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Posts posted by Surenas

  1. Monkey Island, what else?

    Just to intense the Adventure part ^^

    http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt10/ajp307/monkey%20island/th_hangingmonkey.gif Ooooh! That was a good one! :thumbsup:

    "Yo ho, Sheriff of Megaton! Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" :devil:

  2. I grew up with the fascinating narrations of J.R.R. Tolkien wherein one easily gets lost in Middle-earth, literally transformed by grandpa to teach me some history dressed in awesome fantasy. So when we left the Promised Land to settle in the land of our forefathers, in a quaint Dutch village in the Reichswald Forest on the banks of the River Rhine, it was pretty much clear to me from the outset what creature I’d have to choose to play a fantasy RPG – a wood elf from Mirkwood Forest where the Great Anduin flows and one always has to count on sniffing Orc patrols from the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie, at the old trade route that connects the Dwarven stronghold Grand Dutchy of Erebor with the hard-drinking people of Bree, folk that is related to the gutsy Hobbits of the Shire beyond the Brandywine (no bridge so far, but a tunnel), as the legend goes.


    Me and my men on a GPG Dungeon Siege test map in AD 2002

  3. [snip]

    I try to say that hate preachers do not make it any easier for us to live together in harmony.


    That's because preachers of hate sermonize disharmony, the Slivovitz that drugs the mind.

    The moment you start drinking that brandy, the devil's sitting in the corner, just laughing...

  4. The lone wanderer on his thorny trail of salvation, collecting companions now and then, yeah.

    Though with a view to the Bethesda games one might state: Nothing new in the West... for ages.

    We have guessed this already in late 2002 - our answer was: DS Kingdom of Ehb backwards :devil:

  5. Graphic problems are meant to be solved. One simply has to try to catch the mood, the target atmosphere :sweat:

    In those days we had Nvidia GeForce-2/3 cards installed, if ever; often it was just a SIS Rumpelstiltskin chip...


    Triumph of Will

    ©Su 2003 Zonematch; Death Trail to Quillrabe


    NB The white cloudlets refer to the enchantment of the sword, here a custom katana

  6. Surenas and Balagor, I think if you will both read my initial thread again you will find that you are both agreeing with what I said in the first place. We are afraid of the unknown, or what is different from ourselves.

    That goes without saying, granny. Not by chance I've referred to "the unknown otherness", the often strange divergence from our acquired norms we're easily afraid of. This includes other cultures, colors, traditions, religions and lifestyles. And it goes both ways, granny. Any attempt to understand the otherness of the other one has thus to take enormous difficulties into account, a high degree of acceptance already in advance is required, the leopard has to change his spots first.

    Fortunately, we here on the Nexus are skilled role players, to slip into the role of somebody else, to become one with the to be played figure is thus no big problem for us. The next step, the mental transfer of our virtual skills into reality is the decisive one to investigate the unknown successfully and (perhaps) to understand what's behind the otherness of the other one. Then we are free, much stronger than before and no longer to be seized with fear, no longer to be outfoxed by preachers of hate.


    Give the leopards a chance - they can!

  7. Fear is the path to the dark side.

    Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

    I sense much fear in you!


    I'm not afraid.

    Ohhh... you will be, you will be!


    Hear you nothing that I say?

    I don't believe it!

    And that is why you fail...

    [Master Yoda sayings]


    Man always fears the unknown otherness that he is not willing to understand, to accept as a given fact.

    And hate is the dark tool to deny the own fear by massive suppression of all otherness up to genocide.

    Raving madness, apocalypse now! No further comment on the horrible blood trail of hate necessary...


    Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai

    Shabbat Shalom http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_smilina_knicks.gif

  8. How do you miss pop-ups and a big pink box?


    Very easy - your experienced subconsciousness does not reckon with a change, and until a mistake is made and verified it acts automatically and believes everything that was fine is still fine and fine forever. It's thus a matter of habit and concentration. Experienced car drivers are likewise often involved in such "rookie mistakes", sometimes with fatal outcome. I had to qualify my earlier statement since I've made the upload mistake myself. Nobody is perfect.

  9. So those you see being banned have actually gone out of their way to break the rules. :wallbash:


    Not really, cos laying newbies aside especially routiniers easily stumble over their routine, that is to pass the upload process almost subconsciously and to find (hopefully directly) their images in the wrong section - normal images in the supporter section and vice versa. This has nothing to do with bad intentions or a lack of intelligence, but with the above mentioned routine. It happened to me twice in both directions, though thanks to Fortuna I've realized the mistake directly. But if one does not check immediately what one has uploaded one comes as meat to dinner... enjoy your meal!

  10. It's a terms of use violation. If copyright holders are starting to exercise their rights online games are directly involved. "You cannot pass", the host says and the game is over before it has begun. Moreover, the original CD check of the host does not distinguish between a pirate copy that is usually equipped with a no-cd startup to outmanoeuvre the copy protection and a no-cd patch used to protect the life of the original CD. "You cannot pass! Go back to the shadows! You cannot pass!"
  11. A happy end for all, the miners, their families, the viewing public, the Chilean president and his

    staff of information gone and thus for the already slightly confused foreign reporters on side as

    well, both the Dutch TROS and the German SAT.1 announced today.


    :thumbsup: Viva Chile!

  12. The honor code of an organisation (it's never an inhomogeneous community) always presupposes the absolute submission under the established code by the members to avoid internal punishment. I doubt that this is just another word for morale.
  13. The most famous Multiplayer Zonematch line in those glory days read as follows:

    "There's a sucker laggin', damn it!" :laugh:

    Anyway, compared to the parallel runnin' Morrowind and Diablo II (Battle.net), Dungeon Siege was the real thrill for us and moreover, Zonematch was a freebie as was Battle.net. Internet Siege matches (up to the max 8 clients in DS, host included) are still possible today via the virtual LAN emulation of the free VPN-client Hamachi. And although the DS community is already down since long together with almost all DS sites, most of the mod and siegelet stuff is still hosted on the Internet. Enjoy the Krug & Co. and greetz to the above Utraean packmules from the happy creator *g*

  14. Oh yeah, that was a good one.

    Grandma who was a good cook crosses my mind, saying "You are what you eat and how you eat, honey!"

    And so I take MacDumb's fast food as a welcome snack when I'm pushed for time and not as a time-consuming Lucullan main meal, probably not enough to become a burger junkie like my bro. Anyway, these days time and its handling is a decisive argument for it or against it.

  15. What should I say? Well, everyone is 'new' to me, cos there is no elder active member (Dark One excluded) that had ever crossed my path, if memory serves. A lot of things have changed over the years and it was a continual coming and going of folks. I've met good friends and it was always a good gaming. Thanks for all of this, Dark One.


    ID 2.304 :woot: Awesome

    Blondes Have More Fun

  16. That isn't very new for this version of a number 42 interpretation refers back to the old Kabbalist prayer of Ana Becho'ach that invokes the 42-Letter Name of the Jewish God YHWH during creation.
  17. Oversized objects usually refer to impression, status symbolism, the love of the big things, a showdown with the hopefully smaller stuff of the neighborhood.


    Puma Punku was used in the early 20th century by the Bolivian Army for extensive firing practice of the artillery.

    According to Spanish sources Puma Punku was still fully intact after the Spanish conquest 1533 (Pedro Cieza de León 1549), almost intact in 1609 (Inca Garcilaso de la Vega 1615) and razed by the Spanish on their merciless hunt for gold in 1653 (Padre Bernabé Cobo 1655).


    Puma Punku terraced low pyramid complex, sloping to the West



    Reconstruction of the megalithic low pyramid enclosure. After Alexei Vranich



    The 1972 German adventure film Aguirre - the Wrath of God by Werner Herzog, starring Klaus "Mad" Kinski and musically accentuated by the German Krautrock band Popul Vuh, passes through my mind.

    Adelante, hombres! The wealth is with me!



  18. The ancient built their cities always at strategic points. They are strategic because they are the points at which the ancient were able to perform some action like trading and warfare with a highest possible degree of assurance of success. The quarry offers just a guarantee for stones - it's a resource like woods, grass-or farmland.

    A not that bad virtual introduction into the theme is provided by Microsoft's Age of the Empires (1997 and sequels).

    I remember that in the beginning I've always settled my people at the most ridiculous points...

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