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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. For those of us in North America, Two Worlds 2 will be out in early January 2011. Unless they bump the date again.


    Wouldn't hold my breath, there's a few too many "To be continued..." on the site for it to look finished. At any rate, what's it about? I read the story, but I don't really get what's going on. Probably because I haven't played the first.

  2. I'm pretty sure Final Fantasy XIV takes the cake and then some.


    Hyped to be a WoW killer and fell harder on it's face than even Aion did.


    You can't kill WoW. The undead legion of nerds would rise up from their computer chairs and take arms (mostly replica swords of their favorite WoW character which may or may not actually be sharp) against anyone foolish enough to attack WoW. Yep...


    In all seriousness, Final Fantasy made me facedesk soooooo hard.

  3. Not bad, not bad. I might download that. Any other mods you recommend? I've been sneaking around the Minecraft forums and have seen some pretty cool stuff, from bridges and elevators to unicorns and dragons.


    Also, as a note: my previous issue with my mob trap has been resolved, I built it up an extra three stories and fixed a water flow issue I didn't realize I had and it has resolved all issues with spawning!

  4. In the few mainstream games where role playing still exists (I do not classify WoW in this, even on RP servers, it's nearly non-existent.) I tend to create characters similar to myself, because it's just who I am. I am a straight guy, but sometimes I play female characters, even in non-RP games. My simplest excuse for that is usually that I'd rather look at something quasi-attractive instead of the usual fairly bland designs that are offered for males. Even then, it's pretty well-known I'm a guy among anyone I frequently play with, like say, in a guild/clan/what-have-you.


    On the exact opposite of the spectrum, though, when I write I've got a million and two different, and unique, characters of all ages, genders, sexualities, disabilities, etc. I always found it important to have a diversity in a story, because it makes it easier to relate and engage individuals. You may not be able to relate to the CIA assassin, but his partially deaf wife who thought he was a businessman who traveled all over the world might be someone you could relate to. (Not an actual plot in anything I've written, I find the CIA assassin cliche in and of itself.)


    I think that characters are what we make them, and what we let them become. On the other hand, I think there's a good need for distinction between reality and games, which people too often blur. In the past few years, I've read too many things in the paper about taking games too far. From that Chinese kid who was almost killed for hacking in Counter-Strike to the South Korean parents who left their 4 year old daughter to play video games. I'm not anti-video games, obviously, but I am very pro-responsibility and rationale. Both of which seem to be lacking lately.


    And holy cow, derailment of topic, my bad...

  5. Now it just needs a few missiles, a nuke, a few beers, lots of guns, some ammo... oh, and people. :D


    Na, just kidding man, looks great!


    BEER? I think you have us mistaken with some kind of.. capitalist pig dogs, comrade.


    In the UCCR, all we drink is Vodka and Lenin-lime. Beer is traitorous and anyone who drinks it will be shot.


    A true revolutionary indeed!


    @Stupideye I could probably come up with some clever remarks for miscellaneous NPCs, but entire scripts were never my forte.


    Naturally, though, these temporary shortages should be alleviated some time in the next... forty years or so?

  6. Heh, thanks for the mini-necro/bump. I had forgotten to update you guys: I didn't find the one I wanted when I went out on Black Friday, but I ordered one earlier this week (yesterday...) and should be here this weekend. (Snail mail for the win?) I went with the 250 GB + Kinect because I was informed by my significant other that if I was getting a 360, she was getting Kinect. Came bundled with Reach and a mic. I'll update you guys when it gets here.
  7. Well, I went and made the wallpaper versions (in 1920x1200)








    Feel free to ask me if you want it in a different resolution. :thumbsup:


    Looks great man, new desktop for the win. Resolution was just fine. Scaled down a bit because my monitor's oldschool, but was just fine.

  8. Minecrafters! I have need of assistance...


    So, do I have your attention yet? I have a question regarding a mob trap.


    Current, as it stands, it runs from bedrock to 30 blocks up. From there, there are three levels that channel the mobs down to a set of redstone-wired doors. Those doors can be toggled open or close from the floor. Each layer is 15x15x2, with water channels to feed to the holes. I'd say a 5th of the area is lost to the channels, but that still leaves 540 blocks for mobs to spawn. Most everywhere outside the trap is lit with torches, I've got a subterranean diamond mine lit to increase the likelihood of them spawning in the trap... but it just doesn't seem to be working. I get about a dozen or so mobs, then it slows to almost a stop, and then a few trickle out 1 or 2 at at time, minutes apart.


    Any suggestions for fixing/modifying? Or any other recommendations for a replacement?

  9. Alright... I'm going to be the newbie here and ask... what's Mass Effect about? That trailer looks freaking awesome, but there's clearly something I'm missing. That looks like it's setting up its own story, not a continuation of something.


    I'm definitely putting this on my list, and if any of you guys would like to explain what's going on, drop me a message or just reply here, I'll keep an eye out.

  10. I am liking the Lenin reference. Apparently in Soviet Russia, lime drinks you. /end bad joke


    Seriously though, that made me laugh. I'm considering using that as a desktop background, would you mind? There's a chance it may occasionally pop up on YouTube, or a few other random websites I frequent and occasionally post tutorials on.


    Like I said earlier, keeping an eye out, I'm really liking the way it looks so far. And if I was more awake, I could come up with some clever non-Soviet Russia joke to finish this out... but it's just not working.

  11. Will debate ya on the Windows thing- while XP is and likely always will be somewhat of a PITA, my dad's new Win7 laptop has done very well in the months we've had it. Can't stand the overhyped, overpriced Apple gear, and have been biased against them since Macs gave me headaches in school. As for Linux, while I haven't learned how to run my game library thru Ubuntu, it saved one of my hard drives last year, so it still gets my respect.


    XP had plenty of issues, for sure. Windows 7 is MUCH better than Vista and XP, miles ahead, for sure. That being said, you've still got the issue of Windows being prone to viruses for the simple issue that: It's Windows. The most widely-used operating system today, it's going to be the great big target on the proverbial back of computer users. Mac's are kind of whatever imo, but I will admit for graphical design type stuff, I'd take a Mac almost any day. You get a lot of bang for your buck in that department, and can run them 24/7 without worry. As for the games, I could show you how or dig up a tutorial for you, it's actually not quite so complicated as you would think, just takes a little working outside the box.


    @Calvan -- Have you updated your NV? If not, do it. If so... uhm... do you meet the system requirements? I've had issues, but nothing like that.


    @Salamander8 -- Totally agree with you man, I love some of these Indie games you can pick up for almost next to nothing which are immensely amusing. I got something that was about as close to a Worms ripoff as it gets for $3 the other day. I'll post the name of it later when I'm back on my desktop. And there are sooooo many games I had never heard of, were it not for Steam. While there are some minor issues, usually due more to poor ports of Console games (which, face it, is what we're getting 97% of the time) than Steam itself, I have yet to run into anything truly breaking, barring some early issues I had with Steam servers.


    EDIT: Holy cow, wall of text and death.

  12. You, my friend, deserve a cookie. Or at least some Kudos. I've done some modding, but mostly involving graphical things. This finally let me quit listening to "Big Iron" four thousand times a day. Now instead of Old West, I can rock NV with some Metallica or somesuch other nonsense!


    Anyways, seriously, appreciate it man. Real useful stuff, saved me a looooot of thinking.

  13. Sure is, just make sure you aren't sprinting when you try to drop prone, or you'll 'dolphin dive' instead. At first, it'll be awkward, but you'll get used to it in no time. And Vinde, I took your advice and just got two games with back-to-back Dogs. That class is pro, and makes for hilarious killcams.
  14. You're right, but I'd also like to point out that I doubt that guy was wandering through a desert constantly dodging gunfire, explosives, and being mugged by legionnaires. Similarly, the quality of ammunition will definitely change how often I clean a gun, personally. If I shoot some real cheap-o .22 I bought, instead of match-grade, I'll clean it after I shoot. If I am shooting match grade, I might wait a week or two before I clean it, since I shoot three/four times a week.


    On the other hand, all weapons perform differently. For example, Kel Tec pistols like lithium grease instead of oil. Revolvers don't usually need to be cleaned as often, due to simpler mechanisms. A military-grade weapon should (theoretically...) perform better than the civilian variant and last longer before needing a cleaning/repair/stripping.


    Back to topic at hand, though.

    @Soup I actually like the sound of that. It'll be interesting to see how that plans out, and if it's POSSIBLE (Not a pro modder, I'm still working on my first mod) it would be interesting to see a variable rate of decay based upon the individual weapon. Say you get a Service Rifle, that thing's old as nuclear fallout and would fall to pieces pretty quickly. Whereas, say, an All-American would be better-built and preserved, because it's not been subject to the weather and stale air doesn't hurt a gun. (Ok... not for the most part, I know there's technicalities, but that's beside the point.)


    EDIT: Also, I would suggest coupling this with the tent mod available here on the NV Nexus, to provide a practical way to 'wait out' the storm/night/etc.

  15. Illiad covered pretty much everything. Just thought I'd mention that IF the virus didn't cook anything, just reformat. If you're having difficulty getting it started, I'd advise borrowing a friends computer to download Linux and install it to a thumb drive. If you need instructions for that, you can find them on the Ubuntu website. Then use that to boot up, re-format, and then drop your install disc back in. Or join the Dark Side and just load Ubuntu like a pro.


    All that aside, I guess you could go in and replace your motherboard with a compatible motherboard with the better/proper card, but that's a lot of money.


    Adding to the note about the games not playing, I'd recommend trying Service Pack 2 specifically, as I've had a FEW issues with using XP SP3 compatibility. If you don't know how, just right-click the icon (FOR NON-STEAM GAMES) Properties -> Compatibility -> Check the first box, and select either XP SP3 or SP2.

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