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Posts posted by RZ1029

  1. Nothing to report right now. The apartment interiors are pretty much all done. I've been busy with school and work. I'm going to be away on a trip for a week after Christmas, then I have exams. I'll try and work on this as much as I can though.


    Know how that guys. Took mine last week. Despite what I'd often prefer, real life comes first.


    Nice poster Nikolai, keep up the great work guys!


    EDIT: I just realized I used my old bosses catchphrase. I apologize. If it's half as annoying to you as it was to me, you're probably about to strangle me.

  2. Magicians and such.


    Magic is a brilliant invention/idea/concept. It quite literally makes the possibilities limitless. From lighting a fire with a single word to leveling entire cities to returning life to the dead, by fell or righteous means. Magic opens every last path of exploration, every last possibility in the world, and so much more that could never be done otherwise. In addition, based upon your 'rules' of magic, so much more is possible. Armies of the dead, massive magically-built fortresses/homes, and just so much more.


    The removal, if you will, of reality is a brilliant tool for when sometimes reality is too much, too boring, or perhaps just not quite what you're wanting.

  3. EDIT: For those not interested in reading: I said it depends on the kid.


    I think maturity is to blame here, namely the lack of it. I know PLENTY of teens who play violent video games more than is probably healthy (different issue entirely), but none of them are violent. Now, I know three teens in particular who come to mind. They are extremely immature, and play those same violent games. They are also more violent individuals.


    The problem isn't with the game, it's with the individuals ability to separate that game from the real world. That's where they failed. Be it lack of maturity or an actual medical issue, the ability to tell the two apart is the issue. I blow off steam shooting guns, both in video games and in real life. In the video game, I shoot nondescript bits of computer-generated graphics with fake bullets. In real life, I either hunt deer and make jerky or I shoot fake, paper targets placed in front of massive dirt berms.


    See the different? Some don't.

  4. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


    Let's define a few things: WARNING-- Long descriptions in spoilers. Definitions courtesy of Wikipedia and Dictionary.com

    Militia -

    The term militia is commonly used today to refer to a military force composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service. It is a polyseme with multiple distinct but related meanings. Legal and historical meanings of militia include:


    * Defense activity or service, to protect a community, its territory, property, and laws.

    * The entire able-bodied population of a community, town, county, or state, available to be called to arms.

    o A subset of these who may be legally penalized for failing to respond to a call-up.

    o A subset of these who actually respond to a call-up, regardless of legal obligation.

    * A private, non-government force, not necessarily directly supported or sanctioned by its government.

    * An official reserve army, composed of citizen soldiers. Called by various names in different countries such as; the Army Reserve, National Guard, or State Defense Forces.

    * The national police forces in several former communist states such as the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries, but also in the non-aligned SFR Yugoslavia. The term was inherited in Russia, and other former CIS countries. See: Militia (Police).

    * In France the equivalent term "Milice" has become tainted due to its use by notorious collaborators with Nazi Germany.

    * A select militia is composed of a small, non-representative portion of the population, often politicized



    Arms (Armaments, See: Weapons)

    A weapon is an instrument used with the aim of causing harm or death to human beings or other living creatures — and for inflicting damage upon civil or military infrastructure or life-sustaining resources. In essence, it is a tool made with the purpose of increasing the efficacy and efficiency of hunting, fighting, committing criminal acts, preserving law and order, or waging war in an offensive or defensive manner.


    Weapons are employed individually or collectively and can be improvised or purpose-built, sometimes with great skill and ingenuity. They range from simple implements such as clubs through to complicated modern machines such as intercontinental ballistic missiles.


    In a broader context, weapons may be construed to include anything used to gain a strategic, material or mental advantage over an adversary on land, sea, air, or even outer space.



    Arm2 (noun)

    1. Usually, arms. weapons, esp. firearms.

    Arms (pl n)

    1. See also small arms weapons collectively.



    Small Arms-

    Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm)


  5. So the real question is where to draw the line.



    -Permanent? Renewed?

    --How often, if renewed?

    ---Also, general firearm license, or for each individual type? (Handgun, Assault Weapon, etc.)

    ----Proficiency test, competency test, safety tests?


    Background checks?

    -With license? No license, just checked before you buy gun? Just a one-time check, and then you get a little card saying you're legit? (Not registered with any legal departments.)





    ---How many strikes of the above? One shot, you're out of luck? Three strikes your out? Other?


    Bans? Anything that just won't fly, period?

    Shotguns/Long Rifles (Semi-automatic and bolt-action)


    --Assault Weapons (Full-Automatic)

    ---Anti-Material Rifles (.50 BMG and such)



    EDIT: Routine inspections? Yes/No? How often? What should they include, if you agree?


    Also, anything else you think should be included, I'm sure I missed something.

  6. Anyways, to avoid further derailment. (Yes, I know hunting is related, but the topic is gun control.)


    Any thoughts about the attempted shooting at the school board meeting in Florida? http://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-school-board-shooting-survivors-recount-pure-terror/story?id=12399935&tqkw=&tqshow=WN


    Sorry I couldn't find a less-cluttered link.


    http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/10/25/sweden.serial.shooter/index.html -- Swedish Serial Killer


    Also, thoughts? Handguns, organized murderer, gun control?


    And as a side note, anyone find it interesting that when I searched 'gun' on 3 different news websites, I only found exactly four matches in the past half-year that were positive, and about two/three thousand negative articles.

  7. Honestly, as far as hunting, I don't even think semi-automatic rifles should be used. It takes all the challenge out of it. I occasionally stalk deer, but I've adopted the lazy American way of setting in a box for a few hours and hope one wanders along. Not to mention, if someone ever hunted with an automatic weapon... exactly how much usable meat would be left? That many bullets would probably tear it apart, I think.
  8. I never hunt with an automatic weapon, I'm not even sure that's legal. You also made a good point of assault rifles vs carbines/bolt-action, which I agree with. All of my weapons are legal, they're all registered with the various bureaus they're supposed to be.


    Honestly, I own assault weapons for fun. No other reason. It's a fun way to blow off steam at a firing range for an hour or two. And now I'm sure there's a Democrat somewhere that just had a heart attack. But yeah, they're novelty items to me. Plus, I occasionally participate in simunition 'battles'. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, think of it like paintball, but we use real guns. If you watch many documentaries, you've probably seen it before. They're used to train a lot of military forces.



    20-30 days a year? I don't see how in the world you guys even manage to make a showing. I shoot more than that, and I'm not a true 'professional'.

  9. Yeah, the big problem with gun control is the fact that, 97% of the time, it's only the law-abiding citizens who are affected. Criminals, or at least the habitual ones that come with the gang territory, aren't going to be slowed down or stopped by any sort of control. Chances are, they wouldn't buy legally even if gun control wasn't so tight. Gun control just creates a situation where the criminals are armed and the victims are helpless.


    On a random note, do London cops even carry guns?



    I'd agree with you in 97% of what you said. I disagree on the anti-material rifles. A .50 BMG round would bounce off a tank. Not to mention the sheer expense of something like that. I own a Barrett M98B that cost me over $5,000. However, I also shoot competitively (600+ yards). It's chambered in .338, which was cheaper than their .50 BMG model, and the ammo is way cheaper as well.


    Which brings up another question: Gun control, should there be exceptions made for shooting teams? By that, I mostly mean Olympic teams.


    EDIT: Thanks to bben for the clarification, I probably should have mentioned that earlier. Sorry folks, we might be American, but even we can't buy a RPG on every street corner. (Actually, I'm not sure those can't be legally owned at all. I like guns, not explosives.)

  10. This brings me to another point, Even if every weapon more dangerous than a vegetable peeler were to be banned, what will keep someone from concocting some sort of weapon out of common household materials(E.G. drain cleaner, butcher knives, chainsaws).


    Napalm... you can make it in your garage, easily. I'm not going to tell you how, though. Though you do make a good point regarding military weaponry and the original intent of the 2nd Amendment. However, with that evolution, I think there are some things that should never be allowed. Say they could make a tank for $150 USD, I don't want that to be legally available to ANYONE who isn't in the military and not currently on duty. (AKA... you know... at war?) Some things just don't belong in the hands of civilians. Besides, if it ever were to come to a revolution, I highly doubt anyone with a brain would be going gun-for-gun with the government, that's just asking to be killed.


    EDIT: Also... when I go camping, I'd like to have my axe with me. Kind of a pain to chop down a tree with a veggie peeler.



    That's a little disconcerting. I'm not really sure which I'd prefer. I'm less likely to be shot, but I've got a decent chance of being stabbed. I'm tempted to say the bullet would be less painful, but some people just can't aim. I am a little surprised though, that your crime rate (overall, of course) is higher than the US. Kind of makes me wonder whether an armed society is (in general, always exceptions) a polite society, and all that's ever reported on is the darker side of that armed society.



    I live out in a country-ish area of the Eastern US. I'd feel decent about walking out the door and leaving my door unlocked as well. I live in a spread-out suburban neighborhood that's semi-empty. I can't say that's true if I lived in the inner-city about 2 hours from my house. But I also know that, living where I do, most everyone around me either hunts or at least owns a gun. I've always felt that it's a pretty big reason we never have problems around here, but you're right. Are there no problems because we have guns, or did we just never have any problems and guns came along anyways? (The opposite, but a similar argument, if I phrased that correctly.)

  11. Post-War Middle-Earth. After the War of the Ring, probably among the Elves in Valinor, or in the rebuilt Gondor. Times after major, world-changing wars like Tolkien depicted often unite people, for a time. If I lived among Humans, I would like to live in that time, where there's nothing but hope. Where 'evil' is gone and the biggest worry is whether I go fishing tomorrow or not.


    If I lived in Valinor, it would be... well... perfect, in a sense.

  12. Alienwares are overpriced Dells(i have 1 and so does my dad,I dont like it so I swapped for his spare AMD rig)


    But building is better to go,you can pick your options better.I know Im looking at liquid cooling.


    Yeah, but for something powerful, you'd either have to go expensive business-class or with Alienware, or build your own. His budget limits the first, he doesn't want to do the third, so I recommended the second.

  13. Well how do you feel about this:


    I live in the US, I currently own three automatic weapons. However, those three automatic weapons are registered with the ATF and they have the legal **right** to come to my door, at any time of day, and demand they be shown where the weapons are being kept, whether they were loaded, where the ammunition is, do I have a trigger lock on it, etc. I also pay over $300 in taxes PER YEAR, just because I own the gun.


    I also own a few hunting rifles of various calibers and three pistols. One I no longer use, one I concealed carry, and another I keep at home. I had to apply for a license to buy the gun, then I had to apply for a license to carry the gun. That's the part that kind of bugs me, it's redundant. Also, by a state law, I'm supposed to register all my firearms with my homeowners insurance. I'm not interested in them knowing exactly what I own. And I don't mean 'oh, i've got a few guns', they need the make, model, serial number and caliber of every firearm.


    EDIT: Also, just thought I'd mention, to get those assault rifles, I went through three background checks TWICE (I bought two on one occasion, and one on a second) by the ATF, the local police, and the state police. I assume that the state police probably also checked with federal authorities of the non-ATF sort (FBI, namely).

  14. I don't like the ideas of explosives, but simply for the extreme safety risk they can pose to any untrained individuals. Now, if the DOD wants to start offering bomb squad classes to the public, I'd have no problem. I am an advocate of SAFE use of ANY 'weapon' for local uses (IE: Self-defense, hunting, et cetera). Mostly for the reason you stated. I want to know that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


    I believe every American, barring a felon, has the right to bear arms simply for the fact that, should it become necessary, we have a duty to fulfill. However, I would like to think that, were it to ever get that bad, at least some of the military would side with the revolt. Similarly, though, I intend to protect myself and my rights. Robber? Give it your best go, but don't take it personally when I put a 9mm in your face.


    The only reason I exclude felons is because I believe, in almost every case, they have done something so ethically reprehensible that I would never trust them with a lethal weapon. Now, just to clarify, although a felony can be "aggravated assault and/or battery, arson, burglary, illegal drug use/sales, grand theft, robbery, murder, rape, and vandalism on federal property", I wouldn't classify a drug user, or a vandal a felon, just perhaps questionably intelligent, or smarter than the rest of us.


    Whenever I think about the phrase 'a polite society is an armed society' I go back to an old(ish) movie, War Games. Near the very ending, when Joshua, the computer, had run through every single possible strategy of 'Thermonuclear War', the only response was, "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

  15. What is your opinion/view of game lore. That is, are you the type of person who:

    1. Strictly defends it and abides by it

    2. Ignores it completely especially when it comes to mods


    3.Follows it but modifies it slightly and makes their own interpretation of it.


    I'm a #3/#2 guy. #3 applies on my first playthrough, always. I always play the game through the first time around without any mods that go beyond the scope of the lore and technology. #2 is pretty much everything from there on out. My second play through I mod the bejeezus out of everything to make it what I want. For example, my current character in Fallout: NV looks like a modern-day PMC with the best in tech.

  16. 2.5"... wow. I think I have a few pocket knives bigger than that.


    That being said, I read on a random non-offical website that the EU actually has a higher crime rate than the US. Your violent crimes (murder, etc) are lower, but as a whole, crime is higher. I'm not sure whether this is true or not, and I'm having difficulty confirming it via Interpol or any other sort of official source, so I'm hesitant to take it as a fact.


    EDIT: And yes, you understood the question perfectly.

  17. Average rules are:


    You can own a shotgun for hunting, and for that you will in most EU countries need gun practice and a license.


    As a private you can NOT own a hand gun or any other weapon, except as for collection. You will still need a license, and the weapon most NEVER leave your adress with out being packed away in its original box. You can only transport it for a reason (exhibitions, etc) and you most bring the license.


    You mentioned a shotgun, but what about long rifles? Such as, say, a 30-30 or similar rifle for hunting?


    And a hand gun, is it just the gun, or is ammunition allowed as well?


    @Chaos, I'm right there with you, but I think there are some things that can be allowed. Like, I wouldn't object to the registration of firearms. However, as always, the only people who follow the law are the legal gun owners. I doubt drug dealers with AK-47s registered theirs with the ATF, while I have to pay $200+ a year just to own a fully-automatic AR-15 variant.

  18. Well, the topic really says it all. The 2nd Amendment, in the United States Constitution, states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


    My questions for you are, as follows:

    1) Should this include automatic weapons? If so, do you think the current restrictions are ok or do they need some change? If so, what?

    2) Handgun regulation. Purchasing, registration, et cetera. (Not concealed carry, specificly, that's covered in a different topic a few pages back, but feel free to mention it.)

    3) Open carry. Is that covered in the "bear Arms" or not?

    4) Gun control outside the United States. I don't know much about this, as I've never brought a gun with me in the two times I've left the country. If any of our international friends would like to chime in here, I'd greatly appreciate the education. I do believe Europe as a whole has stricter gun control, but I could be incorrect. I'm not going to pretend I'm some all-knowing gun guy.

    5) Oh, I almost forgot! I know there are some laws (which I am sketchy on) regarding the ownership of firearms by convicted Felons. Thoughts?

  19. If you've got a minute or so, watch this video I found interesting. It's a clip of an interview Morgan Freeman did.



    I think he's right, in a way. We've made an mountain out of a fairly small molehill. There's a difference between a racist ignorant *** and an actual Klansman going through town setting crosses on fire. The guy's an *** for sure, but as long as he's not causing physical harm (and no, I'm sorry, you being 'insulted' doesn't count) I believe he has the right, under the 1st Amendment, to 'say' what he wants to say.


    Now, unless the government intends to re-enact something similar to the Alien and Sedition acts, it's none of their business. Is it uncalled for? Yes. Is it rude and ignorant? Yes. But last I checked, (unfortunately) neither of those are illegal. And if the government intends to re-enact the Alien and Sedition acts, let me know. I'll either join the NRA extremists in some heavily-fortified camp out west or join the French Foreign Legion and get French citizenship.


    EDIT2.0: If anyone saw my original edit, please disregard, I decided it was too much of a derailment to leave it in here.

  20. https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B2nH-YTg3S8tNjAxNWNmMzMtYzYwZC00ZWRjLTgyNDEtYmE3ZmY1MDc0ZjNk&hl=en&authkey=CJD_p7sG



    There's a link to two images of the specs of an Alienware custom-built machine. It's $1,100 USD, which I think is about 720ish pounds, about your price range.


    Just note, there's no monitor, keyboard or mouse included. I assume you already have those that you'd like to use. If not, they offer a few different things there that are slightly overpriced, but good hardware.


    Sorry about the Google Docs links, the images were too large to upload here. It's about 1MB total, so if you want to download it, it shouldn't be a problem.


    EDIT: That should be enough to run games on medium-high settings without breaking the bank too bad. Of course, you can always step it up, but that's going to cost more.

  21. Dang it! I wrote this nice long post that didn't post when I hit the post button. (Got a nice little 'Page could not be displayed' message)


    Anyways, I'll shorten it up a lot because I'm annoyed. Basically, you should build your own. Anything you buy factory-built will be more expensive and generally less powerful/optimized than something of the same cost that was built and assembled to mesh well. I'm not sure how computer-savvy you are, so I'll cut it here and mention something like newegg.com. Decent place to get some good prices on parts, not always the cheapest, so it's good to shop around.


    If you need some help finding bits and pieces, I'm sure you can ask around here. I'll try to keep an eye out, but I'm sure there are numerous other Nexus members who could help out.


    EDIT: Also... Windows 7, 64-bit, for sure.

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