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Everything posted by TheRoc
Jaws of Hakkon Broken Ocularum...
TheRoc replied to TheRoc's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Discussion
Well, I don't know what to say. Working on what I was seeing on my map (I had the two collected sets of ocularum shards and both ocularum remained on my map - the broken ocularum not!), so I went back to the keep and found all my furnishings (throne, rugs, banners) gone and I put that down to finishing the dragon and speaking to everyone I was supposed to speak with just like it happened with finishing Corphys. But to double check the comment above about 0/0 shards normally meaning they have been collected I returned to the base camp and the ocularum outside of it. Looking at the map, none of the ocularum were now marked? However, I was able to use that one to collect three more shard! Travelling to the one near the hut to the west it too supplied me with four shards! The broken one still gives me nothing and all were showing 0/0 but I looked anyway and SHAZZAM! Bonus shards! Don't know what happened, but I have four leftover shards I have no use for at the moment - though I am yet to do the dwarven expansion so they may be handy there maybe? So for some weird glitch reason, case closed and completed... -
Jaws of Hakkon Broken Ocularum...
TheRoc replied to TheRoc's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Discussion
No, in fact the ocularum in question doesn't even show up on the map like the other two (one just outside of the base camp, one up near the 'possessed' avvar), and if seen, I'm not getting the diamond location markers on the map. This was the last one I was collecting and I am getting nothing from it - I had no issues with the others. Back in the base game there was a known bug with one of the ocularum that did exactly the same thing and the fix was something like reload a save from point X and do something different like go left instead of right when you did such and such or there was a mod that fixed it (I don't recall, I had the issue and did the workaround as there wasn't any or many mods back then so I'm assuming it wasn't a mod fix unlike DA:O had for some of its problems). I spent most of yesterday searching for a similar thing but found nothing. I am skipping this bit for now, it just irks me that it is a side quest that I know I can finish if I can get the last three shards, but just can't get the shards. Not a game breaker, just annoying to me. :smile: -
G'day All, I have been through the Discussion threads to see if anyone has addressed this issue before or not and couldn't find anything. I seem to have a broken ocularum... Trying to locate the last... three(?) shards in the Basin, the ocularum near the Avvar fishing jetty (where you get the bot for the island). I can click on it and use it, but it simply states I have 0/0 shards and will not highlight any anywhere. I Googled the locations to make sure what I needed and can see them marked on maps online, but they do not appear unless I can see them through the skull (and I double checked that by going to the location of the two easiest to reach). I couldn't find a mod to address this and no Google searches that tell of a work around. I can't open that door in The Mystery of Winter without them it seems. Is there one? Cheers, -- The Roc
Yes and there is no 'higher jumping' mod. I settled for the flying mod to be able to reach things I feel you should be able to jump up to or climb up but if I am not careful, I tend to take falling damage if I don't watch what I am doing sometimes.
EA has purposefully made The Sims 4 very mod friendly and as one of their biggest selling franchises (even though the release was somewhat disappointing to so many) didn't seem to fear mods from stopping people from spending money for DLC and/or expansions they may (probably will as the game needs something more than what it has) release. Why couldn't they simply make that a thing with this and put me (a user of fine mods by other people) out of my misery? Why? I would love a mod that slowed down the greebly spawn cycle just a touch. As an example, while the missus was telling me something, I had my character remain in one spot killing rams as I listened to my wife without missing something in the game - by the time I killed the last ram in the field, a fresh one spawned right in front of me! I killed it and another spawned, and another, and another! I also found at my current level I would take more time to kill a bear which in one area appeared in pairs. By the time I killed both a new one would spawn and wander by and so on. If I managed to sneak past I would run into more tough greeblies and fight an endless cycle... and if I got fed up with it (because of the constant combat I couldn't save) and tried to pull back to camp so I could go to bed in real life and needed to save, I would be caught between two such groups - was easier to let them kill me so I could get some sleep that night!!!!! Others may not agree, but now I have played a tad more, I am finding it somewhat repetitive which is starting to be less challenging and = boring... <Sigh>
Hey thank you Naomi and Thandal and all, I grabbed CCleaner and ran it. I uninstalled my driver and restarted, allowing XP to find and install the required driver and restart again. I set my res and display and opened DA:O and viola! Cut scenes look mighty noice to look upon in all their chrystal clarity. :) One final question; does CCleaner come packaged or attached to Google Chrome does anyone know? Seems I now have (had) Google Chrome as my default browser - CCleaner and the new driver were the only things Ihave downloaded today. If it does, it snuck right on in there and installed without my permission or even warning me - scared the crap out of me when I opened my browser!!
This thread I think is all but dead and was most active in the "view my female charcter's arse" versus homophobia argument than it ever did for getting the mods to work on the OP. :) I would like to see a proper scene between my female dwarf (and the male one when I create him) and any of the other characters various mods allow, it just adds something to the game for me. I don't go into camp and play sex scene after sex scene; if it happens once between two characters it just confirms the type of relationship these characters have. Being more graphic just confirms it more (fade to black for ecample, they could be playing Go Fish for all I know!?). Issues for the mods are as Floymin posted above I believe, and of course, even further above some had posted a bioWare link to a mod for dwarven sex. I'm really only commenting because I personally, love what mods put up here on Nexus and would simply have liked to have seen such a mod posted here on Nexus and adding my voice to the OP. Funny thing, my original mindset is of fantasy dwarves from other myth and they never appealed to me in a sexual way, but I do find the way they are handled in DA is very different and I actually thought my first female dwarf look rather cute and therefore would like to see that sex scene - and I guess the default will suffice. :) And though I do not wish to rekindle the homophobia discussions - speaking as a married, straight man who, along with his wife, were members of a fet club for many, many years, I have seen a lot of naked men, have a lot of gay male friends (and of course, seen a lot of naked females and count lesbians and bisexual males and females amongst my friends), and I still prefer to look at the female form in all aspects - in real life, in photos, in paintings, in drawings, in animations, in computer games, and any other medium I may have left out. My like of viewing female characters in computer games come from the fact I like how well they are animated and look over a male anytime, and as a 'dominant' male, I also like to see powerful women in action. Nothing homophobic about itI like to look at what I like to look at, simple. ;)
I guessed it was an out of date driver too, so I take that as a kind of confirmation. :) In the old days I would have gone to the driver page, but for video cards now days I usually just open the display properties and go to the card's tab and find the "Update Driver" button and click that, following the prompts as I go. This card didn't like that it seemed as I had wierd messages from it when deleting files from thumb drives! I might try later the "remove old driver first and then install new driver" method. The only time I have had issues with updating was when I put on a Kodak picture handling program that had come with my first digital camera. To update it, I had to go to the page via the program, close the program, uninstall it, then request the update to the now non-existant program, install the update which was an entirely new program! Seems I had to have the old program up and running to get the new version which was classed as an update...?
I have grabbed it and am running it now, thank you. :)
This seems to be a new thing this uninstall before updating thing? In the many, many years I have updated various drivers from everything from video and sound to cameras and printers, I have never ever had to uninstall an old driver - nor was it ever required or suggested to do so. Therefore it is never the first thing I think about! But times and outlooks change, so I don't doubt this is the case now days. This seems to be my disclosure day today, but a few years back I had a stress related illness (father ill, finding him a nursing home, oldest sister being a s*** - that sort of thing. LOL) and I seemed to have found small chunks of my own memory missing and about 05% of my short term memory vanishing (so I'm about 95% fine) - so all I have to do is remember this stuff! LOL With the new card, I just simply updated drivers as I would normally via the display properties under the Nvidia tab (which is all I ever used to do - depending upon the card/depending upon the tab). When deleting files of any sort (documents, pictures, video clips, anything!) I got a message telling me the video drivers were not installed properly and to reinstall them, which I did to no avail. So I removed the new, later drivers and reverted to the original ones on the CD that came packaged. When I feel I have your directions (which would have been simple a few years ago) straight in my head, I'll give your method a go. Thanks. :)
I honestly don't know as my friend had installed the new card and drivers. I'm not overly techie myself, on an XP PC, how is the best way to check and go about that if I might ask?
Thanks Dragoners, I had the same issue obviously, so I Googled a fix and the first option I chose was this thread and as usual, I found my answer. The first thing I tried was the "For those who get the "d3dx9_43.dll is missing" error message on starting the demo: Go to the folder you installed the Demo to, go to "redist", then "DirectX" and start DXSetup.exe. The files are all there, there just seems to be a problem with the installation." fix and it worked nicely. This forum is brilliant, as are the people on here! Cheers. :)
G'day Grey Wardens, I suddenly find the cutscenes in my game are not very clear any more? I had played the game through nearly to the end, everytime a cutscene took place, it was as clear to view as playing the game - with greater clarity and close-ups not particularly possible ingame itself. I am not really sure when the issue started, but I believe it was partially through my second and subsequent play throughs AFTER I had some RAM and Video Card issues. That is to say, my video card fan started to make noises (a rapid tapping sound, similat to the noise it might make if a wire were brushing against it... which it wasn't, it was probably a bearing?) but didn't seem to make any difference. I then had a start-up issue with the PC as a whole, and when I took it to a good friend who works in a repair shop, he discovered that the RAM had failed and needed replacing. Of the video card itself, he warned that the chip set would eventually burn out if the fan was not replaced - but they could not get their hands on a fan for it. I then had two options with the card due to its age; 1) go backwards to a lesser card that would not handle my games or 2) go upwards to a better card. Well, it goes without saying that I chose the better card. I believe everything was fine cut scene-wise initially, but now it seems that only one or two actual scenes within any given cut scene are crystal clear when they play if any are clear at all. E.g. The party triggers a cut scene and encounters a group of people (a merchant, bandits, whatever?). The scene will usually start now, somewhat blury as we walk up. Then it will cut to the speaker of the group and still be blury as he speaks. The PC or party member (PM) will then speak as the camera cuts to him/her and is probably blury still before it cuts back to the speaker which is suddenly crystal clear! It then cuts to a different angle and is blury again... This will go on for the entire length of the cut scene with or without dialogue options. Some cut scenes are blury from start to finish! The difference is like smearing vasaline over your monitor or for those who wear glasses, like not wearing your glasses while you play. NOTE that when a dialogue option is present to click on, the scene can be blury but the written words are always quite clear. So to recap:- 1) Had nearly played my first playthrough (I started late in DAO history after a friend pestered me to get it and I got the Ultimate Edition with all the DLC + I have a handful of mods installed that didn't seem to affect visuals at the time - such a nude skins, Wilds Robes, sexy Chanter's robes...) and all cut scenes were crystal clear. 2) Had computer problems with both RAM and video card. 3) Replaced RAM and video card and don't believe there was an issue straight away - but this I am now unsure of? 4) Began to experience blury cut scenes, sometimes with very clear cuts within. 5) Attempted to update video drivers, but this made no difference (thought I did experience some issues with the updated drivers when I would delete un-related non-game files from a USB stick with an error message alluding to video drivers possibly not being installed properly!!). Rolled back to original 'off disc' drivers which cleared the problem. 6) Finally realised that there was a Nexus forum I was a member of and could seek tech-like assistance, so here I am! The new video card is a Gigabyte Nvidia Geforce GTS 450 (which I was told by a gaming friend is slightly better than the old card?). The old card was an ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series if any of that helps?
OEM usually means 'Original Engineered Machine' copy, meaning that legally, it is a cheaper version that cames pre-installed on a new system and that is the only way you can get a fully functioning copy at a greatly discounted price (which incidentally, Apple/Mac refused to do which allowed MS to dominate the market - not a better OS, but a better business strategy that worked and got many otherwise computerphobics buying PC's that were easy to use and opened the market immensly!). Many computer stores (perhaps that should be 'some computer stores'?) get around the OEM issue by saying, oh well, you just purchased a mouse from us, why can't I call that 'Original' - I got XP by buying a video card that I SELF INSTALLED. But hey, that is basically how OEM works in Australia. As for your everyday printscreen issues, that is how all Windows OS's work. Basically, if you have a reason to take a screenshot, it holds one copy and you can either open a graphics (MSPaint is fine) or open a word doc and past it in. I don't know the full story, but I was once told that the reason was not to clog those early 8mb to 80mb HDD's with tonnes of graphics when writing a manual for say a new program (or a doc for a friend with a step-by-step 'how to' on using the net or say, an e-mail program). E.g. As you typed your e-mail step-by-step for your students, you would have the program opened, take your screen, paste it directly into the document and resize or edit it. Type in the next step, grab a screen on that and paste, edit, etc. before going onto the next step and so on a nd so on... In its time, it was a brilliant concept and I'd even consider it to still be - I have had many, many occasions for training purposes to make use of these features - for staff training in the use of our company's database, training staff on how to use Power Point (in conjunction with PP no less!) and that sort of stuff. Not to mention a doc for a seniors group on how to surf the innernet. Many people don't look beyond the original intent of something and just think, "This is f***ed!" But it did work, and it still does really. Thanks for you response too, but I'm still stuck with XP (I avoided Vista like the plague but will eventually go to 7 I think). :)
Thank you team! One thing I know abouty these forums is that even if someone can't help, they certainly try. But most of the time someone CAN help. I should point out that I have my game installed upon an external HDD and that was my obvious choice to seek my screenshots and well, as you well know, they are not there, they are on my C: drive where I didn't think to look! LOL Thank you all so very much for your assistance - look! They are all there where you said they would be. :)
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I am curious about the ingame screen captures? It is straight forward that I hit print screen and they are there in my content for uploading to Bioware, but are they held anywhere as a .bmp or .jpg that I can just grab and edit as I wish? I was put onto Dragon Age by a young friend. I use mods and he doesn't. He's in a warzone and it is something we chat about when he is able to get the time. So he wanted me to send him some shots of my charcters and equipment. But I can't find them anywhere and it seems the program only allows me to upload them to Bioware - not helpful? Thanks for your time.
Thanks team for the responses. I shall look into what you have said, I really do appreciate it! Chiramu, Thank you very much! I would never have even thought to search for 'Apathetic Morrigan' in the first place let alone think of what it might be called! There is also the thing where I may be told "There is a 'Sword of Everything and Total Destruction and Immunity to Everything and you don't Have to Play the Game at all Because There is no more Challenge Mod', and you should get it" only to search and not find it, because the creatoer of the mod always uses their name in the title somewhere, so really I should have searched for 'Little Timmy's Sword of Everything and Total Destruction and Immunity to Everything and you don't Have to Play the Game at all Because There is no more Challenge Mod' but could never have guessed the blokes name in my wildest dreams! LOL Thanks again all! :)
Great thread! Answered some questions I was thinking about and now don't have to request!! Thanks team! :)
G’day folks. My name is Roc, I am an Aussie and I play Dragon Age. I’m new to playing DA, but not new to Nexus or using mods. So forgive me if this has been covered before or already exist, but like I said, I’m new to DA and therefore the DA request forums. I have wandered through a lot of the request titles and very few things appear to be on the topic or they are similar but different. Okay, here goes: 1) Loyalty Adjuster: Morrigan. Love her or hate her as you will, but I like her looks and her attitude. What I don’t like is that she is so much trouble to please. I’d like for her to appear all tough and nasty, but actually be a big softy at heart. Hell, I know people like that in real life! :rolleyes: Why can’t I do something and have her narky tough comment, but secretly inside she approves and at least remains neutral instead of giving me a big hit into the minus loyalties? Like I said, I don’t know if it can be done? 2) Party Non-Herding: I like that the party looks out for each other, but do they all have to stick so closely together all the time? Sometimes my hero just wants to say, “Wait here, I want to take a look up ahead. I’ll be back shortly” and wander off in stealth mode by herself just to do a bit of scouting – part of what I see her being about really. But no, as soon as I sneak off, see some greeblies, turn around to go tell my friends… THEY ARE ALREADY RIGHT THERE GETTING US SPOTTED! :wallbash: :wallbash: I don’t know, this may already be in the game but I can’t find it? The game goes on about strategies but even if you know there are greeblies up ahead and want to lay a cunning trap, your hero wanting to sneak ahead while you placed your friends carefully for the best effect so you can lure the enemy into an ambush, I can’t! :wallbash: Where is the strategy in that? Always having to wander as a group and then wasting combat time positioning your people (as that seems to be the only time they can move away from each other?) while the enemy charge you? I like my missile troops to get shots in from the get go (like with a pre-planned ambush) at range instead of moving them after combat starts and having the nasties in your face before you get into position! I hope I’m made to look a fool when someone says, “Hey Roc, ya fool! Just go to the such-and-such menu and click it there!” :turned: 3) More Party Members: I mean, okay when you are playing a pencil and paper (PnP) RPG in your living room with actual friends sitting around a table and interacting physically with each other, it is more manageable to only have say 3-4 party members (but I’m a grown-up, I could handle 8+ in the day, probably still can :devil: ). But this is a computer game, it should be able to handle many, many more party members. All I’d like is a standard six. That’s only two more than allowed. Is that at all possible? A party of six is optimal for my likings... :smile: 4) There's no four really, I just wanted to post five points is all. :pirate: 5) Casual ‘Relations’: I’m sure this is already out there or something like it, I just can’t track it down. But I’d like for my hero to have one night stands with almost anybody I choose. I mean, anyone I can interact with in a inn, tavern, market (though perhps not merchants... unless they gave you a discount afterwards - though that may cheapen the whole affair...? :blink: ) etc. Would be nice to be able to go down that road (I role play as best I can in these games, sometimes my character - male or female - is a bit of a flirt, sometimes abstains, maybe is attracted to only serving wenches, maybe only elves, might be gay, might be bi... it all depends on how I feel when I generate the character at the time - I set the rule and it stays throughout the game, main quest relations not withstanding). My PC may not sleep with every NPC in the game, but I’d like to have the option and control who they do sleep with. I’m thinking that is about it for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this, hope it hasn’t been to boring. Take care.
Party members never disapprove?
TheRoc replied to strang221's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I can sort of see where Strang221 is coming from. My issue is that I like the look and attitude of Morrigan, but not the fact that I have to pander to just the one character in the whole party. I have no issues with others not liking the PC, but as I said, I like Morrigan fo so many reasons - I'd like her to have the apparent appearance and attitude she has, but really to be more of a softy in game. If I didn't like her looks and abilities so much, I wouldn't ordinarily give a proverbial rats arse about her loyalty. But hey, that is just me. -
Topic has been covered a couple of times here. Seek them out and read why it can't or won't be done by a modder.
As for stating the obvious, I believe there is a general discussion section to post such questions. I'd also suggest Google as that was where most of would have found them in the first place too. It's like asking your teacher, whose job it is to teach you things, "How do I spell..." and the teacher saying, "Look it up in a dictionary."
A pair of traitorous cure! Based in the Searchilght area, the NCR do not have the troops to police these new bandits (which is pretty much how they would have to begin), but I think they would be a prime target for the Legion who would hate them - especially any legion traitors... of which I get the impression there would be few as they are more likely to throw themselves on their swords than desert or fail. I would think there would be few ex-Legion compared to ex-NCR, Vipers, Khans, and even the occasional Fiend, etc. But go for it. The Legionair would have probably been a weak tribal, both physically and mentally, unsure of his own abilities and fearful of failure and execution as Ceasar is a want to do with failures. The NCR Trooper is probably a troublemaker, a bully who signed up to avoid winding up in prison back home... probably deals in the black market, drugs, stolen weapons, etc... and obviously murder, and has seen his share of disciplinary action - a common thug who sees his way out of the army. Most crooks aren't bright. They can be clever, even have a quotum of intelligence, but most work harder at crime, harder at not doing honest work than they'd need to do if they had a normal job! Would have to be really well done for me to use it...
Make Meansonofabitch a companion!!!!!
TheRoc replied to TommyDJ's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Is that a Discworld reference? :) Otherwise, it's this guy, Mean Sonofabitch. Or Mahsohfabish as he calls himself (since he has no tongue). I played the game a couple of times now so I knew who the reference was to, but BINGO! We have a winner! :) That's right, camels in the Diskworld have names such as 'You Bastard' and 'Mean SonofaBitch' (any combo like that you could think of) - no wonder they made the Wild Wastelands an option, many players of today probably don't read books (that's a sweeping statement)) and therefore wouldn't get the pop culture references... :confused: -
I like the idea and wouldn't mind the mantis spawn - I actually enjoy defending my home! :biggrin: Storage is important though - and no game breaking or extra equipment... everyone has to place an 'awsome' weapon or armour in their places (because their places are obviously s*** without the added inducement I suppose?) and I therefore never get them*. *Okay, I got Bella's Bunker but it came with a companion I was really after - I chose to ignore the extra gear and once even gave it to my companions to carry to a lake so I could dump it all! LOL