont have one of those effects active. and also im not an expert on Skytest, but i think wolfs in skytest are supposed to only attacks weak pray unless they can group up in packs. -
i spotted one of your culprits - its "crimson tide" its broken whit the latest updates and causes CTD's all over the place. bad news im afraid, you cant disable it, it will break your save games. nothing else to do but to purge it from your system whit a clean install and start fresh again.
i belive HearthFire is your problem. you are running allot of follower mods and HearthFire is known to have issues whit them. either disable HearthFire or remove some follower mods. i had issues whit this aswell. in the end i settled whit heartfire, UFO and my home is your home. works fine for me.
CTDs (often during loading screen) - Who can help?
jojje5 replied to joghurt5000's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
yes as mentioned most of the time freezing during loads is because of insufficient V ram. first step to do is to easy up on your texture load or increase your virtual memory page file. besides texture mods you also got some population mods that can be pretty load heavy such as Lively inns and taverns and Populated Cities. and climiates of tamriel + realistic Lighting Overhaul,, hm im not to sure about that combo. i would pick one or the other, running both sounds a bit heavy to me. on another note (and this has nothing to do whit your freezing) i spotted skyre+sneaktools. you can disable sneaktools, its already included in Skyre.