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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. Yes, middle aged ladies get involved in political activism, Surenas (shock, horror)and not just these Tea Party grannies.



    Oh well, I’m not to be shocked by drooling old gals wearing the burqa in the desert heat or being equipped with a terrifying umbrella for it rains pitchforks in certain countries almost every day. What shocks is the permanent inability of the people to learn that populism, the die-hard idea to realize (often by force) what people would like to see that should happen, especially to others that are different in one way or the other, directly calls for a tribune of the plebs, the acclaimed Pied Piper of imbalance that inescapably leads his chosen people into the abyss. Remarkably enough, exactly these folks always anxiously pretend to have known nothing after the logical collapse of their marginal fantasies.

  2. It isn't that it wasn't 100% safe, it's that it was only about 20% effective against common threats. Then there are also reports that claim that this software is rogueware.


    I dare to say that's nonsense, Mr Vagrant

    Why? Well, I have fee required AV progs (for online banking) to check the actual situation (esp. conc. 'phishing') that tell another story. I wonder how often is it necessary to point to the closing of welcome ports and to run a security system. A lonesome AV program is a helpless attempt of defense in networked systems.

  3. I just Googled for riotous behaviour by the Tea Party and came up with this


    Riot police shield Obama from Tea party grannies


    Ooh my, dangerous old dears singing God Bless America. How very scary. Not.


    I would laugh at your naive belief that left wing protestors are far less scary or violent than the Tea Party, Harbringe, except it isn't funny and isn't true. We have had plenty of violent Leftie protests in the UK to attest to that.


    The trademark of militancy doesn't differ between both [history lesson no-1] neither in words nor in deeds. Better get rid of them both before one gets shot dead in a riot or blown up by one of their Molotov cocktails and finally by selfmade rockets, eh? And by the way, grannies, especially mummed ones, are a very useful instrument in the militant propaganda of all extremists, as I vividly recall from my youth in Israel.


    _ Avira Antivir Personal


    I would actually argue against this. The software has been reported by some as being unsafe. And I personally found it to be nearly useless in terms of detecting any threats. After using it for about 3 months and switching to a more reliable antivirus, my new antivirus detected no less than 5 bits of infected software (all more than a month old) that this program somehow missed. They weren't even false positives.


    Sorry, but due to different preferences of their creators you won't find an antivirus program that is 100% safe, the most unsafe and most resistant I'ver ever had in a long-term test was the fee required Norton, so what? In so far I really don't have to correct my workable recommendation. The free mixture I've mentioned above is the key, and what works here works everywhere else, guess so.

  5. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    Scotland [ Adult Alternative Pop ] - Album Diva 1992 / Live at Live 8 2006; Cover Art [ FA-3 ]



    France [ Adult Pop ] - Album Jane Birkin / Serge Gainsbourg 1969 ; Cover Art [ FA-3: Vanilla Idle ]

    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Some things are better left unsaid

  6. And if the legal system worked the first time there wouldn't have need for the appeals process... And if people didn't have so many moral hang-ups over killing another human, they wouldn't need to use expensive means to kill people. A couple bullets and some CCTV coverage for witnesses is all that is needed.


    I can't believe what you write here, must be a nightmare. Unbelievable.

  7. Morroblivion tried to combine two totally independent games. The only independence between Fallout-3 and Vegas I can Identify right now is the ultimate necessity of the steam online shell by the latter. For that reason alone it is already again impossible to talk of Vegas as a DLC to the non-steam game Fallout-3. But that's all when we talk about the differences, for there are no other. Stillborn hopes, I fear. Too bad.
  8. Remarkably enough the intention to add Vegas as DLC to Fallout 3 (and not perhaps vice versa!) is latent in the air.

    That tells a lot about the experienced value of Vegas compared to its predecessor game. Whenever I switch back to

    Fallout-3 I'm sad about Vegas which is, to be fair, indeed nothing but a DLC to Fallout-3 sold as a standalone.

  9. @Awarguy: Neither system is more or less accurate than the other. The limiting factor is the device used to do the measuring, not the system of measuring.


    On this I am speaking from experience as I do have training in metrology . No, not the weather guy and I did not misspell it. look here for definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrology

    Ahh I see, which system do you prefer then?


    It is not a question of accuracy of different systems, but of old limb (and time) systems to measure lenghts that express the former claimed role of man in the known universe versus a geo-mathematical derivation of the planet man is actually living on. In so far it is a question of cultural development of man in general caused by the main shift in modern life, the denationalization of religion and religious traditions in Europe of the late 18th century and, of course, individually taught cultural traditions till this day in special. Thus it is impossible to start with the post-modern metric click measure of the US Army only to end up with the same length measured in the beru (hours) of the long gone Assyrian army or perhaps even with the once divine deemed Ezekielan cubit (the biblical prophet Ezekiel, you know), at least for folks that have not yet lost their marbles.

  10. 3.5% milk or buttermilk, for the sake of beauty; cloudy water is not for my taste, it's ugh. For a cup of coffee 7.5% condensed milk is needed; below and above the 7.5% you get either a diluted café au lait or a failed cappuchino and - you are fired. Gee! :laugh:
  11. Religion as such offers no arguments for the murder of man, though religious interpretation of the holy scriptures does.

    So what the inquisition and infallible papal edicts are for the one are the Hadith and the shariah for the others (to mentions just two religious factions), though both fundaments of faith to justify the murder of man are built on the quicksand of much later interpretation of the original scriptures, often they are mere grafted additions of religious power pulled out of the hat of the Church Fathers or the beard of the prophet, if you prefer that.


    Fortunately religious debates are banned here. So please avoid religious innuendos to justify death penalty - they are not even worth a free nuka cola. Selah.

  12. I believe it is wrong to put someone on death row for numerous reasons. One of the main problems with the death penalty is that sometimes, innocent people end up there due to false evidence, or lack of it. I also believe that forcing someone to live is worse than death. The reason for that being is that death is a quick escape, but living means they have to live with what they've done for the rest of their lives. That alone is more punishing than the death sentence.


    I'd like to add that no state that still possesses the instuments of sanctioned murder is immune to state rampage with mass executions. States that don't perform this instrument anymore have the problem that they have to change their laws to the opposite first to hang their sons on the alley trees with a plate at the breast stating "people's betrayer". Enough time to emigrate. In reality these states are not only more human / civilized against their citizens but likewise against their former arch enemies, their neighbors. One might say that the absence of capital punishment is one of the prerequisites at home of an interstate peace that is not based upon strategy and tactics, temporary necessities and short term advantages. A win-win situation with the possible expectation of a world at peace one day in the remote future.

  13. True. But in the US the mob doesn't usually actually ACT upon it all. They are just loud. This is also why there are so many levels of appeals for capital punishment cases. So mob rule isn't the rule.


    ... till election day. In between the voice of the public might cause trends and shifts in the politics that are not to be underestimated... or one is former president on the day after. Anyway, for me capital punishment, a circumlocution for sanctioned murder, is an uncivilized anachronism good for nothing.

    Don't judge, lest you be judged, Vindekarr. There is absolutely no place left in the West for a shariah of men in black, in who's name soever! Wrong age....

  14. ...

    However if someone I loved was hurt or murdered...say my daughter. My logical objections would go out the window.

    Right, but different from relatives of a victim in an exceptional situation the public as such is absolutely not involved - nevertheless it's always the public that cries loudest for vengeance, hastening to the execution, sometimes with foam at the mouth, playing as cartoon the divine deemed judge of the legendary "Mine are vengeance and recompense!" Guess it's nothing but the old bread and circuses phenomenon that still fascinates the public. The blood of somebody must be shed to absolve us from our own evils, hallelujah! Then we feel much better ... for a little while. Too bad!

  15. After some 4.000 years of death penalty without any influence on the serious crime rate the biblical idea of an eye for an eye has failed, no more no less. The uncivilized public murder of the convict has absolutely nothing to do with mercy or we're really living upside down, folks, but with the macabre revenge show the nasty mob hungers for since the days of Assur and Babel and with the power demonstration of the rulers. This fact and an ethical understanding of the Hebrew commandment "You shall not murder" (something a soldier does not in the killing at war, the old Hebrews were everything but quixotic fools) has resulted in a preference of a sentence for life in most modern, civilized states.
  16. ...

    The fact that OBMM and NVSE both have internal steam checks, from what I understand is not because of some sort of imposition on using steam. Rather, this check exists SOLELY because the game does not work properly with these utilities unless that check is made and steam is present. This has been explained by the creators of these utilities several times but it keeps getting twisted by haters and those who aren't capable of reading.


    Fine, then the problem is solved and no longer on the table, you would think. Though I fear that you guys make much of a just periphery problem with the result that the number of analphabetic pirates gets mushroomed, finally. How do I know? Eight years here and one knows when it is high time to ban a theme. No steam support (they have their own support sites) would be the order of the day. Especially pirates may ask their typical questions there. A steam forum is almost predestined to handle the Bootstrap Bill phenomenon...

  17. For private use free programs with daily updates and low resident memory consumption do nicely as well, folks.

    I don't spend money for stuff that plays with a fear I don't have anymore. We're grown up together with the internet.


    First-aid kit:

    _ Avira Antivir Personal

    _ Malwarebytes's Anti-Malware

    _ ZoneAlarm Firewall

    _ OESpam Bully - Email spam filter (for those who don't need to score viagra and alike)


    Make a backup update regularly, do online actions intentionally, watch your machine and please, close your trojan welcome ports. I don't run an Iranian uranium enrichment plant, I'm Jewish and kosher, so what? Devil-may-care, God willing. Selah :laugh:

  18. its done, but dont PM buddah about it ok? its a one time thing, and he doesnt want a ton of people PMing him to change their username


    Nah, if i'd ever wanted then I'd done it already a couple of years before the actual staff came into being. I can live with it :laugh:

  19. The Beatles (by name) and that will be already all in 200 years, I guess.

    Nothing has a shorter existence than entertainment, or do you still listen

    to the frakkin' music of your great-grandparents? I doubt that, folks of 2010.

  20. ...

    Seriously....does it really matter that the US still uses Imperial as their everyday unit of measurements?



    No, it doesn't. Actually here's nobody interested in the number of feet that are necessary to reach a meter and alike.


    Seriously - everybody has their own taste. And that most people have the same, viz the metric, that's irreversible fate, no more, no less. I'm okay with it. No mission - no conflict.

  21. Vagrant I wasn't blaming steam for the botched patch. I'm blaming them for turning my automatic updates back on.

    And now I keep getting a message saying its downloaded my Caravan DLC pack... which is annoying.

    Guess here's not the right place to blame steam - they're waiting for us on support.steampowered.com

    At least this would free the Nexus from endless blah blah on steam, the pirates and related confusion.

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