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Everything posted by Urwy

  1. This probably requires location damage, or a similar way of detecting what bodypart is being hit in order to have it cut of or amputated. Not sure if it's possible right now since Bethesda didnt put it in, but i wouldn't be suprised if some modder comes up with a working system for this :)
  2. you might want to check out this mod: Standalone Weapon and Armor Pack ver2 by worcottle aka MagnusEffect: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3632 It converts a lot of heavy armor to light armor. Edit: Assuming you're playing on a PC that is :)
  3. These kind of mods are bound to pop up once the CK is released. Though i've come across several mods that allow you to play as dremora or as a child, so it should be possible already (but probably with bugs) I got the idea of playing a falmer aswell, and continue to wait for the CK :)
  4. I thought some foes don't get staggered by every bash.....and that you have a chance to stagger when bashing.
  5. Holy Hell! :woot: that's some serious skill right there! :D Now i'm even more sad that Fnv gave up on me :'( I do get a notification on everything you post :) But i'm lovin' it! :D
  6. Due to a bugged install of FNV that has somehow affected my entire PC, i won't be able to continue working on this. So if anyone feels like he or she can complete this thing: the work i did so far is online on the nexus.
  7. been looking for the textures you mean, and i think ive found them: The ceiling: Fallout - Textures2.bsa > Textures > Dungeon > Office > offrmceiling01.dds The walls: Deadmoney - Main.bsa > textures > nvdlc01 > architecture > townsquare > NVDLC01_TSKitWall01.dds Edit: And the floor ofcourse: Fallout - Textures2.bsa > textures > dungeons > nv_ss > SSFloor01_D.dds Could be wrong though.. but these textures came the closest to your description
  8. Well, if it's "better", i dont know. but it's what i've been using for as long as i know :P plus, i know how to open DDS files with it, which is what you'll need to do as well :) And if you want, you could use gimp to save it as a filetype you can open in paint.net or any other program (This is assuming that you already installed the DDS-plugin for gimp!) If you do have the DDS-plugin installed, its as simple as this: 1. Start gimp http://i56.tinypic.com/fjoow4.png 2. on the gimp menu-bar, go to File 3. click on "Open" 4. Go to the folder where you saved the texture 5. on the lower right corner of the dialog, above the "open" and "cancel" buttons is a drop-down menu. Set this to "DDS image (*.dds)". http://i53.tinypic.com/2i8hybo.png 6. Open the texture you saved. 7. now, a now dialog window will ask the following: http://i53.tinypic.com/281ydeg.png Uncheck both checkboxes. 8. and there you go! now you can start editing, or save it as any other filetype you'd like. just make sure to save it as a DDS again if you want the game to recognise the texture. btw.. Sorry for Dutch menus in the screenshots :) couldn't find the language settings :P
  9. Im not sure on where to find an "import" option or dropdown menu to specify the filetype to browse for in paint.net, as im a gimp user myself. And besides that i'm not on my desktop right now, so can't really check anything right now :( (as i don't install any games on my laptop.) I could take a quick look tonight, but i cant make any promises. (and by tonight i mean 22:00 gmt +1)
  10. If you plan on retexturing the walls/ceilings the following programs are commonly used: Gimp in combination with it's DDS plugin Photoshop with it's DDS plugin Paint.net Both Gimp And Paint.net are free utilities. Adobe photoshop isn't unless you get a trial version. And to get the actual textures you'd want to edit: the fallout mod manager (FOMM) Has a function in it's "tools" menu called : BSA Browser. You can use that one to open the 'dead money - textures.bsa' and extract the textures for the walls an ceilings, from there on you can start editing :) Hope this helps :)
  11. Nice! :D Now i know why that BoS logo on the templat PA didnt matter that much ;) Great to see it gets its place on the wiki! as this the sort of topic any aspiring modder would want to read :) (oh how we all dread those eternal decals! but no more :) ) Very good tutorial! :thumbsup:
  12. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/2260329-1313081668.jpg Alright, So ive been working on a custom energy handgun and i'd like it to use roughly the same animation to reload as the single shotgun: http://i56.tinypic.com/jsdi08.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2h55le0.jpg Now i've been told this is done in blender/3ds max/ etc.. ive been looking for tutorials on how to do this but came up empty on useful info. I've also been trying to dump my new mesh over the single shotgun's animation nodes, but seem unable to figure out how to move the nodes themselves around so they fit the new (and smaller) gun. Does anyone know how i can achieve the animation of my new gun? (or perhaps someone is willing to do this for me? though this would only be a temporary solution as i plan on making more gun :teehee: ) The animation should go like this: 1> Fire 2> Gun opens up 3> Spent energy cell pops out/is taken out 4> New cell put into the breach 5> Gun is swung upward, closing the breach 6> Cycle repeats And please note: i've barely scratched the surface of blender, or animation for that matter. And if it turns out to be impossible to get this animation to work, i suppose i'll have to add a revolver mag, but this doesnt look nearly as cool imho :turned:
  13. Ah, I was afraid it would be something like that :( But all the more reason for me to get to know blender a little better, as i can't really seem to understand it :confused: Thanks for the reply though! now i know where to look for a solution :) Cheers! :thumbsup:
  14. Alright, so i've started my first attempt to model a new gun. :happy: The idea is to create a sort of homemade laser/plasma blaster out of a pile of junk and a shotgun that lobs the SEC itself which would act as a sort of miniature pulse grenade. and since an SEC consist of 3 'batteries' it provides 3 shots with a small radius of splash damage. The gun requires you to load the SEC's as you would a shell in a single shotgun. Now my question is: Is it possible to replace the shotgun shell in the default animation with a SEC? so that would be loaded into the breach. And if it's possible how? a setting in the GECK? (i'm not that familiar with the geck yet :( ) EDIT: QUESTION ANSWERED But any additional hints are always welcome ;)
  15. Nah, that was the unreal engine 3. Which is also pretty damned moddable :D (yeah, to me that's an important thing when it comes to engines.) X-ray on the other hand, wasn't that much. With Call of pripyat it was basicly luck that got multiple mods working together. but it does feature awesome AI and the lighting mechanics aren't bad either. but the gun mechanics are still the best i've come across :) As to the Creation engine and iD tech 5 engine.. hard to tell what they are actually capable of as none of us have played it (yeah, wild assumption but hey.. ) But like i said; moddablity is a big thing to me and if the creation engine is as moddable as gamebryo then i'd say the creation enigine is a pretty good choice :) (hoping they learn neat new tricks from Skyrim :) )
  16. Update: Version 1.1 is now available from the file page. The power armor no longer has the BoS logo on the pauldron. I've also added a replacer version for the standard t-45d. (by request) :happy:
  17. Alright, here's what i came up with : http://i52.tinypic.com/1556tzd.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2j3i88o.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2igobio.jpg File link It is yours for the taking in a chest on the second floor of the guardtower on your right as you enter the old mormon fort. It is identical to a standard T-45d, with the exception of the appearance :) Now, you might notice that the BoS logo is still on the shoulder. Seems there are reasons (For which i seem to be too stupid to understand) why it won't go away :( Still, hope you like it :happy:
  18. Trust me :) you're not :wink: But it's gonna be a massive pain in the butt to make the armor. :( Although i'd love to texture the armor, i haven't got nearly enough skills with modelling software to do the mesh :( And even if you'd use a FNV armor as base, the mask is a must! :P And the wrist weapon... very cool! but not sure how/if it can be done :( (ah well.. how about a zat gun? :P) For those who don't : Clicky
  19. Yay! i like the sound of this one! :) Think i'll give this one a try :) I'll also see if my GECK is feeling cooperative and try to place a chest somewhere in the mormon fort :)
  20. Thanks for the awesome compliment! The entire setting will definitely be like this. :D :wub: :P As if i wasn't anxious enough :happy:
  21. Well, the exporting from blender to a nif isnt the problem i think... as the exporter has a preconfigured setting for fallout nifs. But apparently i changed something in your nif file (besides remapping) that caused it to break :( How about importing nifs into blender/3ds max? Any chance that you could take a quick look at the file and see if you can see any major error? :blush: the exporting is something i think i can handle :wink:
  22. Well...Seems like i got the headphones textured :) But i've run into a little problem... I needed to edit the nif to make some good UV-mapping. but it seems that while remapping i accidentally changed something else about the model, and now the mesh won't show up ingame nor in the GECK.. (all i see is a giant square shadow ingame and in geck absolutely nothing..) whilst the original mesh made by you does show up in the geck. As far as i know i can do the next few things now: Remap the original (I doubt i'll be able to get the exact same uv-map..) Or i could start over from scratch and hope i can muster up enough patience to get it textured the same way.. :confused: i could also try and find the error in the edited mesh. (while i've got no idea where to begin looking for the error :( ) Anyone knows where i might've gone wrong? (wrong setting while exporting? or some sort of missing reference point? ) And to give an impression of how it looks: http://i56.tinypic.com/33b0oec.png As you can see, i dont really like the idea of starting over from scratch :(
  23. Ah yes, The Civilian version of the G36 :) I know the STALKER community made some models of this one for some mods. OR Get permission from the author and ask for a conversion of this mod: HK SL8 and XM8 assault rifles ;) Edit: I quote the description of that mod: "--------------------------------- YOU CAN DO WITH IT MOD EVERYTHING, UNDER THE CONDITION THE MENTION OF MY AUTHORSHIP IN THE DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------- Heroin Zero" So all that needs to be done is a quick conversion :)
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