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Everything posted by Urwy

  1. Now that is very, VERY Cool! :D Thanks ! :thumbsup: Edit: Btw, where do we want another tiny update on that crappy blade texture? (out with the old, in with the new! ^^ ) Since i'm a little confuffled about which forums it should be in.. Nexus or Project forum? (or just plain simple both?)
  2. A little picture...:) thats about 20 minutes of work :P We need high res textures, unfortunately. We need much better than those. The model's good though! :) Lol! you think that's the final product? :P no way! :laugh: that's just a quick slap-on ;) You've seen my previous work, that's what i'm aiming for and better! Crappy as that texture is, it's a base for a 2048x2048 sword texture :) so there's a lot more room for detail.
  3. In case anyone is wondering about what i said here: A little picture...:) thats about 20 minutes of work :P
  4. Blender does the same thing on my side :P And i dont think that a lot of time :) i think yours is actually better considering i took about as long as you did. (but mine just kills my CPU with its 6000 vertices! and yours works perfectly with 1380 vertices XD) So clearly im the one doing something wrong, not you ;) Edit: OMG! :D AnonDraco, That model of yours is a gem! :D if my Nif exporter will do as it's told i can have it skinned in maybe an hour! 2 max :D Edit 2: Nope :( darn nif exporter seems bugged again :( i'll see if i can find a way around this.
  5. I know, i redid the blade and left out that groove for now. it was seriously messing up the UV mapping. (dont worry, it'll be there ;) ) It also has a lot less vertices this time so it isnt such a cumbersome model.
  6. Yeah i did :) Straight from the project forums: Even though i'm not completely happy with my handguard, i've decided to go ahead an get some textures vor the blade and hilt. Once i've got that process down i'll think about revising the guard or starting from scratch and get everything right that time.
  7. He's right about the egg you know ;) looks brilliant! Btw.. Do we have a file repository somewhere we could upload models and stuff? or just by mail? Because i'd love to give that sword a try and see if i can get some textures around it :) Also, that handguard is just so much better than what i came up with :D Props to you! :thumbsup:
  8. If anyone is going to make that sword, i bet the authors of this mod will be involved : http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/508545-skyrim-an-idea-for-a-major-conversion-alagaesia/ It's a total conversion for Skyrim based on the Eragon/Inheritance story, and i bet they're going for that sword aswell.. (eventually :P)
  9. Well, there is a mod on the Nexus that has a class like this planned.. He's already got some classes worked out and released, but not the shapeshifter. But i thought it'd be a mod you might wanna keep your eyes on ;) http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3405
  10. something a la this?: http://www.wowwiki.com/Sharpening_stone And please forgive me for the fact that i'm connecting something awesome as Skyrim to WoW :unsure:
  11. True. But there's also a WIP Based on the concept by WakeupBrandon, which is being made by LineaPhobic: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1295459-wip-ui-overhaul/page__hl__ui
  12. I've attempted to read most of what's said in those threads, but can't recall a release date :( But that might be due tot the fact that we don't have a CK yet. Edit: Behold: a test-version for the UI mentioned in the OP: http://digicharles.com/skyrim_ui/ And the forums that provided that link: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1295459-wip-ui-overhaul/page__hl__ui
  13. Looks like a screenshot shown in this post: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/454732-ui-overhaul-concepts/page__view__findpost__p__3819948 :P Edit: Found a forums thread about it: Thread1: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1274237-skyrim-ui-pc-specific-redesign/page__hl__skyrim%20ui%20pc%20specific%20redesign Thread 2: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1278538-skyrim-ui-pc-specific-redesign-no-2/page__hl__skyrim%20ui%20pc%20specific%20redesign Sadly, the second thread is closed due to the post limit, and there isn't a new thread about it (yet?) Edit edit: Also: New screen about that one! http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/1319/skillsdestruction4.jpg And some comforting words that the great Darn is looking into Skyrim's UI and (if i understand correctly) into the UI referenced by the OP: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1267229-modding-the-gui/page__view__findpost__p__19284493
  14. Are you sure this is an actual mod in development? And not some proof of concept? :unsure: Please don't get me wrong, this looks absolutely amazing! But something tells me this is too good to be true without a released CK..
  15. You mean mods like This : http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1690 Or this: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1020 Hope it helps ;)
  16. Hmm, there's actually ton of water mods out there. And the choice which is best is usually based on your own opinion. Although i think it's save to say that the better ones include wave foam and water sprays... Personally i think these 3 do a great job at improving water: 1. Immersive water 3 - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3068 2. Alternate HQ water - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1095 3. RTW. Realistic water textures - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=711 And a nice addition: 4. the sounds of nature: Water - http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4226 Have a look and take the one you think is best, since i don't think it's wise for us to make that choice for you :P Edit: Right, the pop-up stuff... Not sure how to counteract that.. maybe making sure GPU drivers are up to date, and maybe trying Skyrim ENBSeries to solve graphical bugs because Skyrim doesnt really seem to like ATI cards that much.. (including mine :( ) ENBSeries download page: http://www.enbdev.com/download_en.htm Latest version (as of now): Maybe that'll solve the pop-up stuff for you :)
  17. i used to have this problem with spells and such... Although i haven't experienced it since i started using the skyrim ENBSeries mod, which includes an ATI fix for this glitch.. (atleast i think this is the glitch they describe..) http://www.enbdev.com/download_en.htm the latest version: Hope this helps :)
  18. Dont think they do... atleast, they didn't for FO:NV... but hey, different dev, different game.. who knows :P
  19. I know there's already a Script dragon plugin for skyrim that does this. There's a slight delay between switching, but it definitely works! http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4273 But then again, this is a mod, so this is only a solution for those of us that are on a PC..
  20. Since it looks like you're eager for a reply/ feedback, let me provide you some :) I think it's save to say a lot of people like the sound of this. Not really that much more to say about his one :) This idea has to be my favourite in your list. Although it could also lead to some ancient dwemer sanctum. (read: player housing) :P Kinda sad that this would probably render the wooden mask useless.. (if the Scepter does lead to the mask room) May i suggest that for recharging this puppy you need to collect automaton cores? (spider cores = 5 charges, sphere cores = 15, centurion cores = 25. and the max charge for the weapon would be around 50, 1 shot would simply deplete 1 charge to avoid crazy numbers showing up on screen of doing all kinds of calculations to know how many shots you got.... a sort of "what you see is what you get" mechanism") Although i like the idea of giving common items an actual use, i think "guns" are definitely a no-go for skyrim... why resort to a simple bullet when you got magic/staves that fire something more destructive? (point is, a gun is an idea from a world without magic. And when magic is more destructive, why would anyone resort to something weaker?) Sounds a lot like a staff of firebolt with a different mesh.. :/ thought this idea would fit a lot better into the world of skyrim than the Bullet rod. Sounds okay, but i bit overpowered maybe.. the pulse is okay, but give it a timer as to how often it fires.. (say once a day? with the underlaying theary that the armor needs to draw powers from Aetherius to charge... which happens overnight..) And make the magic resist effect last for 5-10 minutes or so.. Not much wrong here either, although the jumping hight should be around 1.5x that of a normal jump and the distance maybe 2x as much as normal..and maybe make it consume a charge from a pool of max 15 charges... and have some way to choose when to perform a normal jump and when to use a charged jump.. using the same charging system as the armor :) Not sure what to say about this one..the explosion effect seems a bit too much...the rest is rather okay :) That's really OP imho... maybe 1 or 2 enchants... or maybe a toggle for the first 4 enchants with a charge pool... so if it's deactivated it only gives 25% magic resist, but activated it gives all effects while draining charges.. I like the fixing of killed automatons! :D let it last until killed. But i think this should only work for spiders and spheres, as a centurion would just be insane! There you have it; some comments and feedback. :) Whoa, easy there :) replies aren't instantaneous. it takes people like me a few hours to a day to come across a thread ;) Edit: Yes! people do like Dwemer stuff. In fact, we love them! :D look at the topic i've come across: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/495423-in-dwemers-we-trust/ I bet that's a topic that'll end up on you watchlist too :P Edit Edit: Thought my fellow dwemer fans here would love this mod as well: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4819
  21. This sounds really awesome! but a question though... Makes sense.. Although it might be a bit more reasonable to say that there are atleast traces of habitation; stone/wooden ruins, shipwrecks, statues? (completely encased in ice, partially snowed over or similar?) That might give a better sense of history to the continent/area, and make it more interesting to explore. Hell, you got me interested already! :D (The OST alone did me in :P) Eager to see the results! (And another great forum thread to my watchlist ;) )
  22. mm, thanks for link, thats what i need, but I wanted to do for myself. :-) Thx anagin. You're welcome :) Guess i missed that you wanted to do that yourself :unsure: If you really want to do that and dont want to wait for the CK you should keep a close eye on SkyEdit: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:SkyEdit It's a third-party replacement for the CK, but sadly, doesn't allow armor to be edited yet :confused: But i'm sure it will be able to edit those in a while :)
  23. Would be very cool to see a "OOO - Oscuro's Oblivion overhaul" made for Skyrim :) The amount of storylines they added to Oblivion was just awesome! (for those who have never heard of it : http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/OOO/OOO_Guide.html) But these kind of mods are probably still a long way off, as we dont even have a CK yet :(
  24. Funny, i was thinking of this exact same thing today, only it was about killing dwemer Animunculi with soul trap. (since all Animunculi carry soulgems, they must have some connection to a soul right?)
  25. There is a spell ingame to do this.. as well as bows and staves with soultrap enchantments. check the court wizards and the college of winterhold for spellbooks to learn this.
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