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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. That messing with the .ini that it does is a pain though, even when you do go offline. I use some mods that require NVSE so I launch with FOMM, and have just had a bit of a tussle getting my .ini changes for DarnUI to stick. The general rule of thumb seems to be to edit all the ini files - Fallout.ini, Falloutprefs.ini and FalloutDefault.ini - with the changes that you require.


    Darn is still in v.1.4beta, NVSE in v.1.5beta I think.The present workaround is thus always somewhat shaky regarding the ini files. Only time will change that. Give the guys a go or two more or wait for the first final versions. That's what I'm doing.

  2. Time is relative, I heard if you got a ship that can go the speed of light, and you were to travel to the nearest star, about 4 light years, only about 1 months time would have passed for the occupants aboard the ship, but 4 years would have passed for people stationary on Earth. So there and back would be 8 years, when the occupants on board only aged roughly 2 months. So you basically traveled in the future, from Earths perspective. Now if lets say everyone had access to the ability to travel at light speed, to and from Earth, time on Earth would basically be irrelevant.


    Something warns me that a human wouldn't live long enough to outlive the acceleration phase needed to reach light speed, his time runs out in between ^^

  3. It is possible to still do great things in two days, all you have to do is set them in motion so they can occur after you're dead, You could just hire someone else to do them for you in your name.


    If your wealth is fabulous you can't trust anybody anymore. Your're the only true rich day fly among driveling cockroaches, you know. Nah, it's much better for the big spender to end up as and eternal sculpture in the Louvre or perhaps in the Museum of London... as the most beautiful woman ever, devil-may-care.

    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!

  4. I'd hand over all my fabulous wealth to the poor for nothing but a big statue of me in every capital city to deliver my frakkin' beauty (see below) to the posterity and to show that nasty Nefertiti gal the finger for good and all, what else?

    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!

  5. "it was a frakkin' final one: "


    Battlestar Galactica


    It was only one post down


    You've failed, MrFlesh - I haven't yet seen the series. You see, I simply don't live in your strange fantasy world where every frakkin' word allegedly has an already pirated copyright, but only to justify common mod piracy here on the Nexus. That said, I'm really fed up with your tortuous Caribbean maneuvering, I must add.

    However that be, I customize the games myself since 2002, so whatever originates from overhasty decisions driven by an actual Fallout twin populism has almost no impact here at home, thank heavens!

    Sorry folks, I back out of this sour tasting thread. The mod future - if there's still a pirate-free left, and I begin to doubt that - is yours. Good luck, you'll need it.

  6. I don't want to see unknown quotes from elsewhere put in my mouth again !!!

    These impertinences have to end here and now. Understood?! Fine.

    This is not Radio Yerevan, you see, where the insult is integral part of the fool show.


    And folks, it's really the last humbug to try to justify mod piracy by pointing a finger at others here. That doesn't work, to say the least, neither on the Nexus nor on another game forum. But perhaps in the Land of Cockaigne all fools vividly dream of, who knows?

    Anyway, all that can be said on our rejection of mod piracy is already said. As such the devil may care cos he loves thievery followed by backdoor selling of phantasmagorias above all. You'd think it'd perhaps be better to ban his disciples already before they get down to their rogue misson, a mission that directly leads to the end of a Nexus I've signed in already long before its making. Thus finalize a decision. Still you have the option.

  7. My pleasure, Granny :wub:



    Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll



    France [ Rhythm & Blues ] - Album Portfolio 1977; Cover Art [ Fallout: New Vegas ]




    USA [ Rock & Roll ] - Album Here's Little Richard 1956; Cover Art [ Fallout: New Vegas ]


    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!

  8. even without the movement of time as we know it. the world may not turn, but you will still age.


    Sorry but aging is one of the parameters of time. No time, no aging, no existence, neither of organic nor of anorganic material cos their will be no more chemical action. A one-dimensional point-set and nobody to view it.

  9. And with that I meant of course only when there's nothing in the readme/description/permission page stating that you won't get permission no matter what...


    But Surenas, what do you mean about Dark0ne running into trouble?

    Well, a never to be ruled out trial on intellectual property rights isn't that funny if one stands in the dock, I was told. And as the Yedi Qui-Gon Jinn once has said: "There's always a bigger fish". Don't count on a smaller one when the bell tolls for thee.

    Anyway, it's not my show cos I'm no longer personally involved in such kind of trouble, wherein afterwards people aren't the same as they were before. Surenas of 2007 and later is everything but Surenas of 2006 and earlier even if the big Korean server that once had been a great deal of trouble for many a modder is no more. Actually both sides have lost in those days cos below the line there was no winner at all. A stale victory celebration, that's it. Like others involved I've never again offered a free mod in later days for it didn't work anymore, the cut was simply too deep, it was a frakkin' final one: end of free stuff, no more trust. As such, I've just piped up cos I've already experienced in the past firsthand what is again in the air today, no more, no less.

    My hopes are thus exclusively pinned on the modding generation that came after me; may the bitter cup of wrath go past them cos it's an evitable curse for all those straight members and officials of the Nexus that are not blinded by the actual appeals of the very hungry pirates of the TES Caribbean to open legalized backdoors for faked 2-minute reputations built on juridical quicksand somewhere in the Mojave Desert. You can guess the rest.


    Lo, your choice of today will decide your fate, selah!

    _ Jewish proverb from the days of Babylonian captivity

  10. What Dark0ne said was that if a modder is absent and no contact can be made for a set amount of time, people can ask a moderator what to do, and the moderator will handle it in a case by case matter.

    I'd recommend not to try it out... the ice is thin, the crack is bound to occur. And before the site owner himself jumps in at the deep end he'd give his moderator the boot and the pirate the last farewell. Get a life, folks!

  11. [snip]

    I find it extremely ironic that as I type this I'm listening to the Bethesda podcast. They are talking about how John Carmac started the mod community by developing technology and then giving it away for other people to work with. Here I sit on a 189 message post with a bunch and people (most have no mods whatsoever) are railing against that very thought.


    That's unbelievable!

    How will you know that we'd be 404? Such a telediagnosis is more than just ridiculous when one sits in the dark, I tell you. Fortunately we have Google Search, so google through first and make better prepaired statements later. That'd be much appreciated.

    I wonder who has caused my personal closing of any further free charitable gifts that smell of mod in 2006 if not guys that argue in your way. Retrospectively seen I've made the right decision. No more frustrations 'bout infamies, no more money to invest ahead of a court decision, for even a victory leaves a bad taste in your mouth, to be fair.

  12. @ub3rman123

    The Nazi scientist Dr. Hans Uberman appears first in the DOS game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis by LucasArts 1992. Superman as the uberman is hardly the vorlage for the nasty physicist that has split the atom in the Indy world of 1938, precisely the year of the first nuclear fission whatsoever, the one by Dr. Otto Hahn in Nazi Germany. What a coincidence *lol* And there was indeed a tough super soldier in the game, the good looking blond Nazi agent "Mr. Smith", always competing with Indy, though over the years I have forgotten his German name (Hermann or something), but not his hair styled in typical Weapon-SS fashion and the funny gesticulation of the elite soldier that is necessary to bring his hair to shape, to stir in this way the blood of all gals within range. Too bad *rofl*



    Uberman vs Hahn

    http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080603081025/indianajones/images/thumb/9/9a/Ubermann.png/180px-Ubermann.png http://www.lehrer.uni-karlsruhe.de/~za161/gifs/o_hahn.jpg

  13. All this doesn't change anything, doesn't turn everything upside down. That's the phantasmagoria of childish wishful thinking.

    What is mine isn't yours and will never be without my permission, no matter if it's just a 100 kb good idea of a beginner or a professional project. The fact e.g. that I have left Gas Powered Games in 2006 doesn't mean that my free gift for the Dungeon Siege community would ever be approved for looting in buccaneer fashion or I'd have to teach the folk a lesson. A great many think so and the lesson might end in a forced closing of the hosting server. I still have strong memories of such an end. None of you wants a juridical shootout of lawyers with a more or less crippled, perhaps even dead website at the end, don't ya? The first that'd make a hasty retreat from the scene are those that have a reputation and money to lose - the sponsors. They smell trouble already before its making, believe me. Simply keep in mind that not every designer is a poor among poors and better accept that some reject something that is mostly granted. I always had the impression that at large the problem isn't the permission as such but the unwillingness of a certain type of folk to ask for it cos it's free and that already sounds like sow's ear. Those folk may be better hanged upside down on the wall immediately, as a warning to others not to confuse free private usage with free public looting, or we all have to pay an unexpected high prize one day. And that'd be more than just bad luck. What you get is what you see, ain’t nothing more to it. So let me see your cards on the table, before I buy.

    The consequent discussion on moderate charges in the wake of mod piratery, to call the baby by its real name, isn't that new btw, it appeared already in early 2003 as I vividly recall.

    To the staff: Think of an implemented form sheet to avoid inevitable trouble ever and anon that deals with the intellectual property rights, not only the non-English modders would appreciate it, but likewise all youngsters of the modding scene thus the whole community as well. Give 'em a chance to develop an own profile that is not built on watered-down Caribbean quicksand. Protected mods are by far more existential for the Nexus than a trendy nipple crusade and the actual form sheets that deal with the always shifting ethics of our zeitgeist ever could be...

    http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif me 'earties, yo ho!

  14. That goes both ways, Marthos. Intentions are one thing, waterproofness is quite another



    And I agree with you Surenas, but it still remains that that is their intent and "The Terminator" just hit the nail on the head with his last post.

    Fine, but the intent of somebody is not necessarily legal only because it is his intent, okay? Or do you believe in everything that knocks with a smile at the front door only to open a juridically questionable backdoor a few moments later? Do you think this would be kosher? Finally, the prize of a licence bears not necessarily a proportion to the actual product value behind, it might be just a fantasy prize. "The making of millionaires" crosses my mind ...

  15. Unfortunately, while the EULA agreements are legally dodgy, theres no getting round the fact that they are only selling licenses, not actual products. Whether it's right or not is most definitely up for debate, but there's no getting round the fact that copyright and IP laws apply. The entire concept of intellectual property was built around this fact.

    Notwithstanding the copyright, it doesn't explain the use of a highly questionable leasing principle here. Where is, compared to print media, the advantage? I tell you - in this way the value of the product is not freely convertible on the market, i.e. probably too high set, what else?

  16. And as I said, your opinion of it won't change the fact that the software owner or rights holders intent is to sell you a license to use the software, not to sell you the software itself.



    You can use as many different anologies as you wish Surenas, it won't change that fact.


    That goes both ways, Marthos. Intentions are one thing, waterproofness is quite another

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