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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Welcome to the Aussie Muscle Show ______________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WliQQW5X2dA Australia - Cover Fallout 3 (mine) Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  2. Np, Aurasoma. It's really one of the best free tools ever.

    And as you've perhaps already realized, the Caravan of Courage has moved on into privacy. Simply drop me a line in the PM whenever you like. You're welcome :)

  3. Happy the one that doesn't live in the asocial 18th century anymore. Somewhere the Mercedes Benz second car has to come from, finally. From socialism for sure not, and not from the lack of a social net that obviously makes the workers (we say: employees) less aggressive, less correspondent to all radical theories at the border to no-good like "class war"... and second car burning, of course *lol* Remarkably enough, both US and Europeans share one and the same philosophical theorem, it's the known "Leave No Man Behind". Unfortunately the US understand it as an exclusive reference to the military, but the Europeans as "everyone". So folk, if the European social net is to be called socialistic, how then do we call the US Army if not communistic, okay?
  4. Oops - do we have an off topic nest here? :woot: Yoda saying, Always two by two they are. A master and an apprentice. But which is to be destroyed first, the master or the apprentice? Sorry, but I don't take you seriously, ginny. You strike a false note, the too personal one, as usual. Let's go at that. It's healthier for all of us.
  5. Balagor, instead of daily knækbrød met buko friskost we have to eat more junk food to understand that we here in Western Europe host socialism or somethin'... :woot: Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  6. An Austrian anabolic baby that has made a brilliant career as actor up to US governor was meant. No more - no less! It'd be wiser for you to realize the point of safe return. It's enough, my dear ex-friend.
  7. Depends on your understanding of socialism in general and European socialism in special. For me as a European it's out of the question. A chimera. Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  8. You just could not resist taking a political shot, even in an educational thread, so predictable. [snip] A political shot? Nice try, soldier! Actually it's a genetic shot :laugh: Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  9. School and university already finished. So, if I'd get a 2nd chance I'd choose history, cos the path of the offspring of the last Neandertal woman through the ages up to the today Governator is amazing. Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  10. David LeMoir - How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician: Terrorize and Bewilder Your Chess Opponents :devil: Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  11. Thanks, silver :) Well, I've remixed the above song by Taha to enable a listening by our US friends. We'll see soon whether or not YouTube really wants to legalize the operation. If not, there goes the sound... ______________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL810yDdFj8 Germany - Cover Oblivion (mine) The Ring of the Nibelungs ( Latin / German ) - English lyrics Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  12. There is somethin' strange going on with this generation, grannywils. The border between reality and virtuality gets blurred for the first time. An ongoing process towards more and more violence, learned in the virtuality and executed - in the reality. The ability to communicate without the motivation to derive an immediate benefit from it gets lost and is understood as outrageous disturbance, to be answered aggressively. And aggression is always the prestage of violence, but now without any clear risk estimate cos there should be few saves somewhere for a reload of reality, if necessary. Unfortunately there are none. Illogicalness prevails. In this way I understand all this, probably wrong.
  13. Yup, silver :thumbsup: This track I know from the Zimmer album. Think it was the end credit song of Black Hawk Down, a film not to be made during the Bush era ^^ The US military philosophy of the 'Leave No Man Behind'- the Somalian skinnies had counted on that. I still believe to remember one or two atrocious images of mangled and bloated bodies of dead US soldiers pulled as trophies under great warcry through the streets of Mogadishu in October 1993, scenes not part of the movie but doubtlessly of the back then uncensored News. I was not yet seven years old... I keep radio silence for a while cos I feel nauseated http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  14. Sorry to hear that, grannywils. However, you'll hear the stuff later, God willing :thumbsup: ______________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZfQneffmRA Algeria - Cover Fallout 3 (mine) The song was used in the 2001 American war movie Black Hawk Down directed by Ridley Scott Barra Barra ( "Out! Out!" ) - English lyrics Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  15. Teaching has to happen in the forefront of an event, when the other one is not yet part of the game and the rules. This goes for the MMORPG. In the MORPG of old, where a single player worked as the host for up to a dozen of others on a zone server with thousands of players is was still possible to throw out fools and to form closed groups. The last match of this kind was played in late 2006, if memory serves.
  16. There are a lot of people here who have experienced all this during the last decade. That's not the problem. The problem is - we've taught absolutely nothing to those who came after us, cos we've simply left the online scene, huh. Oh yes, we were indeed the better players in those days - holy warriors under the banner of self-righteousness, for sure. But probably because of social experiences we've made already in Lan sessions in the late 90s - and that's all.
  17. Guess we don't need new social studies on infantile brutality, cos that's a natural feature of childhood as such. "Children in power" is the last thing one could really love. Ever heard of child soldiers, the Khmer Rouge or the armed kids of Africa? The Lord of the Flies? Forget it! All we need is a restauration of parental abilities to teach the own children a better, a more social life than the own which too often follows the doctrine of social darwinism - the survival of the fittest, the loudest and the most brutal.
  18. There never ever was somethin' like honour and respect in an MMORPG. The only difference to a MORPG is the massive appearance of barracudas and their omnipresent muahahaha warcry - the missing M. In so far your experiences aren't that new, the scene is known since 2001, and the final results for those who had a good will as well. People merely randomly communicate on their negative experiences, and when they do the others don't listen for they know better, but only to share these experiences later... You might try out Lan versions to play online with known folks and a responsible host that has a name! Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  19. I'm not an old timer, but I understand your feelings, nosisab. One day it will be a much-noticed expedition, when the Chosen One moves his ass away from the screen to find out whether or not the real world of which the legend goes has ever really existed. Sometimes, man gets a second chance. Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  20. Thanks for listening, gannywils and silver :) The wood elf is an earlier FaceGen conversion with special emphasis on mimic art. She was made before the general takeover by anime figures - a blockbuster of old. The 2nd track reminds me of the jazz pubs in Frankfurt ("Mainhattan"). Well done! Some experimental Hip Hop __________________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn5j1pns8r8 USA - Cover Oblivion (mine) The song was used in the sci-fi film Babylon A.D., starring Vin Diesel as mercenary character Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  21. Of course you have all rights, like all of us, but you have alleged an interesting argument without any verification. An analogy based upon an argument from silence, unfortunately. But in that way a debate doesn't work. So, you better deliver these facts known to you in addition as soon as it is possible for you, simply to avoid a permanent negative impression. Do us the favor, I'm just curious :thumbsup:
  22. Well, if you already went through all that in Britain, ginnyfizz, then explain to us the programmatic differences between the Coffee Party and the Real Coffee Party in the USA and show verifiable accordances to the political constellation in Britain. Thanks in advance.
  23. A touch of romance :) ______________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jsYfK_-DiU Ireland - Cover Oblivion (mine) Na Laetha Gael M'óige ( "The Bright Days of My Youth" ) - English lyrics Take your protein pills, boys http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  24. The best, free and easy understandable program to mix clips is AUDACITY. Always upload the ready remix to youtube first - they tell you directly if a copyright is still involved or not. If the mp3 has passed the test as "public" the file can be uploaded to free webspace ( with the free FlashFXP) without running into serious problems later.
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