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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. It's a theatrical contempt for death in a military impasse or catch-22 situation, if ever then made by disillusioned veterans and, of course, by illusionary "holy warriors", to be understood in the sense of "this days is as good as any other and probably no other will follow. The opposite, usually made by rookies in panic, is: "Today is a good day to run away in the terror of battle", background of high losses in the case of a common rout.



  2. You'll aways find free riders and profiteers in the wake of an event (even at war; cf. Halliburton / 3rd Gulf War), even of a trend like the growing ecological awareness of the consumers. People simply want to do it right and thus easily run into a commercial trap, but for sure not twice into the same, a radical selection process to purify the market from bad eggs is thus the logical long-acting consequence. All that isn't that new and no good reason to return to the old ravage of the resources, leaving nothing behind but wasteland, pollution, anger, fear and frustration.
  3. For we're doubtlessly still in the mood of talking instead of doing anything, here a temporary solution for the still growth-orientated among us - a generation and a half after the famous paper of the Club of Rome:


    The best alternative energy source is energy saving


    I thus ought to shut down my network... stop taking a shower trice a day... selling my Jeep for a flock of sheep or directly shoot myself for the own wasting of energy... :wacko:

  4. "Green" is by no means to be understood in a negative fashion, as the absence of truth or somethin. The opposite is the case after an industrial century and a half of the total denial of nature as such. In the meantime almost all political colours have adopted "green philosophy", the one more, the other less. So what?


    On solar energy.

    Ever thought on what would probably cover the Arab Peninsula and other waste areas on earth when the oil flow dries out?


    On nuclear energy and genetic research

    Let us not end with a six-pack of nuka cola and a handfull of 7.62er ammunition in our hands fighting a somewhat helpless fight against armed mutants and privileged mercenaries of the remaining companies for drugged water and food, eh!

  5. The real time attendance sheet was indeed an advantage in handling the communication, but the rest... umh... hadn't yet left the beta stage and played no role within narrow circles of friends that don't talk either on the fly only because it is possible. In so far the folks I know - networked dinosaurs - can live with or without it... :woot:
  6. Now, about your snowflake error, if you're using Windows XP, then you should disconnect from the internet, disable any anti-virus, anti-spyware, or firewall software you're using (these programs can mess up the installation) and reinstall Tribunal and Bloodmoon (in that order).


    If you're using Windows Vista, then I'm afraid I don't know a very good way to fix this problem... try right-clicking the Morrowind.exe file (located in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind), choose the Run as Administrator option, then try playing.


    If that doesn't work, open your Morrowind.ini file (located in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind) and find the Archives section. It should look like this:



    Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa

    Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa


    If either of these lines are missing, then copy and paste them into your Morrowind.ini file. Also, while you're there, right-click your Morrowind.ini file, look at its properties, and make sure that it is NOT read only.


    If that still doesn't help, then try opening the Tribunal CD in Explorer, right-click Setup.exe, and choose the Run as Administrator option. Then disconnect from the internet, disable any anti-virus, anti-spyware, or firewall software you're using and double-click the file Setup.exe on the Tribunal CD to reinstall Tribunal. Then repeat this process with the Bloodmoon CD.


    If that still doesn't work, then you can copy and paste the Data Files folders from the Tribunal and Bloodmoon CDs to the installed Morrowind folder on your hard drive. By default, the game gets its art files from the installed BSA files, but it looks for them in the Data Files first; so putting them in the Data Files should fix your problem, but it will use more hard drive space. After you copy the files over, to get some of your hard drive space back, you might be able to delete the Tribunal.bsa and Bloodmoon.bsa files from your hard drive and both of the Archive entries in your Morrowind.ini file - I've never tried this, though, so don't permanently delete the files until you're sure it isn't causing any problems.

    Hope this helps


  7. One does not have peace longer than one's neighbour wants, Pushkatu

    Not to use the already present possibility to offer criticism, if ever necessary the PM is rather too-too, as my grandma might have muttered :wacko:

  8. Thought I'd have made myself clear: Downrating of something we can't use either (unlike mods e.g.) and that therefore can't show any malfunction at all leads to nothing but totally superfluous trouble in the bee-hive. Do we need trouble?


    Simple answer: No!


    NB I'm here for ages, though I haven't yet seen a professor of the fine arts and as such predestined to criticize images negatively that were... aha... exclusively made just for fun... and on top of that totally unasked ^^

  9. Downrating an image? Now, that's eventually just a cheap tool for folks that agree to anarchy - and terror against others. It's soooo easy to nuke somebody else within seconds that has perhaps worked over weeks on an image. Is that fair? Well, it's your decision, but I've already seen that twice elsewhere and it has twice ended with an exodus of the victims after a butchery ... and an irreversible downgrading of the remaining quality level of the image forum in question.


    Keep in mind that a whiz is always the last that'd ever criticize you, and not even those that feel a vocation from above to teach others a lesson - possibly even with an all-time high of two own thumbs? I don't believe it!



  10. In the meantime the Germans were brought back to earth - by the Serbs as well as by the strange over-interpretation of the football rules by a Spanish FIFA referee and his understanding of a combat sport as a lovely ring-a-ring-o' roses.

    And Then There Were None appears on the football horizon...

  11. Have you, has your girlfriend or wife already made a HIV test that you call for safety and health of a business beyond your own bed that is as old as the first hunter clan some thousand years ago? Or are you still virgins, untouched? I guess not. So you have much faith, eh? And again we have to face the double standards of remote-controlled men, the dualism of religious founded ethics - the artificial taboo that has declared women for unclean per se - and that of the often unclean banana that speaks quite another language...




  12. Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible.

    Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana!




    Normal? What is normal? All I said is that climate change doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things; it was going on 4.5 billion years before us.


    Your ancestors were already driving a car 4.5 billiion years ago, taking planes quarterly and working in the industry etc. pp., right? Or are you a Mormon still living in the pre-industrial epoch and thus indeed dismissed as complice, as one of us?

    Normal is the change in climate caused by planetary means, the cyclic shift of the poles, the streams and so on.

    Our blame is to have negatively influenced this natural course of events since the midst of the 19th century, no more, no less.


    Ignorance is no strength, my friend.

  13. The mentioned negative reaction in real life, and only that's what we're talking about, is exclusively founded in religious education - the lying morals to do/use "it", if ever, exlusively and sometimes even intensively in the secret shadows of darkness, after the sermon of chastity... with the sneering demons in the neck - and to reject it vehemently in Saint Peter fashion in the light, thrice.

    And that's already the end of the thread, I fear, a thread that leads to nothin' but a more or less religious revelation of the different stages of denial of the own lust.


    I for my taste don't like liars with double standards.



  14. Unfortunately, the modern man has heavily influenced the natural cycle of climate change. And the effect is accumulative, the result irreversible.

    Trivial ostrich policy in the sense of "everything is quite normal and God-given" is here... huuh ... close, but no banana!



  15. yeah and it makes huge bitmaps...ya just gonna have to convert it to a jpeg. I save all mine in PNG format because it's higher quality and less compressed. Bitmaps are not compressed, hence the huge file size...PNG looks better than bitmap to me though.


    Sorry, but I have to disagree. Let me tell ya something: A good image maker always starts with a bmp, already by means of quality. First after a possible image editing the 32 bpp file gets converted, usually for uploading or storage on a medium - to jpg as a single image or to gif in the case of an animated image.



  16. I wouldn't hype Germany so fast, yes they've made a good match against the soccerroos, but before the group matches aren't over I wouldn't hype any country. It could be a surprising WC for some of the favorite teams.


    Blitzkrieg tactics are always just a short-time phenomenon and easily to be adapted by the others.

    I wish the Germans have to encounter the Dutch in the quarter finals, cos for us here in Holland that's always partytime and food for years of common laughter :woot:

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