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Everything posted by proconsu1

  1. In the meantime I would advise that you get familiar with Wrye Flash. It is a bit more powerful than FOMM, but has a steeper learning curve. But most important, at least for your situation, it is not a .NET application. If you go that way and need any help getting it working for you (instead of the other way around) just lemme know.
  2. If you didn't change anything in FOMM, then the most likely cause is you changed something in Windows, more specifically the .NET framework. This could be the result of applying a Microsoft update, an IE update or installing another .NET application that bundled its own runtime files. Anything like that in your recent past? Edit: BTW, what version of FOMM we talkin' about here?
  3. Sounds like something musta killed the reg keys that Fallout adds to the registry during install. Looks like a reinstall is called for here.
  4. And if none of that helps, post back with more info on where exactly GECK and Fallout3 are installed, what version of FOMM you have and any other details you can think of.
  5. Don't know how offhand, but I know that FWE does it. You might ask in the official FWE thread or over in the Mod Talk forum. This forum is more for mod users having trouble with mod installation issues. Mod Talk is where modders talk to each other.
  6. It sounds like FO3edit was not installed correctly, relative to your folder structure. I would try uninstalling and reinstalling it from scratch. Actually, that is what I recommend for you to try; what I would try is kicking FO3edit to the curb and using Wrye Flash instead. But that's a whole different story... :whistling:
  7. Yep. Some of the files used by .NET are considered "shared" according to Windows, meaning something could update one or more of them without regard to the fact that it could break .NET. And nothing would show except that Buggy_IE_plugin13.1 from "trusted" source Microsoft.com had been installed by Internet Explorer - but no mention that it overwrote three files critical to .NET 2.0, two files critical to PowerDVD and one file critical to Nero, all with incompatible versions. You might reinstall SP2 itself, or if that fails you could...(shudder)....reinstall Windows. :sick: Edit: I must add, over a full year is a long time for an installation of Windows to last without a catastrophic meltdown. You are to be simultaneously congratulated and warned against impending disaster.
  8. If you are using FOMM, turn archive invalidation off then on again and test it. If not, get and use Archive Invalidation Invalidated. As for the quest marker, you are aware that you won't be leaving the vault by the normal method, right? Don't wanna say more and give a spoiler unless you are aware of this already.
  9. First off, you need to disable the Natural Selection esp. The FOIP install instructions clearly say that it must not be run concurrent with FOIP because it was integrated into the MMM-FWE patch. Now, this problem sounds like it may be an error being generated by an erroneous spawn trying to take place in that cell, which may mean you need to "scrub" your savegame of any bad spawns. First thing to do to try this is deactivate MMM and any FOIP plugins for it, and rebuild your merged patch. Load your save game, move to an isolated indoor location where there are no NPCs, like the Super Duper Mart if you already cleared it out, or Silver's house if you killed her; your Megaton house won't do unless you killed you robo-butler. Now "Wait" for 24 hrs, and do it nine times - IOW, let nine full game days pass while your character sits in there by himself. That will let every cell in the game do its respawn, and yes I know that MMM says four days but it doesn't take into account that FWE resets the spawn timer to nine days. Now, after nine days have passed, save the game there and quit out. Now reinstall MMM and the FOIP plugins for it (leaving out Natural Selection this time). Next, get and install BOSS and let it have a shifty at your load order, and carefully look over the annotated listing of your mods that it will generate. Rebuild your merged patch. Fire up the game and load your new save, and just stand there for a minute to let all the scripts initialize and catch up. Now make another new save and quit. Now load back and run from that most recent save. Good luck!
  10. Set your monitor's refresh rate as low as it can go without messing it up (but not lower than 60), and then turn on V-Sync. That should lock the game's video update speed to no more than your refresh rate. That's more or less what V-sync is for.
  11. OK, first a point of netiquette: please don't post full size pics of your widescreen desktop like that: it is jarring, hard to read and generally disturbs the heaven-earth currents, irritating the great earth dragon that slumbers below us, which in turn brings on very negative feng shui. :huh: When you need to post your load order just select "Load Order" in FOMM and choose "Export"; give it a name for the text file it is about to create, click "Save"; now copy and paste the contents of that text file into your reply message in this thread. OK, now to business. I cannot tell a lot from those jumbonious pics, but I did spot a coupla things that could stand a bit of attention: 1. You are running numerous limited impact mods that are duplicating and/or conflicting with features of your overhaul mods. In many such cases the mod which loads last simply takes precedence and life goes on happily. Sometimes though the game dies a grisly and fiery death with much lamentation and generation of useless Windows error messages. The best way to deal with this is to uninstall ALL your mods, then reinstall just the overhaul mods covered under the FOIP, which in your case is MMM, WMK, EVE and PB, plus the FOIP patches that go with them, sort your load order with BOSS, make a new merged patch, and then test it. If its good, then backup up your entire FO3 installation and proceed with installing other mods ONE AT A TIME, testing in between. 2. BOSS - touched on it in #1 there, but it could be a very good friend to you now. It not only sorts your order for you, which FOMM could do also, but it generates an annotated listing of your mods with warnings about potential conflicts and incompatibilities. Highly recommended for anyone who isn't under mental control by diabolical penguins bent on world domination. :blink: On a hardware-related note: Bloom should be obsolete in your case. Based on the version of your vid drivers, I would hazard a guess that your video card supports HDR, which is far superior to Bloom. Use that instead of Bloom. But it wouldn't hurt if you could post more info about your system itself, in addition to a more dragon-friendly load order.
  12. Cannot be 100% sure, but that looks like a .NET error. If so, those are usually caused by an incompatible component or incomplete installation of the .NET framework that app is written for. "And what usually causes that?", you might ask if you could you get a word in, which you can't, so I will ask it for you, and then answer, "Windows automatic updates." Sounds like it may have done an automatic update that installed some new "fix" files for .NET and broke its compatibility. Not sure how to fix that in your case, perhaps by rolling back recent updates that were installed...? I long ago disabled the stupid automatic updater, cuz it causes more problems than it fixes by installing countless regression bugs bundled with its fixes. So as you might imagine I don't have much experience with undoing the damage it can cause.....assuming that is even the cause here. For me a "Disable" button full of prevention has been my cure. :rolleyes: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Edit: you might try downloading and installing the redistributable packs for .NET versions 2.0, 3.0. 3.5 and 4.0, in that order. That should force your .NET structure back into compliance with 3rd party .NET apps regardless of which version they were written for. Edit; if you try the reinstalling of .NET, it is vital that you use the redistributable packages, not standalone or patchfile versions. Redistributables are the ones that are used in app development, so they are the only ones that are pretty much guaranteed to be compatible with 3rd party apps (as much as anything that comes from Microsoft is EVER guaranteed to work!)
  13. A few things: First, that is a VERY generic Windows 7 error that can be caused by anything from bad drivers to fragmented hard drive to overheating, or could be caused by a configuration problem with the game. Basically, Fallout itself is only one of an enormous host of things which could be causing that error, so we need more info and we need to do more troubleshooting to narrow things down a bit. Second, your game needs patching - badly. Download and install the 1.7 patch from Bethesda's support website. Third, you should never install games to the "Program Files" directory tree, cuz Windows itself loves to interfere with file operations on any files in this area, which can cause all sorts of annoying havok. Basically, Windows assumes it knows better than you do :wallbash: what you should be doing with any files in the "Program Files" directory tree, and prevents any actions it doesn't "approve of" while stopping to ask your permission for other actions it is unsure about, both of which can cause appcrashes and all other manner of problems with games. The only ways to avoid this are to disable Big Brother (aka the UAC) which kills your security, or don't install anything but basic utilities into that folder tree.
  14. I also had a problem with the FOIP for EVE-FWE, when using EVE 097, FWE 6.03 and no Broken Steel. When I ran that combo with Broken Steel, the FOIP appeared to work ok, but without Broken Steel I could never get the menu to load. I was trying to test a config on my box for a buddy who does not have Broken Steel, so what I did to compensate was leave out that FOIP component and switch from using an FO3edit merged patch, which didn't seem to work so well there, to using a bashed patch made with Wrye Flash. That has run pretty well since. I suspect that since the FOIP was written for FWE 6.01 that one of the changes in 6.03 has broken the FOIP compatibility patch without completely fixing what that patch was made to fix. As for your PB not appearing, dumb question but I have to ask it: have you tried deactivating and reactivating the PB esp FOMOD?
  15. Sorry, my bad there, cuz I knew DarnUI would do this and should have warned you. There is a FOMOD script that tells FOMM to edit one line of your .ini file which tells the game to load that font. Wrye cannot run that script, so you have to either install from FOMM or edit the .ini manually after installing from BAIN. Personally I did like you and installed that one mod from FOMM before loading up Wrye and installing everything else from BAIN.
  16. Install and run BOSS to get a new masterlist. Wrye can use a BOSS masterlist to figure load order and to get its bash tags - this is half of what makes it superior to FO3edit when it comes to merged patches. Once you have the latest masterlist, then install from BAIN (the installer tab of Wyre) and it should know when to overwrite and when not. Sometimes, though, it may still show something else as "lower" and act like it gave that other mod preference, but when you look at the list of "underwritten" files there aren't any cuz it actually did what it was supposed to - it just didn't explicitly say so. But as long as BOSS is there and launchable from Wrye (which means Wrye knows where it and its masterlist are), then you'll be golden. Edit: there may also be times when BAIN doesn't know whether to overwrite or not, particularly when it comes to cosmetic mods that do not include any esms or esps and therefore are not listed in the BOSS masterlist. In these cases just handle it the way you would if you were using FOMM - Wrye also keeps track of which mod overwrote which so there is always a path back out if things "gang agley on ya". One gotcha, not likely to come up but possible: if you install a component from BAIN that is part of a larger archive but is incompatible with something else you installed or plan to install, you can uninstall just that one bit while leaving the parent archive intact. For example, if you install an FOIP module that has DLC plugins for DLCs you don't have, and you suspect those plugins may be a problem, there is way to uninstall just those plugins while leaving the rest of the FOIP module intact. Just go back to the BAIN tab and select the archive you installed the questionable bit from, and in the lower right panel you should see a listing of all the individual esms and esps contained within that archive, with check marks next to all of them. Just uncheck the ones you want gone, right click on the archive in the left hand list, and then choose "Anneal". That will trim the installation back to remove just the components you unchecked. Similarly, you can of course uncheck unneeded components when you first go to install them, and BAIN will only install the ones you left checked in that lower right panel. This is handy when dealing with overhauls and their FOIP patches which contain optional plugins you don't want or can't use. If you just don't install those dead plugins in the first place, then you cut down on the number of potential complications down the road. You can always go back later and add a left out bit by just putting a check back in its box and then choosing the option "Install missing".
  17. He can't answer. He got banned for piracy, if not for necro'ing a thread that was five months dead.
  18. We need to see your actual load order. You can use FOMM to export it to a text file and then copy and paste the contents of that file here. But based on what you have there, I can point out a coupla things: 1. Your load order as posted is jacked up. For example, Fellout should be near the bottom, not the top; the unofficial patch should be near the top, not the bottom; DarnUI should be the first esp loaded after the esms; only ONE of the GNR esps should be active, the one that matches the number of tracks you installed; according to updates from RogueHallow, the Broken Steel plugin for Iron Sights was bugged until he released a fix the day before yesterday - if you downloaded it before then, go back and get the newer version; weather mods should never load in before overhaul mods, they should be near the bottom of the load order...etc. Basically you need to download and install BOSS, then use it to do your load sorting prior to.... 2. ...Making a merged patch. You really cannot run multiple overhaul mods, or numerous non-overhauls, without a merged patch. The best kind is a bashed patch made with Wrye Flash, but if that is more trouble than you signed up for, get FO3edit and make a generic merged patch with that. Now, those are the things I could spot based on the info you have given so far, and they do need fixing. But it is unlikely that either of those is responsible for a missing "model", by which I think you mean a missing mesh. We need more info, most importantly the exported load order from FOMM and hopefully a screenshot of an example of the problem you are seeing in-game. BTW, just lemme know if you need more info on BOSS or making a merged patch, and I'll be happy to give more detailed info/instructions. Edit: if you cannot get a screenie, at least describe the exact problem in more detail, i.e. what exactly is "missing", what you see instead of the missing bits, when/how often you see it, whether it affects gameplay and/or stability or is just jarring and annoying. All of these things might clue us in to where the problem originated and how to fix it. Edit #2: and make sure you turned on "Archive Invalidation" under FOMM's Tools menu. DO THAT FIRST AND TEST IT!
  19. You installed everything from FOMODs? Well played, sir! :thumbsup: So take advantage of your incredible foresight in using an all-FOMOD installation method and: 1. Deactivate everything using the Package Manager in FOMM. Now quit FOMM and launch the game from Fallout's own launcher instead of FOSE. If that works, then.... 2. Launch from FOSE. If that works, then.... 3. Activate one whole mod and test again. If that works, then.... 4. Repeat step 3 until something breaks. You will then have found the offender. I would advise this order of reactivation: a. DarnUI b. PB c. FWE (with its fix for DarnUI) d. EVE (withOUT the FOIP) e. FOIP for EVE-FOIP (my gut tells me you will run into a problem at this step) f. WMK g. FOIP for WMK h. MMM i. FOIP for MMM If you get to the end of that sequence without the problem coming back, then download and install BOSS, use it to sort your load order, then make a new merged patch, preferably with Wrye Flash.
  20. Need more info - a LOT more info. But you could start with your load order exported from FOMM, and a little more detail about exactly which mods you installed between the time that GNR worked and the time it no longer worked.
  21. I am assuming you have already tried reinstalling FOSE, so I'll skip on to the next few things I'd try in your shoes: 1. Run the game from its own launcher to make sure it CAN be launched. After all, the problem may not be FOSE at all but Fallout 3 itself. 2. Backup the file "fallout.ini" that you find in the \\My Documents\My Games\Fallout 3\ folder (or whatever documents path you have on your version of Windows), and then replace it with a renamed copy of the file "default_fallout.ini" found in Fallout's installation folder (where you installed FOSE). 3. Download, install and run Process Monitor and have it log what is happening when you try to run FOSE. It will hopefully show exactly where the process is breaking down. Make sure that before you think you have found the problem that you have run this test at least 3 or 4 times, though, and are getting identical results each time.
  22. Try this page. It has links to tutorials and the wiki for Blender.
  23. Why can't you just save your messed up edition of the mod under a different name, deactivate it, and then reinstall the unedited version you originally downloaded?
  24. No modder, me, but is that a mesh rather than a texture problem? I mean, is that ghost line the outline of a mesh over which no texture is being overlayed, or which has a transparent texture overlay? Edit: What I am trying to say is, shouldn't you be editing the mesh there instead of trying to hide it behind a transparent texture?
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