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Posts posted by MikeRyan

  1. "Something tells me that that soldier is just trying some kind of scare tactic. But yet she is curious on our movements. I'm pretty sure that our past battles have attracted a lot of attention"



    He put some thoughts into his words and then nodded to himself

  2. Morgan shook his head and shivered when he felt the chemicals from the stimpak rush thrugh his head "ugh, I'll never get used to that. And I don't worry about the socket Sandro old friend, I keep that eye closed all the time underneath it. And a glass eye would feel strange now. And I wonder what branch she is from, this rope is only used by elites and not normal footsoldiers. And the patch she had on wasn't a normal NCR one, it was like a black heater shield with a red bear rampant with crossed sabers behind the shield, I haven't seen anything like it before."


    Morgan looked at the extremly strong rope he was ensared in and then looked at the cigar casing, discovering it had a cigar in it!

  3. Morgan looked up at the doctor who just stepped outside, proboably hearing the commotion, and asked him, with pain in his voice: "Hey doc do you have anything that helps against pain? It hurts like heck in my head right now"
  4. Morgan looked at the soldier again one more time and then responded to Vlad


    "Yeah I'm ok! I'll be down soon! Give me a minute! Just wanna admire the view for a while you know? Hehe, that and recover a bit from the shock"

  5. Morgan looked at the person who had ensnared him, silently cursing himself for falling for one of the most simple tricks in the book. He then started putting two and two together and said


    "I guess you are the one who left that "gift" on my bedroll huh?"


    He then started to inspect the person, sneakily of course, to try and find any traits of it, but it was hard due to the stealthsuit that it was using, but he could see some traits that could link the person to a gender atleast


    "It's...a woman!?" he thought and got a quick look of suprise on his face. Morgan was more suprised than he proboably should be, considering he had heard of female soldiers before, but he had never imagined he would meet one in the flesh.

  6. Morgan nodded at Sandro, who was carrying a head and walked outside for a smoke, his first one in a while. All while he was pondering just who was sneaking around after them.


    "I wonder, is it some spec ops? A very good assassin? Whoever it is, he or she must be really good at what it does"


    He stood there, holding his unlit cigar in his mouth just thinking to himself.


    He then saw something shiny near a wall and went over to inspect what it was. When he reached it he saw it was a cigar tube, and a darn fine one on top of that so he reached down to grab it, seeing as a free smoke is never a thing to decline.

  7. Morgan looked over at the doctor and then offered his hand in a friendly handshake "Maybe I should introduce myself properly doc, the names Morgan Hollister, gunslinger, sniper and crazy son of a woman who jumps up on deathclaws and stabs them and then loses an eye" He finished his sentence with a hearty chuckle.
  8. Morgan nodded at what Axelle said; "Yeah I know what you mean, why do you think I claim that my childhood scars are from a bar fight? It feels a lot better to say they are from a bar fight turned knife fight rather than you getting sliced for dropping food".
  9. Morgan, still watching Versing, answered the doc without looking


    "well I could use a doctor to check on my healing process from time to time, jumping up on a deathclaw isn't the brightest of ideas" he pointed to his now missing eye when he said the last part.

  10. Morgan sat down, took out his first bottle of booze in a while and laughed while looking at Ferox


    "Breaking em again? Oh this is going to be a blast!"


    Morgan then looked over in Versing's direction, seeing him resting uneasy; "Or maybe not, better go check on the guy." He then walked over to versing and sat down on his bedroll across him, waiting

  11. Morgan pulled his colt and ran outside, looking for whatever it was Axelle bumped into, but he couldn't see anything, except that weak shimmer he saw before, again he dismissed it as heat haze and went inside, heading to his bedroll to grab a water bottle he had lying there when he saw something....disturbing.


    On his bedroll was a suit of Centurion armor, bloody and ripped from some unknown attack, or attacker. He picked up the armor and went over to the group


    "Ok, which one of you people left a dead Centurions armor on my bedroll? It's going to be all sticky and wet now!"

  12. Yeah he pm'ed it to me hang on a minute,


    Name: Judge Sarina Cogh


    Gender: Female


    Age: classified


    Race: Gen 3 Modified Human (chinese)


    Karmic Alignment: hard to say as she is A-moral and lacks a concience.


    Appearance: 6 foot black hair actually very attractive if she ever bothered to dress like anything but a soldier.


    Clothing/armor: http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/40664


    (Optional) Pet: none the concept of pets is foriegn to her


    Starting Weapon: mikes sniper rifle and mikes smg 2 carbon ceramic machettes (more like swords really)

    http://img810.images...lazorpewpew.jpg mikes .jpg


    Skills/Occupation: Ncr Black ops (classified)


    Personality: none yet all humanity was removed from her personality as an infant.


    History/Background: sent to the wasteland by ncr headquarters in shady sands to remove the legion threat and clear the way for ncr migration north east.

    saw a lunatic kill a deathclaw with a hand knife and has since started to shadow his group out of curiosity.


    yay his character is using two guns i put together when i was bored :dance: hehe i've always known hes a fan of my work

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