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Everything posted by DavidD

  1. I have no clue, you may have luck posting in http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/
  2. Open it in nifskope and look at it. Open the mod and right click -> "use info" to find which objects uses it and you can have a look at what it's used for. It could just mean that it's a 2-handed model but as a 1-handed weapon
  3. Doom 3's source code was released. If any game they would release the source of Morrowind one would think, but it's very unlikely since in Doom's case id software (who released the game) created the engine and thus didn't have any problems with licencing except for a small piece of code which was removed.
  4. Where would they land? On Dovahkiin's glasses?
  5. If you really don't know how to install a mod and feel like giving up... I don't even know what to say... You take the mod files (usually an esp file) and drop it into your skyrim\data\ folder. If you get a folder called "textures" or "meshes", put them into your skyrim\data\ folder as well. Then start skyrim and go to data files and tick all the boxes. It's really not hard. Next you'd want to read up on load order. Also like J3X said, you have to install it on YOUR HDD. Since you missed that I'm presuming that you don't read things. Read things. Like tutorials.
  6. A string is a piece of text. I'm presuming that the strings file contains every line used in a mod and you define either which row or which region some NPC should say or what a book should contain. So to translate your mod to a different language you simply translate the strings-file
  7. Which graphics card do you have and how much VRAM does it have?
  8. You get a folder called "textures". Put that into your Skyrim\data\ folder. If you didn't get a folder called textures, and you got things like "dungeons", "weapons", "towns" (like you said) create a new folder called textures in your Skyrim\data\ folder and then put all of the extracted folders into your Skyrim\data\textures\ folder
  9. You need a very high-poly mesh to be able to sculpt it and then get a good looking normal out of that
  10. In 3ds max (2012 at least) you can either go to the top left and find the text for the mode you're in (like "wireframe" or "smooth + highlights" and look at "viewport background"), click it and find "Viewport background" or click alt + B. Find your image and under "aspect ratio" select "match bitmap". Then tick "display background" and "Lock pan/zoom". OR Create a plane with the same dimensions as your picture. Then create a new material and assign it to that plane. Right-click the plane and untick "Show frozen in gray" and then right-click it again and select "freeze"
  11. I just can not texture things. I can't draw, at all. Nothing! Modeling is easy to get into to me but texturing? No sir.
  12. Its becuase I was looking for skyrim tutorials not just sword :P Thanks! In case you're completely new: don't use turbosmooth for any model that you want to use in-game. Watch his entire series and you'll see that he removes the turbosmooth modifier later on and removes edges and polys. Turn on statistics and show triangles. Less than 10k and you're in the blue. A normal sword for Skyrim is at around 1.5k-2.5k. Those are run of the mill, dull models. If it has more features, curves or sculpts don't worry if it goes up to 5k. A modern computer can handle it. There are swords from Oblivion with around 5k triangles.
  13. Notice that if you think Steam is too expensive, you can usually buy it anywhere (except for a used copy) and just activate it on steam. That's what I did. I got it from spelbutiken.se and then just activated it. Real simple.
  14. What he does is that he uses turbosmooth so that he can open it up in zbrush and create normalmaps. From that normalmap he then grabs the diffuse and there he has the textures. Then he turns the turbosmooth modifier off and starts to remove edges to create the in-game model. Like Matth said, if you watch the entire series you should see that. You can skip the parts where he works in zbrush if you don't need to create textures.
  15. I have no clue what kind of skills you have but here: You start with a plane, select edges and extrude. Try to work in quads. Just searching "3ds max sword tutorial" will yield tons of results. I have no clue where you couldn't find any.
  16. that's the general workflow. The beginning part is what you want, exporting it and replacing meshes 3ds max is free if you're a student, which is what he's using in that video. It might not be easier though.
  17. Use a screen modifier maybe? Then use getRace (I hope that exists) to get the race and .apply() to apply the modifier
  18. It could be pretty easy to mod in, just duplicate a two-handed sword, replace the mesh and decrease the swing time. You'd still have the two-handed animations unless someone creates custom animations for them. At least I think you can just decrease the swing time. EDIT: I tried it out and forgot a pretty important part: the mesh. You'd have to take the weapon and open it up in nifskope and move it around a bit. It would also have to be sheathed on your back unless you fix that somehow
  19. Judging by the picture of the sword in the player's inventory (second from the bottom in the OPs post) and the way the shadows fall on those parts of the handgrips, I'd have to say "rounded". It's hard to say, though - the sword itself was made of about 12 pixels in game (okay, maybe a couple more, but still). Yeah, it's very hard to tell... I'll see if the guy who made the demon sword will reply before finishing the model.
  20. http://i.imgur.com/7ENF9.png is the part i ringed round, or is it just rounded?
  21. I'll see if I can make a decent looking model out of the pictures. I have to say that this is one of the better requests
  22. Under mod talk there's a thread about an overhaul of the college which included rebuilding
  23. No man, the draugrs are very picky when it comes to lighting and only pick the finest of candles and make sure to maintenance them every now and then. Not? I agree, it's pretty damn weird...
  24. If you can open it in 3Ds max, maya or blender you can export it as a nif and then doing something like this: Essentially: export as nif from your favorite CAD program, open in nifskope and copypasta the mesh onto an already created object which matches yours somewhat
  25. Did you really create a second account to post this? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/713226-request-always-naked-women/
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