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Everything posted by Urwy

  1. A copy of my post on the alagaesia forums: I still think it's a viable option. But it does require that someone knows anything about SKSE scripting :confused:
  2. Wow! That's even less than some of the swords! :D Adding those details for the normals is going to be a pain though... Also: Been toying around with models myself :) Low poly (300 verts), just a random design and some slap-on textures. An attempt to familiarise myself a bit more with modelling.
  3. I'd show you but: "Error This upload failed" EDIT: ok i deleted some of my older images. Wow, max quota is so low. EDIT2: Been tweaking the hands, looking pretty good now. Legs next. EDIT3: should i finally leave the legs and move on? My god Draco! That looks superb! Can't wait to get my hands on that model. It's going to be a real challenge :D
  4. The epic sword and captains sword are best suited as 2handed. But for some reason i doesnt allow me to replace the vanilla mesh, so i showed them as 1-handed :) (Can't keep all the pretty stuff to myself, now can i? ) I'll see if i can figure that out once all textures are complete.
  5. Already working on the epic blade again ;) Will also do the Zar'roc again and then it's off to get the bloodmesh around the blades. Then they are fully ready to be put ingame :D
  6. I kind of hope it's because i've had a little practice now :) Because that would mean i've probalby had the worst for now.. (untill that dragon is finished ofcourse :P)
  7. Ah darn it! That's the seam between UV's :P Correcting it now!
  8. Right! Here it is: The Captain's Sword. Hope you like it :)
  9. It's just the text, the rest of the details is already on it ;)
  10. M'kay :) I'll see how it works out, else i'll replace that part of the normalmap with normals for different text. I mean, you could give me a phrase or anything. Just let me know what font style and size to use and i add it to the blade. (hell you could even search the interwebz for images of characters and text and compile those to a word.) And that's probably less work for me than it would be for you to fix the entire map ;) It's such an awesome blade, and i just want to make sure you're absolutely satisfied with it :thumbsup: Edit: Wow! Great work on those legs! Those look great! Although i do think the shoulders should be a little more muscular.
  11. Thanks :) Draco, You sure you want your name on the captains blade? I planned on putting it on with gold trimmed edges. But it'll be painfully visible that the depth of the text you added to the model isnt in a straight line. So what i want to do now is leave the text on in in the relief of the normal map, but not accentuate it with gold edges. (so you won't see the text (and misalignment) unless you hold it against the light.) OR I could scrap the text from the normal map entirely and add an elven phrase to it or something. Edit: Or maybe add your name in nordic runes instead of the phrase... Reason i'm telling you this is because it's a fine detail in the normal map that i rather not try to move it on the normal map. Because that might lead to very strange reflections on some surfaces. And it's easier to remove it entirely or not touch it at all. What are your thoughts on this one? :unsure:
  12. Update on textures: Finished the basic sword. Just started on the Captain's Sword. Will be done today with a little luck, if not tomorrow.
  13. I hope you do ;) your getting better at it all the time... But the dragon bone blade on .... (you know which one) could be better but im picky. how bout a darker version of the draponplate armour texture if you could do it (pre-made dragonbone ;) ) you are allowed arnt you or is it copyright i dont know. I'm not happy with some of my textures either. So i will redo the once i've finished texturing the models i have that arent textured yet (Basic sword & Captains sword) Will also add the blood mesh to the swords. (you know, the blood that appears on the blade after you've struck someone.) Good you should join the forum :) if youve read it all you can tell my main job is ideas as im useless at modding too :( but i really want to help this mod as The inheritance cycle was only the second series of books i couldnt stop reading (other was the Harry Potter series) NO! Not a Harry Potter Skyrim major conversion! :teehee:
  14. thanks Ghogiel! :thumbsup::) Will try this once i get home and update this topic with the outcome.
  15. So i've been texturing a bunch of custom weapons for a WIP Total conversion for skyrim. Some of these weapons require glowmaps to be fully enjoyed, but it seems there is something stopping the glowmaps from showing up ingame. I've added glowmaps to FONV models that didnt have glowmaps before, and back then it was just a matter of setting the Emissive material properties to full white and linking to the glowmap. But that was done in the NiMaterialProperty entry, which have to be removed in order for to show the meshes correctly in Skyrim. Leaving these NiMaterialProperties in the mesh just make it end up as a giant red square with an exclamation mark. Is there a similar property in the Nif to enable it to detect and use glowmaps in Nifskope? If yes, where? and how does one use it for Skyrim? If no? Is there a workaround to get these glowmaps to work? Edit: Searching the available tutorials mostly links to tutorials for OB, FO3 and FONV and all show the settings in the NiMaterialProperties that they adjust. SOLVED Thanks again Ghogiel! Images: Black blade in the center... The bloody line down the blade and the rune on the crossguard are the part of the texture which the glowmaps affect. And as you can see, no glow, dispite the fact that there's a glowmap added to the Nif.
  16. Awesome! :D God! i hope i don't have to texture that! :thumbsup:
  17. More vertices require more processing power from the system it's run on. that's why we use a high-poly model to generate the high detail, which we then use to as a sort of "fake detail" on the low poly. If you look from the right angle, you wont be able to see the difference between a high poly model and a low poly model. for a proper explanation, see this vid: http://www.blendtuts.com/normalmaps_bakingtextures
  18. The Godlike epic sword has arrived! :laugh: Taking a look at it now... See that you put your name on it :P Suppose this would be "Draco's bane" ? :teehee: I'll pour my heart and soul into this one :thumbsup: Edit: btw, you could change your modeling level from apprentice to adept if i had something to say about it :P
  19. I can imagine you being busy enough as it is, so just do what's easiest for you. :) I'll just have to step up my blender knowladge if necessary :rolleyes: Edit: Voila!
  20. hmm.. Fail on my part then :blush: Also turned out that when i export it to nifskope it only exports one half :tongue: Fixed that with my usual tinkering :laugh: Sorry to bother you for nothing. :ohdear:
  21. I always use mirror whenever i can, seems that i haven't just applied it. For simple sword i can mirror X AND Y, so i really need to do only 1/4th of the sword. :whistling: Do you want me not to apply the mirror? Edit.. wait what... I DIDN'T apply the modifier in elven sword, for the rest i did. No, the mirror modifier is perfect! :) But somehow i can only find the modifier in the elven blade, and not in the others. (since i can select and edit both halves of the other blades, and only one half in the elven blade.) Could this be because i'm still using blender 2.49b?
  22. Sweet! :D Curious about that upcoming retexture of yours :)
  23. Now that's a brilliant robe! we'd probably have to retexture it to fit our priest, (or have him do it lol :P) but i'd say yes to asking him for permission if we include the priests. WOW! Can't wait! :dance: If your progress with every blade is an indication, you'll be making armours in no-time :P Ps. Little update ;) And a question for Draco: I see you applied a mirror modifier to the elven blade, but didnt do that to the dagger or axe. Can i ask you why not? It kinda made Unwrapping and texturing it rather easy as i only have to do one side :blush: And isn't that easier to model for you aswell? :rolleyes:
  24. That dagger is beautiful, love the hollow in the blade gives it an exotic feel. :thumbsup: At this rate you and Draco are going to make enough weapons to fill an armory before we can even start making Alagaesia. And that's a bad thing?... i think not :P Yeah, Draco's models are getting better by the minute :D
  25. Texture update: Been working on the dagger and this where i am so far: Base textures are nearly done, will still add details to the guard and pommel. Feel free to share your thoughts! Edit: Finished the dagger :)
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