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Everything posted by TheRoc

  1. Search for New Vegas Bounties 1, it is an exellent bounty hunter mod with unique jobs and a promise of more add-ons to it.
  2. Ah, those were the days... I had characters that married Maria. :)
  3. I'd only play this character as a challenge with every soldier, merc, and prospector shooting to kill and townsfolk running to hide. Otherwise what is the point? It is not in the flavour of the game unless everyone fears and/or wants to kill it.
  4. I like the so called 'romance' concept of a girlfriend, or boyfriend for female characters. Actually, as the game tends to do anyway, include both a female and a male, depending upon dialog options used with these NPC's, gay/lesbians and those who play both sides can pick up on these characters. I'd like to see one in Goodsprings, and the other somewhere the player is intended to go early in the game, like Primm - a PC so inclined could have both hanging on to them so to speak?
  5. Every time I snipe someone from a distance in game, if they have a friend nearby the friend starts looking for me. Your version not have this? I sometimes find it annoying when I'm at distance with the Gobi and they just can't find me (spotting range doesn't extend that far - in fact, Boone can't even shoot them and wants to know what I am doing??) and keep running behind some form of cover looking for me when I'd hope they would come out from cover so I could get a clear shot.
  6. I like the idea. I always thought the wastlands should have more surviving (mutated) critters like pigs and chickens particularly. Well done for the idea.
  7. You are right? I simply find that if there is more than 2-3 things to be killed, I am slowed several times and I think, "Aw s***, my computer is chunking up real bad for some reason? Oh hang on, it's my team killing things..." Everyone else must love the effect? P.S. I also find that when I am slowed, the AI still works faster than my computer's recovery + my reactions and my compnaions get in a few extra attacks while I am slowed... or so it seems?
  8. So something more than this mod from FO3, I take? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5212 Seems to do the job, and its just meshes, so its easy to implement for New Vegas. Works just fine for me. Yet you seem to have something else in mind.... From what I read of the OP, I don't think it is? The link has some nice armour for a female, but it still looks 'bulky', just that the female inside looks to be more petit, not curvier? I don't know, he may have been thinking this? LOL
  9. C'mon, the guy has a point. Not everyone likes to hear constant swearing or getting soaked in gore. Not every woman likes giving heaad, but you guys seem to be agreeing (if you allow me tangent) "Get with the times woman, I like getting head so give it ot me!" Not every women likes getting butt fu... well, you get the idea. The point is, don't knock the person for their personal morals - disagree politely, but s***, don't mock them. I on the otherhand find all of the FO fanchise most excellent and enjoyable and don't believe enough sex nudity was ever included in the original game. Thank you to the marvelous modders in the FO universe that correct that for me. No that is my point of view, you don't have to agree.
  10. I'm fairly confident all the songs are in the public domain. :confused: I don't think that's the point... I think they mean they are fairly confident all the songs will return if you reinstall the game yourself and not bother someone else to do it for you? I may be wrong, but it sounds like that is what they are say - learn from your mistakes kind of thing...?
  11. Good news for anyone stumbling upon this thread with the same request: Companion Idles and Companion Sandbox both work in unison. The Rest command isn't automatic and you have to wander aaround to each individual companion and tell them, but it's a start! :)
  12. Now don't I feel a goose. I don't know how I missed any of those let alone ALL of them. But oddley enough, I had just stumbled upon http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34955 myself while double checking to see if I'd missed it/any. The description states:- "Complete rewrite: The 'sandbox mode' AI is now a separate package that can be accessed through dialogue, instead of replacing the 'wait here' AI package. This is more likely to conflict with other mods that alter companions however, so the old version is still available. Companions will unequip their weapons while relaxing, but they'll still grab them if they're in danger." Which is pretty much what I was hoping for in the very least from what I read... but perhaps not quite? Though I had to chuckle when I read the lines in the description, "Ever annoyed by the fact that if you'd let your companions wait, they'd just stand there like a statue?" Because that was the basis of my whole post! I already have Companion Idles from http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36225, and as I shall be downloading the sandbox one, I am hoping they do not conflict as warned (of the possibility). What you suggest would be great with a hotkey for all companions. I do hope someone reads it and takes it on. Otherwise, that really should be the end of this thread as what I want exists in a manner of speaking. So i'm going in boys, wish me luck!
  13. Funny you should say that. I already have a problem that when my companions sense an enemy nearby, they go berko! It can be three rooms away behind a locked door anad they start dialog about fighting them, if the door isn't locked, they go running away while I'm searching containers and desks, etc. and I only find the bodies when I go there afterwards. LOL
  14. Hello fine modders. Firstly let me say a huge thank you for all of your hard (or easy - depends upon which modder is telling you :) work. Just one of the things I'd really like to see, is that when I am waiting (the 'T' key) or searching or even undergoing dialog, unless I am standing in the street, I sit my character where I can (bit of basic low-level roleplaying). But my followers all stand about like shags on a rock! Though I do treat them as pack animals and body guards, they are my companions after all and I am pretty kind to them where I am able. Could someone make it so they will sit down if they are in an area for a reasonable amount of time and there is a chair or lounge nearby? Or can they at least wander around and look at things? Even sitting on the floor like wastlanders do would be something!! For example when I am racing around my appartment sorting my inventory, they all just cluster in the doorway making it difficult sometimes, to exit the room! Or when I am searching a room, they just stand in a column looking bored. Someone made an idle animation mod that gives them a little life while we are just standing about, like scratching themselves, having a smoke, waving like a simpleton, giving the bird, etc. But they still just stand there blocking the way or looking... welll, errrm... stupid? Useless? I use the suite in the Tops and there is ample sitting for my friends (and even on the floor would be good! I'd also like a dialog telling them to relax where, they can just sit in a chair or even lay on the bed... I don't think any of my companions sleep because when I do, I awaken and they are in exactly the same bloody spot they were when I dozed!! This can't be good for their health and mental welbeing - imagine the stress and accidents from sleep deprivation... Boone has enough issues as it is, keep this up and he's liable to go postal! Arrrgh! And along the line of having it linked to a command, when asked to 'Wait' it would be nice if they sat in a chair or layed in a bed (depending on what is nearer) or wondered the room until I came and collected them. Okay, so I wrote that with a touch of humour. But in a nutshell, what I am interested in if any of you highly skilled individuals can help is:- 1) When in an area/room for a certain period of time (I'm sure the modder can work out a suitable timing for this), the companion wanders about the room.* 2) When in an area/room for a certain period of time (I'm sure the modder can work out a suitable timing for this), the companion will find a seat and sit down near the PC.* 3) When in an area/room for a certain period of time (I'm sure the modder can work out a suitable timing for this), the companion will sit down on the floor and rest near the PC.* 4) When in an area/room for a certain period of time (I'm sure the modder can work out a suitable timing for this), the companion will lay down on a bed or the floor/ground and rest (I was in the army, believe me this doesn't look or sound as silly as you might think - you get to h ave a laydown for a minute or more is a welcome break when wandering about all day!) near the PC.* * These actions being randomised - in doors or out. 5) Linked to dialog; "Relax" option where companions will sit or lie (random) wherever they can, indoors our out. 6) Linked to dialog; the "Wait" command where the companion will randomly perform any of the above until collected by the player character. The above not conflicting with the idle animations mod of which I mentioned would also be nice. :)
  15. I agree on this one. I am tired of hearing comments about food and hunger and am just commenting back at the screen that, "I have plenty, but the game insists I be an arsehole and not give you any!" At least in FO3 you could give water. Somebody please fix this...
  16. G'day, I'm new to the forums as well, but I know of the issue you are having. Apparently there are three fixes for this bug, but only one worked for me. I would play the game because I have loved the Fallout francise since Wastlands on the C64 (different mob I think, but same setting). Anyway, I continued to play with the bug waiting for a fix but found it difficult as the game would freeze, then all of the sounds seemed to rattle off before I could continue. In my efforts to find the answer I stumbled onto this - fix #2 was the only one that worked for me; patch v11 for Silent Hill! I installed it where I had to and it worked a charm (als fixed some other related issues like drinking from taps and the Goodspring wells which would lock up the game for a period). I hope it works, the link is to a visual tutorial on the fix and gives the URL to the patch as well! Good luck, -- The Roc
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