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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Whoever asked, Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth is a RTS, where you can play either as the good guys (Rohan/Gondor) or evil (Mordor/Isengard). The graphics aren't uber, but the gameplay is really fun. I played that game, over and over, for probably a good two or three years.


    It's not very complex, but that's kind of nice too. There's a little strategy, as far as which units work best against others, but once you get them all geared up, you kind of mow through everything. On one hand, that's really fun, but eventually it turned meh. But for the price ($20 USD when I bought it, probably cheaper now), it's probably my best game ever.


    EDIT: If you're a LOTR fan, it's just that much more awesome. There's also a sequel, Battle for Middle Earth II, which I haven't played, but I heard it was pretty nice.

  2. Well, I don't. Actually, I tried to once, but it confused the heck out of me. I actually like the idea of it, and was really interested, but it confused me to death as soon as I got through character creation.


    So, my first question: Any of you play it?


    If so, thoughts/tips/advice on how to get started for a newbie?


    Third question: Is there a manual somewhere that I missed?

  3. Best game ever... that's a tough question. I'm a fairly young gamer, I only really got into it when I got a GameCube about six years ago. I'd have to say that honestly, my FAVORITE game was, and maybe even still is, LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth for PC. I've got a lot newer games, Black Ops, MW2, Bad Company 2, FO:NV, almost every Zelda game for GC/Wii, etc, but Battle for Middle-Earth is still an awesomely fun game to play.
  4. Gotta say, I love the ending so much, I got to play it today. I finally got my single-player working again. Apparently I accidentally deleted some files when I was cleaning out some old mods for AA3, which broke my BlOps single-player, zombies included. The end bonus that Vindekarr mentioned is probably worthy of being a game itself, and that's saying something.


    EDIT: By the way, Fidel for the win. You'll know what I mean when you get there. (No, not the first mission...)

  5. MW2 and Black Ops play nothing alike on multiplayer. You should give it a try if you know a friend who has it. Honestly, I think Black Ops plays more like Bad Company, as far as multiplayer. It's way more about accuracy than spray and pray. It's also a lot more.... I hesitate to use the word, but strategic. You can't just charge across the map and hope to win. You have to kind of think it out and try to out-play the enemy.


    EDIT: If you're still not convinced, just buy Fallout: New Vegas. It's kinda FPSish, but is rather engaging and probably the best $50 I've spent on a single-player game in a looooong time.

  6. And?


    The big thing about Call of Duty is the Multi-player. That's just the way it is. Honestly, I think if they thought they could get away with just selling a multiplayer, they would. (Which I would more than happily buy, if it was up to par with, or better than, it's predecessors.) The campaign is meant to tell a story, and it does that in a very scripted manner, which makes sense. This isn't Mass Effect, where everything you do could, and often would, change the way the whole game plays. If you want tactics and such, go play multi-player and get into stuff like Gamebattles and MLG. Or go play America's Army, there's a lot of tactics with little to no action.


    I don't really get why you seem so surprised it's so guided, or "rail". Modern Warfare 2 was the same way, even Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was that way. It's kind of become the norm for campaign, because campaign isn't typically the focus anymore. That being said, I don't mind it. Campaigns are fun, no doubt, but I'm not about to replay the same story a dozen times. Even the best games, I might play the campaign 3-5 times, to complete different difficulties more than anything.


    The real exception to that rule is games like Fallout: New Vegas. I've played it through about 5 times now, trying to get all the different options and see just how much I can affect the world and such. Similarly with Mass Effect, I liked taking different routes just to see how it'd go for me, because it was a new story every time.


    EDIT: I shamelessly admit I am a CoD fan. Not a fanboy, I can see when things are messed up. MW2 had balance issues, but it was still a load of fun. Nothing more amusing than getting a USP + Tact Knife, Commando, Marathon, Lightweight and knifing the whole opposing team.

  7. Black Ops.... awesome game, but a lot like Fallout New Vegas, needed some more work before release. The campaign was fun, even though Steam decided to be stupid and not record my completion, and now for some reason it won't load the first level of the campaign. Zombies is... well, zombies. It's fun, a little strange, and a great way to kill time.... and zombies.


    The multiplayer is pretty great. We have dedicated servers now, which is awesome. I've logged about a half-dozen hours already and I only got it yesterday. (About 6 PM) It's far less linear in that you can decide which attachments you get for you gun, and just buy them. No need to use FMJ (which no longer exists, by the way, it's a perk now) to get Extended mags, just go buy extended mags for 1000 CoD points and you're good to go. There's also a lot of different weapons in the game, which I like. And the crossbow... man, that's just fun. Nothing more satisfying than sticking your opponent with your crossbow and watching him run to his buddies and blow them all up.


    All in all, a great game and definitely worth getting.



    By the way... if anyone knows how to fix that issue with loading campaign, let me know. I go to start the first mission, I press space to skip the intro and then after I watch that first little cinematic it just goes black... and then nothing. It didn't do that the first time around.

  8. Dig up the 10.4 if you can find it. I tried the 10.10 and it messed with my MW2 (I never even checked New Vegas.) and I reverted to 10.4, no problems here. I'm running the same video card and pretty much the same specs as you.
  9. Question 1) Why in the WORLD would you have 1k saves?


    Uhm... well... I guess that's really the only question.


    Barring that, I'm fairly sure you'll get a message along the lines of "Maximum Saves Reached, Please Overwrite" or, if I was writing it "What the heck do you have 1k saves for? Write over one already."

  10. Just a heads up, anyone wanting to disable their auto-update:


    Steam -> Library -> Games -> Right-Click Fallout NV -> Properties -> Updates -> Click the drop-down on the "Always keep this game up to date" and change it.


    'Nuff said.


    EDIT: Oh, and you can delete patches after you disable the Auto-update. I forget the exact instructions at the moment, but I'm sure you can find them somewhere around here.

  11. Yeah, you'll have to activate it. All you do is drop the files into your Data folder, then double-click the .exe, pretty simple from there.


    Oh, and if you check out the thread about the fallout.ini (it's two threads below this one at the time of posting) I put some instructions on how to verify your game integrity cache.

  12. Hey, to anyone else who had the same issue as Palandiell, there is NO need to reinstall. If you have anything like that, simply go into Steam then Library -> Games -> Fallout New Vegas (right-click) -> Properties -> Local Files -> Verify Integrity of Game Cache.
  13. The patch downloaded automatically, and your problem with getting into the game is a result of the patch. It requires a UN-modified version of the fallout.ini which is changed by the ArchiveInvalidator that is used with many mods. If you go into steam and verify the game integrity, it'll download two new files (pretty small download, like, 3 seconds for me) and then you can go back and re-do the ArchiveInvalidation and it SHOULD start right back up. It did for me, at least.


    As for the rest, what you see there is a save file. In order to replicate the identical look, you'll have to download these mods, as listed in the description:



    - Rikais Beauty Pack:

    (( http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34792 ))

    - Ataribaby's Eyes Without Cataracts:

    (( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1852 ))

    - thecaptainhere's Female Texture Mod:

    (( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=272 ))


    Then from there, just download the save, load and enjoy.

  14. Alright, I'm --not-- looking for anything nude/underwear/whatever. Other than that? Post below, share your favorites, share your own if you made some, whatever. I'm looking for aesthetic mods, mostly. I'm a bit of a gun nut in the real world (What? You mean there's somewhere other than the Internet?! Blasphemy...) and I'm a fan of anything from Medieval crossbows to my Barrett Model 98B.


    Weapons aside, got a really cool military uniform you made? Drop it down there and let us all know.


    EDIT: Also, just thought I'd mention, not really concerned about the stats on the item, but I'd prefer NOT having something with 9999 DT.

  15. A few subterranean scorpions here, and one deathclaw who refused to die after getting stuck in a car. (That was pretty funny, I should have screenshot it.) Even with some mods to add extra weapons, it's run smooth and fine for me. It'll occasionally crash, but it's usually when I abusively switch in and out of the Steam chat thing. My machine's not a beast, so it can't handle a lot at once. I did have ONE issue trying to finish the NCR ending, but a quick ~ disable enable solved that problem and I was golden.
  16. Well... there was a lot of hate in that post there.


    But I'd just like to say sounds more like your rig has issues than the game. The game isn't DESIGNED for it to be easy for you to go north like that. They do stuff like that on purpose. VATS has worked fine for me, though I don't use it a ton. I like the iron sights, even though I mostly use custom-made weapons from GECK that have an EOTech sight or scope.


    As far as load times and "choppy" controls, I'd again point back towards your rig. Mine's not uber, but it runs pretty smooth minus the occasional load.


    Oh, and about the Cowboy Repeater: It's not meant to be a face-cannon. It's a starting gun.

  17. Hey,


    Don't bother with her ranged, give her a suit of armor with pretty high DT and use her as a meat shield. Her scribe robes have 0 DT, but if she gets something with, say, 15 DT or so, she turns into a beast that'll one-punch just about anything. (If you really want to know a GREAT armor to get her for free, PM me, I don't want to drop too many spoilers if you don't want to know.)


    EDIT: Failing that, if you insist on her using ranged, give her something with insane range, like a sniper rifle or something, because her melee "range" is pretty big. (Don't know exact numbers.)

  18. The reason you the enemy status is that you're freeing Legion prisoners, and the game registers that despite the fact that there's really nobody around to witness it. And thus, via magical means unknown to me as the Legion (supposedly) doesn't use technology, the news spreads to all of them. Oh, and the fact that they wear football pads might have something to do with it. They're jealous of your armor.


    On a similar note, though, you don't have to HURT the Legion to make them mad at you, you can simply help their enemies (NCR, mainly) for the same effect.

  19. Just wanting to check, are you wearing any faction-associated armor? There are some armors that will make you appear as part of a certain faction when you wear them, which will turn that faction's opponents against you, for siding with them. If that makes sense?


    NCR armor doesn't go over well with the Legion, Legion and Brotherhood armor don't go over well with the NCR, those are the two MAJOR ones I know of off the top of my head, but I haven't used many faction-specific armors.

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