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Everything posted by ninja_lord666

  1. ...raid the FFFFS, because even ninjas can't get enough fishy sticks. As it turns out, the factory was making a new type of fishy stick specifically for the hot summer days. It was a fish-flavoured ice on a stick called Fishicle! The ninja(s) was so astounded by this that he/they...
  2. ...himself in a mirror. The ninja, not being very bright, attacked the mirror, but when he realized that his reflection did everything he did, he knew he met his match. Not being able to live with the fact that there was someone better than him, he stabbed himself in the gut only to get pissed off when the reflection did the same. Just then, a Nasty Nautical Newborn Nymph of Newburg (5N) arrived and saw this. Being the evil nymph she is, she brought the ninja back to life but also made the reflection real. Thus, ninja1 and ninja2 (as they were now called (no one knows which is which, but they both claim to be ninja1)) began and endless fight with each other. As the 5N laughed and watched, ...
  3. ...the Factory of Fun-Filled Fishy Sticks (FFFFS)! This, he thought to himself is...
  4. ...dieing. The smell of the ogre's bulbous bottom was so terrible that even the tree withered and died in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, the ninja had a thin piece of cloth covering his nose and mouth thus ridding him from the terrible ferocity of the ogre's stench. However, even a ninja, god-like as they are, know that when the Horrid Black Bird of Pecking falls instantly the the stench of an ogre, it would be best to flee. The ninja ran through the now decayed brush only to find...
  5. ...again shrieked like a girl he climbed up the tree but found a Horrid Black Bird of Pecking (HBBP). THis fightened the ninja even more as no one has ever survived an encounter with an HBBP. The ninja looked down and saw that the TTND were nibbling away at the base of the tree (they can't climb). The ninja knew he was as good as dead until...
  6. ...the Tiny Toe Nibblers of Doom (TTND) to arrive. Contrary to popular belief, the TTND do not nibble toes, they, in fact, are toes that nibble. When the TTND came, the ninja shrieked in horror. The TTND began to nibble away at the ninja beginning with...
  7. ...irony. As he read it, he began to realize just how much it sounded like him. With his new found knowledge about his own hypocrisy he...
  8. Cane swords? I don't think someone could even bring a normal cane to school. I don't see the big deal; if someone's got a sword, you know it. Kill them...well...probably not kill them... The most important thing these morons need to know is WEAPONS AREN'T DANGEROUS! PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS! Someone could easily kill you with their bare hands if they wanted to, yet someone else could be holding a shotgun, an assault rifle, a belt full of grenades, a vest strapped with dynamite, a knife, and the trigger to a nuclear detonator and not hurt anyone. Just because someone has a weapon doesn't mean they're going to hurt you; they need the intention to hurt you. If someone wants to kill you, they'll do it regardless of whether or not they have a weapon.
  9. The problem with that is that Bethesda would have to script each and every possible outcome. That would mean that (say there are the same number of quests as in Oblivion) the game would have to be on about 16 disks and take half a day to install. It also would only be able to be run on a super-computer (that doesn't actually exist yet) because all that script would have to be checking if you drop that item you need to deliver or kill that person you have to talk to in order for it to find an appropriate response. The only possible way for a game to have that level of realism would be to give the npcs AI in it's truest sense: Artificial Intelligence. The npcs would have to be able to adapt and learn. However, real AI is a long ways off. Maybe in TES IX they'd have AI.
  10. A game I really like is Baldur's Gate 2 Shadows of Amn and the expansion Throne of Bhaal. The story line is absolutely great. For this last couple of weeks, all I wanted to do was play that game. Even now, after I beat it, I still want to play. Also, ToB got the award for the best expansion of 2001, and I concur. The story is great, and you get a real sense of choice (mainly because, in the end, you do have a huge, life altering choice). Also, the game and especially expansion, you actually can be evil (it helps that the game is focused around the player having to deal with the fact that s/he is the child of the dead god Bhaal, the former Lord of Murder). There are some parts that seem almost impossibly difficult, but overall, I love the game. It is the god of all rpgs. Also, another aspect that adds to not only the rpg effect, but also the realism: romance. As strange as that may sound, there are several npcs in the game who you can have relationships with. This makes the player seem all the more human (ironic as the player is part god :P ). Also, the relationship isn't those perfect feel-good types of relationships found in tv or movies; they're more. I've only done two so far, but they both ended in her breaking up with me for one reason or another. (Viconia said it wouldn't work, which I believe her. I'm a half-elf and she's a drow. Aerie is whiny. I don't really know what she had against me.) In the expansion, the relationships continue despite them 'ending' in SoA (unless you screwed it up at some point). Which brings me to my next point: watch out what you say to them! some things will end the relationship. Period. I'm sorry this was so long, but I just love the game. Play it! You'll thank me. (You kind of need to play Baldur's Gate before this so you can get the full story. It isn't required, but things will make more sense.)
  11. 1. I read plenty. 2. I would get killed...literally. 3. I'm miles away from the nearest park. 4. My cats would not like that in the least. They don't even get along with each other let alone an outsider. 5. School's over. Also, just because our ideas are in a game, doesn't mean it's going to cost $150! In fact, I'll bet anything TES V is going to be about $50-60. No game is ever going to cost that much. But, more importantly, the quality of the game does not dictate price. A good game (new) will cost just as much as a crappy game (new). TES V could be the greatest game ever and it will still cost the same as lesser games (new).
  12. That's not the point people are trying to make (Well...I guess I can't speak for everyone). At least what I'm trying to say is add more evil. The way the game is now, it's not even black and white; it's just white. Grey is nice, but they have to add black before you can get grey.
  13. Because it's "pretty much the same as Morrowind" doesn't mean they shouldn't have a tutorial. Oblivion was aimed at the larger, action, console group, many of whom haven't played Morrowind. If Oblivion was aimed at the majority Morrowind fan-base, then it would have focused more on story not graphics. However, I do not like the "in-game tutorial." It kind of ruins the roleplaying factor when I can't do something in the beginning because they haven't told me how to yet. I would prefer an out of game tutorial where you are given a premade character who goes through a tutorial dungeon learning everything. They should leave the main game alone. As for separated armour, I couldn't agree more. I want pauldrons separated from the cuirass (also separate from each other), and I want gauntelts separate from each other, just like in Morrowind. They should also make the player choose if they want their character to be right-handed or left-handed. Then some people could hold their shield in their right hand and sword in the left. That would be nice. I also want dual wielding, and more combative shields. It would be cool to smash people with your shield as if it was a normal attack. Also, I want separate damage, too. For example, plate armour can easily deflect swords and spears, but a warhammer would crush it like a tin can. In Oblivion, plate armour (or at least the equivilent to it) defends just as well against blunt weapons as they do blades. It would also be nice to have a strength requirement on weapons. It doesn't seem to realistic for a character with a pathetic 30 strength score to swing a claymore just as powerful and quickly as someone with two or even three times as much strength. Along with that, there should be some weapons like a male without a father sword which would be wielded with two hands if your strength is below a certain amount, but only weilded with one hand if it's above that number. Then you would truly feel like you actually were getting stonger. One more thing, get rid of the d*mn leveled monsters/loot. That was the stupidest idea Bethesda came up with.
  14. I really liked Firefly. It's a shame they cancelled it... The classic Loony Toons are good, too. :P
  15. This I'll have to disagree with. If you've ever played through the thieves guild, you'll find that the IC Palace is huge. The rest I agree with...mostly.
  16. Well that's a good way to rate your driving skill :P .
  17. I have to agree with kark. Ico was quite fun. Although it was quite strange. Also, SotC is the prequel to Ico. The ending scene shows that.
  18. I played that game, too. I managed to beat it...However, it's not all that good. The ending made no sense.
  19. Wow...I didn't know that. Why did I waste all those hours finding them?
  20. I am currently reading The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien. It's a great book. That was always one of my favourite stories from The Silmarillion.
  21. ninja calls upon the U832 5N0W P0W325 to instantly bury Ginji in a huge pile of snow the size of the earth. Then, ninja began building a snow man after which he magically made it come alive and it begins hunting down, killing, and devouring anything that moves...except for ninja.
  22. ...unfortunately for the dead Wolfe, there is no one in this strange, eccentric thread by the name of "Ninjalord" or "Ginji" so, no one can avenge his just death. The new bad guy with the long name decided to resurrect Wolfe, but soon regretted that decision and re-killed him. The now twice dead Wolfe had no other option but to pull someone else out of his over sized clown edition @$$ to post as. :D Since this story is getting repetitive and boring, let's start something new which, if Wolfe doesn't interfere, might last more than one post. Ages ago, sometime in the future, something...uh...happened...yeah...something happened which had...swords and...uh...cotton candy...something happened involving swords and cotton candy...
  23. You know what would be great? If Elder Scrolls were online, there would be no npcs. instead, the players would take on the roles as guards, merchants, innkeepers, beggars, etc. Now that would be fun.
  24. ...Marcus Wolfe continues talking in first person in a third person thread. Oh the horror! Meanwhile, in a far off land, in a far off place, in a far of time, so long ago that only one person remembers it and even he doesn't know what happened on that fateful Sunday afternoon right around tea time, there was an epic battle taking place which involved giant plush dolls and...
  25. ...ironically, blow up Thanksgiving allowing them to...
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