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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. If you can make guns jam, though, that would be realistic... sort of. Since most of the weaponry (conventional ballistic only) is similar/identical to weapons used currently or in the past, most of which ARE prone to jamming when filled with sand. Case in point, the M16s were infamous for their issues, both in Vietnam and now in Iraq, from what I understand. Similarly, though, I imagine just about any gun would be susceptible to similar issues in that much sand. That being said... that much sand doesn't accrue in short amounts of time. Say, a month or two out in the desert, I could see it needing a good sand purge. However, I do like the idea of jamming on occasion, if that's doable.


    NOTE: I am NOT military, more of a gun nut, and amateur historian.


    EDIT: Also, this is just my own opinion. I know there are probably plenty of people like 'yeah, sure, up the challenge some, bring it on'. It's not my thing, personally, though I think anything you put work into will give you results.

  2. So your telling me the newly released Mac version of Steam works better than the Windows one? Well, sucked in then.


    I think that's always a given. Windows is infamous for issues, period. Mac has been epitomized as THE computer, with a higher price tag. That being said, I'm a Linux guy, so I'm impartial here.

  3. No need to be sorry, the world would be a very dull place if we all liked the same things.


    ZOMG, logic!! ON THE INTERWEBZ! Kidding, of course. But yeah, Mass Effect just wasn't for me, but I'm not going to say it's a terrible game. I have a few friends who swear by it, and the sequel as being Bioware's gift to gaming. I've always been more of a MMO/FPS player, in all fairness, so I can't say I was all that surprised to find that something much more RPG-based wasn't my cup of tea. Although, I have recently enjoyed FO:NV.

  4. Mass Effect 2 for me, Bioware at its best worst.


    Fixed. Sorry bro, just wasn't feeling the ME2. I borrowed my friends laptop for a week to play it, and I couldn't stand it. Just a big letdown on ME. I never was a huge ME fan to begin with, and ME2 just put a bullet in anything ME-related for me. I heard they were actually working on a MMO/FPS something or another related to ME. I think it's starting to just milk the franchise.


    EDIT: Hey Monster, you play Black Ops on PC, right? I tried playing MW2 the other day, and I honestly got bored to death. I thought it was too easy now, having played Black Ops. Not to mention that MW2 was dead in my region. I hit almost 130 ping before I found a game.

  5. I'm a retired WoWer, almost considering coming back for Cataclysm. I'm a stupidly geared lev 80 who nolifed it after WotLK came out to get some of the best gear... then realized how much of my life I had just wasted on a video game, and quit. As far as I know, all my stuff's still sitting there, do you think it's worth coming back for? (Be honest... and explain why plz)
  6. So trying to turn that into an MMO is like trying to make a time machine or a reliable toaster, an insane mechanical undertaking that even if it does work, will be so insane that almost nobody will be brave enough to touch it.


    No, a time machine is easier and a toaster is much quicker. Either way, if it's made, I'll definitely try it, but I expect there to be a large amount of nerd rage over it. I'm partial to the Tau, but I'm not lorebuff nerdrager who would mind if they simplified it. I just think it'd be cool to have a game like that.

  7. GOTY, definitely MineCraft, Black Ops, or FO:NV. Or all three... that'd be nice too.


    2011... I'm definitely going to give Witcher II a shot. I liked the first one, it was great, and I recently listened to a podcast who interviewed the developers, and I saw a few screenshots/clips that just looked awesome. So... yeah, that's my incoherent rambling about GOTY/2011. Also, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Looks promising, but I'm not holding my breath, just in case.

  8. You are brilliant. I was still trying to play SIMILAR to MW2, but yours makes so much more sense. I mean, I wasn't 360 noscoping off a cliff, but I definitely was moving a bit too much. Which maps do you like to snipe on?
  9. The same good ole day where games were only released after 110% working?


    That being said, DJZeph brought up a good point. I've got a good 15 games that I have discs for. Of which, I think about a half-dozen required discs. Now, for the most part I have disc images I can mount, because they were old games, with no copyright protection stuff. But with a newer game, Bad Company 2, I registered it via disc, because I was in an anti-Steam mode. Now, I'm like... dang it, I want Steam now. Because every time I want to play Bad Company 2, I have to find the disc. Organization isn't my strong point, so every CD I don't have to keep up with is awesome. I've considered re-installing BC2 just so I can register it with Steam.

  10. I see necessary evil, not so much a monopoly. Retail stores have more or less ditched us. I walk into GameStop and was informed "We don't have new PC games.", I have to go to Best Buy, the only place around here that sells PC games in my area. And their selection is abysmal, at best.
  11. Wait, you mean it doesn't support using wheels? Bummer. Guess I'd better go cross it off my Christmas list.


    That being said, my PC experience has been fairly short, as I only semi-recently (2-3 yrs) converted to PC.


    Absolute #1) Battle for Middle-Earth. I'm a LOTR guy, and it was just fun. Not really complex or anything, but a great way to kill a looot of time.


    2) FO:NV/FO:3 - Both great games, even with some minor issues with New Vegas, which the patches smoothed out. Modded out the wazoo, of course. (Is there any other way to play Fallout?)


    3) Halo: Combat Evolved - Oh the fun. The campaign was nice, but the multiplayer had soooo many servers with random mods that were just fun to play. Nothing ground-breaking, just amusing. Unlimited rockets for the win.


    4) MW2 / Bad Company 2 - I played them both, and couldn't put one over the other if I tried. Each of them are different, with their own ups and downs, and are both good games, some balance issues aside.


    5) Call of Duty: Black Ops - Fairly new game, I'm sure you all know it's got some issues, but man it is so much fun. It's like Battlefield met MW2 and had an awesome baby with a few birth defects.


    6) Minecraft / Dwarf Fortress - "Indie" games that are fairly well-known, and addictively fun.


    7) America's Army 3 - Pretty cool, very tactical, and really involved, which is cool. Though if you aren't playing with friends, it's not quite as fun, because players aren't huge on the teamwork, sometimes.


    8) Atomic Tanks - A flash game that is exactly what it says... you have a tank, and you kill other tanks. It's got some strategy, but is mostly just funny. You can blow up Caesar's tank as he makes oh so many comical statements.


    Number 6 and 8 also get another ups for one special fact: They're portable. They run flawlessly from a flash drive. Minecraft needs a little setup for it, but DF runs perfectly out of the box, and Atomic Tanks can be found in a portable version on an awesome website.

  12. I had some similar issues, where my bottleneck was my CPU. The 'minimum' on the game is like bare minimum to get it even started, much less playing decently. For a real clean run, I've heard estimations in the i5/i7 quad core processors. I've got a new rig on the way, which I'm hoping will fix my issues.


    Anyways, what're all are you running and do you ever have any issues with CTD or it freezing, etc?

  13. Is it lag or is it a framerate issue? What kind of pings are you getting, and if you don't mind disclosing information, where do you live?


    I'm in mid-western North Carolina, and I can connect to just about anywhere decently, even some German servers... which is weird.


    That being said, a friend of mine in South Carolina can't even get a decent ping to a server in Atlanta.

  14. @DJZephyr Yeah, I mean, with Black Ops (my current Steam game of choice, coupled with NV when I ragequit because I can't hold a 4 KD in Black Ops :D) I've had zero issue with Steam. I've had some issues with the game itself, but those were alleviated with some long overdue hardware upgrades. (Read: I got a new computer, because mine was old as... uhm... just old.)


    As far as Steam itself goes, I'm liking it more now than I did back in MW2. I haven't had an issue with Steam not connecting, but I'm curious to see how it'll affect Black Ops, with the dedicated servers. That being said, Valve, this is NOT permission to screw with Steam! DO. NOT. DO. IT. I am on to you.


    EDIT: Just in case people don't get it, I'm kidding. That was a joke. Laugh, or at least freaking smile you cynical little...

  15. My biggest issue with Steam is that I am required to use it. That's it. That may sound unreasonable, but there were all these occasions where I couldn't play (Now, I will admit that this issue has been almost nonexistent as of late) off and on for what was sometimes days in a row. Bugged me that I payed $60 for a game that I couldn't even play because of Steam, who was only a third party, was having server issues.


    And after that experience, it left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm not about to refuse to buy a good game because it runs with Steam, but I'd prefer to see Steam step back into the role of a distributor and leave the option there for the social networking and such, which is pretty cool in my opinion.

  16. I have two mining styles. One's 'legit' and one 'cheats'.


    The 'cheat' one I use cartographer and then dig for cave systems, because I think they're fun to explore when I'm not playing on peaceful.


    The 'legit' method, I build a 'temple' (pyramid, base of 15x15) usually. I fill that with storage chests, usually one with picks to mine with and then the rest are just storage for the mined stuff. Sometimes I also build random and arbitrary things like waterslides on top, but that's irrelevant. Anyways, from there I usually dig down about 6 squares. (Two squares for a floor, the other 4 for a room) Then I dig out a 20x20x4 for the base of my mining operation. From there, I pick a corner and dig a 1x2 shaft straight down. (1x2 so I can bounce back and forth between the two while I dig the other, and don't have to worry about coming across a nasty surprise. (read: caves could fall into)


    Is it practical? Not really. Is it creative? I like to think so. Is it fun to build? Yep. In the end you have a bunch of Mayan temples all over your world with a massive tunnel system running between them all.


    EDIT: Also, when I find caves by legitimate means, I usually connect them to at least three or four other shafts, sometimes with minecart systems.

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