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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Advanced Western Riding by Kara L. Stewart I have to score some sliding stops, I was told lately. Yippee ki-yay - I always wanted to fall off the horse.
  2. The often foolish ancestors that were still rooted to the soil and their local small-scale destructions of the land and its resources are hardly responsible for the large-scale ecocide by the ravaging industrial age. The early man and his strange hunting techniques are not the cause for the today extinction of big game in the wild like the Chinese Père David's Deer two years ago, the upcoming one of the Siberian tiger or the ongoing wastening of the Subtropics with emphasis on Africa. The argument is thus one from silence. But what have Mayan corn monoculture and the limited resources of an isolated object like the Easter Island to do with the Chinese government of today? Actually nothing.
  3. Guess you've eventually meant "do WE, the consuming nations, possess enough resources?" I agree to all those who understand the Chinese birth control as a positive mechanism, in the first place to avoid starvations like those we know from Africa and the incredible social differences we find in India and Pakistan. Though the political reason behind is the old Maoist idea of a better to be controlled working capacity of the Chinese women as a whole with a short and one-time temporary disability caused by having children. It is thus just partly a woman-friendly directive in a traditionally patriarchal aligned Han society where women have almost nothing to say if they aren't member of the politbureau or somethin'.
  4. Nice tunes :) http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif me 'earties, yo ho!
  5. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5p5fLsTnSI Australia [ Hard Rock ] - Album Black in Black 1980; Cover Art Somewhere the bucks for the new V8 have to come from... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif me 'earties, yo ho!
  6. Thanks, I'm at one with myself, granny ;) ___________________________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABgpkcgsgV8 Jamaica [ Reggae Fusion ] - Single Gimme Gimme 2008; Cover Art Beenie Man was signed as replacement act for Snoop Dogg for the Parkpop festival in the Netherlands to be held in 2010, but was dropped after protests from gay rights groups. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif me 'earties, yo ho!
  7. Sometimes censored images look indeed much better... http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Zahgon/MonaLisa.jpg Anyway, we shouldn't go from one extreme to the other, simply not to lose all credibility.
  8. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxH4mL8p5j0 Sweden [ Electronic Mixtape Pop ] - Album Sarah 2010; Cover Art Frukost på svenska / breakfast in Swedish back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  9. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXIKXxuuVGc France [ Pop ] - Album Gourmandises 2001; Cover Oblivion (mine) Alizée's 1st album Gourmandises received Platinum certification within three months of re- lease and was a success both in France and abroad after it had its international launch in 2001 earning Alizée the distinction of being the highest selling female French singer in 2001. The album featured her most successful single "Moi... Lolita" which reached number one in several countries in Europe and East Asia. back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  10. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDXC_VMdymY Germany [ Rap ] - Album Fish 'n' Chips mit Sauerkraut 2009; Cover Oblivion (mine) Song about the primeval fear of all big boys since paradise - the demoniac man huntress. back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  11. Shabbat Shalom, silver :thumbsup: ________________________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28igRvRi5nE Germany [ Dancehall ] - Album Culcha Candela 2007; Cover Oblivion (mine) Sold well pre-publication single of Culcha Candela's third album "Culcha Candela" "Hamma" is a German slang expression for "hammer" - a gorgeous beauty. back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  12. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF6qfTy80uc Netherlands [ Gothic Metal ] - Album ReVamp 2010; Cover Fallout 3 (mine) Song by ex-"After Forever" frontwoman Floor Jansen's band ReVamp, one of the blockbusters and the true eyecatcher at this year's Graspop Metal Meeting in Dessel/Belgium back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  13. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daWtGiw_JA0 Germany [ Heavy Metal ] - Album Blood of the Nations 2010; Cover Fallout 3 (mine) The song is used as background tune during thunderbox sessions in the Land of the Trolls back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  14. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOnwvc0OQlk Germany [ Heavy Metal ] - Album Blood of the Nations 2010; Cover Fallout 3 (mine) The song was used as an adrenalin boost on the alpine Trolla Ridge in Trollheimen, Norway back on 9/26 http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif skål
  15. Cockroach-Free Wasteland
  16. Shabbat Shalom.

    I've found a partial solution for the new sound autostart problem - the mp4 sound with cover *rofl*

  17. According to the last analyses based upon the Drake equation by Ward, Brownlee, Walter an Aczel the probability of intelligent life is P = 1 (we!) for our galaxy and P = ∞ for the universe with the physical chance for an extragalactic contact equal to 0 due to the insurmountable distances between the different galaxies. Let us assume, against Ward et al, we’d indeed have P = 2 in our galaxy, then a contact is probable within a mathematical timeframe of 700 million years and this exclusively by two reasons – within the scope of a energetically to be justified spontaneous step-by-step colonisation of the galaxy by at least one species or by a forced appearance after a cooling of the home-star, when energy costs no longer play any role and the one-way exodus is the very last attempt of the species to survive. Now, for we aren’t yet colonized by aliens none of them was ever here in the past or we’d found relicts, technical tracks of their former presence... or WE are the descendants of them after a crash landing in the prehistory wherein they’ve lost their big marbles – and that’s improbable due to a quite similar behaviour and genetic structure of the great apes. There is thus still time left for the making of gifts for the 'gods'. On the other hand, the coming of the last ETs on their final trip to find a new home planet in our solar system excludes any chance for a peaceful contact – the guys would have only this chance to settle down and no other. They’d take Earth by force. Boom! Well, we as the underdogs aren’t yet annihilated and that means that they are still on their journey, if ever. Future colonization, final annihilation or eternal isolation Make your choice.
  18. Already served in the army? The confusion fades away afterwards :laugh: A strike has been issued for this post. Please ignore any offense which you might get from it, and continue with the discussion. Thanks. - Vagrant0
  19. Why should "one" meet the military outside open day without being armed? If "one" is armed then no news of the meeting with the military would ever reach us, cos this would be no modern Marathon... there would be no terrestrial survivor left to convey the bad news!
  20. Why should we be interested in the backgrounds of a silent suicide? To sophisticate it? No - it's ok when the candidate informs the staff. Have a mazel tov http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  21. What was the topic again? Thought we'd show the flag of our random homeland and not the banner of our incompatible characters Have a mazel tov http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  22. Simple answer: to avoid true gasping by the simulants, the only inhabitants of the simulation.
  23. Double posting due to correction. My fault, sorry.
  24. The writers that come under pressure are already honoured due to the only choice I've made up to now - the 15 year old Jewess Anne Frank, killed by the Germans in a concentration camp. I could have equally chosen a Chilean author, by psychological means shot dead with delay after his wife and children in the stadium of Santiago by the military junta in the 70s or anybody else. You see, grannywils? They all were mental heroes, telling or holding the supposed truth, defending it with civil courage, if necessary up to their end. And truth always dies first, as you might know. On the contrary, we have the classical heroes, usually armed folks that have tried to force a hoped-for decision for the people – in vain. Already before they die they are often called ‘war-heroes’ due to remarkable successes earlier on the battlefield. Now, if the people start, by means of whatever, with an imitation of the hero in whole or in part, the hero turns into an idol and his way is now the aim of the many. Btw, here our former hero meets the fashion idols that are introducing, carrying, wearing, holding or performing something of temporary public interest, for example their faces. Hybridisations of the different versions of idolatry, heroism included, are possible and fortify so the individual market value of the idol in the public game. This leads to the fact that only a modern idol is to be sold well, an idol of old and a hero is normally not, but the latter stays much longer in history. Finally, we have the personal 'house heroes' - mom and dad, the grandparents, friends and folks of the region that did extraordinary, often social things. As long as we remember their names they are still alive and not yet gone to the shadows. Blessed be the one who can sing the song of his heroic ancestors for more than just two generations.
  25. A writer is no hero only because his literary characters are drawn as heroes. The work is art, perhaps even worth a Nobel prize in literature, but that's all. Almost as a rule, the hero dies of his heroic deeds and/or is hailed post mortem first. The tragedy. Living heroes merely randomly go down in history, they're the idols of just a few generations. Over the wordy reading here I've lost the thread and don't recall the 2nd hero in my life - tcha, there he goes... too bad.
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