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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. /insert joke about vampires


    Anyways, I'm kind of glad I haven't updated, if there's all these issues. Can't really hate on Notch for it, it's like, what, a 2-3 man team working on a fairly complex game? I mean, it has to generate entire worlds which, to the best of my knowledge, are either absurdly massive or never-ending. Plus the whole dual-threaded stuff that I'm not even going to pretend I really understand.


    That all being said, backups are a great thing.

  2. Most things Microsoft are poorly designed: Windows Vista, Xbox, etc. But, they also corner the market and are where most people end up, in the end. Besides, as I mentioned earlier, a big reason for me getting an Xbox was to play on the same console as most of my friends. Otherwise I'd just stick to PC.
  3. And how many of that 42% put it in a little "console tower" and stuck it back in a corner to collect dust? Because if people treat their Xbox the way they do their computer, I could see why there's 42% failure rate. People do some dumb stuff sometimes. I cleaned out a computer that was "broken" one time, it had so much dust in it, it would overheat and shut down after like, two minutes, because the fan couldn't move at all.


    After I cleaned it, worked fine.

  4. Lol yeah, that was pretty fun. I spent an hour at that the other day.


    EDIT: Uhm... seems my fingers were working faster than my brain, I left out three whole words.

  5. Honestly, I see a more mature playerbase for this one. I think a lot of it comes with the fact that it's a harder game than MW2. The biggest whining I've seen so far was about "campers", and it was usually coming from the guy going 7-30 because he keeps trying to play it likes it's MW2 with an UMP.
  6. You completed the game on one path. Now you've got about a half-dozen more to go. Side with House, side with yourself, side with Caesars Legion, side with the NCR. Etc, etc, and each time you "side" with people, there are so many subquests that it is impossible to have finished in three days. Not to mention there are so many places NOT involved in the main quest, that you miss out a lot.
  7. Read in one of the topics here that apparently players can give out codes for 3 week trials, instead of the 2 week trial via the website. If one of you guys would like to send me one, I'd appreciate it. I'm looking to give EVE a shot. Not sure I'll hang around, but it looks like something I could get into.


    EDIT: Also, anyone with any newbie tips, feel free to drop them below.

  8. So what ranks are all you guys?


    I hit 50 yesterday and I don't think I'm going to prestige. I find myself using the same 3-5 classes just about all the time, and I don't really think I need more. What about you guys?


    EDIT: Oh, and Specter is almost as good as the 74u in my opinion.

  9. Sounds more like people just not understanding how a cooling system works more than anything. I keep my Wii up on a wall-mounted uhm... platform? Just a little square where the Wii sets off the ground, on the wall. I'd probably put the 360 up there with it. It's right next to my TV, and right above an outlet, so I don't have a bunch of cords stretched across the room.


    But yeah, after hearing that, I'm going to take the leap and just get the 360 Elite, because if I buy now I get it with Halo 3.

  10. I'm going to make the mistake of saying and just say it:


    I kind of miss Halo: Combat Evolved online mode. CD goes in drive, you punch in long string of numbers, game installs, you play. Done.


    Want multiplayer? Click the multiplayer button, check for updates/patches, then pick your server. Kill stuff, have fun. Done.


    Want to have social networking in your game? Go join the forums, go join Xfire (great idea, never really took off), go join your local videogame club at the library. Problem solved.


    That being said, Steam --is-- a good thing. It allows MANY great games made by small-time developers to put their game out there, and I'll tell you, some of them are insanely fun. If there was ever a cross between Xfire and Steam, I'd register in a second. Entirely OPTIONAL, but a good option, should you choose it. Oh, and I'd just like to say, it's a whole lot easier to lose/break/scratch a disc than it is to lose/break/scratch a digital file on a massive server somewhere that says what you have and don't have. And if you're like me, and paranoid, print out your receipt and keep it in your fireproof safe next to your birth certificate.... (Seriously.)


    That's about it, rant over. Danke.


    EDIT: Also, PunkBuster > VAC, nuff said. Also, neither is necessary for a singeplayer game. End of story. Nobody cares if you use an aimbot in Fallout: New Vegas. Or if they do, they need to find something better to do.

  11. Yeah, I saw the Nether, it looks pretty cool, but I'm more into the building side than anything. I play on peaceful, because I don't want a creeper coming along and nuking my sand castle with one fell detonation. I'll probably update it eventually...


    As far as gaming goes, I know how you feel, but I'm also seeing some of the best games coming out now that were better than the non-buggy older versions were. And who can honestly say they didn't find the infinite ammo glitch from MW2s release to be amusing. Black Ops release was not amusing, at all. That was just a fail. As far as FO: NV I think the big issue there was that it was a little rushed. Though, from what I heard, it wasn't entirely their fault. They were being pressured by Bethesda to put out on time.


    EDIT: I need to take a picture of my sand castle, it's pretty legit.

  12. Only if you buy PC. Developers hate PCs. (Actually, not really.) The real thing is that consoles are pretty much identical from one to another, barring some cooling differences on the Xbox 360. Whereas PCs vary anywhere from that old E-Machine to the cutting-edge Alienware machine you just paid $2,500 for. And with all that comes the difference in processors, GPUs, and so many different things I'm not even going to pretend I understand. Thus, the PC is bound to be far more prone to bugs. It doesn't bother me, I know they'll get it fixed in the end, so I hang around. Some people complain about being guinea pigs, but I think it's interesting. It makes me think, see if there are ways --I-- can tweak it to make it work for me.


    That being said, regarding Minecraft, I haven't upgraded mine lately, because I usually play it at work on my laptop, where I don't like to hook up to the internet. However, I did spend the other day refining my skyscraper. It now goes from bedrock up 30 stories. And whoever is wondering, I did edit my map to make it more build-friendly, and cleared a few pits for large builds like that. So I can build them at ground level, instead of having to go vertical.

  13. Ok, RROD from overheating seems to be the common Xbox killer, no? What is considered Standard Operating Temperature for a 360? (SOT from here out.)


    I mean, I play all my videogames in the basement, the Wii is there, all my computers are there, and it sits at about 65 degrees 24/7. Part of this is because I prefer it that way, and part of it is to make 300% sure none of my electronics ever overheat. That being said, unless the SOT is supposed to be like, 50 degrees, I'm not sure how it could possibly overheat in the US, barring situations such as what you mentioned. (Which obviously isn't US...)


    If the 360 Elite'll run Halo Reach, Black Ops, etc. fine, with minimal issue, then it sounds like I might be smarter going for that, and saving myself some money. I don't see myself ever physically using up 250GB anyways. Probably the only games I'll have for it for a while is Halo: Reach, Black Ops, and (maybe) Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, because that looks like a good game.

  14. Only in the form of dying.


    Even when you "continued from last checkpoint", all it really did was kill you.


    On random note #1: G11 + Silencer = Beast. It's like the M16 done right.

    However, I'm finding snipers are actually pretty good on Black Ops. You can't do the 360 quickscope laddershots, but the L96 is a 1-shot from pretty far out (infinite?) and isn't that hard to aim, with a bit of leading practice.


    So far, though, favorite class is probably the AUG/Galil + Reflex (I don't use the Red Dot ever since I found out the Reflex reduces recoil) with Crossbow/Final pistol + full auto as secondary. I've been running hardline a lot trying to get the pro, and it's just nice. No real need for Scavenger, since I almost always die before I run out of ammo, or I can steal someone elses gun. I usually run slight of hand, though I'm using steady aim on the AK-74 for my CTF/rush kit. Hacker's pretty much the only thing I'm rocking in the 3rd, I don't see any major use for the other 3rd sloters.

  15. 'Aight, I appreciate it man. I'll probably get the better half to go searching on Black Friday. I'm not that brave...


    EDIT: Will a regular PC hard drive work in an Xbox?

  16. I see Black Ops starting to fall more in line with Bad Company 2, to be honest. MW2 was almost entirely a twitch shooter. Just about anyone with a decent 'net connection (or host....) could charge across the map with a SPAS-12 and annihilate the whole team. Now, I think it's a lot more about using cover, aiming, and knowing where the other team is. I like it, personally. I see it moving more towards the.... I hate to say tactical, but I lack a better word. Slower-paced, maybe?


    Anyways, it's a LOT more about skill, in my opinion. Even noobtubes require some accuracy. (Wow... never thought I'd say that.) Plus, what's not fun about 360 noscoping a guy with an explosive crossbow bolt...


    EDIT: For anyone concerned regarding the issues with lag/FPS stutter, the patches have fixed ALL of mine, single-player works fine, and I've played the Pentagon zombies level a few times.

  17. Well guys, like I said in the description, I want to get an Xbox 360. It will be my first console since the GameCube I got the day after it came out. I looked up 360s on Best Buy, Gamestop, and a few other websites, and honestly... I have no idea what I need and what the differences is.


    I had looked at this one, from Gamestop for $199. http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=78479#bonusFeatures

    I also checked out this one from Best Buy. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Xbox+-+360+Elite+Refurbished+Console/9911636.p?id=1218194612941&skuId=9911636


    The Best Buy one is a refurb, but I get a little more "bang" with it. It's got a MUCH larger HDD, and a headset. BUT, it is a refurb. Whereas the first one is new, with a much smaller hard drive, and no headset.


    I have a plain headset that has immensely good sound quality, but I'm not sure it'll work on an Xbox, because like I said, I'm a console newbie. It uses the headphone/microphone jacks, not a USB port. Will that be usable?


    Also, how well do those two run, compared to each other? Are there major issues with RROD for either? Is there one you'd strongly recommend over the other? Am I completely off-base and wrong? Let me know what you think, but please don't turn this into a console war. I'm getting a 360 because it's what my friends play, end of story.

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