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Everything posted by SariDecember

  1. Good point! And hey: someone's gotta stay behind and hold the line! ;) I ain't going too, I'm not that much into fantasy stuff... nyargh on the other hand Skrim would only be a gap-filler 'til Diablo 3 comes out anyway! ;)
  2. YAY! Badass-profile-pic is back! :D are you gonna leave us for Skyrim too!?
  3. HA! Obviously the only one to know what to expect from the latest bethesda release! Experience is a priceless thing! ;)
  4. Seriously!?!? Don't get me wrong, but did you accidently look up the R.A.T.7 or 9?
  5. Hey there, I bought the Cyborg R.A.T.5 about a year ago and wouldn't wanna miss it. It's reliable and since I do a lot of editing in Photoshop I highly appreciate the feature to switch between 4 dpi settings. It also comes with a button that's originally intented for sniping in fps but really comes in handy when it comes to for example making very precise selections in Photoshop! You should definitely give it a try! Greeetz *SariD
  6. Do I get that right, someone should make you the armor and gets credit by you who uploads the mod?
  7. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate that! I'll dig right into it! Greetz *SariD
  8. Hey there, how bout a feedback on the texture job!? ;)
  9. ... Now that shouldn't be!? =O Maybe an issue with the new site design, I've seen your mod being up for some time now, could it be that these images were uploaded before they implemented the new design and that this is some sort of bug!?
  10. Member Area -> Manage your files -> Images (to the left of "(3 pending images)") -> From Users -> Place the checkmarks! :thumbsup:
  11. No problem at all! :) Open the Normal map of the texture (the file that ends with "_n.dds", for example femaleupperbody_n.dds) in photoshop. Now (usually in the bottom right corner), go to the alpha channel. Any changes to the alpha channel of the normal map will affect the glossiness of the texture. Black areas won't reflect any light in game will white will give you a kinda oil-soaked look. Try filling the alpha channel with a medium grey and take a look at it in game! Greetz *SariD
  12. Thanks for the comment! ;)
  13. The base oufit is the Ghost Bodysuit for Type 3. The straps and holsters are part of a harness that is not available here, because it's mostly a rip from a resident evil mesh I suppose but you could use this as a substitute (even cooler in my opinion) KOR's Pistol Harness
  14. Haha -> PULLUP! PULLUP! XD
  15. Sure thing! The outfit is a custom mashup, mainly Geonox' stuff, in this case it's the leg protectors of the riot armor and the fur jacket from the wasteland outfits.
  16. Just a little token of my gratitude for sharing your character! If you agree, I would like to incorporate Alexa in some of my future screenshots!?
  17. This should be what you're looking for: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_add_glow_maps ;)
  18. Might wanna check this out (not by me): This one's actually for weapons but the tchnique is the same for armors!
  19. Hey there, sounds strange have you tried creating a new item by duplicating an existing armor and applying the new model to a new editor id!?
  20. Right here: Mufflers or Scarves with Tails for NV
  21. There were some browser issues in the past due to the site redesign, try looking up the forums/modtroubleshooting section if it's been asked there before!?
  22. Then, here you go Sir: How to install plugins/mods as I'm not an Oblivion player myself I can't give you any personal advices, but look what I've found: List of mods Good luck!
  23. Hey there and welcome to the Nexus! :) If you could specify what you game you would like to mod, I could post you a link to a basic tutorial! Greetz *Sari
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